Since 1983

Chapter 47 - Green bullion

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

During this period, a quarter of the people in Spring City were cultivating and frying flowers, and the daily traffic in the major flower markets combined could reach a horrible 400,000.

Xu Fei and Xu Xiaowen walked along Stalin Avenue (now called Renmin Avenue), and saw the windowsills on both sides of the building filled with various varieties of gentleman orchids, isolated from the cold air, or pregnant buds blooming, or arrogantly blooming.

When we waited near Hongqi Street, there was still a distance of six or seven hundred meters. The bicycles were unable to drive normally, and the flower market spread out unscrupulously, occupying a large area of ​​road.

The innumerable people automatically formed a straight line and an inverse two lines, which are regarded as entrances and exits.

There was a guy next to him who raised his arms and threw a thin two-page newspaper with a burst of white gas in his mouth, “” Gentleman’s Daily! “” Gentleman’s Daily “! There is one copy left, one copy left!”

“How much?” Xu Fei asked.

“Two pieces!”

Are you crazy, a newspaper for two dollars? He hesitated a little, and saw three or five people rushing over, then said: “Give me, I want it!”

Take a look at it. It is the “Gentleman’s Daily”, which was only created in early December. There are only four editions each week.

A fixed sentence was written on the front page, and that was the inscription of the ****: “vigorously develop the flower cause”. Looking at the content, it mainly introduces the varieties of flowers, cultivation techniques and market conditions.

Xu Fei swept a little, then folded into his arms and walked with his father. There were also many men, women, children, and children who were traveling with them, and they also held a copy of the “Gentleman’s Daily” and ran to the flower market on Hongqi Street.

For a while, he actually had an illusion, as if it were no different from those who crammed into sales offices and housing fairs with promotional ads thirty years later.

After walking with the crowd for a while, it was counted in the flower market. Xu Fei just buzzed and seemed to break into a very different world.

It was cold and windy outside, and heat waves were rushing inside. Numerous noisy sounds mixed together, hitting the eardrum instantly, and it rang gently.

There were sheepskin jackets, army green cotton jackets, woolen coats, and a few down jackets, with struggling faces and terrifying faces, with fearful enthusiasm, tension, and regret, as if there were a hundred The attitude is concentrated in this small flower market.

The accent is even more north-south and north-south, and can be heard from the northernmost to the southernmost, from the westernmost to the easternmost.

The street, which is not too wide, has been completely occupied by the flow of people. It is full of shops on both sides. It is placed outside in summer, and it is afraid of freezing in winter. The flowers are all in the house.

Xu Fei squeezed into a family casually, and saw dozens of pots of gentleman orchids on the shelf, with fewer flowers and more green leaves.

On the counter, there is a pot of fine-leaved Clivia, the flower is orange-red, and it is matched with the green shiny leaves, which is more vivid and moving.

A man clutched a stack of banknotes, his forehead was swollen, and even his muscles were twitching. “Did you come first and come later? I fancy first, I fancy first!”

“But people bid high.” The boss smiled.

“Me, I’ll add another two thousand!” The man shouted.

“I’ll add three thousand!” Another person said.

“Five thousand! I add five thousand!”

Another person stared angrily for a while, turned his head away, and seemed to exceed his own net worth. The man was very proud, opened the briefcase, and took out a stack of banknotes.

The final transaction price was twelve thousand, just stacked on the counter, the people around him were breathing heavily and their eyes were red.

The man hugged the flowers and walked out of the shop.

Xu Fei was curious and came out as well. On the way, regardless of whether you know or not, just look at the flowers in your hand and look good, you must ask: “Do you shoot?”


“Seven thousand! Seven thousand!”

“Do you sell 10,000? Do you sell?”

“twelve thousand!”

“Fifteen thousand!”

“Ten thousand eighteen sell it?”

The man only walked a few hundred meters, and the price went up three times. He bought it in the east and sold it in the west, for twenty-two thousand, and made a net profit of ten thousand!

Xu Xiaowen’s eyes glared round, his previous cognition was greatly torn apart, “Can this small potted flower sell for more than 20,000? This is not a flower, this is a gold bar!”

