Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 42: M.S.F.A.B

{In Silver‘s room}

Silver woke up lying in her bed, she had taken a 3-4 hours nap. When she fully awoke she saw someone sucking her dick.

“Megan? Have you been doing this while I was asleep?” Silver asked.

The room was cleaned from the messy sex they’ve had. Silver and Megan were the only ones there.

“Yes, mistress! I am here to serve you!” Megan yelled.

“You can stop if you want.” Silver suggested.

“No, mistress! I can do this all day! I promise! I’m okay with this!” Megan replied.

Silver doesn't think she’ll get anywhere with this woman. She’ll have to play the master role in order to get her to do things. With people like Megan, if you treat them nicely, they‘ll think they’re doing something wrong. Possibly even move on to anyone they believe they deserve to be with. This happened before to Silver.

But if you treat them the way they think they should be treated. They’ll accept the treatment and try to please you as much as they can.

“Megan, I’m going to give you a list of things to do. You’re going to clean yourself up. Prepare for tonight’s dinner. Eat, study, get handmaidens for my pleasure and yours. You will live and laugh the way I want! You will be the perfect maiden!” Silver yelled.

“Yes, mistress! I will do whatever you want! But why do you want me to be your Maiden? I don’t deserve it!” Megan said.

“I promised my women I will have sex for only maidens or handmaidens. Ordinarily, I’d make you a handmaiden. However, I have too many in my slots... We agreed to only have 10. I had to cut or place the women I had somewhere else. I am going to meet up with my women to discuss more on it.” Silver said. “Anyway! I like you and I don’t want anything to happen to you! Please be my maiden!”

“Okay...” Megan slowly said.

She wasn’t sad about it, but she feels like trash and not something special.

“I can’t help you cheat, but I will guide you. Your father had agreed to help you as your official advisor.” Silver said.

“This is not what I want, mistress... You’re too nice to me...” Megan said.

“You heard what I said! You’re going to be my Maiden or I’ll throw you away!” Silver yelled.

“No! I’ll do it! Please, I will not disobey you. I will be this Maiden of yours!” Megan said while jerking Silver off to please her.

“Good! Now, worship my cock and kiss it goodbye! We need to get going!” Silver said.

Megan did more than kiss it. She deepthroated while playing with Silver’s balls. Her lips pop on-off of the tip of Silver’s dick. Megan‘s head bobbed up and down the dick.

“That’s enough! You’ve already drained me!” Silver yelled.

Megan glowed. She used a skill to regain Silver’s sperm count and stamina.

Silver was going to cum again. She yelled as Megan got up and shoved Silver’s dick in her pussy. Silver came inside. Megan wanted to make Silver happy with her.

“Huh? Why have you done that? How did you do that?” Silver questioned.

Megan had a look of fear, this wasn’t the reaction she wanted.

“I spoke with my parents as you were asleep. You told me you wanted a child? My father gave me a class to help me breed. Hope you’re happy with me… I can see a pregnant stat, now…” Megan said.

“What?! I wasn’t being serious!” Silver yelled.

“Oh! I’m sorry! I didn’t know! Forgive me! I will kill it at once!” Megan yelled.

“No! Let’s not do that! Beyond would hate that! I told her I wouldn’t ever do that! What’s done is done!” Silver yelled back.

“I’m sorry! I will take care of it! Please don’t kill me!” Megan yelled.

“What?! I won’t! You’re going to be my Empress!” Silver yelled.

“Okay! I’ll do it- Wait! Empress?! No, no, no! I can’t! That’s not for me! I am not worthy!” Megan yelled and waved her arms frantically. She was still on Silver’s cock.

“You heard what I said! This is an order! Now let’s get cleaned up and go!” Silver yelled.

“Okay!” Megan said.

“Ah, and don’t tell the Maidens you’re pregnant... They won’t understand, especially Mary...” Silver said.


{In the dining room}

Several Maidens sat with Silver. She was at the head of the table with Mille. The older ones like the queens were doing their own thing.

“I can see you've been busy. How are my citizens?” Silver asked while patting Megan’s head.

Megan was eating on the floor. Silver gave her two plates, one with food, and the other had water. Megan also had a dog collar on. The other women tried their best to ignore this.

“I had to get rid of some of the Kings you had. Your uncle Theodore and his son are still kings. However, your other family members were not taking care of their assigned people. Don’t worry, I’m not trying to replace them with my own.” Wendy said.

