Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

Chapter 365 I Can’t Help You

As soon as this statement came out, Ross’s face changed wildly. Although S.H.I.E.L.D has never supported or interfered with his research. But in his opinion, the practice of S.H.I.E.L.D is very likely that they know the strengthening of people’s research, and there are big flaws, so they don’t want it to continue. It is also possible that definitely came to meddle in his own business in order to show his rights.

But he never thought that S.H.I.E.L.D was simply to prevent himself from doing this successfully, because although there were some differences between them, they were still the same in terms of the big stance. But now that Aureses has put these things together, Rose feels that it is indeed the case.

He couldn’t figure it out, it would be fine if S.H.I.E.L.D was afraid of his own failure, after all, the Hulk and his hatred were still vivid in his mind. But even success is not allowed, what does this mean? Could it be that among the first group of volunteers who died in my experiment, there were relatives of Ni Fury?

Looking at Ross 30, who was straightening her hair one by one because she couldn’t figure it out, Aureses said slowly, “SHIELD, although his headquarters is in the United States, the United States also provides him with a lot of money, and in some kind of To a certain extent, he is also under the control of the US government, but it does not actually belong to the United States.

“That’s right, I know.” Ross said with a grin, “S.H.I.E.L.D is affiliated with the World Security Council, which is a worldwide organization.

In modern times, S.H.I.E.L.D was established in the United States, and the funds and personnel he used at that time were also fully responsible by the United States government, which can be said to be raised by the United States. But this is exactly what it means to be a child. When the child grows up, his wings are hard, and he learns to fly solo and becomes a worldwide organization. This makes quite a few high-level people in the United States feel that they have made a loss-making business and feel indignant.

But they also don’t think about it, S.H.I.E.L.D is actually quite American. Let’s not talk about the police officers, let’s just say that the past chiefs and most of the agents are Americans. And the matter that Ross brought up, S.H.I.E.L.D handled it quite honestly, and considering the majesty of the U.S. government and social stability, they let them sneak in secretly. If you try to change the national image of the police, I would have sent you an edict to the world. If possible, Ni Fury will send the black widow to bring the poison bomb wire rope to destroy the human beings.

“As a worldwide organization, SHIELD will naturally not look at problems from the perspective of the United States, and his level will be higher.” Salolas said, “On the one hand, he wants to maintain the stability of the existing structure of the world. But In a conventional war without the use of nuclear weapons, the side with strengthening soldiers would have a huge advantage, and this advantage would upset the current balance.

There is Captain America far away, and there is a team of strengthening people in special bases, all of which illustrate the incomparable fighting power of ordinary soldiers of the strengthening people. Used properly, they can turn the war around in one fell swoop.

And when a great number of soldiers are installed, it will inevitably cause panic in the competing countries, and under the subsequent series of chain reactions, it is very likely that the relations of the countries in the world will return to the Cold War period.

However, General Ross was noncommittal about this. Countries in the world are already in a difficult position to ride a tiger in the competition with each other. Knowing that the installation of a new type of weapon will arouse the fear of the police, but people still enjoy it, because this is the purpose.

This is the case for Ross’s research strengthening people, the same is true for the anti-missile systems of the United States all over the world, and the same is true for the aircraft carrier fleet that can cruise around the world. As for ordinary people, they seem to be numb to the fact that humanity has gone further and further down the road of self-destruction.

“On the other hand…” Saloras’ eyes flickered, and she gave a reason why Rose couldn’t keep calm. “In order to ensure the peace and stability of the world, SHIELD will remove some people and things that they consider to be security risks. Not only for the right country, but also for the United States.

When Ross opened his eyes, he wanted to refute the other party, but when he thought of what S.H.I.E.L.D had done to him, such as how the corpses of the twenty strengtheners were gone, he felt at a loss for words.

“They usually send secret agents to carry out covert operations to eliminate them from invisible.” Saloras continued, “but sometimes, they also take some drastic measures.” Finally, she said a military The term ‘surgery general blow. 99

“So what?” Ross knew that the S.H.I.E.L.D often carried out black operations, and although there is currently no evidence that they have carried out against the United States, it must have been there. But “does this have anything to do with our topic?”

“Hmph.»” Aureses sneered, “Direct force confrontation is their last resort. In order to succeed in the mission, SHIELD must ensure that its force level is higher than the target’s. You understand me do you mean?”

What else is there to understand? It just means that S.H.I.E.L.D must ensure that its own action team is stronger than that of the police, so that it can successfully eliminate the mission target. But think about it, after S.H.I.E.L.D’s actions were in place, they found that the target was guarding a class of strengtheners.

If you don’t do it, this mission will definitely fail, but if you do it, it will definitely be pressed on the ground and rubbed. This is so embarrassing.

120 “No.” But after listening to these words, Ross shook his head and said, “I admit that some agents in SHIELD are more powerful, but our agents in the United States are not rice buckets. The agents of the CIA and the Internal Affairs Agency are also very professional. Those action teams are not necessarily the opponents of our military special forces. So your reason is not valid at all!”

What Ross means is that even now, without strengthening people, it is not so easy for S.H.I.E.L.D to clear some closely guarded official figures. So they don’t need to block the strengthening project at all.

“Oh? You don’t know yet?” Saloras said with a feigned surprise, “SHIELD has long been planning to set up a Superman-type response team. With this team, they can increase the level of force with yours. …definitely, if you don’t have a strengthening person.

“Superman class response team?” Ross affiliated the name, “I’ve never heard of them, who are they composed? The most elite agent of S.H.I.E.L.D?

“Today…” Aureses said suddenly, but he looked at his watch immediately and found that it was already two in the morning, so he changed his mouth and said, “Yesterday, Tony Tasha was officially signed as SHIELD’s GUO. asked.”

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