Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

95. S.H.I.E.L.D has fallen! Hydra is down! The Avengers are rising!

Although Rogers knew that the Avengers were behind him, he knew even more that this battle was for the complete extermination of Hydra.

He is still very cautious!

until night falls,

It is he who is cautious, returning to his apartment building, entering the neighbor’s you for the first time, but from the window.

The home is clean and tidy, very agent style.

Sharon, who was also waiting in the living room early, heard Rogers coming, stood up and looked at him, her right hand on the holster.

“Have you really betrayed the world?” Sharon asked solemnly.


Sharon asked “betrayed the world”, not “S.H.I.E.L.D”

This is very interesting.

Rogers said without hesitation: “I am still for the same mission this time, the mission that I have not been able to complete, this time must be completely ended! 9

the same mission?

Sharon blurted out diligently: “Those people are Hydra?

Now it’s Rogers’ turn to be surprised, how did Sharon guess so quickly?

Seeing Rogers’ expression, Sharon knew she was right.

She took her hand away from the holster, reached into the collar on her chest, pulled out a USB stick and handed it to Rogers.

Rogers took over, still warm.

“I’m Peggy Kavu’s niece, Sharon Kaw, and I’ve grown up listening to your stories, so I’m quicker to respond,” Sharon explained.

Rogers was even more shocked, and Peggy’s niece status was even more extreme!

But now is not the time to waste time.

“Let’s talk somewhere else, do you have a place not to be monitored by S.H.I.E.L.D?”

“Yes, come with me.

The two cut through the window again, and went round and round to a remote safe house.

“This is the safe house Fury has prepared for us. If there is an accident, I will bring you here. No one knows about it except me and Fury,” Shaggy explained.

Rogers saw Fury’s cunning rabbit hole.

“Will you parse this USB drive? That’s the only clue I have right now.” Rogers asked.

“Definitely, this is the basic course for agents.

“You are different.

“Let’s hurry. 99

“It’s plugged in, wait for me to see what’s going on… There’s a small problem, but I can handle it…. Okay, here it is.”

Sharon showed Rogers the satellite map, but Rogers was a little surprised.

“You recognize this place?” Sharon asked.

“I knew it before, now…not sure.”

“Then we have to leave quickly, there is a high probability that Hydra has found this safe house. 22

Sharon walked inside with Rogers, and turned out to park a motorcycle, a car, and even a helicopter.

“These were also prepared by Fury?” Rogers asked in surprise.

“No, these are my favorites.”

Sharon smiled and handed Rogers a helmet. She put on the helmet and rode a motorcycle across her legs, motioning for Rogers to get on the bike.

Rogers didn’t have too much hesitation, not only got in the car, but also lived on Sharon’s waist.


Fei Lan in the sky looked at this scene and couldn’t help but think about a certain issue – the relationship between Rogers and Sharon.

Peggy is now married and has two children.

According to Marcus, the screenwriter of the previous life, the timeline of Rogers’ return in the future is about 1948, and he has been a background character of Marvel since then.

As far as this line 893 cable is concerned,

The father of Peggy’s child may have always been Rogers – the old Rogers that Fei Lan talked about earlier.

This also clearly explains,

Why does old Peggy only have a picture of Steve at the head of her bed and it was never thought that someone else married her.


In the current timeline, in addition to the Rogers at the bottom, is there a Rogers in the future timeline?

That’s not the point either!

The point is that Rogers is eating tofu now, is he related to himself?


“It’s kind of exciting!”

Fei Lan activated his brain and continued to scrutinize.

Sharon’s last name is Ka, meaning she is from the Ka, not the Rogers, and is the granddaughter of Brother or Sister Peggy.


That doesn’t rule out Peggy’s surname for Sharon and Peggy to hide old Rogers?


Fei Lan asked the Void Live Ball, “Fury, who are Sharon’s parents?

Soon, several barrages floated in front of him.

【Blue, isn’t it enough to have the four of us?」

[Okay, I have Pepper enough. ”[Fei, five is too foul![Hey, I’m still alone]

【No Banner, you still have Hulk)

Tony and the others started chatting, but Fei Lan ignored them until a barrage passed by.

(Sharon Carter is the son of Paige Carter’s cousins Eddie Carter and Alina Ed, what’s the problem?)

That is, there is no blood relationship.


If Fei Lan’s reasoning above holds true, there is still an old Rogers hiding in the timeline.


