Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 44: Warnings

{Silver’s chamber}

Wishlist cleared her throat after she told her story. Of course, she didn’t tell the full tale. She has been wronged in the past. She has trouble trusting anymore. Lavender and Kilo weren’t bad guardians, she just didn't know how to feel about them.

“So you granted a wish that turned thousands of male guardians to female. They demanded you to change them back, then they vowed to attack your followers after your refusal. You, in return, retaliated with several more wishes to make their lives worse. Am I correct?” Lavender stated.

“Pretty much... It’s a really long story, but that’s more or less what happened.” Wishlist confirmed with a nod.

“And where did I come in? I had several reincarnations, right? How did I get involved with this mess?” Silver asked.

“You are one of my followers. You were always able to draw life force for me. I need it to make wishes. Everything you did, benefited me greatly. Even when you didn’t mean to. Without you, I wouldn’t be strong today. You’re technically my champion but not exactly. Every time you reincarnated. I’d had to make your new life a champion. I eventually stopped doing that to hide you better. You’re better off getting another Guardian. I don’t want them to find us again...” Wishlist voiced.

“Why don’t we know you? Lavender and I have never heard any of this. I would have also heard about a reincarnating human.” Kilo said.

“The topic is more complicated than the question itself. The best answer is I wished those other guardians couldn’t bother us. I cannot control what happens after the wish. Even simple wishes can go strange. Other guardians can still find us just like you two did. Silver can be killed due to being human and you know she will be reincarnated. The next part is where it gets really weird... that is what makes us untouchable in a way.” Wishlist went quiet.

The room went silent waiting on her to finish her speech.

“Well?!” Silver yelled.

“I don’t want to give up our weakness, Silver!” Wishlist yelled back.

“As we told you! We will not harm you or Silver! I understand your reluctance, but we will not betray you!” Kilo said.

“Yeah, right! You tell your girls my secrets all the time!” Silver yelled.

“What?! They are like my family! They won’t tell anyone!” Kilo screamed.

“Kilo, you are a good person. You just need to know when to shut the fuck up!” Silver pointed.

“Silver! Do you really expect me to keep a secret from my girls?!” Kilo asked.

“Yes, or get out!” Silver yelled.

Kilo frowned. “When it comes to you, I won’t tell anyone your secrets...”

Silver’s eyes narrowed to Kilo.

“Okay, all I will say is this. You can’t remember us in the new life. Let’s just say even if you did know who we are now. The next life won’t be connected.” Wishlist said. She was being very cryptic.

“What does that mean?” Kilo asked.

“I’ve already said too much. However, I can tell you this. Silver‘s lovers and children are the only ones who can join us. If they wish to do so anyway.” Wishlist said.

“How many does she have?” Lavender asked.

“Technically she has three children. Tess, me, and a past life child named Arthur. Silver hated children most of her other lives. She always likes to have sex and other traits you know about her.” Wishlist said. Note, Wishlist only identifies as Silver’s child by her human body. “Anyway! Enough chit-chat! These conversations are starting to bore me! I need time to trust you two more! Additionally, her lovers asked me not to say their identities or how many.”

“Okay, what are you planning to do?” Lavender asked.

“As you said before, we are hidden. Therefore I want to explore outside of Silver. Unlike her, I love shopping. I’ll catch you all later!” Wishlist said.

“What should we call you? You don't seem to be interested in telling us your true name, do you?” Kilo asked.

“I’m the daughter of Silver Coin. My name will be known as Platinum! Platinum Coin!” Plat said.

Without knocking, people with fancy clothing came in. They had tuxedos for the men, lovely dresses for the women. They lined up besides Platinum.

“Who are they?” Silver asked.

“I am royalty, so therefore I need attendance, mother!” Plat said. “Toodles everybody! I love to look good, and I don’t get this many opportunities!”

Plat went to hug her mother with a kiss on the head, then fled with her new servants. She wanted to escape from any more questions. Lavender and Kilo are too nosey…

Through the system, you can add or take away someone’s jobs pretty quickly. It makes life very easy for royalties. They don’t even have to know the person beforehand. You can look inside of the flag, see who’s suitable for your needs, pick them with no hassle.

