Silence the Hunger

Chapter 37


“Alphonse behind you!” John shouted as his arrow shot into a monster’s throat that was about to lunge itself towards Alphonse.

It looked like a lizard man. Green scales covered every inch of its body. Its reptilian hands clutched at its throat–yanking the arrow–attempting to remove it.

Alphonse kicked the monster down in front of him and swung his cleaver around to the monster with an arrow stuck in its throat. The cleaver whipped into the monster’s thick scaly neck—the cleaver lodged itself halfway—noticing it wouldn’t go any further, Alphonse pulled it back out. Blood shot out from the wound as the warm liquid splattered onto Alphonse. He placed his icy hand onto the lizard man's bloody neck as razor sharp icicles formed and shot upwards into the monster’s head. Blue iced tipped in a red scarlet liquid emerged out from its eye-sockets.

The other lizardman behind grabbed hold of Alphonse; its enormous mouth opened up and was about to snap down when a spear pierced into the shoulder of the monster. The spear’s blade damaged the muscles in its shoulder, then its brawny arm lost any grip that it had.

Alphonse turned around and activated [ Stomach Bile ] his stomach acid shot out from his mouth as it covered the face of the lizardman. Shrill screams filled the room as the durable scales melted away. The monster fell to its knees as all of its muscle had was erased by the man-eating acid.

Alphonse panted with exhaustion as he looked around the room as monster corpses littered the floor, his arm clutched at his stomach, an intense hunger taking over him. His eyes lay on Oskar, and John an intense need for food forced its way into his mind, but urgently shook the thought from his head. He rushed over to one of the lizardman’s bodies as his shadowed teeth sunk into the thick scaly flesh. The relieving sensation of the flesh sliding down his throat entered his stomach. The thoughts of cannibalism vanished from his mind as it was replaced with something else.

< Lizardman consumed >


| 1.6 strength added

| 1.4 constitution added

| 0.8 dexterity added

Alphonse looked at the stat points, but he wasn’t pleased. His stomach was telling him it wanted more and not just raw, tasteless, tough meat.

Grabbing some wooden furniture from a previous room, he began splitting the wood into kindling so that the wood would more easily catch flame. Alphonse took out a flint and steel that he had gained from Class A’s supply bag. Striking the blunt tool onto the flint, the spark was flung into the readily prepared kindling. He crouched down, blowing the ember to life as the passionate fire brushed his face. The smell of smoke filled the room, making sure that there was enough ventilation. Alphonse chopped a leg off from the lizardman and threw it onto the fire.

The thick scales should make it so that it doesn’t burn, right? Hopefully, it turns out better than the Hyena… Alphonse rubbed his hands together in anticipation. He couldn’t wait to see what it would turn out like.

After a while of waiting, the smell of cooked meat filled the room. Even John and Oskar’s tastebuds were salivating at the satisfying aroma. Alphonse grabbed his cleaver and sliced through the skin, pulling the skin off of the meat. What was left was a perfectly cooked piece of meaty leg. The rendered juices ran clear as Alphonse bit down.

< Chef’s Kiss activated >

Recipe: Medium Rare Lizardman Leg

Rating: D

| 2.6 extra strength added

| 2.4 extra constitution added

| 1.2 extra dexterity added

< The Hungers Evolution activated >

Lizardman’s Gills acquired: Able to grow gills on your chest, granting water breathing for up to fifteen minutes.

< Time remaining 16 days. >

Everyone looked at each other at the announcement.

“Well, I suppose we better get to it then.” Alphonse stood up. With his stomach full, he was satisfied and walked into the passageway.

“Do you think we can complete the mission with just us three?” Oskar said his eyes moved from Alphonse to John with concern.

“It doesn’t matter–Oskar–we need to complete it,” John shook his head. “We need to find a way back to our families.”

“You think they'll let us? Even if there is a way..." Oskar said. He didn't have high hopes, but seeing John's downcast expression, he tried to cheer him up. "We'll get back. You need to see that girlfriend you keep harping on about all the time.” Oskar laughed, his elbow nudging John’s ribs.