“As for your citizens themselves, they are traumatized with their experience by Al Bastion. Most of them had died and it pains them to remember it... Even I remembered the feeling of getting shredded to pieces... I’m making a program to help people‘s mental state. The therapists I‘ve hired will be scheduled throughout tomorrow, or however long the people need.” Mille said.

“What happened when everyone showed up here?” Silver asked.

“While you were asleep, The people who have died teleported with their body and souls separated but tethered in a way. It was strange. They were not in it, but they couldn’t go away from the body either.” Mille said.

“Oh? How does it normally work?” Silver questioned.

“In a normal death situation. The soul lingers and waits while the healer heals the body, before placing the soul back inside. Otherwise, the soul would leave the body again, due to being in a dead body.” Mille said.

“Which would be a wasted resurrection. A dead body can’t contain a soul. I’ve seen this before, you only get one shot...” Wendy said.

“Yes. Some healers know how to preserve the body, though. When it came to your resurrection, it was a bit different. We still had to heal each other. However, the spell linked the body and soul together. Meaning the healers didn’t have to rush or preserve. They comfortably healed everyone with the spell which was hours versus minutes. (Normal resurrection is about 10 minutes before cool-downs) The people were well organized during the healing session. Dead healers came first, of course.” Mille said.

“Do they remember their time outside of their body?” Silver asked.

“They do... The ghosts that were parents had to calm the children down...” Mille said.

“I see... Thank you Mille, the only ones I can really count on are you and Wendy... I may end up with only two women. That’s another reason I’ve called for you Maidens.” Silver said. Then looked at Jennifer. “How are things on your end? Did you get the ghost in check?”

“Things are going slowly... They are registered, but they don’t know if they want to follow you... The same with the soul-walkers.” Jennifer said.

“Jennifer, I want you to know I’ve never had an issue with you. My father told me you have been trying. But if you cannot get them to cooperate with the flag or the ones who are in charge of it. Then I will have to get someone else to do it. I will not tolerate my citizens trying to start a Civil War... They will be cut before that happens. Tell them if they can’t follow the flag then get out of it. It’s really that simple.” Silver said.

“I will try...” Jennifer said.

“Sigh. Mille, Wendy, handle that for her!” Silver yelled.

“Wait! I said I can do it!” Jennifer said.

“No, you didn’t! Why do you want to be an Empress, Jennifer? I told you I would ask this again. Do you even know?!” Silver questioned.

“I want to help them because they are lost! I care about them!” Jennifer said.

“My official order has already been given. They will help you. I will tell them to try and let you handle it. However, if things don’t go as planned, they will take over. I am losing my patience with you. If you can’t do the job that you have set for yourself. Then I will no longer trust you to do it.” Silver said.

“Okay, okay! Just give me time!” Jennifer said.

“You have until tonight. This doesn’t go only for you, Jennifer. After tonight, there will be massive actions going on. The people are not the only ones upset about what happened. I want results! Words mean nothing to me!” Silver said.

“Hmm? Is that why you’ve called for us?” Wendy asked.

“In a way, yes. By the end of the votes for you ladies, and when things are done. There will be only Head Empress, Co-Empress, two lesser Empresses, and five maidens. I don’t want to have over 60 of you! I think that’s too many! Ala and Renee are the only ones who won’t be cut. Ala has been with me my whole life. Renee is like a benefactor. Don't worry they won't be considered as Empress or Maidens, they are not interested in politics.” Silver voiced.

Renee was a poor woman, all she wants to do is fuck and shop forever. Ala only wants to fight and kill, maybe fuck and watch when she can.

The Maidens looked at each other, they didn’t know they were on borrowed time.

“That’s right, eat up! After today, I am going to cut 10! The day after, 20! I will keep cutting out unnecessary Maidens until all is done! Jennifer, don’t be the one eliminated because of the ghosts! Get rid of the non-flag members! If they don’t want to stay, don’t get taken down with them!” Silver yelled.

“Who’s in the lead?” Wendy asked.

“That will cost you a coin to review the current votes.” Silver said.

“That’s fine, I have 36 of those special coins you gave us,” Wendy smirked.

“What! How did you get so many?! Did you cheat?!” Mary said.

“By getting votes, as Silver told us to do. I’m not cheating, I assure you. I did the work that’s allowed and according to the rules.” Wendy said.

“That sounds a lot like cheating!” Olivia, a dark elf said.

Like the other dark elfin. She had grayish skin. Although, she had green hair. The outfit was barely called a dress, it was dark blue and a short robe like a loincloth.

“She did every way you can to get a vote... Including getting them from me.” Silver said while giving Wendy a list.

Wendy smiled as she looked at it.

