Since 1983

Chapter 275 - Three people (2)

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Night, study.

Xu Fei Xing Chong unfolded a scroll and watched it.

Landscape paintings, with pine trees in the mountains and boats in the water, are not traditionally freehand brushwork. The mountains and rivers are deep and magnificent, and they are very distinctive.

When people who don’t know how to meet them, the first impression is black, dense and bright.

“Look what?”

Zhang Li came in with a bowl and looked at the probe, “Yeah, Huang Binhong’s painting?”

“How’s it just received?”

“Xinghui is dripping and full of richness. This is Heibinhong in his later years.”

She has learned since childhood, and her knowledge is still there, strangely said: “How did you put away the modern works?”

“Because there are fewer and fewer antiques, only modern ones can be collected. The seller Li Chengru helped me contact was only a few hundred dollars.”

Born in the late Qing Dynasty, Huang Binhong also served as an official of the Qing Dynasty and lived for ninety years.

He has a lot of works in the world, and they have been circulating in the market for a long time, but they are not valued. Later, they became the sweets of the collection market. The highest one, “Huangshan Tangkou”, sold 345 million.

Xu Fei’s initial collection was due to appreciation, but now it is gone.

When the antiques in this room rose to tens of millions, he couldn’t look at the money anymore, so now he appreciates it purely.

“Ah, it’s really good, find someone to mount it later.”

The painting was unmounted, and it had to be lined with a layer of leather paper, rolled up around the paper, and then put into the painting box. No light, no moisture, no dust, take it out regularly and take care of it for long-term preservation.

Xu Fei collected the painting and picked up the bowl. “How can I cook some **** tea?”

“Xiao Xu is cold, eat this to drive away the cold, and bring you a little by the way.”

“Did you drink it?”

“I’m fine again.”

“Then drink it and work hard.”

He scooped a spoonful and delivered it, Zhang Li gave him a white sip.

“One more bite.”

“One more bite.”

“Stop it.”

Zhang Li turned his head away and said seriously: “Xiao Xu, who is sick and sick, can have exercise in Kaichun, otherwise it will become Daiyu.”

“OK, just practice martial arts with me, a thousand boys.”

“Can she pull that face down? It might as well run with me … By the way, are you busy with the Asian Games this year, do you still have kung fu to film?”

“Look at it. If it doesn’t work, just put a name on it. Do you follow the boot from there?”

“Well, it’s expected to start shooting in early autumn. I sent a telegram to Teacher Li today. She has been staying in Dunhuang and didn’t go home for the New Year.”

Zhang Li has a tendency to develop in the direction of fans, and sighed: “She is really talented, and she is a hundred times stronger than me. I am very pleased when I see it.”

The two chatted for a while, and she returned to Westinghouse.

Xiao Xu was crooked on the bed, listless, and his shoes were thrown randomly on the ground.

“Are you out?”

“Pomegranate noisy me.”

“Do you feel better?


Zhang Li was lying on the outside lightly and always felt weird. He was about to ask. He turned over and stopped talking.


“The tasks in the year are very clear. After the script is determined, a new drama will be prepared immediately. Xiaoming, how is your side?”

“Progress is normal.”

“Xiao Xu, what about your Asian Games?”

“To rehearse the program, I’m not sure if the specific time has come yet.”

“Then try to participate as much as possible, and you won’t be forced to do so.”

In the conference room of the center, the conference is held as usual. This year is the same as in previous years, and the people continued to go to Riga. Xu Fei had only 30 people in 86 years, and now more than 60 people.

It’s not all in vain. All departments have sufficient manpower and can be guaranteed from the early stage to the late stage.

Li Mu flipped through the document and said: “There is another thing, and suddenly an instruction came up, saying that a national TV workers’ creative conference is to be held, which is planned for March.

TV stations at or above the prefecture level are required to participate, and the specifications are very high.

It’s almost inexplicable. Our grandfather doesn’t hurt grandma or love. What kind of meeting will we open? So I asked someone to find out. I do n’t know which leader said that TV has a future, so pay more attention. “


The whole audience was stunned, and the uncomfortable shuzi was suddenly greeted by the old man’s booing and uneasy.