“If that is all. I suppose we will take our leave as well.” Lavender voiced.

“Before you two go. I have one thing to ask. Have you told anyone about Bastion yet?” Silver asks.

“No, we haven’t. We came straight here when we found out.” Lavender responded.

“Okay, good.” Silver said. “Kilo, I have a request to ask you.”

“Anything, what’s the matter?” Kilo asked.

“Can you please wait on telling anyone about Bastion? At least for a little while.” Silver said.

“Why?! I think they should know sooner than later. What if he attacks us?” Kilo frowned.

“You said he was limited, what did you mean?” Silver asked.

“As you know, we guardians have rules. Not just for us but for our followers as well. The power he displayed before is still there. He simply can’t do whatever he wants with it. He can still destroy kingdoms and things he has already done. The only thing that is truly different, he now works completely for his guardian. As I mentioned we can’t help mortals. A champion is like an extension of our hands. They can be lords and have perks. We can take care of followers through our champions. They’re just very limited on other things. Every guardian's limitations are different. I can’t give you a straight answer about his Guardian.” Kilo said. “Did Platinum ask you to do something for her?”

Silver took out her silver coin. “My true Guardian said my purpose was to give her life force for her wishes. Apparently, I have been doing this for a long time. If my lives were similar to now. She hasn't really asked me to do anything more than that or make her body.“

“I see, that makes sense. A good guardian will only ask the minimum of their followers. We ask for the things we need and nothing more.” Kilo said.

“What about you?” Silver asked while putting her coin away.

Kilo shifted oddly. “I... need... I don’t feel comfortable telling you...”

“Oh, come on! You want me to tell you my secrets, but you can’t do the same?!” Silver yelled.

“I eat... things. Silver, it’s embarrassing!” Kilo exclaimed.

“It's someone’s burden, isn’t it?! That’s why you need to know my problems! You feed off it! I see you smile every time I feel down. Your daughter Despair can’t eat from me, but you do it. Don’t you?!” Silver said.

Kilo looked shocked. “Silver, don’t say it like that! I’m not evil! I... just... I will literally die without it! The weight of pain, suffering, and despair. My daughters also have to eat! They can’t go off and get these things. It could cause others pain. I have to give it to them or they will die!”

“Show me how you eat.” Silver said.

“Silver, no! It’s disgusting!” Kilo said.

“I will tell others!” Silver said.

“Don’t tell anyone! Especially my girls! Please?!” Kilo pleaded.

“Then let me see you eat my problems! Every time we are alone, I mean. You can save some for your girls if you want.” Silver said.

“Okay... can I eat directly from you? Because I secretly do this... I haven’t done this to any of my girls...” Kilo said.

“Okay,” Silver nodded.

Kilo looked towards her brother who was still standing next to her, she didn’t want to do this in front of him.

“I can take a hint. I don’t need to be here for this. Bye, Silver.” Lavender said.

When he left, Kilo went to Silver with a tongue kiss. Silver wasn’t sure what was happening, but she grabbed on to Kilo’s breast.

(I have trouble loving someone. I want to fuck you, Kilo. You have always been my crush! Everybody hates me so I hate them back!)

“What the hell?!” Silver yelled.

Silver was randomly speaking secrets without actually saying it.

“Too much...? We can stop...” Kilo licked her lips.

“How did it taste?” Silver asked.

“Don’t ask me that! You sound condescending!” Kilo said.

“You heard how I felt! I have a right to know if you liked it!” Silver yelled.

Kilo sobbed. “It tasted very good! Far superior than eating it from afar! I hate that I'm this way! I’m not evil, don’t look down upon me!”

“I didn’t! Why are you crying?” Silver said.

“I’m not! These are your tears!” Kilo cried.

“I don’t cry...” Silver said incredulously.

“I take more than your words. I eat your true feelings. You are crying! You want to be loved!” Kilo yelled.

“No, I’m not! And no I don’t! Whatever! We are done here!” Silver yelled back.

“Wait! Can I have more for my children?! I want them to eat directly from you if you don’t mind.” Kilo questioned.

“Sure...” Silver said.

“Really?! They will have to join the flag to come.” Kilo said.


”Thank you, Silver!”