“Please tell them who’s winning.” Wendy chuckled.

Silver rolled her eyes and said. “She’s in the lead... then Mille and Megan.”

“Huh?! How?! I can understand Wendy. What did the other two do?!” Mary said.

“Yes! I’d worked really hard with the ghost! What place am I at?” Jennifer asked. She wanted to be an Empress and not a Maiden.

“I am sure I mentioned you need votes, Jennifer. The ghosts are following you, but they don’t count if they’re not going to register as a voter. We do everything by the law here. As I mentioned, words mean nothing.” Silver didn’t like repeating herself and she avoided the question on purpose.

“I understand...” Jennifer said.

“Do you really...?” Silver asked slowly. “You didn’t make any ghost, a king. You need organization within their ranks.”

“You’re mother said that too, but that means they would have to see you as a ruler... That part is the problem...” Jennifer said.

“Which is why you’re getting help. I am not punishing you. You win the chance of being a Maiden by votes. It’s not, rather or not another Maiden helps you. I want a clean fight. If one of you betray another? That will deduct points from you!” Silver said. “The purpose of this test is to see who can do their fucking jobs! If I have to come and help you girls, all you have to do is ask! But that would defeat the whole purpose if I do everything for you! If this was up to me and my opinions! You wouldn’t like what I would do with people who don't follow the laws. I am giving you an opportunity to do it your way... Don’t you see that..? Would you like another demonstration of how I would handle things?”

“No! They didn’t like it! I didn’t like it...” Jennifer said.

“Fine, but give me results! You’re completely free to do it your way, but I want progress! This goes for all of you girls! I am not a good person. Nor do I claim to be! I won’t handle a situation with a pretty bow! I am giving you girls an opportunity here! Not only prove yourselves but do it your way! This is why you want to be an empress, right?! To make a difference through your eyes! You can want to make a change all you want, but to actually do it takes work! Jennifer, you now see what I have been going through?! It’s a lot of responsibility, hard work, and your duties should come before your friends! If I have to make enemies in order to keep everyone safe! Then dammit, that’s the fucking thing I’m gonna do!” Silver yelled.

The whole room was quiet. Except for Wendy and Mille, who was casually eating. Those two already know all this.

Silver returned to her eating. There was no more talking. Some of the Maidens got up to leave. They had determination and something else in their eyes. For some of them, it was passion, for the others, Silver didn’t know.

For one thing was for sure, they wanted to do the tasks they’ve set for themselves. They thought about asking Wendy. However, Silver was right. Did they really deserve to be an Empress? Especially if they can’t handle their personal goals?

Jennifer ate for a bit then went out the door. Mille and Wendy didn’t join her. They gave her time. Also like Silver said, the point of the Maidens ranks was to not step on each other's toes. Be helpful, not hateful.

Some Maidens remained with Silver.

“You’re not wrong, Silver. We can all agree that what happened with Al Bastion is something not to laugh at...” Diana said. “To be honest, you turned me on. You remind me of Wendy. No wonder why she really likes you.”

“I have something to ask though.” Edith, the light elf said. Her golden tattoos were seen even under her dress. “Us elfin are not humans. Do you have a place for us in your bed...? I have brought 100 elves as your mother asked...”

Silver doesn’t recognize her, but they’ve met before.

“Yes! We are maidens, and you haven’t even looked at us... We may have some races that are in your flag. Do they get a say so in your laws?” Olivia, the dark elf said.

“You women are my Maidens because your kings sold you. The question you should be asking yourselves. Do you belong here? If you believe that you do, fight for the right to stay. If you have people in my flag then you’re free to help them the way you want. Don’t let your race stop you from making a change.” Silver said.

“Good, that’s what I want to hear! For too long, dark elves were sought as terrible creatures. At first, it was for good reason... However, we have changed but the world still hates us... We had to fight in other people's wars for just food...” Olivia said.

“Why the hate?” Silver asked.

“We have an unnatural breeding cycle, you see...” Olivia said.

“The dark elfin are compared to goblins. If a goblin has sex with a human, then that human‘s baby will be a full goblin. The dark ones are the same. They even eat the weaker ones.” Nayu, the mixed-blood elf said. She still wears a covering over herself.

“Our culture is not friendly, but I am not like that. My soldiers are not like that.” Olivia said.

“I am both light and dark. I can admit that I still feel the need to... Umm... never mind! Forget I said anything!” Nayu said.

“You're both?! Why do you hide? You are a miracle, most offspring from both, die. They are seen as weak. This is a blessing!” Olivia said.