“Yeah, and you’ve got to get back to your nagging mother. Even after you arrive back, I bet you have a mountain of dishes to wash.” John shook his head as a light laugh left his mouth.

“You’re not wrong there. It won’t just be the dishes either. Still, despite all the constant nagging, I miss her so damn much.” Oskar said as his head drooped down.

John gently patted Oskar's shoulder, then his eyes moved to Alphonse. His face was blank and detached from the conversation. “What about you Alphonse, do you have any family?”

The sudden question took a back Alphonse, but just smiled. “A sister.”

“So you’re not a heartless demon after all. You have something to fight for, to get back home...” Oskar gave off a slight smile. The way he fought monsters was like a crafty, crazed demon. Especially when he was ripping apart his enemies just with his teeth. Oskar shivered at the thought. However, it was a fact that Alphonse had saved their lives too many to count after only these short hellish days.

“Yeah.” Alphonse said, his fingers trailing along the wall.

Alphonse turned the corner of the passageway and stopped. They were met with a dead end, like many others in this maze, but this one looked different to Alphonse..

“Another fucking dead end…” John groaned as he rested his back against the cool wall.

“I’ve still met more dead ends in my dating life. Don’t get so down.” Oskar said, as a small smile formed on his face.

“Even now, you can still talk so much shit.” John couldn’t help but flash a grin as he shook his head.

“Hey Alphonse, it’s a dead end, isn’t it?” Oskar said as he watched Alphonse continue walking, his hand never leaving the wall. It looked like he was feeling for something.

Alphonse reached the dead end wall and placed his ear against the cold, dusty old brick. Muffled noises entered his ears.

“I think there's people behind this wall.” Alphonse said. The shouting was getting more intense. It sounded like people were fighting. His eyes lit up as he thought of Felecia and the others.

“John, attack the wall.” Alphonse stepped out of the way as John took aim with his bow. He shot a powerful light forwards as the dust around the passageway was blasted all around. Alphonse looked at the hole in the wall. He motioned for another attack. Soon, the wall had a small tunnel carved into the wall but it wasn’t enough.

Alphonse thought of Haydon. If it was him, he should already have heard the noise from the arrows. He wasn’t sure if it was them or not, but he had to try.

“Haydon, the wall!” Alphonse cupped his hands together in front of his mouth as he yelled towards the tunnel. After a few moments, he heard the exploding noises coming from the other side as the tunnel trembled.

The wall smashed open as Markus stood there. Dust from the wall had covered him completely.

“Alphonse… Hurry and get your ass through here.” Markus was stunned for a second, but quickly turned around and blocked a hit from something behind him.

Alphonse, John, and Oskar rushed through the tunnel and into the room. Alphonse was shocked at the familiar sight of the bluish-green skin of the tall warriors. Orog’s. Alphonse’s eyes turned fierce. It was because of them that everything happened, the skill that he had used. It was their fault.

Alphonse sprinted forwards towards the Orog that Markus was facing. He moved past its legs. Markus’ large shield created a blind spot for Alphonse to move into unimpeded. With all of his strength, Alphonse swung his cleaver towards the tendons behind the knee. Alphonse watched as his cleaver chopped into the tendon. The recoil from it being snapped moved within the muscular leg of the Orog as it fell to one knee.

Alphonse didn’t stop there. With the blood of the Orog, Alphonse ran forwards. His hand commanded the blood to flow forwards as it shot towards one of the Orog’s that Haydon and Tariq were fighting. The ice accurately ascended and pierced in between its ribs. The bluish-green monster screamed in pain as its eyes turned bloodshot. With its strength doubled, so did its speed as the Orog took a step backwards and swung its huge club straight for Alphonse. Alphonse was shocked at the speed. His mind wanted to dodge, but his body couldn’t follow in time. Alphonse put his arms in front of him as he was blasted backwards, blood shot out from his mouth. He didn’t know where he was. His mind was spinning and nausea hit him as he spewed out blood and bile.

A warmth entered his body, he heard cracking sounds as the warm heat snapped Alphonse's arms back into place. His dizzy eyes looked forwards as he struggled onto his feet, blood seeped from his eyes as he took a step forwards once more.

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