Silence the Hunger

Chapter 35

Alphonse stumbled forwards, the shouting was becoming closer every second. His head peaked around the corner, into a small room that had two other passageways within.

Krayton? Alphonse thought as a small smile appeared on his face. The voice inside his head was telling him to kill. His heart beat faster at the sight. His hands itched as the tingling sensation transferred up into his arms, creating goosebumps.

Alphonse crept forwards, his footsteps were silent as he stalked within the dark passageway like a ghost that only existed within the shadows.

“Krayton, I told you, we should have stayed with Lucus and the others, now… n-now Lisa is dead!” One of Krayton’s group members held himself up against the thick walls of the maze. Tears fell from his face as his legs trembled. Alphonse could see the exhaustion not just on their faces, but their bodies as well. During this week, he had learnt how to gauge his opponents carefully. He could tell who was easier to kill and who would cause a threat. Alphonse would flee if he had to, but… the smile became wider. They are weak. The thought perforated itself into his mind as he walked forwards, no longer caring about masking his footsteps.

“Wh–What's that?!” the young man shouted as he pointed his sword at the sound.

“Aww c’mon, how could you forget me so easily?” Alphonse chuckled as an icicle shot forwards, penetrating the shoulder of the young man. The man groaned in pain as he stumbled backwards. Krayton was quick to react as he placed his large body in front.

“Alphonse?!” Krayton’s voice boomed within the maze’s hallways. His eyes were fierce as they watched the veiled young man walk out of the darkness.

He was shocked at the sight of Alphonse, his clothes were nothing but tatters as the disgusting sight of dried blood covered him–it had long dried out–instead of a scarlet red only a dark brown was left.

“Krayton, it felt like only yesterday when you said you were going to break all of my bones and leave me to the monsters. I tend to be quite petty.” Alphonse broke into a laughter–the voices inside of his head were going crazy–they wanted him to eat.

“Alphonse, think clearly. This place is playing tricks on your mind. It also happened to Lisa…” At the mention of Lisa, all of their eyes turned dim as their hands trembled. “It made her go crazy…” Krayton shook his head and continued. “We need your strength to get out of this fucking place alive.” Krayton placed his hammer on the ground.

“I think you’re mistaken–Krayton–” Alphonse slowly walked forwards as he gripped hold of his cleaver, his knuckles turning white at the strength he held it with. “I was crazy long before this fucking maze–I admit though–the voices are damned annoying.”

The moment Alphonse finished his words, he shot forward. He had learnt the movement from the cave goblins. This was their home and they knew how best to fight. Alphonse slinked into a dark spot in the passageway as he placed his foot onto the wall and leapt towards Krayton. Alphonse kept his bloodied free hand on the wall as ice suddenly shot from the wall towards Kraytons face. His weak body just dodged the ice attack as Alphonse’s cleaver swept towards his face.

Krayton lifted his hammer as the hilt directly impacted with the cleaver, causing sparks to splatter around them.

Alphonse immediately let go of his cleaver–his hand touched the floor and a sickly bile shot out from his throat–A bubble-like shield shot out from a badge that adorned his chest. It managed to completely block the acid from in front.

Blood seeped from Kraytons lips, his eyes widened in shock as his head attempted to turn around, but it looked like he was incapable of moving. Ice spikes had shot up from the floor and penetrated into his back. It had completely severed his spine in half. The illusionary shield disappeared at the sudden loss of strength.

“When you fight those damned goblins for an entire week, you learn to hide your moves behind another.” Alphonse walked forwards, each footstep causing a hot burning sensation in Krayton’s heart.

“L-let… my friends go,” Krayton softly spoke. The rest of his group had tears on their faces as they ran forwards. “Stop!” Krayton’s strained voice spluttered into a cough.

“B… but.” The duo looked at each other. They were trying to make a choice.

“You… need him to survive this place. Please… don’t kill them.” Krayton’s eyes helplessly looked forwards at the demon in front of him.

“Of course I won't. Do you think I’m some sort of psychopath?” Alphonse smiled as he nudged past the duo and stood in front of Krayton.

“Then… why?”

“Why kill you? C’mon Krayton–you threatened my life–your life had ended in my eyes ever since you hit me and said those words.” Alphonse lifted his cleaver as Krayton shut his eyes.

“You’re right… I’m responsible for my own actions. Damn it,” A slight chuckle left his mouth. “John, Oskar, do nothing stupid. Get out of here alive, alright? For Lisa… and the others.” Just as his words finished, Alphonse swiped down as the razor-sharp blade of the cleaver hit Krayton's fleshy neck. Alphonse felt resistance because of Krayton’s high constitution. If it was any other weapon he had before, it wouldn’t have gone through, but this is what they designed the meat cleaver for. It chopped through the bone as it cut all the way through in one motion. Krayton’s head fell to the floor with a thud as blood spurted from his body like a fountain.

Both John and Oskar looked away in disgust at the sight, their hands clenched into fists.

“Well then, John and Oskar, get moving, I’ll catch up.” Alphonse pointed down the hallway as he grabbed the badge that was pinned to Krayton’s chest. Blood had covered it, but it made no difference to Alphonse. He had seen enough blood.

Alphonse waited for the duo to disappear before crouching down. His hand grabbed hold of Krayton’s dead stiff arm and opened his mouth. Alphonse stood for a second, his mouth unable to clamp down onto the flesh. Fuck… It’s entirely different this time. I’ve already done it before, so why not now? The image of Tehya’s face appeared. Alphonse let go of the arm despite the manic voices within his head and quickly caught up with the others.

The passageway finally opened up into a large blank room with an old wooden door on the other side. Large tiles were the only defining feature of the room as they reached all the way to the door. Alphonse was immediately suspicious. It was too large of a room.

Alphonse crouched down and picked up a rock and threw it onto the tile, but nothing happened. Is it not heavy enough? Am I being paranoid? Alphonse thought as he placed his hand to his chin in thought. He hadn’t come across any traps yet in this place, but it would make sense for there to be. What was a maze without traps? Alphonse smiled.

“Do you think it’s a trap, Alphonse?” Oskar said. His eyes showed concern.

“I’m not sure–I’m not a fan of gambling with my life on the line either–well, not usually anyway,” Alphonse said, a light chuckle escaping. “We need something heavier to test it.” Alphonse looked at the duo in front of him before shaking his head. They may be useful later on. This could only be one of many traps, after all.

“Stay here, I’ll go find something,” Alphonse said. “Don’t do anything stupid.” He reminded them before leaving. It didn’t take long for him to find a cave goblin. They made for fierce enemies and the fact that they were the most common monster here made it terrifying for those not prepared. Fighting Krayton would have been a lot harder if they hadn’t had to deal with the cave goblins all week.


Alphonse walked back with a headless cave goblin in his hands. He was about to turn the corner when he heard the screams of a human. Alphonse rushed towards the room, through the dull, bland passageways he had seen countless times.

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