Because of time travel, Rogers, who is downstairs with Sharon, is actually her uncle.

squirt squirt!

Fei Lan watched with interest, but did not explain the reason to everyone.

But he still said: “Don’t worry, I’m not interested in this Sharron, I just thought of some interesting things, so I asked.”

conversation room,

The two Rogers below were also targeted by Rumlow and they staged what is called “Grand Theft Auto” again.

Although the process is thrilling,

However, with Sharon’s skilled driving skills and the advantage that motorcycles can travel through the streets, they still use Rumlow to open their encirclement.

The next step is simple.

Sharon took Rogers to disguise continuously and changed transportation several times. After confirming safety, she drove out of the city and headed to the destination – the 1st battalion where Rogers was once selected as a super soldier serum subject.

look up,

The two soon came to the computer room where Zola was stored, and started him with a USB flash drive.

[Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “Rogers and Zola’s cross-century reunion!” Get the sign-in reward “D-Class Blind Box”!)

This reward is alright, it’s not worth Fei Lan to follow.

As in the original play,

Zola used details such as “Insight Plan” and “Paperclip Plan” to delay enough time for the missile to fly.

But this time,

It wasn’t Natasha Romanoff who went underground with Rogers, it was Sharon.

And Rogers is not alone, Fei Lan added a layer of Psychokinesis shield on top of Rogers, and when the building collapsed, he used brute force to open a road to the ground.

Roger (dadb) escaped smoothly.

Afterwards, Fei Lan escorted,

Rogers went well and took refuge in a “veteran” whom he had known for a long time.

And by virtue of personal charm, let the “veterans” volunteer to participate in the action.

According to the plan,

After capturing Sitwell, Rogers’ threat was useless, and Sharon kicked him down the roof.

And the veteran “Sam Wilson” also officially debuted. The “Falcon” held Sitwell’s tie and flew back to the roof from the downstairs, handsomely retracting the wings of the bionic wing flight suit.

[Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “Superhero Falcon debut!”, get the sign-in reward “E-Class Blind Box”!]

With this thrilling “cordless jumping off the building experience”, Sitwell is the core algorithm of the Insight Project, which is used to screen out all people who may threaten Hydra.

“And then?” Rogers said solemnly, “What are you going to do after screening?”

“My God! Pierce and the master are going to kill me!” Sitwell was a little broken: “Didn’t you be taken by the master? Why are you still alive! You should be dead!

“I ask you, then what?” Rogers picked Sitwell up.

What can Sitwell do?

Only bitterly said: “Since it is a threat, it will definitely be cleared! Three spaceships that are permanently flying in suborbital flight, the muzzle is enough to call anyone in the world the first clearing on the head at any time, and the number is at least 3 million.

Three difficulties!

Rogers went to drive Sitville, knowing that this was what Fei Lan mentioned as “the plan to save thousands of people in trouble”

“Who is your master?” Sharon continued, “A snake head above Pierce?

“it’s me.”

Fei Lan stopped watching the show and landed on the rooftop.

Sitwell was overjoyed, broke free from Sharon’s hand, and crawled to hide beside Fei Lan.

“Master! I”


With a thunder alchemy, Sitwell, the Hydra dragon, took the lunch box.


Fantong did not respond, it seems that there is no reward for killing someone who is “destined for life”.

Sam is on guard alongside Sharon, ready to fight whenever Rogers orders it!

In no mood,

The shadows spread under Fei Lan’s feet, followed by the fully armed Avengers who emerged from the dark world.

“Rogers, you did a great job.” Fury stepped forward and said, “Keep going, how about your prepared speech?

“Right, ready.” Rogers took a deep breath. “Fury, are you sure you want to do this? After all, it’s your life’s work.”

“So what?” Fury looked into the distance with one eye: “No matter how much you paid, it is still wrong. Now, let’s correct it! 99

“What are you feeling?” Tony said disdainfully, “When S.H.I.E.L.D finds out, the Avengers will take over the task of protecting the world… Right, Fei?”

Fei Lan glanced at Tony speechlessly, what did you do for me?

a few people’s conversations,

Sharon and Sam were confused and didn’t understand what was going on.

Sam whispered to Rogers: “To fight or not to fight now? Isn’t the Dimensional Watcher the owner of Hydra?”

“Fighting?” Rogers glanced at Sam strangely: “Who can you beat these people across from you?”