“Eh, the gentleman orchid is now called the green gold bar.”

Xu Fei saw it with his own eyes, and it was also in his heart, “Let’s go, let’s go look elsewhere.”

With that said, the two left Hongqi Street and arrived at the flower market on Tsinghua Road.

Here is also a crowd of people, full of madness, and in a shop, Xu Fei saw a pot of gentleman orchid. This variety is called “Baotou Monk”, that is, the leaves are in the shape of a rice spoon, and the tip of the leaf is close to the middle, just like holding the head.

As early as the 1950s, a woodworking master Wu Heting in Chuncheng cultivated a potted flower, which was later transferred to the hands of the Puming monk who guarded the Prajna Monastery.

After the growth of Puming Shi, the flower grows particularly well. The leaves are wide, short, pointed and round, obliquely and slightly curved downward, and then upward. The plant shape is beautiful, the seat resembles a lotus plate, the flower is quite unusual like a hole screen.

Later spread to the people, people called this variety “monk.” The monk holding the head is the new product of the monk and other varieties.

Xu Fei looked at it for a long time. The owner’s potted plants are good, but not so good. What’s the price?


Because the owner claimed that this is the best monk in Chuncheng.

Looking at the potted flower, he couldn’t help moving his heart, pondering an idea.


That night.

Xu Fei sat on the bed. The bed was full of various newspapers from the past, and the types of news were all there.

“The younger brother of a technician of a certain organization, greedy for his elder brother Junzilan, robbed at home and led to a spat. After the brother-in-law was stunned, the sister-in-law was stuffed into the kang hole and killed him.”

“A prosecutor with a surname of Fang from a city prosecutor’s office heard about the green gold bars in the city, so he tangled his brothers, all of them held guns, drove off-road jeep, and went to the spring city at night.

However, when the news leaked, the car was just out of the city, and the Spring City police received the call conveniently. The whole city was waiting for it. The robbers were surrounded by the door of the big flower holder. “

This city is actually Ancheng. How dare you believe a prosecutor? ? ?

There was another news that attracted Xu Fei’s special attention.

“The flower-growing king Guo Fengyi established the country’s first gentleman orchid flower company, and the city’s agricultural and commercial leaders rushed to congratulate.”

He was very impressed with this Guo Fengyi, because when he was a small planner, he had jointly organized an exhibition with the local gentleman’s association, and specifically checked a large amount of information. Among them, Guo Fengyi was mentioned in many places.

“It’s a starting point.”

Xu Fei thought deeply, and his thoughts became more and more formed during the day.



At this time, Xu Xiaowen came back to the bathhouse and scolded in his mouth, “What a special place, half washed in cold water, I almost didn’t freeze me!”

He rubbed his half-dried hair and sat down on the bed. “Xiao Fei, how can we sell this flower? Looking at the lap during the day is an eye-opener. Can a small pot of flowers show so many things? Really a temple Xiao Wang Ba Duo! “

According to the old man’s original idea, it would be enough to sell a few thousand dollars, and the result was a look, not to mention thousands, tens of thousands! Our flowers are no worse than others. Why can’t we sell high prices?

People, all this psychology, the interests are touching.

“I have to move out tomorrow, you live first, the first task is optimistic about these pots.”

“how about you?”

“I’m going to find someone, and I have to use a fake name so I don’t keep my hand.”

“Hey, I understand, I used a pseudonym when I was in the rivers and lakes, what was it called, oh …”

Xu Xiaowen patted his thigh, “Wang Shi!”


Xu Feiyi grinned, “How did you come up with this name?”

“The four grandpa masters of the storytelling gate, Liu Jingting, Wang Hongxing, Shuanghouping, Shi Yukun, I especially like Wang and Shi.”

All right, what is your name?

“So what’s your kid’s name?”

“Am I …”

Xu Fei, Xiao Fei … Gu Xiaofei? Oh no no, he quickly shook his head, “You join Wang and Shi, I will join those two, just call Liu Qinghou.”

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