“Don’t know the good things and bad things, our creative environment is quite relaxed.”

“I think, set a tone first, and collude with your peers. If you really raise the creative standards, fight softly, and put the facts in reason, I think the radio and television leaders are still very enlightened.”

“This is true. I heard that the film industry was fierce and fierce when they met in the film industry. It was amazing, and the content was enough to make a film, but unfortunately there was no good result …”

“Yes, our TV drama industry is good, we can’t let the grandchildren of the movie blend in!”

Damn it, dare to say it!

Xu Fei listened to Khan, and thought about it carefully, said: “I think this is a good opportunity for a national party, we should talk about resource sharing.”


“For example, the introduction of” Queen of the Queen “by Beijing Television, although its reputation has gone out, has a low cost performance because of our small coverage. Next time, we can contact several TV stations to make a contribution and then simulcast. The cost is low, and the viewing area does not interfere.

And what kind of drama do we need, we need script, location, and actors, we can support each other and form a long-term cooperative relationship. “

“Are you a small group?”

Li Mu understood that TV dramas started ten years ago, and their initial success was a good opportunity to split the mountain. Ma Yizheng said the words: “It is not advisable to engage in small groups, it violates the principle, but it is still necessary to make good friends.”

Do you want Bilian?

Leaders deserve to be leaders …

Just after the Chinese New Year, the work is just like the unsteady mood. The hair is frizzy and covered with grass. After finishing the meeting in the center, Xu Fei ran to the Asian Organizing Committee for a meeting. At the end, he had dinner with Cheng Dong.

Return home late every day.

The cold night was silent and the courtyard was depressed. He went straight into the main room, and when the study door was open, Xiao Xu sat at the table and fiddled with the pen holder.

“What are you doing?”

“Find some books.”

“Are you called reading?”

Xu Fei looked at how she could not put it down, and smiled: “Do not give it to you, don’t touch it, take it away if you like it.”

“Don’t just don’t!”

She put down her pen holder and held a copy of Li Zehou’s “The Course of Beauty” and hummed: “I’m gone!”


Teacher Xu scratched his head, feeling a little weird and unable to speak.

And Xiao Xu returned to Westinghouse, opened the book and read while taking notes, as usual.

Zhang Li was on the opposite side, busy with the crew, and occasionally looked up. In fact, she felt more obvious. It was originally good. For these two or three days, she suddenly did not like to talk, did not know what to think, and did not ask.

The girl was sensitive in mind and stubborn in character, and determined that others would not come back. As the saying goes, “the idea is right”, of course, the good idea and the bad idea are not known.

She was ready to find a chance to have a good chat, but she was busy now.

The two of them were doing their homework. About ten o’clock, Zhang Li got a copy of the data. His back aches and his neck hurts, so he crooked in bed to check.

I watched it several times and yawned again and again by about twelve o’clock.

“Are you still asleep?”

“I write a few more paragraphs, this book is very good.”

“Then I sleep, don’t be too late.”

Zhang Li put the information under the pillow, yawned again, and slowly fell asleep.


The next day, morning.

It was very cold and the sun didn’t appear. The clouds were not thick, and they were spread out half-shady, and a little whitish, indicating the good weather at noon.

Xu Fei pushed the car at the door and waited, “Hurry up, I’m going!”


Zhang Li stayed up at night and hurriedly packed his shoulder bag, carrying out. Xiaoxu followed, all the way to the gate, Xu Fei strange, “Are you going out too?”

“I send you.”

“It’s completely useless. You learn cooking and give us dinner better than anything.”

“Yes, I cook noodles at night, you guys come back to fried sauce.”

“Eating fried noodles again?” Zhang Li grimaced.

“I want to eat.”

“Fine, come back and do it for you.”

The two rode into the car, Xu Fei glanced back, and saw the door open, standing alone in the courtyard, thin and rubbing his hands.

As if the wind was blowing, it disappeared.

She was looking here too, her eyes flicked and her heart jumped suddenly, her eyes could not be described.

Teacher Xu rushed to the unit uneasy all the way, even the greetings of colleagues did not take care of.

