Silence the Hunger

Chapter 58 – Life Underground

“Hey,” Felecia nudged closer to Tariq. “Was that a demon thing?”

Her head rotated around her shoulder as she peeked at the mantis-like man that guarded the door.

“Quiet,” Tariq’s eyes twitched back at the man, making sure he heard nothing. “I’ve heard stories about him, some say because of skill abuse he has permanently turned into that form. I heard he once sliced an entire party into pieces because they started on him.”

“What… Where the hell have you brought us?” Felecia frowned as her clean,white teeth bit into her lip.

“Just watch what you say, and I promise you’ll have a blast. We can be ourselves down here.” Tariq said.

“Do the Officer’s not regulate this place?” Alphonse questioned.

It looks like it’s an underground society, away from the rules and regulations forced upon them by the Great Migrators. No way they would let this remain here, right? I wonder if this place has anything to do with those guys with the strange dog badges. Alphonse was awakened from his thoughts as Tariq began talking once more.

“I heard they tried to at one point but,” Tariq paused. “I heard it was a slaughter on both sides, the officer’s failed in the end and they haven’t bothered to try ever since.”

“The people down here are that strong?” Markus was stunned.

“So I've heard.” Tariq nodded.

“Actually,” Alphonse spoke up. “Before I went for my debrief, a group covered in blood passed me in the hall. They were holding an officer’s badge.”

“Holy shit, really? Then they are attacking the Great Migrators?” Markus’ eyes bulged open.

“Well, that’s if they are the people from down here. It’s just a guess based on what Tariq said.”

“Where does that leave us, then?” Felecia wondered.

“At the bottom of the shit filled barrel?” Tariq helplessly shook his head.

“You guys spout a lot of shit, don’t you?” A fierce, womanly voice sounded out within the darkness of the room. She was perched up on one of the maintenance crates that filled the room.

The thudding noise from her boots hitting the floor resounded and echoed throughout. The others squinted their eyes as they tried to make out the face in the darkness. However, Haydon and Alphonse could see her face clearly.

“It’s you again?” Alphonse looked at her in worry, the strange sense of familiarity he had with her and her… crazy antics.

“I have a name you know,” The young woman stopped right in front of Alphonse, their noses almost touched as her eyes peered forwards. “You’ve forgotten–haven’t you–Alphonse? Hmmm, is it because of a skill or have I underestimated your intelligence?”

Alphonse took a step back, creating some distance between them. “What’s it got to do with you?”

“Everything.” She said, her eyes looking him up and down, like a wolf.

Alphonse could see the keen... interest in her eyes. The sensation was uncomfortable. He looked at her overly blue hair, his memories blended together as his eyes opened wide. “Maya?” It was the only detail he could recall.

Her chaotic giggling echoed within the room as she nodded. “There we are.”

“Why did you kill an officer?” Alphonse asked. He wanted to know.

And how the hell did they get away with it? The thought whirled inside his head.

Maya shook her head. “Didn’t your friend tell you not to ask questions down here? Now scram, I’m waiting for some business.” She spat as she kicked Alphonse's behind.

Felecia grabbed Alphonse by the hand as the group quickly followed behind.

“What the fuck was that? How did you anger her, Alphonse?” Tariq tugged at his shoulder.

“I've not done anything? I remember her name. That's about it.” Alphonse shook his head.

Alphonse tried to recall his meeting with her, but everything was veiled in a hazy mist. If he tried too hard to recall a memory, pain would shoot into his brain, inhibiting him from recalling anything.

“I think I’ve heard rumors about her.” Tariq added.

“That she's a psycho?” Felecia said.

“Wait, how did you know?” Tariq said in surprise

“Ahh,” Felecia shrugged her shoulders. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Well, anyway,” Tariq continued, his head looking in every direction to make sure it was clear. “She’s a second year from class A, torn away from Earth, just like us. However, I heard she refused an officer’s command once, and they beat her half to death. I'm not sure what happened after that.”

“You know Tariq, if you spent more time training rather than investigating the lives of others, I wonder if you'd be any stronger?” Haydon grinned.

“Ah shut it Haydon, I don’t want to hear that coming from you. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve used those shadow abilities of yours to peep on the girls in the shower. Besides, it’s my hobby and I’m good at it.” Tariq scowled.

