Silence the Hunger

Chapter 28

Alphonse pushed himself off the ground, standing up as his eyes rested on his group. Haydon was lightly holding his ribs as blood seeped from his lips. The others had cuts and bruises here and there, but Felecia tirelessly worked, healing the wounds the best she could. Her face was beet red as sweat dripped from her forehead, but she continued healing.

Everyone was utterly exhausted, having used all of their energy with the attacks that they had used. Everyone gave it their all to survive.

Alphonse thought back to the woman’s words before she gruesomely transformed. “What do you guys think she meant by her words?” Alphonse said, as he looked at his recovering group.

“You were listening to what she was saying? I was busy pissing myself from her appearance.” Felecia plopped down onto the ground as she wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeve.

“She said that we were a plague, and that we killed her child… What do you think she meant?” Alphonse questioned, ever since he arrived at the Garden of Eden. There were too many questions needing answers.

“Ah man, does it matter? It was a monster. Monsters rarely talk with much sense, do they?” Markus spoke up. His eyes hadn’t shifted from his shield as he examined every nook and cranny.

“Markus is right, we can’t make sense of a monster's words,” Lucus said, shaking his head. “We won’t stay here long. Get some rest.” Lucus said as he leaned up against the pillar, his eyes remaining vigilant despite his exhaustion.

The group rested for a few hours as everyone kept their eyes focused. They hoped those damned spiders didn’t crawl out from the walls again.

“Alright, how’s everyone feeling?” Lucus stood up as he addressed the group.

“It’ll have to do, I suppose.” Gabriel said as he craned his neck.

They stood up, got into formation, and walked into the passageway. Alphonse strained his ears to hear anything, but it was quiet. There weren't any hairy legged monsters along the walls or crazy abominations that would haunt their dreams. The passageway is opening. Alphonse thought as he looked ahead. A dim light shone from above. He was apprehensive. The last time it had opened up, they were met by an abomination of a monster. Haydon was the first to enter as everyone stopped. Before long, he came back. “We found it…” Haydon said, a rare smile forming on his face.

“The Veiled Cavern?!” Felica said, her eyes lighting up.

“I think so…” Haydon couldn't be sure. “It’s best you come and see for yourself.”

Class A and the lonesome Class E recruit walked forwards, and entered the opening. Large trees climbed up the mountain walls on each side, the tiles continued until it reached a piece of magnificent architecture ahead of them. Two pillars were hugging what seemed to be a large entranceway, as it led deep into the mountain. The pillars had strange carvings on them. As they approached, Alphonse could see them clearer. He first saw a woman in a long flowing dress, she had long fingernails that surrounded a group of men. Her hair was wild as she gazed at them with a look that made Alphonse feel uncomfortable. His eyes drifted to one carving lower down. A smart-looking man with slicked back hair, and an impeccable three-piece suit. His cane was pompously stuck to the floor as he looked at the men and women as if they were mere servants. Below that was a woman veiled in a shadow as she looked at the other people with… Envy. He looked at all the others, but the last one was the one that stuck out the most. A big fat, rounded demon monster was sitting at a long table. He had never seen so much food before. It looked like it had no end as the demon gorged itself with an eerie smile on its face. Alphonse felt like its eyes were… staring at him. Alphonse stumbled back and shook his head as he looked once more. The feeling had gone.

“Alphonse are you okay?” Kristen noticed his reaction.

“Ahh, I’m fine. Thought I saw something, that’s all.” Alphonse said as he shook his head, getting rid of the strange feeling he felt. He looked up as the full moon shone its bright light down at them. We must be in the middle of the mountain range, or past it? Alphonse made a guess, but he couldn’t tell.

“Do you still not trust me?” Alphonse said, as he smiled at her. He remembered her words as he was waking up at the boulder.

“Truth be told, I don’t, but you saved us back there. So, thank you…” Kristen said as she crossed her arms.

“It’s alright.” Alphonse replied, his eyes moving to the large ornate doors behind the pillars.