“I AM WEAK... I don't have strong magic like a light elf and I don't have the drive like a dark elf. The two races just don't mix well...” Nayu said.

“It’s fine! What my ancestors told me is, they prematurely did things. The more your breed, the stronger your bloodline will be through your children. You are a Maiden, yes? Silver’s cum can strengthen your cycle.” Olivia said.

“Good, I love to fuck all types of women! Do you need anything else from me to help with your cause?” Silver asked.

“There are not many of my kind in your flag. I want more! I’m not gonna ask outside tribes to join. They are not exactly evolved yet. I am asking you to breed me and my handmaidens only...” Olivia said slowly.

“No! Silver can have sex with them but not breed them! Empresses or Maidens only! I’m okay with you and the mixed breed, but no handmaidens!” Mary said.

“You won’t do it?” Olivia asked Silver.

“I will do it! But why me? Can your handmaids fuck a male dark elf?” Silver said.

“Silver! No! Dark elfin breeding outweighs the human’s genes. The kids will always be mostly dark elves! The mixed blood is an exception because light elves' blood is strong compared to a dark elf!” Mary said.

“Is that why elves feel humans are weak? Because of our DNA?” Silver asked.

“Yes, actually,” Edith said.

“Most of us are eunuch... Even if they still have their cocks. The high-elves had placed magic on our dicks. For centuries we can’t breed like we use to. There used to be thousands of us. Of course, back then. We used their women to breed with everything, but we have moved past that... I completely understand how other people have no taste for us...” Olivia said.

“Okay, I will break the spell on their dicks on the condition. They must sign a contract preventing them from going back into their dark ways.” Silver said.

“Deal! We are grateful for this!” Olivia said.

“Good! So that means Silver doesn’t have to have sex with you or your handmaidens.” Mary said.

“No! Actually I still want that! I want her to fuck us all!” Olivia said.

“Why?! The problem has been solved!” Mary said.

“Us dark ones believe getting a stronger sperm is key for our child’s health... It would be a great honor to be bred by Silver.” Olivia said.

“What?! What kind of thinking is that?!” Mary yelled.

“Actually, us light ones feel the same way... We are just very proud of a race to include other races. I’d like for Silver to give me strong children as well.” Edith said.

“I... want that too...” Nayu said softly. Not wanting to be left out.

“Yes, and they would technically be royalty as well! So no! As I said, maidens are fine, but you can't expect her to breed every elf! There will be too many of them to claim the throne!” Mary yelled.

“Why do you always have to protest against these things, Mary?” Silver said.

“I didn’t say anything, Silver. But I agree with Mary.” Wendy said.

“I also agree... I’m only saying to breed my sister and I.” Edith said. “The dark ones killed a bunch of my kind... and their breeding was pretty bad...”

“I understand everyone’s fears, but we are a dying race. Admittedly, I’m doing this so we won’t become extinct... You don’t have to breed us all... Even if I want you to...” Olivia said.

“I am completely fine with all of them. You’re only allowed to have 10 handmaidens at a time for me to fuck. Just swap them out! However, make sure they are loyal women and good at sucking a dick.” Silver said.

“Yes! When you bought me, you also purchased 28 dark ones from my kingdom. I have my reasons I didn’t tell you and your people. I am the king and not a princess... I sold my entire Kingdom.” Olivia said.

Silver looked at her? She had nice tits and they looked real.

“You have a dick?” Silver finally said.

“Ah! I forget how ignorant human’s knowledge is about us. They think that every race breeds the same way as them. Over the centuries, dark elves gain attributes from our parents. Sometimes that includes body parts, we are considered both male-female. I don’t have a dick, myself, though. Just in other things. We all can be bred, dick, or no. This is how we survived all of these years by adapting.” Olivia said.

“Alright, when do y'all want to start?” Silver asked.

“Now! As soon as possible! I don't care about the votes and Empress. You can have me only as a breeder for all I care. Give me children.” Olivia smiled.

“Fine, who do I start with?” Silver asked.

“You will start with me and them.” Olivia Gestured towards her handmaidens. “When we breed more, you can breed your growing girls!”

“Ewww! No! Not with her own children!” Mary yelled.

“I can agree on that one!” Silver nodded.

“It’s quite natural for us dark elves, but if that is how you feel then I will respect it,” Olivia said.

“Well then, it’s settled! You other Maidens can go talk to your people, and try to get them to vote for you.” Silver said.

“What are you going to do? Your not fucking now are you?” Wendy asked.

“I can, but not yet. I want to check on my citizens. To be honest, I am slightly worried about their mental state due to their deaths. As a former soldier, I understand the problems revolving around that...” Silver said.