Today’s events are very important, and they are connected to the script of “Longing Sixteen Years”. There are a few qualifications, and there are also several consultants such as Chen Changben and Zheng Wanlong.

Zheng Xiaolong presided over and said: “From now on, we will use three days to thoroughly study the book and make preparations immediately.

Let me talk about my thoughts first. As for the title of the film, “I Want Sixteen Years” is a bit wordy, and the content is limited. It’s better to call it “Longing”, which has a broad connotation, longing for love, longing for life, and longing for a new life. “

“I agree,” Longing “has a blank and aftertaste, sixteen years is too dead.”

“Yes, then change to” Aspire “.”

Li Mu nodded and said, “Xiaoming, you talk about it.”

“Uh, didn’t you set fifty episodes? I wrote separately with Xiao Xu. I wrote about thirty episodes before Liu Huifang divorced. Why didn’t I write about divorce? The main consideration is that the tone is different before and after. Turning point, it is best to unify thinking. “

Li Xiaoming attached great importance to the play and said seriously: “Then the front part, I will briefly talk about it. The main characters include Liu Huifang, Wang Husheng, Song Dacheng, Wang Yaru, Luo Gang, Yue Juan, Liu Mu, Zhu Xin and others.

Wang Husheng came from a senior intellectual family, his father was arrested, and he was transferred to the factory to study, and he became fond of Liu Huifang.

Mother Liu disagrees with the love between the two. She is a rare person in the play who thinks that Song Dacheng can give her daughter happiness. As a result, Liu Huifang recognized Wang Husheng and finally got married.

Song Dacheng married Yue Juan who didn’t love.

Wang Yaru is the sister of Shanghai students. He is a pair with Luo Gang. He gave birth to a child and was taken away by Luo Gang.

This child was picked up and raised by Liu Huifang. Wang Husheng didn’t like it. Later, the two of them had their own flesh and blood and were a son.

Wang Yaru has always looked down on Liu Huifang, and suspects that she and Song Dacheng are unclear, so she arranges her brother’s first love, Zhu Xin, to return.

The two rekindled their old feelings and neither forgot about each other.

After Liu Huifang knew it, she was very painful and offered to divorce … I will write here. “


Teacher Xu and everyone in the Hutong who have improved their aesthetics, listened to goose bumps, what a family ethics!

Lu Xiaowei asked: “What is the reason for Liu Huifang’s active divorce?”

“She is such a character setting, sacrificing herself and fulfilling others.”

“Is Wang Husheng and Zhu Xin finally together?”

“Uh, according to my ideas, Wang Husheng had this meaning, but Zhu Xin couldn’t obliterate his conscience, and he never agreed.”

“So what’s the ending for Liu Huifang?”

“She will be subject to an accident, sickness, car accident, etc. The adopted daughter recognized her biological parents and came back to take care of her. Her son lives in the Wang family because he can receive a better education.”

“Xiao Xu’s opinion?”

“Xiao Xu? Xiao Xu?”


“If you talk about your ideas, why do you always get distracted?”


Xu Feiqiang drew his attention back and said, “This, uh, I mainly want to talk about the reason for Liu Huifang’s divorce. I think that my personality alone is not enough to make such a big decision. There must be many other factors.

For example, Wang Yaru always sneered and sarcastically, constantly stimulating her self-esteem and ability to bear. And she must feel that her husband’s love for herself is decreasing, and her mind is all about her first love.

She is not a stubborn person. She feels that if she persists, she will not get a response from her husband. So many things are integrated … “

The more he said, the more restless, and finally he couldn’t keep his mind, and stood up suddenly.

“Director, I have something important, go back!”

“Hey, Xiao Xu! Xiao Xu!”


The courtyard is quiet.

Xiao Xu stood for a while, went back to the house, put a letter on the table, and then packed up.

After living for two years, I thought I had a lot of luggage, so I looked at the desk, the lamp, the washbasin, and finally took only my clothes and a few books.

Stuffed into a small bag, the passbook was put in a close pocket, and looked around again, wiped out the door.

The grass and trees in the yard were already familiar, the snow had not yet melted, and there was a pile of them, sprinkled with red debris from firecrackers. She walked a few steps, and suddenly there was a bunch of things around her feet.