“We’ll rest here for tonight before heading in.” Lucus sat on a nearby rock in the middle of the floor. Making sure he could see everything around him. Alphonse looked around. It should be okay to start a fire, right? His mind was on his new trait. He didn’t think there would be anything wrong with it. The passage was completely blocked behind them. With a plan in his mind, he got into motion. He walked around the cliff walls and grabbed a pile of sticks and dropped it onto the floor. His survival class had told him that to make fire, you had to use your own initiative and perseverance. Alphonse untied his shoe as he tied his shoelace to a curved stick. With another, smaller piece of stick, he twisted the lace around it and place it onto a small log. His arm began sawing back and forth—friction took place, but—no ember was in sight.

“Alphonse…” Gabriel said as he flung a spark of fire onto his small pile of sticks. Alphonse looked lost for a moment before opening his mouth. “Ah… Thanks Gabriel.” Alphonse shook his head. Shit, how did I forget that we have a mage… I have a lot on my mind, that must be it… his shake turned into a nod as the fire flickered to life. He grabbed some rations and mixed it with some tree leaves.

Felecia stared at him with her eyes wide open. What the hell is he doing?

It looked like everyone was watching as Alphonse crazily tried to come up with something to mix with the jerky. Alphonse looked at his creation, the jerky was burnt to a point of cremation and then wrapped in a tree leaf that was burnt or rotten. It was hard to distinguish. Ah, the garnish is perfect. Alphonse threw it into his mouth as the sound of crunching resounded around the camp. Then, the notification that he was waiting for arrived.

[ Chef’s Kiss Activated ]

[ Recipe: Rancid Charcoal Jerky with a tree leaf… ]

What’s with the dots? Is it mocking me? Alphonse thought as he looked at the system message.

[ Rancid Charcoal Jerky with a tree leaf… : A jerky that god only knows what it comprises, that has been burnt to a cinder finished with a wrapping of a tree leaf. Rating F- - - - - Error… ]

[ Rating F ]

[ Debuff: -1 all stats for 10 minutes. ]

Alphonse finished chewing on his meal and swallowed. Well, it's not that bad?

“Make sure you get some sleep. I’ll take first watch.” Lucus said as he shook his head at the scene.

Alphonse lay on the floor with nothing but rock tiles for a mattress as he somehow fell asleep. In the middle of the night, the pictures on the pillars moved, as if they were dancing in the dark night. They watched Alphonse as he slept.


“Have you forgotten about me, big brother… You left me… You killed mommy… You killed daddy…” A little girl’s tears fell, creating a puddle on the white floor. Her hair had covered her face completely, bruises covered her little arms. Her summer dress was covered in blood.

“Tehya, no… I was protecting you.” Alphonse fell to his knees. He attempted to crawl towards her but no matter how much he tried… No matter how much he clawed the floor trying to get closer. It was futile. “I’ll make it back, I swear! I’ll keep protecting you Tehya!” Alphonse screamed, his eyes leaking a never-ending stream of tears as he reached forward.

In the dark of night, the pillars had their eyes on the tormented young man, tossing and turning in his sleep.


“Alphonse, your watch pal.” Markus shook him awake

It startled Alphonse awake, his head turning from side to side. ”Alright.” His voice was hoarse as Markus shrugged his shoulders at the rough response. Alphonse rubbed his eyes awake as he took his spot on the rock. His eyes drifted back to the engraving on the pillars. Walking over, he leaned in, getting a closer look at the fat monster… but nothing happened. It must have been my imagination… Tehya. Alphonse shook his head as he returned to the rock as he carried out the rest of his watch shift.

[ Time remaining 26 Days ]

The sun started rising, waking everyone up from their light slumber. The group stretched and had a quick bite to eat before heading towards the large ornate doors of the mountain. “Everyone, weapons at the ready. Markus, open the door.” Lucus ordered. Markus walked forwards, his tower shield in his hand, pushed the door. With a loud groaning sound, the mountain walls trembled, and the door opened wide. Alphonse looked inside. It was a large corridor tiled with old rock. The walls were a deep grey-almost black like brick as it continued towards a staircase that descended downwards. They all looked at each other before heading in.

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