Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 363

Chapter 363

Chapter 367 Exoskeleton

Ross was amazed while looking at the plan. However, as an American general, he will not be as ignorant as Ivan Vanke who grew up in Siberia.

Ross still vaguely remembers that shortly after World War II, when S.H.I.E.L.D. was still under American control, it carried out a secret plan code-named “Meeting Pin”.

Recruit some worthy ex-Nazi and Hydra scientists who have committed no unforgivable sins, and trade their freedom for their service to America.

One of them was a captured scientist from Germany or Sweden. After being educated in the core values of U.S. imperialism, he was determined to reform his past mistakes, reinvent himself, and resolutely devote himself to the great cause of contributing to the capitalist world. among.

This scientist once put forward a similar theory, connecting a mechanical prosthesis to the human body, which is directly controlled by the human nervous system.

But I don’t know why, the research on this theory was inexplicably terminated later, it is estimated that it encountered a failure, and the scientist died of illness decades ago.

It is also because of these that Ross still felt crazy and bold after seeing the plan in front of him, but he did not feel too abrupt.

“As long as the nervous system is not damaged too much and remains awake, the mechanical exoskeleton can ensure the mobility of the human body. Ross slowly asked for the plan, put it on the table, and tapped it with his fingers. The name above, half-jokingly said, “Gospel plan? Ah, this is really a gospel, I think in the future, even a high paraplegic patient, wanting to get out of bed and walk will not be a problem. But I think it would be more suitable for you to interwork him with the medical department. 99

“I need to remind the general, this is just a part of the Gospel plan, and his official project name is Edge of Tomorrow.” Aureses seemed a little formal. “Our company does indeed sell this product for disabled patients for civilian use. version of the plan.”

“However, it can be regarded as a civilian medical device to restore the mobility of the disabled.” Aureses squinted and said, “But if an ordinary person can casually hit a 500-pound punch, is it still a civilian scope? ?

“You must know that machinery is different from human muscles, it does not require long-term exercise, and can increase power. It needs to draw a hydraulic press.

“I know.” Ross Gangji was just joking, he can definitely see the military value of the 120 rhyme scheme. “But can you really be sure that this so-called edge plan of tomorrow will be more suitable for the army than strengthening people’s technology?”

He has studied the strengthening technology for half his life. Although it ended in failure, he also summed up some ways and experiences. But for the plan in front of him, he had indeed heard of it before, but it was limited to hearing about it, and he didn’t know much about it at all, so he was a little unsure.

“Have you seen what those strengtheners’ corpses look like?” Saloras asked. “what do you think?”

“Well…to be honest…it’s pretty ugly.” Ross replied dryly.

Although Ross has not seen those strengthening people with his own eyes, he has seen the video materials. Those guys’ body shapes are already out of the ordinary people’s range. As for their appearance… Aah, although they can’t keep up with hatred, they are also ugly enough to have no friends.

“I can tell you very responsibly.” Salolas said solemnly, “Because of the current technology, all normal people who have undergone strengthening will become like that, and this change is irreversible. This way. Do you think your soldiers can sacrifice to this point for the country?

Ross didn’t even have to think about it, he knew it was definitely impossible. After all, being a soldier is only a matter of a few years, and appearance is related to a lifetime of happiness. And the spirit of sacrifice for the country of the American soldiers… Well, everyone knows it.

“And this machine is different. As long as there is no mistake in the installation process, it will not cause trauma, and it will be no different from ordinary people after dismantling. After all, it is just a tool that is closely connected to the human body. .”

“In addition, this exoskeleton can assist soldiers to move continuously for two hours at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour, and the speed of the 100-meter sprint can be controlled within eight seconds. The pressurized air equipment can make the soldiers jump on the 15-meter-high wall in situ. The Adsorbent equipment on the soles of the feet can make people run on the vertical wall for a short time. It can be said that the strengthener can do anything he can do. He did it, and he did what strengthening people couldn’t do.

This is also thanks to our martyr Ivan Vanke, he not only daci the drawings of Gnos, but also designed these functions under the suggestion of Sarah.

“And this machine can also avoid a lot of indifferent accusations, humanitarianism, anti-BWC, these can be avoided.”

“But…” Ross rubbed his chin, opened the document and pointed to the one above. “But isn’t this protection too bad?”

No wonder Ross would say that, the exoskeleton shown in the document is indeed a relatively simple device. A bionic metal spine is connected to the semi-closed helmet, and there are square devices on both sides with two air vents on each side. , that should be the neural connection device, and that so-called booster jet device. In other places, except for the front chest and abdomen and covered with armor, they are all hollow brackets composed of hydraulic bearings and mechanical joints. Although these things are all over the body, their protective power is basically equal to zero.

“Can’t you just be like Iron Man?” Ross suggested.

Ross said that he has his own plans. Iron Man is now famous, and the military is coveting it. If he can get a similar product at this time, the intercropping will become extremely smooth.

“It can be fished…” Saloras said embarrassedly, “But it can’t be fished at all.

“Iron Man has artificial intelligence operations, as well as a new energy ark reactor, Tony Tower’s special high-strength gold, and carefully crafted weapons, all of which are indispensable.

“Our current technology can indeed replace artificial intelligence, but the steel armor made of ordinary materials and weapons, what the combat power looks like, I think you should have seen it on the news a few days ago.

“Um…” Ross muttered. He did see that Justin’s products, getting rid of you and fighting all by yourself, can be described as a world-beating comparison in terms of combat effectiveness.