Sam was miserable at being asked.

His eyes passed Fei Lan, Tony, Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Techala, and finally swirled around Skye, Hill, Fury, and Barton.


Barton: 33

Forget Fury,

His Devil Fruit Ability, which he failed to bring along with the resurrection, would really be let loose by Sam.

But what about Barton?

He is Marksman!

Specializing in restraining air units, okay?

But before the two could speak, Fei Lan became unhappy.

“Skye and Hill are my wives. I’m so upset with your look. Did you see what happened to Sitwell?”

“Cough! I just have a look, look.” Sam embarrassed: “Huh? Women? Two?

Sam stared at Fei Lan with wide eyes. Seeing that the Skye girls didn’t refute, he couldn’t help but admire him.

It’s so stupid, man!

This compliment made Fei Lan very useful, and he didn’t care about Sam’s behavior.

Three ghosts emerged from his shadow, and the police sank into the shadows of Rogers, Sam, and Sharon.

“Welcome to the Avengers. As a welcome ceremony, I will take you to see a big Firework.” Fei Lan said.

“Big Firework?” Sharon was a little confused.

Fei Lan smiled without saying a word, and took everyone into the dark world.


It’s on the top floor of the Trident Building, in Pierce’s office.

He calmly looked at Fei Lan and the group of avengers behind him, without any surprise.

Pierce had guessed something since Rogers reappeared near his apartment.

Natasha Romanoff came to the terminal console, ready to release all agent data.

Rogers also took someone to the central control room, where he was going to deliver his speech, inspiring the real S.H.I.E.L.D agent to fight back.

Tony took someone to modify the control of the space carrier.

for a time,

In the office of Noah University, there are only four people left: Fei Lan, Fury, Natasha Romanoff and Pierce.

“I don’t understand.” Pierce said calmly: “As long as you make mistakes, you can control the world. Why do you still choose to give up our loyal men? Give up the whole world?”

Fury didn’t speak, he also wanted to know why.

“Hey.” Fei Lan shook his head and said, “I ask you, if you are asked to be the king of a small country, would you be interested?”

“No. What does it matter?” Pierce frowned.

“The earth is very small in the galaxy. In my eyes, the ruler of the earth is no different from the little king in your eyes.” Fei Lan spread his hands and said: “Your vision is too narrow.”

This is definitely nonsense, Fei Lan is simply rewarding the gap for the gap.

Pierce finally had an expression, he smiled bitterly, clenching his teeth very hard.

“Hey! Dark Claw…”


Pierce fell to the ground thumping foam, but he committed suicide by taking poison.

This tradition is very hydra.


Still no reward reminders.

Fei Lan shook his head,

After all, he was loyal to himself, and gave Dao Lei alchemy and cremation.

“Damn.” Natasha Romanoff suddenly said: “Release all agent data requires two S-level permissions, Pierce is dead, then… who will authorize?”

“I only have S-class clearance.” Fury lifted his left eye patch.

“I have it too.” Fei Lan smiled, “I got it with an antidote.”

in danger,

All agent information is sent to the public network, and netizens all over the world can search for it.

Including the materials of Natasha Romanoff Hill and, without any modification.

At this time,

Rogers’ voice echoed through the building.

“Attention all agents, I’m Steve Rogers, and you should have heard a lot about me these two days.”

“Some people were also ordered to arrest me.

“Now you should know the truth.

Following Rogers’ speech, everyone in the Trident Building couldn’t help but stop and listen.

Fei Lan and Fury stood at the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the “ants” on the ground stagnate, and couldn’t help but sigh.

“Except for Rogers, not even me.”

“You may have misestimated your own influence.” Fury said, “You are no worse than him. Don’t you start your live broadcast?”

“It hasn’t been opened for more than a year, and it’s not worth showing off, let’s talk about it. 9)

‘show off?

“Yeah, I’m doing a live broadcast just to show off and let people praise me.”

between two people talking,

Rogers also used an impassioned speech to persuade the hearts of countless people who sincerely want to defend the world.

The entire S.H.I.E.L.D. are on alert for each other.

At this time,

Tony shouted: “The first clearance of all space carriers has been modified.


Fei Lan gave all Hydras an order through Pierce’s desk.

“Land land on the space carrier within fifteen minutes and launch a general attack!”

The next moment, the Trident is boiling!

