Since 1983

Chapter 19 - Chinese New Year

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

“Is there one?”

“Is there one?”

Xu Fei stood behind the house, holding a bamboo pole-like object with a fish-bone antenna on it. Turn around, ask, turn around, ask.

Obviously, across a back window, Zhang Guiqin had to talk on Kang, “Is there a platform?”

Xu Xiaowen frowned with a frown on a black and white TV, “No, no, hey, I just had …”

“Just now.” Zhang Guiqin turned his head again and enjoyed it.

Xu Fei turned around.

“Hey, with it, don’t move!”

“Is it CCTV?”

“It’s CCTV!”

“Are there snowflakes?”

“Not big.”

“Then I went in.”

Xu Fei wandered into the house and saw a Beijing opera on a 14-inch black and white TV. My parents sat on the Kang, and Le Dian looked at it, the picture quality could not be described. Because the size was too small, the look and feel was not pleasant.

At this time, the pitiful TV shows are poor, and they are all counted together with documentaries, news, and opera, and supplemented by a small number of TV dramas.

In the 1970s, only the central station and the provincial station were allowed to establish the city station H county station last year, but the transmission technology could not keep up. Now it is the transition stage from the common antenna to the cable, which is very immature.

That Xu Xiaowen was also proud that he could move back to a TV in a month, and there was quite a lot of surplus money, which all demonstrated the dignity and status of the head of the family.

He and Xu Fe ran out of the rivers and lakes, almost traveled throughout the province, played more than 20 games, and only came back in the first two days of the Spring Festival.

Xu Fei mixed more than two hundred dollars, Xu Xiaowen was eight or nine hundred, Shan Tianfang was naturally the highest, everyone tasted the sweetness. Neighbor Zhang’s family is also from the Quyi Troupe. The team with Zhang Hefang also moved back to TV.

In short, up and down the team, this year should be very happy.

“It’s said that the Spring Festival Gala looks good. I have to look at it today. No one should turn off the TV.” Zhang Guiqin watched for a while and was very satisfied.

“You haven’t ordered anything, you won’t sleep when you buy a color TV in the future? Don’t forget to cook for a while, I will go out and stroll.”

Xu Xiaowen never cooks, and the big cotton-padded jacket goes out.

The relatives of the two are basically in the country, and they have been estranged during sports. The customs in the northeast are generally best at noon, and then pick up the gods at night and eat dumplings.

Zhang Guiqin prepared the new year’s goods early, and pulled a whole chicken, two frozen fish and large pieces of pork from the snow dump in the yard. Xu Bang, who was tough, started to chop with an axe.

Under the window, there are also sticky bean bags and frozen pears, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and candied sweets also placed on the Kang table early. Neighbor Zhang’s family is also lively, using an axe here and a saw over there, I don’t know I thought it was a carpenter’s job in the courtyard …

Xu Fei had never experienced this, and it was very hilarious. Even the idea of ​​buying a refrigerator was pushed back.

Zhang Guiqin kept his feet busy, put the chicken into the big stove, steamed the whole, and stewed the pork in the cauldron. After the fish had turned a little, he clicked and cleaned up, sweating in his head, but never stopped laughing.

Husband and wife live so much, about Mo is the most prosperous Spring Festival.

“I was very poor when I was a kid. It’s good to eat meat all year round. Then your grandma will fry the oil and put it in the basket on the ceiling of the shed, so that you might be afraid of children stealing. They both blasted out and the two ate in the house. I just shouted outside … Oh, now the conditions are so good, who can think of it? “

Xu Fei just listened to his mother’s old story, and it was quite fresh, but he didn’t do it because he couldn’t cook.

Hey, do you dare to believe that the male master will not cook? ? ?

When the meals were almost ready, Xu Xiaowen also came back, and the three of them ate quickly. Then it was free time. The daddy drank some wine and squinted on the kang. The relatives and neighbors began to slam the door closer.

Zhang Guiqin had just sent away one, and Mother Chen came with Chen Xiaoxu and Chen Xiaoyang.

The adults speak in the back room, and Xu Fei accompanies the outhouse. The girl nibbling melon seeds in her mouth and vomiting: “I heard that you went out to run in the rivers and lakes. It’s really a blessing, and I came back with all my hands.”

Xu Fei grabbed some preserved fruit and gave Xiao soap, ah, to Xiao Yang, and said with a smile: “I didn’t like to go, but now I think I’m lucky to have gone, otherwise I can’t really see.”

“What do you know?”

“The people’s love for the old artists, it’s really gongs and drums, the banner is spreading, the crowds of people …”

He recalled this month’s experience, but he couldn’t help feeling, “If we work as literary and art workers in the future, we can do this job.”

“Don’t put gold on your face, I am probably a literary and art worker, at most you are a trick play.”

“What’s the matter? Those who make tricks will make money in the future, and even those who don’t, will be able to earn money by lying down.”

“Crap, how can you make money without your skills?”

“Because people are stupid …”

Xu Fei shook his head, did not want to mention these, and asked: “What are you busy with recently?”

“What can I do, except reading books is reading books.”

Chen Xiaoxu couldn’t help but worry, saying: “This is the New Year, or there is no news, will you lose the election?”

“I read in the newspaper that the second draft of the script has been completed and the casting is smooth. It is estimated that there will be letters soon.”

“If not?”


“What if there isn’t?” She pursed her lips.

“If we make a bet, there will be news before the end of the spring. If I lose, I will invite you to dinner, and the best restaurant can be ordered casually.”

“Then I lost?”

“you lose……”

Xu Fei paused, and suddenly a stalk popped out of his head, and he couldn’t help laughing: “You pull out a weeping willow to show me.”

“Why should I pull down the willow?” Chen Xiaoxu was puzzled.

“Because, because … it ’s okay … you do n’t understand, you do n’t understand …”

He looked at each other with a cute face, and was increasingly poked to laugh, just like a fool.

“Is this going out, is it sick?”

The girl was a little scared, hurriedly followed a few snacks, and pulled her sister away.


On New Year’s Eve, three people squeezed on a kang, eating dumplings filled with pork and celery, and watched the most original Spring Festival Gala.

Launched last year, this year is only the second term. All aspects are very rough, but there is no strong political nature of future generations.

There were few auditoriums. Several people sat on the round table and watched the roll call. The guests got up and went up.

Even when Teacher Jiang and Teacher Li sang “Liu Hai Qiao Qiao”, there were no props, and Teacher Jiang saw a mop, unloaded his head, and took the stick to the stage.

This Spring Festival Gala is a classic, and many programs are familiar.

Like Master Ma ’s stand-up comedy “Cosmos Brand Cigarette”, Mr. Chen ’s “Eating Noodles”, Mr. Li ’s “Unforgettable Tonight” has officially become a fixed track …

Xu Xiaowen and Zhang Guiqin were so excited that they were not sleepy in the middle of the night. Xu Fei chewed the frozen pear. Even though he has seen it thousands of times, he has also wonderfully blended into this atmosphere, as if he has returned to his childhood.

It was still in the countryside, and the courtyard was full of snow. The children wore new cotton-padded jackets, carrying a few cents in their pockets, holding snacks and Xiaohuahua, and ran from east to west.

Adults are warming their heads at home, drinking and blowing, watching the Spring Festival Evening, and persuaded to laugh with all kinds of crying …

What’s so special about Chinese New Year!

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