“But even such a piece of armor costs as much as 100 million US dollars. Well, this is a pitifully low price/performance ratio. And it can’t solve the energy supply problem. With the existing energy storage devices, it can supply that armor at most. , running for twenty minutes. Unless you can get him a small nuclear reactor, or get an Ark reactor from Tony.


Finally, Saloras asked with a smile, “Do you think the current relationship between the military and Tony, will he give it to you?

I will definitely give it, but it is just thrown over after the detonation, and now Tony and the military have torn their faces, okay? And that small nuclear reactor, you wait a few more years, maybe someone will invent the hook, Be in a hurry.

“Even if you can’t make it that way, let’s cover important torso parts, such as the thighs, with armor. If you get injured in those places on the battlefield, it will be very troublesome.

“No need.” Aureses said, “The most important function in those places is to have mobility, but this exoskeleton has already guaranteed this, even if the place is gone, as long as there is this exoskeleton, it will not Influence actions.”

“Haha” Ross said twitching his mouth, “You don’t consider the pain of soldiers?”

A shot in the thigh, and you let the exoskeleton drag him to force him to move quickly? You might as well go to the place where he died at that time. Moreover, based on the fighting will of the American soldier, it is estimated that he was lying on the ground immediately, waiting for the enemy to take prisoners, where would he endure the pain and forcibly move?

“Well, maybe we can add a strong painkiller to the probe inserted into the spine, and inject it immediately after the soldier is injured. In this way, even if the limb is amputated on the spot, he will not feel pain.” Aureses Countermeasures were given on the spot.

“But if the bullet got stuck in the flesh at the time, after forcibly moving, I’m afraid it would really have to be amputated. Ross said with wide eyes.

“Our company’s civilian exoskeleton prosthesis can solve his disability problem.” Saloras said coldly.

Ross was lying in 10,000 slots at that time, and they all said that he was a prostitute and a businessman, but you are too insidious, right? Deliberately reduce the protection ability, causing the soldiers to be disabled, and then let them buy your civilian exoskeleton, I’ll let it go, it’s all a trick!

Well, not right. Ross thought suddenly. If the soldier is really disabled, then the money for the prosthetic limb must be paid by the military, as well as the disability allowance for many years in the future, which is a huge expense. Or… let’s discuss it, remove the armor on the chest, and let the unfortunate die directly in battle.

“Rest assured, these are all lightweight exoskeletons, which are specially allocated for special forces or agents who need to move flexibly. According to the characteristics of the mission, they do not need too much protective armor that will hinder the movement.

Special forces generally perform covert operations and rarely engage in frontal fire with the enemy, so sacrificing some protective abilities to increase movement speed is a correct decision.

“For soldiers who need a frontal assault, we have a heavy exoskeleton with strong firepower and excellent protection. Definitely not as high as this light in terms of flexibility.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Ross understood. In a head-on conflict, it must be a hail of bullets. No matter how flexible your movements are, you can’t dodge bullets, so protection and firepower are more important.

“If it’s really as you introduced…” Ross raised the plan, “then I’m sure the military will work with you.

“But…” Ross was embarrassed again at this time. “To be honest, someone has mentioned a similar scheme before, but the research in this area has come to an end, so for most people, your technology is too much. Unfamiliar, I can’t guarantee whether the military will grant you a large amount of research funds.

According to Ross’s understanding, the rental model for this kind of project should be that you propose a design that looks reliable and interests the military, and then the military grants you money to support your continued research, and finally takes the bait Finished product.

However, in the Star Wars program during the Cold War, there were too many unrestrained researches, wasting a large amount of military scientific research funds, which made the military control the funds very strictly in the design research that is too fantastic.

As for the technology provided by the other party, exoskeletons and weapons are easy to say. The key is this neural connection. In the eyes of those prudent generals, it is definitely a fantasy.

Therefore, Ross is not sure how much he can approve, or it is possible not to approve at all.

“No need.” Aureses said.

“I’ll try my best to fight for you, after all, this is… Wait, what are you talking about?” Ross asked in disbelief with his eyes widened.

“I said, we don’t need military funds.” Aureses said with certainty. We have ‘sufficient R&D funds on our own!”

Seriously, who has a grudge against Qian? Even if these two female demons haven’t been here for a long time, they know that those green tickets are a good thing. At least they know that the usual Mawan fans are made of money bought. So it wasn’t their intention, but Fei Lan arranged it.

Huh? This seems even more impossible, how could that poor bastard push the money out?

But there is no way out. As the top leader of a shell subsidiary, he knows that in order to give people a feeling of inscrutable, in addition to being able to come up with some dry goods, he must also be able to stand up. To put it bluntly, it is to pretend to be good.

The military’s research funding? Scared, I don’t care! The strength of the old subsidiary is unfathomable, and the funds are as sufficient as the nuclear warheads of the peninsula. It’s so high!

“Ah, my heart suddenly hurts.

“But you also need to do us a little favor, General.” At this time, Aureses made a request.

“Please speak.” At this time, Ross was still a little confused by the behavior of pushing money out of the other party. I don’t know if it was because he really felt that the other party was a company with unfathomable strength, or he felt that the other party’s boss was definitely a bad guy. Second hand.

“In order to facilitate intercropping, I will register and set up a pioneer company in the near future to specialize in the production of this exoskeleton armor. The company’s name is Nery. We have all prepared the registration funds and research funds. But SHIELD is a little tight recently. .So I hope you can provide a secure account and let us transfer the funds secretly.11

“Huh? Ross thought for a moment and said, “I also have a military account in my hand, which is specially used to receive similar funds, and S.H.I.E.L.D can’t find it. By the way, how much is that money?”

“$60 billion.

Ross “…” Are you sure that the first company was established, not the parent company?

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