Since 1983

Chapter 17 - Snapped up

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Xu Fei is not a virgin.

Oh, in my last life …

He was in his early thirties when he was reborn, his career had just entered the golden age, and he had a girlfriend with a stable relationship who once discussed marriage. The girl is also engaged in fine arts, has a clever mind, and loves DIY. Like those carrying bags and schoolbags, he learned it by ear.

Xu Fei was a straight man before. He smoked, drank, and burned his head. He often shouted philosophically with his brothers. Later, after being tuned, he slowly understood the girl’s mind.

It would be irritable, he would usually find some ugly gadgets on the Internet and post the link, “I bought you this.”

Regardless of whether the other party is really angry or falsely angry, it will definitely return, and it will despise your taste, aesthetics, and indiscriminate spending.

Then, naturally, the wind swept the leaves, and the rain hit the plantains.

So Xu Fei realized the truth. When a girl is angry, don’t lie with her. The more chaotic the more chaotic, and the more failure, the best way is to find something and divert attention.

Usually it is to buy a gift, talk about a topic she is very concerned about, or have a wonderful life harmony. If one is not enough, then twice …

Knock on the blackboard and draw the key points!

Chen Xiaoxu was naturally coaxed by Xu Fei, and she didn’t know how to adjust herself. Anyway, she quickly cheered up. Since then, the two still haven’t met very often, each with their own honest children.

In the blink of an eye, the weather quickly turned cold.

In the 1980s, the Northeast was much colder than in later generations. Xu Fei put on his mother ’s sweater and covered it with a heavy cotton jacket, plus a dogskin hat and hand stuffiness.

He has been waiting for those pots of flowers recently, more than waiting for his parents, and bought a few books to see.

They are all gentle-leaf cymbidiums, which have been moved to a total of four plants. There are several more leaves, from thick to narrow, but only one plant has a small bud, it seems that the flowering period is approaching.

Gentleman is very coquettish, afraid of cold and heat, and put it on the window sill of the back room. To ensure that the temperature is right, he even bought a thermometer.



He was turning the flower pot to make the sunshine even, and Zhang Guiqin hurriedly entered the courtyard. “Don’t tinker with your flowers, come with me to the mall.”


“No. 1 today.”

“What happened then?”

“Go grab the cloth!”

As soon as I mentioned this, the gentle mother on weekdays also became a bit of a shrew. “I originally opened the door at nine, but I went to Sister Liu’s house just now and said that it opened at half past eight. Ouch, hurry up!”

As soon as Xu Fei heard it, his head hurt, and persuaded: “Mom, those cloths can’t be sold out.”

“Why can’t it be sold out? Now that we don’t collect cloth tickets and open up the supply, those people must not be mad?”

“Since the country dares to open up its supply, it means that the output is guaranteed. What are you worried about?”

“That won’t work either. If you can’t rely on it, you will be assless in the future!”

“But it’s snowing outside … hey …”

Zhang Guiqin could not hear this, and dragged his son away.

Xu Fei had no choice but to carry his mother, braved the heavy snow, and rushed to the largest department store in Ancheng.

When I went to see the place, I was almost scared to death. The team was tens of meters long and lined up to the street. The two quickly took up their seats and squeezed and squeezed a tail shortly behind them.

The faces in the queue were eager, the fabrics were bought joyfully, and the shoulders held in his arms were the same as the family stud. From time to time, there are a few idlers who greet in a low voice: “The cloth ticket has been collected, the cloth ticket has been collected!”

All this stems from a notice a few days ago.

A notice issued by the Ministry of Commerce announced that from December 1 this year, cloth tickets and cotton wool tickets will be temporarily exempted nationwide and will not be issued next year. This shows that the cloth tickets that have been in effect for thirty years are coming to an end.

Due to the volatile policy of this era, some people believe, some people do not believe, but don’t care what happens.

This is probably an instinct for some people. Do you still remember the nuclear leak for salt? Take a look back, mother, the SARS robbed ones haven’t finished!

“You’re really my mother-in-law, I’ll accompany you to get frozen this day …”

Xu Fei curled up like a sugar triangle, the snow kept on the ground, the north wind was blowing, and the nose was flowing, this was called overnight.

The two didn’t know how long they had been in the queue before they were able to enter the gate. Zhang Guiqin burst into great energy from his thin body and rushed to the counter. “Is there any cloth?”

“White cloth, check cloth and quilt are left.”

“Also give me two feet!”

Immediately behind, they rushed forward, “Why do you want so much?”

“You bought it, shall we still buy it?”

“Comrade, don’t give her … all flash away, let me go!”

Xu Fei stretched out his arms to block the crowd behind him, feeling like a little grasshopper raped by an elephant, and screaming, “Comrade, maintain order, it’s not good to have a trampling accident!”

The salesperson heard it right and shouted, “What are you doing? Waiting in line, retreating!”

The authority of the salesman in the state-owned store is unique, and everyone reluctantly retreated. Immediately, the other party started spreading, measuring and cutting.

The check cloth and the quilt cloth are the names of the common people. The so-called quilted cloth is a red cloth printed with flowers and birds. It is especially festive and usually bought only when married.

A piece of 30 meters, cut two feet each, Zhang Guiqin took out a lot of money and paid without hesitation.

It was easy to squeeze out. Xu Fei tied the three bundles of cloth to the car, holding himself in the front, and Zhang Guiqin pushing in the back.

Why bother?

He was helpless and thought it was very funny. He asked, “Mom, did you spend all of our family?”


The car wobbled obviously, and the old lady replied weakly, “There is still a lot left.”

Ha ha, you just believe me.

The two tossed together and it was already noon at home. He was catching up with Xu Xiaowen and came back from the regiment, and he was shocked. “What’s wrong with this?”

“When the cloth ticket was abolished, everyone rushed to buy cloth, and I bought some.”

“It’s called buying a little? How much did you spend.”

“Not much …”

Zhang Guiqin made a count without confidence. She calmed down now and regretted it.

Xu Xiaowen suddenly became very hot. Although he didn’t reach the point of ruin, he spent hundreds of dollars to buy a bunch of fabrics. It was purely sick!

“You don’t lose your heart, listen to the wind is rain, your head let the donkey kick?”

He pointed at his daughter-in-law and scolded, regardless of the presence of the child. “When will there be so many cloths? When, it’s still covered, so it’s enough for your son to get married!”

“Don’t say your son, my son is enough to get married.” Xu Feiyou jumped out.

“go away!”

Xu Xiaowen is getting angry, can’t he manage his daughter-in-law or his son? He saw Xu Fei really want to flash, and immediately said, “Give me back, tell you something!”

“We are going to perform outside. We will go to Wugouying at the end of the month. They have a party in the New Year. The money is very generous, and you follow along.”

“I won’t go, and I won’t speak.” He refused.

“You are stupid! There is one more person. When we divide the money, our family has many heads. Without you going to the stage, wouldn’t it help to move things?”

“That’s right, you’re fine this time. It’s good to go out and walk.”

Zhang Guiqin lost his money and naturally followed her husband. “At most one month, and then the New Year, the money will not be earned in vain.”

“I tell you, your uncle called you to go by name. It’s a matter of care. Do you understand? Don’t know what to do.”

Uh, okay.

Dad and Mom came together and moved Shan Tianfang out. He had to go without going.

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