“What? Did you go crazy after someone died on a battlefield with you?” Wendy asked.

“Ummm... Nothing anyone could prove... But I did take my parent's deaths pretty hard... I had my revenge. I just don't want my citizens to find their revenge and get innocents killed.” Silver said.

“I understand,” said Wendy. She thought about saying she could handle the people on her own. However, she rather not let Silver have sex with dark elves right now. She will cock-block for as long she can. She feared spreading Dark Elves everywhere... What if Silver breeds thousands of them?! “I will go with you. We will help the people cope with their death.”

Wendy tried to sound sincere. Silver smiled at Wendy, it seems her bait worked.

“I can build a booth to talk with the people! That way I can fuck without them seeing me! Olivia, bring pillows! You will take my dick all day!” Silver shouted.

“Excellent! I can’t wait to have your strong sperm!” Olivia expressed.

She was pleased. Wendy, Edith, Mary, and others were not.

“Silver, can you bed her tonight?” If you wait and breed only maidens for now. Your women will plan a schedule amongst us. Olivia can come first, then me. We will go from there. You want us to get along, yes? Breed your Maidens only... It wouldn't be fair if we work hard for you and you ignore us.” Wendy voiced, hoping to quail Silver’s lust for dark elfin.

Silver thought of Wendy's words.

“Fine! I still want my dick sucked!” Silver declared.

“Thank you, Silver! Your mother said you can be difficult, but I am glad you are willing to be reasonable.” Wendy said.

“Will you stop me from ever having sex?” Silver questioned.

“Absolutely not! I have no intention of keeping you down! Just don’t want you to breed thousands of kids!” Wendy voiced.

“Yes! That’s too many!” Mary said.

“That isn't mine! I want 20! I’ll be your head bitch! Our kids will be the top overall! You will also fuck me more when I have the time!” Wendy added.

“What?! You can’t be serious!” Mary yelled.

“I am!” Wendy stated.

“Deal!” Silver exclaimed.

Mary sighed loudly as she threw her hands up. Dealing with Silver was so stressful.


{On the fairy island, battlefield}

The army has taken over about 27% of the island. As the soldiers claimed the land. The citizens built townhouses. A castle was built for Silver.

Silver never told her people to make a Kingdom on this island. She suspects it has something to do with Wendy demanding the kings to work harder. As the soldiers pushed the enemy, the workers chopped down trees. Other materials like ore were used to build more of the island.

The empire had lots of ships just in case they needed to get out of the dungeon quickly. Teleportation was disabled within an active dungeon.

Auly had a new plan she was working on. The assault on the dungeon was going well. She already gave the army her ideas to move forward. Although the progress was stable, Auly felt there could be improvements.

She stood in front of all of the Generals. Auly wanted to meet and show them the projects she made with others. They were near a giant dome-like structure. The Generals assumes this is one of the many projects her development team was still working on.

“T-Thank you all for coming! As you all know! I've not helped directly with you all during the attack! My team and I have been working hard on something else!” Auly said to her Generals.

One of each General members was present. Silver’s Army, Ormshire, Poulum (Theodore‘s Kingdom, formerly owned by Roton), Narid ( Emmett’s Kingdom, AKA Emily.) Heaseon (Reyes’s Kingdom, one of Auly’s personas). Despite Silver having other Kings and Queens, they didn't possess an official Kingdom. However, they do have their own representatives.

Poulum and Narid once had a functioning Army. Unfortunately, Roton destroyed Emmett's military. He made sure they wouldn't rise up against him ever again. This doesn't mean he killed them all, but they wouldn't challenge him again either. Roton had his way to dispirit them, which was a problem even now. The Silver Empire welcomed them into the army, but they are too scared to fight. As for Roton’s former Kingdom itself. The Empire had to cut a lot of them out due to them being faithful to Roton. This was why both Poulum and Narid Kingdoms didn't have a stable force.

King Theodore (Silver’s uncle), had his own men before all of this. Being in a war family, Silver had many members transferred to different weak armies to fill the gaps. Even [The Broken] and others were spread throughout the military. Over the next few weeks, there will be a lot of drafting to fill.

The Silver Kingdom technically didn't have a King. Because Silver is now an Emperor. She no longer has a use for a devoted army to only her. Silver had the entire flag to do so.

The Grand Kingdom of Xeleoha will be the Silver Kingdom’s new name. Silver’s women want an Emperor’s Palace instead.

When Auly observed the Generals. Even their uniforms were mismatched and all over the place. Except for Ormshire, the only organized army.