There were loud gunshots in countless locations, and even the bathrooms on each floor became a small battle, and people sacrificed every second.

As I just said around Rogers-

“I know it’s hard, but freedom comes at a high price.

In a battle with such a huge foundation, even the Avengers do not have much ability to control the battle.

what they can do,

Just try to go 1 fight and kill everyone who dares to shoot at them!

Fei Lan didn’t move.

Because neither S.H.I.E.L.D nor Hydra could have shot him because they all thought he was “one of their own”.

Fury also didn’t move, and his fighting power was now inferior to Barton’s.

Fei Lan took him to the sky, overlooking the continuous battles below, and seeing a large battle, he released lightning remotely to aid the S.H.I.E.L.D side.

fifteen minutes later,

Most of the Hydras that received the order landed on the three space carriers, and then took off directly into the sky.

“Don’t wait any longer.” Fury, who had been silent until now, said: “There are still some Hydra people. 99

“The rest are just small fish, it doesn’t matter.


Three spaceships took to the skies, full of mid-to-high-rise Hydras, including Rumlow.


“Blue, the space carrier has arrived in the no-man’s land, do you want to implement the next step?”

“Let’s do it, let’s play Firework.” Fei Lan said softly.

Fei Lan’s face was reluctant, these are three spaceships!

But if you want to break it, break it completely!

Although these three spaceships cost a lot of money, they may also become a turning point for Hydra and cannot be kept.

Hill “Got it, start bombing mode!”

Following the order,

The three spaceships form a triangle in the sky, aim the muzzle at the next spaceship, and then the artillery fires in full blast!

This “Firework Show” is bigger and more expensive than Tony’s “Firework Show”!

【Ding! Congrats on signing in the famous scene “The Fall of S.H.I.E.L.D!” and getting the sign-in reward “B-Class Blind Box”!)

[Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “The Rise of the Avengers!”, get the sign-in reward “B-Class Blind Box”! 】[Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “The Death of the Important Supporting Actor Crossbones!”, get the sign-in reward “C-Class Blind Box”! 】

This wave is very profitable, and there are three famous scenes!

another place,

“This is what he said about Firework? Sam looked up at the sky in amazement: “This welcome ceremony… is too grand! 22

“What you want to say is waste.” Rogers sighed: “But as long as the Hydra can be completely eliminated, all sacrifices are worth it…

“You two policemen chatted!” Sharon shouted in the distance: “Hydra has attacked again, this time with a lot of people! We want to…

Sharon hasn’t finished speaking yet,

Fei Lan fell from the sky and landed in the phalanx of the Hydra that was about to attack. The “Thunderstorm Cloud” with the strength of Thunder Alchemy-Zhang Jishou, a few hundred people turned into fly ash, and only the molten iron of some guns flowed all over the ground. .


Fei Lan swept the war zones one by one according to the X-ray perspective he had recorded before.

Tony and others are also continuing to fight, and the battle is cleaned up everywhere.

After three hours,

With the last team of stubbornly resisting Hydras, they were slaughtered under Fei Lan’s “thermal sight”.

This clean-up battle has finally come to an end.

[Ding! Congratulations on signing the famous scene “Hydra’s 70 years of lurking and one defeat! Received the sign-in award “A-Class Blind Box”!)

Fei Lan was stunned,

He was originally just out of humanitarianism, and left to clean up the scum.

Unexpectedly, there is a huge unexpected harvest!

The Avengers reunite.

Except for Fei Lan and Techala, most of the others were a little embarrassed.

Tony complained, “Tcha, you’re too exchanging, you don’t even need to paint, and I’m going to change the style of this Vibranium suit. 39

“Ah, Vibranium is enough.” Techala said loudly.

Tony is even more angry!

In the past, this “throwing rough gold” role should be his successor!

“Okay, what is there to compare it to.” Fei Lan said in a good mood: “Just leave it to ZF, Samya’s Kojima is ready for a party, let’s go celebrate, and welcome the new members by the way. 93

People will not accept it.

Before sinking into the dark world,

Fury finally looked back at the messy Trident Building and sighed heavily.


It’s time for him to take a new step.

Immediately on “Thor2”, follow Thor to the future to find purple potato trouble.

Guess how it got there? Prizes!

Today, 13322 words have been updated, adding more updates to “Ling Mosheng”!

The old iron of the ballot, the duration must be super doubled!

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