Since 1983

Chapter 249 - Qunying

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

“I will briefly say that the whole process is the first few programs, then the athletes enter the field, the leader speaks, swears, etc., followed by the cultural performances.

At the beginning of the show, we prepared three items, the first is skydiving, 4 planes, 60 skydivers … “

“Excuse me, I interrupt.”

An airman raised his hand and asked, “You mean, jump straight from the plane into the stadium?”


“This is not difficult, are you sure?”

“The most professional athletes we are looking for, the most experienced ones have jumped more than 5,000 times. Even if there are difficulties, we must do our best to ensure foolproof!”

At present, the three hundred people are all artistic elites in various units. They have a very high spirit, and even if they contribute to the country, they will not obey anyone.

The airman nodded and asked no more.

“The skydiving is divided into several small links. The first one, the athletes hold colorful cigarettes and hover in the air, drawing out various shapes.

Second, everyone jumped down with the national flag of a country. “

“Jump one after another?”

“Yes, jump in sequence.”

Brushing brushing is another recording voice and whisper.

The chief director was about to say it again, and suddenly heard a very young voice coming from behind, “What is the order of jumping, who is in front and who is behind?”

“In alphabetical order, China is at the end.”

He didn’t look back and said, “When the five-star red flag hits the ground, we will enter the third stage of fancy skydiving, such as folding Luohan and Tian Nu San Hua, I won’t say much.

The second largest item is the Military Orchestra. There are three movements in total, which are mainly performed in various queues.

The third major item is to simplify 24 types of Tai Chi. A total of 1,400 people from China and Japan are looking for middle-aged groups because of their gentle movements. “

The director directed the situation, knocked on the table, and said, “The official performance will be at least one hour after the athletes retire. Let’s talk about it and express your opinions.”


After a brief silence, an old director of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe said: “I think we must first determine three points, one is the temperament we want to show, the other is the element of display, and the third is the form of display. Set these three points, the general direction There will be. “

“Yes. Temperament is very simple, it must be a positive, no fear of hardship.”

“There is also a smile welcoming guests from all directions, showing their own spirit.”

“The elements are very complicated. Are we going to be ancient or modern or compatible?”

“It’s best to be compatible and inclusive, more comprehensive, hey …”

Another old predecessor said: “Can it come in chronological order? Up and down five thousand years, the three emperors and the five emperors, the emperor Qin and the emperor Hanwu, the Tang style and the song rhyme, until the reform and opening up, take some important nodes.”

“Difficult. Which is important and which is not important in the five thousand years of history? It is impossible to reach agreement on choice alone.”

“I agree. Isn’t the Anti-Japanese War important? Important. Without the Anti-Japanese War, we wouldn’t have our rise. But can it be put on stage to perform, how does Japan think?”

“This, too general …”

Deng Zaijun thought for a while and said, “It is difficult to have enough appeal with our technical conditions. It is better to extract some elements.”

“China is different from other countries. It is a style that has been formed by many different regional cultures after numerous breaks and reorganizations. We say that Chinese elements are actually national elements and regional elements.”

“I agree that the so-called display element is actually a display of our inclusive cultural characteristics.”

“This can be extended to the third point, in what form? I think that the site of such a large body of work must definitely require human tactics. Personally, the most direct idea is that it is powerful and masculine.”

“Yo, you’re so simple, find out from the national characteristics?”

“It doesn’t have to be that complicated! The general direction must be simple, and the details have to be considered.”


Director Li and Deng Zaijun whispered a few words, saying: “We agree with this teacher’s statement, you can try this idea.”

“After all, the national is the world.”

At this moment, there was a long slogan from behind.


Director Li couldn’t help but look back. There were too many people to distinguish, and he only praised: “This makes sense, the nation is the world.”

Regarding this famous saying, many people think that Lu Xun said. But there are also people who have textual evidence, but Lu Xun did not say that the original text is: “(Literature and Art) has a local color, but it is easy to become the world.”

Deng Zaijun also turned his head, staring at someone’s face, and it was too young.

“Sona! It must be Suona!”

“Yes, I am so high-spirited to others! I have heard Zhou Suona in Lingbi, it is really a piece of music.”

“I don’t agree. Suona is solo, so a big venue, no matter how high it covers the audience?”

“Who said it was solo? The big Suona in West Fujian is the public blow and the wind blow, one sweet and one thick, which can be taken to the stage!”

“I admit that Suona is high-pitched, but this is the Asian Games! What we want is not only auditory, but also visual shock. Can you find 500 people to blow Suona together, then what can you hear?”

“Several teachers, several teachers …”

Deng Zaijun interrupted, “Do you want to play on the spot?”

“Sona must be blown live!”

“We can’t afford this risk, no one dares to guarantee that there will be no problems, and our audio equipment can’t make a suona resound through the audience.”

“Then, those five hundred people will do …”

A supporter quickly weakened and whispered, in fact, he also understood that hundreds of people blowing suona is unimaginable.

Another supporter was dissatisfied and almost patted the table. “Then what do you say?”


The other party raised the volume, “Whoever is powerful?”


The word “drum” spit out, and the whole eyes light up, which is too suitable for this kind of scene, even larger ones can be suppressed.

“I recommend Ansai waist drum! Masculine atmosphere, still in the old area of ​​northern Shaanxi, more meaningful.”

“Eh, good!”

The Suona Party is alive again, “Ansai is good, you can have a Suona accompaniment!”

“I recommend majestic gongs and drums, which are more powerful than Ansai waist drums.”

“That kind of bass drum is good, used by the ancient army.”

“There is also a clock, you can use the big clock to tell the time.”

Everyone slammed down the national elements, and their ideas became more and more alive, and soon they were specific to music and dance.

The old guys are not ordinary people. They have carried guns and traveled to the countryside. They have lived in the Sanjiang Plain. The young are not successful, and graduating from professional art colleges is more aesthetic and contemporary.

In the room of three hundred people, the atmosphere was warm and anxious, and there was no argument.

Liu Diji’s face flushed with a thick neck, but he couldn’t insert it at all. He turned his head and saw that Xu Fei had painted something colorful on the book.

“Why do you still paint at this time, don’t you say a few words?”

“Say what?”

“Participate in the discussion, we have to make a contribution in Beijing and Taiwan.”

“I haven’t thought about it yet. Will you give us a sample?”

I’m in a hurry if I can make a proof!

Liu Di knows his own level, is politically correct, and is a little clever. He encounters such a big event and sees his death in minutes.

(and also……)

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