After her two other daughters joined the flag. All three of her girls appeared in the room. Despair tongues were ready to lick.

Pain had scars all over her body. She was very tall and thin.

Suffering was tied up and confined. She was quite thick.

“Girls we will not hurt her, only eat. Go easy on her. Suffering you can go first.” Kilo said.

“I don’t have all day! Y’all can come together.” Silver said.

Kilo shook her head. “Silver, we never fed on one person together before. It’s not a good idea.”

The other guardians didn’t seem to care, they all attacked Silver.

Suffering lightly wrapped something on Silver and ate from her body. She didn’t physically eat the skin or anything. Like Kilo, it was her feelings.

Before Silver knew it, the other guardians including Kilo couldn’t resist the urge to eat. Silver felt Pain, Suffering, Despair, and Burden all at once. Their mouths grew huge as they ate.

(You get all the love of our father! Why do I have to marry women who don’t love me?! I hate you Auly! Why can't everyone leave me alone?! I hate living! There’s no place for me! I don’t want to die! I’m not worth saving! Why must I take care of people?! I don’t want to be reincarnated anymore, I’m tired!)

Kilo stopped her eating. She was a slobbering mess. Her appearance was almost demonic.

“Girls stop! You will kill her!” Kilo yelled.

The guardians got off Silver as she sat there.

“That’s it? I was expecting a whole lot worse!” Silver shrugged.

“What?! You’re okay?!” Kilo questioned.

“I didn’t feel anything... Sure, all of your breasts were smothering me, but that’s about it...” Silver said.

“Are you serious? This is impossible!” Kilo said.

“I don’t know what to tell you. I was surprised when I started saying my secrets, but I didn’t feel any burden. I can’t hear Despair’s ridiculing voices, and as for your other girls. I don’t really feel anything from them either. If that’s all, then I’m leaving! I am bored if anything. I want to fuck!” Silver yelled.

“Did you not see my true face? Are you truly not scared of us?!” Kilo asked in disbelief.

“No! Y’all titties were in my face. I am quite horny now!” Silver said.

“I don’t understand! We never came across a human who doesn't feel us!” Kilo said.

“I haven’t felt anything for a long time... I feel like a hollow shell most of the time...” Silver said.

“I can have sex with you if you give me more pain!” Pain screeched.

“Sure!” Silver said.

“How are you able to look at us sexually?” Suffering asked.

“You all look hot to me.” Silver said.

“We, what?! We look like monsters to humans!” Suffering yelled.

“Aren’t we all?! I ain't a nice person! I have accepted who I am! I feel pain, suffering, or whatever else you give, all the time! You girls ain’t shit! Ala has done much worse! Try having a psychopath in your body your entire life! Nothing else really bothers me! I miss Ala in my body! The way she feels.” Silver yelled.

Kilo and her children attacked Silver again. They ate more fiercely this time. Silver still felt nothing... At least she was getting a blow job this time...

As they fed and sucked hard. They took a chunk of misery from her.

“Silver... It’s sad you feel nothing... Not even real love... I think I know why.” Kilo said.

“Why?” Silver asked.

“I was thinking it was because of Ala’s skills. Now I think it’s because you died thousands of times... You don’t remember, but you still feel all of that. Your deaths, the people you loved, the fights you had so far. You’re not lazy, just tired...” Kilo said.

“You think so? Is that why I’m always angry?!” Silver asked.

“I don’t know what happened to your previous lives. If they’re anything like this one. You possibly lost billions of people. The more I eat of you, I felt numb. Girls, let’s stop...” Kilo said.

“No, I love this. This helps me in a way.” Silver said.

“Okay, Silver... Also, I will not tell my ladies about Bastion until you are ready. I now know it’s because you are worried the Empire will die trying to fight him.” Kilo said.

“Wow! The first time you ever agreed with me! I should note this down!” Silver joked.

“Silver, I have a deeper understanding of you now... I thought you did things, just because you can... I didn’t realize you were holding this much baggage.” Kilo said.

“Ah, yes! Speaking of baggage, I don’t want you to interfere with Jeopardy. He will help us if we really need him, but otherwise, I will not let him get involved with our flag anymore. He is free, got it?! I need another Guardian to be a champion.” Silver said.