Auly was nervously fiddling with her dress as she walked near them.

“Um-Umm... Well! With that been said! I am hoping we can save everyone in this fight with... Umm... No one is getting hurt!” Auly babbled.

She started having a hard time breathing.

(They don't care what you have to say, your ideas are going to fail anyway! You are not going to make them happy with you, Auly!!)

“Umm... I.. Well... I need to explain... more... That-..” Auly murmured. It was getting harder for them to understand her.

The Generals stood there watching as Auly struggled to speak, eventually, she stopped trying. She wants to do this and look strong. But the more she saw them watch her, the more it made her nervous.

“My Rory, I’ll take it from here.” A man with glasses said. He had short red-hair, and his skin was brown. “My name is Colonel Ruffian Coin. I’m Emperor Silver’s adopted brother. I’m in charge of The Turtle Program.”

“No! I called it, The Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration Base!” A woman exclaimed. She had golden locks of hair, and had fair skin. One would say she’s gorgeous. Her outfit was a dress with a lab coat over it.

“And I told you that’s too long!” Colonel Ruffian yelled.

“Are you two referring to this big city?” General Matthew asked while gesturing to the big dome. He belongs to Ormshire’s force.

“Yes sir, it's like a moving city. We’ll use it to aid our field troops. Rory Auly wanted a portable base for when they needed us. We don't have teleportation capabilities. So, without the troops falling completely back. Our main goal is to meet them halfway. It has resting quarters among other things. The workers have dubbed the name ‘Turtle’, because of the shell.” Col. Ruffian explained.

“Auly said I could name it, and it’s called; The Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration Base!” The woman yelled again.

“Yes! But that's too long! She only okayed it because she was being nice!” Col. Ruffian boomed at the woman. “Science Officer Anita! I understand you want to name things! You may think your names are cool, but they are too fucking long! What if we’re in combat?! Do you want us to say, ‘get in The Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration Base!’ Every time?! The name, Turtle, may not be glamorous to you! But ‘The Turtle’, gets to the point!”

“FINE! I’ll make my own thing and name it! The Turtle sounds stupid! My names are amazing!” S. O. Anita said.

Col. Ruffian sighed loudly then spoke to the Generals. “As you can see, we've been working hard to make this work... The turtle is not only made for combat, but for protection. Auly felt bad when the people died by Bastion. We are thinking of ways for him, or people like him, cannot attack us again. Our team consists of scientists, magic, and iron Specialist Officers. We also call them S. O.”

“Okay, so how does this moving base work?” General Nedasea asked, she was Wendy’s daughter. Wendy placed her as a General of the Grand Kingdom of Xeleoha, (formerly known as the Silvers Kingdom).

Nedasea had wavy blue hair, and just like her mother, she's thirsty for knowledge. Jeffrey and Zara, Nedasea’s siblings, are smart like their mother. However, Jeffrey and Zara were lazy like Silver.

“With Rory's doll skills, she can move things on its own. We took her and other magic users' skills, and placed them inside of a rune! This is how we integrated skills into the machines. We have land and air devices for the army's uses!” S. O. Anita said.

“Okay, but what is the point of all this? Aren't we practicing how to work as a unit? Why rely on this contraption?” King Theodore asked. “I expect Russ to disregard the need for a true battle, but I thought you were different, Auly... I taught you better than this... Where’s your honor?”

“Wait!? It’s not that I'm trying to dishonor-!” R. Auly started.

“There’s no honor in dying by a Guardian-powered Bastion either! But here we are! Sir!” Col. Ruffian voiced and cut Auly off. “Sorry Sir, but we can’t stay in hiding forever, nor do I want to! You may not approve of Emperor Silver’s methods. However, she approved of this project! So out of respect, I'ma have to disagree. We will follow the orders of our Emperor. She loves the project and we'll continue the programs whether people like it or not.”

“I see, if this is the demand of the Emperor, I will accept whatever the Emperor chooses...” King Theodore frowned.

“This is not a bad thing. The human body is flawed,” S. O. Anita interjected. “These contraptions, you call them, are not replacements for the men. The purpose of all the inventions is to enhance their jobs, only. It's no different from having a sword or a ship. We will fight things that we don't understand. So therefore we must expand our minds accordingly.”

“I understand, and you're right... Like Russ warned, we may not get another chance with the next attack.” King Theodore relented.

“‘Don’t wait for the world to get better, you're going to waste the time you have.’ You said that and ‘The only real mistakes are the ones we learn nothing from.’” Col. Ruffian quoted.