Xiao Xu squatted down and rubbed the pomegranate. “You are fine too.”

She continued to walk towards the door, getting colder and colder, and the sound seemed to be unreal, a little bit windy, a little bit broken, and then followed by “Boom!”

Zhang Li strolled in and froze on the spot.

“How did you come back?”

“I forgot to bring my information …”

His eyes fell on the luggage, “Where are you going?”

“Me, I want to go home for a while.”

“Come back home?”

Zhang Li twisted her eyebrows, “Why didn’t you tell us why you left now? When did you buy the ticket?”


“You come in!”

She dragged Xiao Xu into the house and closed the door. “You’re weird these days, what’s wrong?”


“say something!”

“Are you dying me in a hurry?”

“What’s the matter? Why do you want to leave?”

Asked constantly, Xiao Xu just bowed his head.

Zhang Li looked at her and couldn’t help being angry: “In the past few years we have lived together with food and stayed close together, but what else can’t tell me? If I don’t come back, would you just leave like this? Make me restless all my life? “

The words are too heavy.

Xiaoxu had a sour nose and whispered: “It’s nothing. I just thought about it for myself, or I just walked away so as not to be gossiped.”

“Who is gossiping?”

“The neighbors in the neighborhood all have their eyes on. Wouldn’t they look at it? There used to be Shen Lin alive, and now we are left, how can people talk about it? I haven’t even been so despised.

“But you can’t go away, what would you do with us?”

“What if I don’t go? I don’t know what to do, you don’t know what to do, he doesn’t know what to do, and he still has to live like this? When will he live?”


It seemed that a huge, non-friend’s box came down from the sky, opened the lid, and all Luo Chouqi hated were inside.

Five years ago, Xiangshan was raining. Four years ago, by the West Lake. Three years ago, the Grand View Garden Zhufangsan. Two years ago, living in the same eaves, carefully, like walking on thin ice.

Today, she completely opened it up and explained, revealing the truth, Xiao Xu covered her face, “I’ll just go now!”

“What are you talking about? If you leave, how can I be with him?”

“He likes you.”

“He likes you too.”


Xiao Xu shuddered, unable to suppress anymore, sobbing.

Zhang Li held her face and wiped her tears, “If he doesn’t like you, why did he take the rain to buy medicine? Why do you think your business is heavier than your own business? Why only fight with you, not big? small?”

“Woo … Woo …”

The more you wipe, the more you cry.

It seems that all the cautions, guesses, and sorrows should be vented out.

“Do you remember, when we filmed Golden Ranchi? I said I was here for a day, and I would spend a day with you.”

Zhang Li couldn’t bear it either, and his eyes were red. “I told myself at the time that I wouldn’t let you be wronged in this life, and I’m good to go.”

“If I were here because of you, what would I be?”

“Don’t cry, don’t cry …”

Xiao Xu wiped her face again, “I grew up so much, I know so many people, except for your parents and sisters, the two of you. It’s good in one piece, but it’s also bad. How to do it?”

Xu Fei thought he understood.

I like Zhang Li. The atmosphere is gentle, can be inside and outside, and meets all imagination. It was distressed to Xiao Xu, but also a little pitiful, mainly because of the inherent impression.

But then it was different. How could it be different? I couldn’t tell. It was no longer an inherent impression, but a lovely girl who was alive and lovely by her side.

These two days are very weird, and the look in the morning made him feel relieved, and always felt something was wrong.

Hurry and ride home.

The cold wind kept pouring into the collar, but his body was hot and scary. He reached the Xinjiekou all the way, entered the alley, saw the courtyard door, and closed it.

He suddenly mentioned his heart and hurriedly opened it, first saw Zhang Li’s bicycle, and then ran into Westinghouse.


Both are there.

Until this moment, Xu Fei began to breathe heavily, cold air invaded the hot internal organs and mixed together, painful and painful.

Then I saw the luggage on the ground.


Xiao Xu’s tears were overwhelmed. When he saw him step by step, he unconsciously wanted to shrink back. He fell forward again in the next second and was held tightly in his arms.

“Are you crazy? What are you doing?”

“let me go!”

“Quick release me!”

“Do not let go.”

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