Kilo‘s children looked hopefully at Silver to be picked.

“They want you, just pick one,” Kilo said.

“I want Despair if that’s the case. She is a keeper!” Silver yelled.

Despair licked all over Silver‘s body while giving her a follower’s request. Silver accepted that, then the request to be a champion. Their bodies glowed, entwined to one another.

“You only picked her because you met her first...” Suffering said.

“Maybe. I did it also because she loves to lick me and kiss my ass!” Silver smirked.

Kilo did a large sigh. “Is that why you want her?! I finally connected with you after all these years... I found true respect with you, but then you say that?!”

“What do you expect from me, woman?! Pretty rainbows?! Aside from sex, degrading people are the only things I feel!” Silver said.

“Why?! Does it make you feel better than everyone else?!” Kilo asked with heat.

“Yes! Everyone else can suck my dick! I am bigger than most guys!” Silver yelled.

“I am leaving! I can’t believe that I wanted to connect with you! You and my husband are idiots!” Kilo exclaimed.

“Well, it takes one to know one! Try as you might, you're not smarter than your brother!” Silver yelled.

Kilo was stunned. She couldn’t believe Silver said that. The Guardians stopped what they were doing and got off of Silver. They don’t like anyone bad-mouthing their mother.

‘That’s weird... Why did I say that? I think it’s true of course... but I didn’t wanna say it. Now I have to hear Margolin and my mother bitch about this...’ Silver thought.

“How dare you, Silver?!” Kilo yelled.

“You know it’s true! Even your ladies know it. Every time Lavender has to explain something to you, he gets annoyed! It’s okay if you don’t know something. Just don’t pretend you are him!” Silver said.

Kilo sobbed on Suffering shoulders.

“Oh, I see what’s happening here. This human became in tune with sister Despair! Look at her eyes and mouths!” Pain screeched.

The women looked at Silver closely. She had small eyes and mouths all over her.

“Oh! Hahaha, I see! Being her mother. I don’t hear her voices. You are different. No wonder why your words hurt me so!” Kilo yelled.

“I don’t see mouths and eyes. Where?” Silver looked around her body.

“You are unable to see the effect you do on people. When people see us, they see monsters. We do not see ourselves that way. It’s similar for our champions. Although this is bad. What if your citizens talk to you? You can offend them...” Kilo voiced.

“Why the fuck do I care what they think?! They can get the fuck out of my flag!” Silver yelled.

To be honest... Kilo doesn't really see the difference between her daughter's influence, and Silver’s own words... she says that stuff anyways.

“It’s getting late, I promised Cliff to marry him and his girlfriend together. I’ll talk to you later.” Silver said.

“I’m going too. He is my champion after all.” Kilo said.


{Inside of Cliff’s mansion}

With Cliff’s money, he hired a full staff for his mansion. His family was added to the flag. Hanna was an orphan so she didn’t have any family.

Cliff’s Family has been in service to nobles their entire life. This was the first time they’ve worn something considered fancy clothes. His cousins even joined the army and their plan was to have their own workforce. Cliff wanted them to be their own Lords of the empire. Give them just as many opportunities as everyone else.

Cliff and Julia stood at the entrance of their mansion, waiting for her family to arrive. They both wore elegant clothing. The themes were black and white for each of them.

“This is bad... Really, really bad... Cliff, this is a bad idea!” Julia was pacing around.

“Are you having second thoughts?” Cliff said with raised eyebrows.

“No! I want to marry you! It’s just... I don’t know how my family will react to this! I think we should just call it off! At least for now... We can do this later! Please! I beg of you! I don’t really wanna do this right now!” Julia continues to pace out of fear.

“But didn’t you tell me, the sooner we do this, the better? We should rip it off like a leach.” Cliff wondered.

“I didn’t say those exact words... but yes... It’s just, t-this is a really bad idea! Don’t you know that?!” Julia panicked.

“Yes... you told me already... Several times... Just calm down, please...”

“Sir! They are here!” A servant announced.

Julia hid behind the giant egg. A group of her family walked in the large entrance of the mansion.

“Welcome guest! Welcome to your new home!” Cliff announced with open arms.