“I wouldn’t dare do such a thing.” Haydon looked offended, wrinkles appeared on his forehead.

“Don’t you guys get to see everything, anyway?” Alphonse questioned. He was confused.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Felecia asked in surprise.

“I mean, in class E, it’s a communal shower area.”

“Oh no, that’s disgusting.” Felecia’s head shook as goosebumps rose on her fair arms.

“Damn, Class E must have been horrible. We have private rooms with our own showers, physiotherapy sessions and elixirs to strengthen our bodies and abilities.” Markus said.

“That’s… unfair.” Alphonse wryly smiled.

“Well, that’s life buddy.” Tariq threw his arm over his shoulders as they finally exited the hot, steamy corridors of the service tunnels.

An entire town lay bare in the group's eyes. Houses had were and constructed out of sheet metal, the pungent smell of rust and the odor of metal traveled throughout. Alphonse looked closely at the details within. It reminded him of an enormous hangar that was repurposed for life. The air within was almost stifling, as it seemed to lack air purification. Thick fog and haze wafted across the ceiling, almost forming like a cloud above them.

They could hear the shouting of people below and the clanging of metal all over, but it was the overpowering noise of music that boomed into their ears.

Tariq broke out into a smile as he took a great whiff of the stagnant air. “Ah, doesn’t that remind you of home?”

“Where the hell did you live for this to remind you of home?” Felecia held her nose to block out the smells, relying on her mouth to breathe.

“Let's just say this place and where I grew up wasn't so different.” Tariq said as his feet began descending the stack of roughly welded together metal stairs.

Alphonse thought that people’s clothes here would be in tatters and in disrepair. However, he was surprised to see the top quality materials they were made of. High-quality furs were draped over their shoulders, posh shimmering black shoes lightly brushed up against the manky floor below them, seemingly impervious to the dirt that caked the floor.

“Hey young man, fancy a few rounds?” A woman covered in makeup curled her finger towards Alphonse and the others, her lips were scrunched up as she blew kisses forwards. "You look like you have some credits."

Tariq rubbed his hands and was about to walk forwards when Felecia grabbed hold of his collar like a chicken being held by its neck.

“Don’t you dare Tariq. Take us to the damned pub and quickly.” Felecia’s innocent eyes roamed around as she saw something in a window that she shouldn’t have. Her eyes tore away from the image as her speed picked up.


"Damn, it's like a full on town down here." Markus exclaimed. He couldn't move his eyes from the nefarious happenings in the street.


"You'll be surprised with what you find." Tariq nodded. "Clothing shops, restaurants, butcher markets. You name it, they have it."


"Your senior took you down here?" Alphonse asked.


"Yeah, his name is Patrick. Quite a lot of the 2nd years come down here," Tariq nodded. He took a cigarette from his pocket and stuck it into his mouth. "Those that aren't under the officer's grasp, anyway."


"What do you mean?" Alphonse questioned, surprised at Tariq's knowledge.


"You really know nothing, do you?" Tariq tutted, shaking his head. "Those of us in class A with talent are listed as potential officer recruits. They'll train you hard, using their credits to evolve your skills. But you need to swear undying loyalty to them."


"Have you?" Alphonse added.


"Hell no, well, not yet anyway." Tariq shrugged.


"Tariq, you're seriously considering it?" The words shocked Markus.


"Who wouldn't?" Tariq lit up the cigarette in his mouth with a small metal lighter. He took a puff, white smoke expelled out from his mouth. "It's hard to survive on missions as it is, being an officer... They give you a shitload of extra equipment, things to keep you alive during missions. It's not just basic shit either. I'm talking about magical items." Tariq took another puff. "When your life is on the line, becoming an officer is a golden ticket."


"I don't agree with it." Alphonse frowned.


"Easy for you to say Al, you get stronger by eating things. We've got to gain enlightenment to gain skills. Know how hard that is?" Tariq shook his head.


"I wonder how the officers are treated?" Felecia spoke up. "Sometimes I feel bad for them."


"Feel bad for them?" Markus scoffed. "They probably get fed with a golden spoon up their arse."


Alphonse smiled as he shook his head, his vision looking around him. It was like a different world down here.

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