“I said these things to my children. Maybe Auly, once or so. However, you and I never met. Did Auly tell you what I said?” King Theodore questioned.

“I can't really explain it, but I am something you’d call a persona. I'm a real manifestation of Auly’s past. I have learned a number of things from you, Sir.” Col. Ruffian said.

“Wait, you're not real?” King Theodore asked with a shocked face.

“Life is not given to us, we earn it by living it with our best efforts.” Col. Ruffian quoted.

“‘A man is only as real if he can fight for what he believes in.’ Wow, it would seem Auly held my words, dear. I didn't approve of him wearing a dress, but he had so much more potential than Russ. Okay, we will talk more about what I've shown him. I am curious.” King Theodore said.

“It’s ‘her’, Sir... I may be an abstract of your old teachings, but I never understood why you and many others never changed. Auly has always been a girl. This is who she is even more so than before. I would respectfully request that you learn to use she/her instead of referring to Auly as a male. Sir!” Col. Ruffian frowned.

King Theodore frowned back, but he gave a very slight nod.

Auly herself was so embarrassed with the entire exchange. She wanted to run away because they were talking about her! Auly feels she's causing problems again...

“Okay, enough about that! Let’s start the tour!” S. O. Anita said between them. “I want to start with transportation. We don't have horses for everyone, but we build these metal carts with Auly’s doll skills. We used her ability to accelerate the back of the wheels. The cart is guided by a steering wheel at the front of the cart! Soldiers don’t have to walk unless it’s necessary! These, Land Motion Traveling Accelerated Speed Carts, are stored inside of The Mega-!” S. O. Anita said.

“Turtle! And just call them land machines, auto carts, or cars!” Col. Ruffian interrupted.

“Cars?! What a lame name! Your names are stupid!” S. O. Anita criticized.

“We will speak of this matter later, S. O. We are losing daylight and I don't want to fall behind in schedule. Let us finish the tour...” Col. Ruffian stated.

The Generals were confused about these new inventions they were shown. The cars were faster than a horse. The Land Motion Traveling Accelerated Speed Carts, were on the first floor of the, Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration Base!

While inside the portable HQ base. They walked towards a metal door and it opened up to a small room. From what the Generals could tell, it was a dead end. The room didn't seem to have a purpose. However, R. Auly, Col. Ruffian, and S. O. Anita stepped inside.

“Don't worry, The Levitating Lift Platform will go slow. This is how we get to each floor without stairs. We have five floors in all, so let's GO!” S. O. Anita said as if her words were self-explanatory.

The Generals proceeded in the empty room.

“AHHH!” One of the Generals yelled as the metal door closed.

“As I said before, we're on a schedule. We’ll keep the tour brief. The floor we came from was level 1, for storage. The next floor is level 2, the sleeping quarters and cafeteria is built there. We’ll skip level 3, for that is top secret. Because level 4 is the headquarters itself. We will go straight up to level 5 and end the tour on level 4 afterward.” Col. Ruffian said as Auly pushed the level 5 button.

The levitator slowly went up. It didn't move agonizingly slow, it felt gentle.

“All of this is Intriguing me. I want to learn more about the making of it all.” Gen. Nedasea said.

“Oh, I’d love to talk more about what we’re up to! However, I can’t... Because we're not sure if the fairies are eavesdropping. We are keeping inventions from listening ears. If you truly want to know, you would first be tested. We need to know if you're a spy. After that, you can get clearance for our top-secret projects!”

“What?! You don't trust us?!” Gen. Matthew asked.

“Sir, we are in a Dungeon we know nothing about. Fairies are known for illusions and tricks. It matters not if we trust you. Don't be so quick to judge us. We are making sure if you're real. Unless you have something to hide?” Col. Ruffian said.

“Huh?! Of course not!” Gen. Matthew said.

“Very good, Sir! As the commander of Turtle, I have the authority to detain suspicious individuals. Regardless of rank, Sir.” Col. Ruffian said with a stare. The Colonel's look was almost threatening.

Gen. Matthew frowned as the door opened to level 5.

As they walked on the top floor, they noticed a difference within the dome itself. The bottom was mostly metal, as the dome goes up, partially metal. The very top wasn’t metal at all. It was a magic barrier around the top of the dome. The Generals were simultaneously shocked, confused, and a bunch of other things.

“This floor houses our High Flying Propulsion Machines! We used Hanna's wing abilities and attached runes. These devices are for flight! Other abilities are added for firepower, how much is top secret for now.” S. O. Anita said.