Julia’s father raised an eyebrow, then spoke. “Where is your master? My daughter Julia gave us a letter. The message was saying this is our new house. I need to speak with your lord. I want to know what’s the catch.”

“My master?” Cliff questioned. “Mr. Bernard, I am the Lord of this mansion. I understand your family has nowhere to stay on this dungeon island. You have been living in townhouses. Someone very important to me wants you here.”

Bernard narrowed his eyes at the brown-skinned man. “I’m not in the mood for jokes... We are all tired... I don’t know this person you love. I highly doubt she would want us to stay here. And lastly, we don’t know anyone of your… skin tone...”

Cliff tilted his head. “Are you aware of this flag policy of equality of race?”

“We have dwarves and elves folks. We are okay with them, for now. We all know they would do something to betray us. I think the emperor is nuts! He wants us to be happy with them! Ha! I don’t trust anything that’s not human!” Bernard spat.

“You’re ‘OK‘ with other humans, yes?” Cliff questioned.

“If this flag had only humans. I’ll be okay with it.“ Bernard answered.

“Well... let’s start with me. I am human! So, therefore we can be friends, yes?” Cliff asked.

Bernard did a combination of narrowing his eyes and frowning. “What is this all about?!”

“As I said before, the person I love wants you here. Not in some townhouse. You’ll eat like royalty. I want you to dine with me on occasion, hopefully. This flag wants to do things differently from the others. I think we should start with the humans, then work our way to the other races. Eventually, we will have dinner with every race and species.” Cliff smiled.

“No! I’m not interested! I’d rather just stay in a townhouse!” Bernard yelled.

“Well... here’s the thing about that. I didn’t want to mention this before, but I literally own your family. You owe me a tremendous amount of debt. If you don’t take my deal, then you will have to pay that said debt.” Cliff said.

“What?!! You’re lying!”

“Am I? Who is the head member of your family?”

“I am of course!” Bernard roared. He looked at the family heritage list. “Huh?! What’s this?! Who is Cliff?!”

“That is I! I purchased your family's ownership from Kilo. I am now responsible for every one of you. If you want your family to be officially yours. You will work for it. You will belong to my wife. You will sit, eat with us. Every day you will attend to my girl's needs. Make sure she’s happy.” Cliff said.

“What?! I will not be your wife’s fucking servant! We don’t owe you or that slut anything!” Bernard yelled.

“Sir! It’s okay if you bad mouth me, but I would not let you do the same to her!”

“Fuck you both!”

Cliff was getting angry. Julia tugged on his shirt to calm him down. Her body was still hiding behind the egg. He regarded her family. “What about the rest of you? Do you feel the same way?”

Madison (Julia’s mother) steps forward. “I don’t want to live in a townhouse. There is only one public restroom on each floor... and one bathhouse! It’s humiliating for a lady of my station! If my husband wants to live there, he can! I am more interested in seeing your wife! Why does she want us to live here? Oh, and do we get our own bathrooms?!”

“Madison! I said no!” Bernard yelled.

“Each room has its own bathroom. You will all have workers to cater to your needs. You will be more than a guest. This will be your home.” Cliff said.

The family was getting excited.

“I refuse to let you near my daughters! Not under my roof, and I am still the head member of the family!” Bernard yelled.

“Sorry, honey! I love you, but you’re wrong! You’re not the head and we don’t have our 'own' roof! I don’t see this as a big deal! Please don’t start anything with Mr. Cliff. He will be my guardian‘s champion and as a follower of hers. I am obligated to help him any way I can.” Madison said.

“What?! No!” Bernard replied.

“This goes for your daughters as well. They are also Ladies Of Grace. So be nice!” Madison said. She ignored all of his comments of protest.

There were still parts of the family who were unsure. His wife and daughter Kayla fondled all over Cliff. Then he noticed Julia. She was kissing Cliff. ‘When did she even get here?’ Bernard thought.

“Get off of him! Do you see what he is doing?! All his people do is take our jobs and women!” Bernard yelled.

His wife Madison looked confused. “What the hell are you talking about?! Just because he is marrying Julia, doesn’t mean he’s taking me!”

“He’s what?!” Bernard was shocked.

“How did you know?!” Julia asked, equally shocked.

“I am a [Lady Of Grace]. Kilo had taught us basic detective work. It’s easy as 1+1 = 2. Julia sent us a letter saying this is our home. Cliff says his fiancé wants us here and this is our place. This situation is so obvious, a child can figure it out...” Madison rolled her eyes. “She literally just kissed him.”

“No, I will not allow this! I will tell the Emperor about this!” Bernard threatened.

“You mean Emperor Silver?” Cliff questioned.

“Why involve her? I’m not sure about your logic...” Madison was confused.

“Because he would understand my plight! His father abandoned him! He ran off with a mud bitch, leaving his own family! The fact that he died was a blessing. He got what he deserved!” Bernard voiced.

“Honey, didn’t you know the emperor’s a she?” Madison asked.

“That was due to magic. That can happen to the best of us! I’ll make the emperor understand this equality thing is stupid!” Bernard said as a fact.

“Stupid? I don’t think so, honey. I’ve always wanted to help others. In this flag, I can do so!” Madison protested.

“I know sweetie, but I’m talking about the other races. We don’t need them... I’ll make sure he understands.” Bernard said.

“I don’t think I will! If you have a problem with the way I do things in my flag, then you have a problem with me!” Silver said at the door entrance. She had a venomous tone.

She was not alone. Kilo invited her ladies of grace to her Champion’s wedding. Renee and Lispa were there to support Cliff. Hanna, Mira, and Auly took time off to also come.

“Your highness?! What are you doing here?!” Bernard replied.

“I can go where the fuck I want in my territory! Why are you bad-mouthing my father?!” Silver yelled.

“I mean no disrespect to you. I am simply saying a man should take care of his wife, and not leave with another woman.” Bernard said.

Silver calmed down and straightened herself up. “Well, you haven’t seen his previous wife. I run from her all the time.”

“You can try.” Lady Annabella said as she and the rest of the Grace walked in.

Margolin was also there. She got back from her ventures of saving as many people as possible. Kilo told her to leave due to Bastion being released.

“Lady Kilo, what is going on?” Madison wondered.

“Lady Julia did not want to tell you, but she wanted to do the wedding right now,” Kilo said.

“Why?” Madison questioned her daughter.

“I know how my father is... I wanted to just get it over with...” Julia said.

“No! I will not have my daughter perform a rushed wedding! You will have a proper wedding. You will have decorations, a church, a wedding session, an after-party, and a honeymoon planned. Everything! You will include all your sisters. We’re going to get dresses and everything!” Madison declared.

Julie looked at her father and saw nothing but rage.

“What about everyone else? They came all this way for nothing.” Julia said.

“Oh, don’t worry about that! They were just telling me, they wished you gave them more time to get proper dresses. Their husbands are not even here. A later time is fine. If anything, this gives them an opportunity to see their new champion. I plan to do a Champion ceremony soon.” Kilo said.

“Why? I thought you already made him a champion.” Silver asked.

“I did. I was afraid of what we talked about. I still want a champion ritual.” Kilo was referring to Bastion being released and attacking at any time.

“Well, count me out! It’s a pain in the ass!” Silver yelled.

“Fine... I don’t think my daughter cares about these things either. If you were my champion, you would do it anyway.” Kilo said.

“Well, I am not!”

“Okay, Silver...” Kilo regarded her girls. “The wedding ceremony has been postponed until further notice! Thank you all for coming. You’re free to stay and eat. My champion has offered his hospitality to you all!”

Most of [The Ladies Of Grace] congratulated Cliff as they surrounded him.

This strengthened Bernard’s anger, he turned red.

Silver walked to the man. “I am going to say some things and you will listen to the whole thing. Lately with everything going on. I’ve been trying my hardest to change my attitude about things. I don’t like being angry and I just wanna relax, let things go. I even just had a nice session with a couple of guardians. I feel free from the burden. So because I refuse to let anyone sadden my day. I will only give you warnings. I will not tolerate racism, sexism, revolutions of any kind. You need to make a decision about what is more important to you. Your family or your pride. If you’re going to make an enemy out of me. Then you will be just another number on my already big list. I don’t treat my enemies kindly. If your family joins you, then they will catch these hands as well. So if your pride is more important. Prepared to run from my fury!”