“Because no one knows how to fly these aircraft, this project is on hold. We have two types as of now. One is built for speed, that is a one-passenger seat. The other one can hold two passengers in the front, and the back is for carrying items, cars, and personnel.” Col. Ruffian said.

“All of this seems dangerous to me... Why can’t we have men use the stones? Can we give a soldier flight without these machines?” King Theodore asked. “Excuse my old ways, but I just don't understand...”

“Well, as I mentioned before. The human body has limits. Runes, spells, or whatever else we use. It takes mana or stamina, some take both. Let's say you use a stone for flying and a stone for shooting. For every projectile you fire, it will take your own energy. Once you burn out during battle. The enemy can take advantage of you. However, when it comes to these machines. Our soldiers aren't burning self resources. With runes, someone can use the individual skills without the wielder knowing that skill, but it still comes with a cost. The machines are only something to hold the power without a major backlash to the human body.” S. O. Anita said.

“Other words these machines will co-exist with the army. Not take over.” Col. Ruffian stated.

“But didn’t you say that Auly gave them life with her doll skills? I read her skills with my scan ability, I know how {Doll} works.” Gen. Nedasea said.

“We cut out some functions when it comes to the machines, don’t worry.” Col. Ruffian said.

“Oh, I’d like to check for myself... I worry about everything... They could think of ways to kill us...” Gen. Nedasea said.

“Yeah, but living machines?! Sure, they can move with Auly's skills. Sure, she can set down a path for them with her abilities. In a sense, they are moving objects with doll skills. But them actually thinking like humans?! Hahahaha! That's not going to happen! They are only a shell!” S. O. Anita yelled. “I’ll tell you what, I will have safeguards just in case!”

“I will watch you do it. I want to make sure!” Gen. Nedasea said.

“Okay! Sure!” S. O. Anita said.

“Anyway, let us move to floor 4, I will show you our headquarters stations. I just received word that the turtle is loaded up and ready to go.” Col. Ruffian said.

As they proceeded to floor 4. They saw all the gizmos and buttons the different stations had. The captain seat is in the middle, and the working stations are at the front. A window section was there to see outside of the, Mega Shell Fortress Acceleration BASE! (Base! Base... base....(Echoes continues).

Silver hopes Auly and her team will come up with something. Maybe one day the Empire will strike back!

A person on the captain’s seat noticed the tour group and walked towards them.

“This is Lieutenant Colonel Terry, my First Officer. She will show you to your room. If you have any questions, ask her.” Col. Ruffian said.

Lt. Col. Terry was a purple-haired lady. She had strange hand cannons on her holster.

“Why does she have pirate weapons?” Gen. Nedasea said.

“Well, if they can have them, then so can we. These girls are infused by magic. Each gun has 30 rounds when Pirates can shoot only one.” Lt. Col. Terry said while holding a pistol.

Mira walked to Auly, she waited in the HQ for Auly to finish her tour. Auly wanted to do it herself without any help. However, Auly can’t believe she wasn't able to guide the tour... She felt so useless!

(This is why you should die!)

Her breathing started getting lighter again.

“Captain Mira! Please take Miss Auly to her room! She's tired!” Col. Ruffian yelled.

“Come Auly, let’s go!” Mira said.

She understood his code words for, Auly was having a panic attack.

As Auly and Mira walked away, several people in the command center were holding their heads in pain.

“Are you all okay?! What just happened?” King Theodore asked.

Some personnel was on the floor. The Colonel was still standing but struggled to do so.

“We are fine, it’s just something us personas have.” Col. Ruffian said. “Everyone! On your feet and activate the turtle!”

There has been a lot going on in my life, but I do apologize for the delay. I try to make sure if the page is ready before I send it.

After reading a very good book even though some parts are triggering to me. Because of the book, I decided to come clean with my family about me being Bi. I didn't think they were going to take it well and I was right. I'm happy I finally told them. They don't treat me differently, they just don't approve. They believe this is a phase... They say I’ll just get over it...

My GF and I are traps and ‘normal’ people won’t understand.

Someone asked me why a lot of people dictate Russ's behavior. It’s because that's how I see society in general. When they think that you should do something their way. If you don’t, you're not living life correctly. A lot of this book's content is based on things that I've been through. Even the kicked out part. My family doesn't see eye to eye on things… They believe I am just being rebellious. They won't see me the way I want to be, only the way they want me to be.

Anyway! I will try to get the next chapter out by next week. Maybe a little longer. On top of what I said, I have found out that my girlfriend has the Coronavirus the same day. I'm just learning to deal with things.

I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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