Silver walked away, not giving him the option to speak to her.

Before Silver, Lispa, Renee made it to the entrance. Margolin and Annabella came towards her.

“You surprised me. Have you really grown up, as your mother said? You’re not going to do anything behind my back, are you?” Margolin said.

“I can do it in front of you if you want!” Silver yelled.

Margolin held her face in annoyance. “I sometimes wonder why do I even try with you... I had a long day... You have fun...”

She didn’t bother saying anything anymore. She went to a room inside Cliff’s mansion to sleep.

“What’s with her?” Silver asked.

“She tried to save who she could. However, she’s witnessed some heartbreaking affairs… I don’t want to disclose these matters.” Annabella said. Margolin cried the moment she found Annabella.

“Did she see cut body parts? Severed functioning body parts that men use for pleasure? They did this to me... There was one mage in Bastion’s company with this power. The girl’s bodies were not dead. Just all over the place for other men’s uses...” Renee said.

“What?! There are people like that?!” Lispa asked.

“Bastion has several men with disgusting habits... He wanted to make me one of them with my ghost hands... I never told anyone this, but I had my own room to play with women... I later didn’t want any part of their games... I love sex, but there is a limit for me.” Silver said.

“What exactly did you do?” Renee frowned.

“That was a long time ago... I was young. Auly got me out. She’s a lot braver than what people think. She came up with a plan to free the girls and everything. Bastion told me he killed our parents because of it. That, I didn’t know until recently.” Silver said.

“Wha-! What?!” Auly screeched behind Silver. “They died because of me?!”

Auly ran before Silver could say anything. Silver just sighed.

“Oh, great! Whatever! I am hungry and I want to have sex later!” Silver yelled.

“You’re not going to stop your sister?” Renee asked.

“She has other people for that. I hope one day she realizes she’s not a problem to others. I’m not good at blowing smoke up someone’s ass.” Silver said.

“Silver, can we speak in private?” Annabella asked.


Silver and her mother went to a private room.

“Silver, I want to first say congratulations on completing our deal. You have indeed changed. I feel like you can be a better person in society.” Annabella said as she sat in a chair.

“What, what are you talking about? Are you referring to our last deal? When you kicked me from the family? I got over that! I don’t really care about it. Why are you bringing this up now?” Silver asks.

“Because I want to make a new deal with you. You have people to take care of, Silver. Instead of worrying about yourself. Our next deal is to make your flag stronger. I know you don’t care about others. I’m not asking you to help them directly. I want you to cherish your flag. Do not cause them pain.”

“This world is filled with pain! There’s no protecting anyone from this!”

“You’re wrong! There is someone who can, you! You can protect them from the cruelty of this world. You can see problems, fix them, make sure nothing ever happens to them! I know you want this too! You may pretend like you are separated from everybody else. I know deep down who you really are!”

“Mother, you always say that, but you don’t know who I am, truly!”

“But I know enough! I have been with you in multiple versions of your lives.” Annabella said.

“Huh? Who are you, really?” Silver asked.

“I have met Platinum, so I know you’re aware of your other lovers. I was once your lover. I didn’t want to tell you. You always freak out! We loved each other very much.” Annabella stared at Silver.

“What?! But you’re older than me!” Silver yelled.

“I died first. So I was reincarnated first. After when you died. Other lovers died with you. Ala was one. She didn’t want to live without you. As for the rest of your lovers. Some of them are here, but they don’t want anything to do with you romantically. I am one of these lovers! In this life, I am your mother and I will protect you! You need to understand that our past lives are just that! In the past! Don’t get upset like you always do! At one point Ala was first and was your mother. We do this to make sure the next world is safe for you to come. There’s likely another mother for your next life.” Annabella said.

“Fine. I’m okay with this. Are we done?” Silver asked.

“Yes... are you really alright with this information?” Annabella questioned with narrowed eyes.

“I am and I get it.” Silver slightly frowned. She was moving away from her mother.

“Wow, you really did change.” Annabella was impressed.

“Whatever! I am going to eat!” Silver yelled, wobbling away...

“Why are you yelling?!” Annabelle yelled back.

“I am upset! I just wanna fuck my problems away!” Silver yelled then went out the door.

“Okay... I’ll see you another time...” Annabella sighed. She really loves Silver, just doesn’t always love the things she does...


Silver sat in her room eating.

“I can’t believe she’s my fucking lover! I’m going to eat until I throw up!” Silver was stuffing her face with lots of food.

“Is it really that big of a deal? Silver, I am more interested in how I could become your lover. I can meet you in the next life.” Renee said.

“Why?! So you can become my mother too?! That’s disgusting!!” Silver spat food.

“I also think you’re overreacting. Just relax! I don’t know too much about reincarnations. However, to me, a new life is just that, a new life. She never had sex with you in this life, right?” Lispa said.

“No, but she has been stopping me from doing so for years! All of these years she’s been torturing me! Constantly ridiculing me! Playing me for a fool! She stops me from having sex to control me! She says to act nobly! Get the people’s respect! She has never congratulated me until now. What the hell is her angle?!” Silver yelled.

“Silver, I need to ask you a question. Do you care about the people in your flag?” Renee asked.

“What brought this up?!” Silver yelled.

“Well, this conversation, and the one you had before about your people. I need to know where you stand when it comes to helping us.” Renee said.

“I couldn’t care less about them.” Silver said.

“In that case, why did you bring everyone here?” Renee wondered.

“I didn’t exactly bring them here. I did want them to be safe...” Silver said.

“Silver, we’re pretty much stuck in a nightmare-level dungeon. There are level 80 monsters here! Do you realize that?”

“Yes, but no one‘s getting attacked!”

“Well, that’s pretty much my point. No one is screaming their heads off or cursing you as a leader. They are not trying to overthrow you in any way. Everyone trusts you so much. They are allowing their children into a fucking nightmare dungeon. You told people, you don’t want them to have their revenge on Bastion. You said the army isn’t ready. You said other guardians could possibly be after us. You told your entire flag this and yet you still don’t hear panic, do you know why?” Renee voiced.

“I have no idea, but I’m sure you're gonna tell me...” Silver stated.

“I wouldn’t call it trust, but I would call it being hopeful. The fact that people rather stay in your flag, inside of the most difficult level in a dungeon, is something unthinkable. They rather do that than be in the real world with psychos. This should say a lot about you. You’re not as bad as you claim to be. Regardless of what you think, you have been protecting them. You’re doing it right now. You said your mother congratulated you after all of these years? Maybe it’s because you’re becoming who she wants you to be. An actual leader! Someone who can convince people with children to be in dangerous places without questions. Stop lying about not caring!” Renee gave a speech then kissed Silver.

“I-...” Silver started.

Lispa placed her fingers on Silver‘s lips. “I think what she’s trying to say is. You don’t have to care. You’re free to be your shitty self and still give us the protection we need.”

The two women converged on Silver with passionate love.

My friend felt like Silver didn't seem all that heartbroken about things. He said that she doesn’t seem depressed. I’m like, 'do you know anything about Silver?' LOL! The whole book she was like that. If I were to make her depressed now, it wouldn't make sense. Everyone handles things differently. Silver shrugs her problems away. She was never emo, why would she suddenly start now? She literally says she felt depressed her entire life. He said I should go back and change her personality. I want you all to know I don't mind constructive criticism. However, if it changes the core of the character, who they are. Then I won't change them. Throughout the story, she can handle problems without breaking down. She gets emotional but for reasons. The Guardians didn't really affect her, so why would they make her sad for no reason?

I also wanted to say I plan to publish my book. Now, do I think it’s good enough? No! But that's not why I'm doing this. I don't want to have any regrets in life. I revisioned my entire book to fit the idea I wanted.

There is one more page for book one, then I'm completely done. There still may be things I need to fix, but that's no problem. I'll just fix it when I can.

I plan to do more than three books. I'm trying to stretch the story as much as I can. If I’d explained everything about Wishlist now, there wouldn’t be any secrets later. I feel this is necessary for multiple books. So if you feel disappointed about that. I promise it will make sense as the story goes. I like my information to happen over time, rather than an all-in-one page.

Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gifn1.png

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