Since 1983

Chapter 80 - Newcomer Xiao Xu

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!


Xu Fei woke up naturally, thinking for a while before thinking of where he was. He sat up and glanced at the old clock in the corner of the wall, at 6:50.

I dreamed again last night, but it is better than before, and I am slowly adjusting to the sleeping environment.

The fire in the stove had long been extinguished. He turned over his quilted trousers and trousers from the quilt and put them on with enthusiasm, and the trousers must be stuffed in socks.

The brush opened the curtains, and the sky was not bright outside. The bare pomegranate accompanied the empty courtyard.

Pushing cotton shoes to go out, hit the basin of water, brush your teeth and wash your face, the cold water rushed to the face, the hair was relaxed, and the spirits were all over the body, and the tiredness disappeared.

At the end, he turned to the kitchen again. The rice cooker boiled the water to cook the noodles, beat an egg, sprinkle with green onion, and drip a few drops of sesame sesame oil. This is a bowl of fragrant green onion egg noodles.

Teacher Xu sat alone in the dining room, slow and sad, like an empty nester.

“You should raise a dog, and then a cat, or sooner or later depression.”

After the noodles were eaten, the night light also showed through the night, the neighbors on the left and the right houses gradually sounded, and the cooking smoke rose, which opened the normal winter in Beijing.

Before eight o’clock, he pushed the bicycle out, and then looked into the courtyard, “It’s so deserted!”

咣 啷!

The big lock was locked, and the neighborhood also came out, “Go to work?”

“Well, you’re too old!”

“It’s not early, and he woke up at five o’clock and fell asleep again, staring at him.”

“Look, you are not stunned, your body is great, see you soon!”

Xu Fei stepped onto the car and rode in the narrow Baihua alley. The broken brick wall covered the night with frost like a thin layer of white hair. The sun is on the east side, there is no hotness, and it is cold.

Who can think of it?

There is still a chance to ride a bicycle and go to work in the capital in the 1980s?

He crossed the Xinjiekou to the west and then folded a second ring to the north, as if crossing a certain boundary, he could look at the vegetable and crop fields from afar.

First, I went to a printing shop near the TV station. When I opened the door, the boss stretched his waist at the door.

“Yo, so early, come to get the business card?”

“Is it printed?”

“Look what you said, we will eat this bowl of rice, and we must not delay things.”

The boss entered the house and took two boxes of business cards. Xu Fei opened it and looked at it. The one-sided white background was simple in style, with the Beijing TV Art Center printed in the middle, Xu Fei.

The red line below is a series of addresses and landline numbers.

It is now the best year for the business of business cards, with manual printing and great profits. A single-sided monochrome requires 15 yuan per box and 100 boxes per box. If you want to add color, add one more for 5 yuan; if the company prints a logo, you have to use a bronzing version, and another 5 yuan for a logo.

In addition, the most expensive box can be sold for more than 100 yuan.

In today’s Chinese people print business cards, the more words, the better. Anything messy will dare to add up, some more than 100 words, just like writing an article.

Xu Fei was happy with his business card. This is the foundation of survival. He didn’t dare to wave casually before because he lacked this name.

When he got to the TV station, he went to get the newspaper and distributed it to the houses. He said, “Brother Zhao!”

“Brother Feng!”



Zhao Baogang and Feng trousers scratched their heads, and were so uncomfortable with this way of saying hello, pretending to be garlic! Seeing him take the initiative to carry a hot pot to fetch water, it is no different from yesterday, so he is more relaxed.

The raw melon egg is quite sensible, and it is successful.

After the pick-up was completed, it was half past eight.

“Teacher Li is early!”

“Teacher Zhang is early!”

“Teacher Bi is early!”

All the people called were stunned, feeling awkward. Bi Jianjun, who was in charge of the technical department, nodded, and his **** just touched the chair. When he saw the latest newspaper on the table, he touched the cup and made tea warmly.


He glanced at Xu Fei and saw that the young man also sat down, reading with the newspaper. Then he turned back and was busy with his business, mainly thinking about the project.

Very few people have created original scripts this year. The novel is easy to adapt, the content is rooted and at least safe.

He flipped through a novel and read it while recording, but after a while, he suddenly heard a voice saying:

“Teacher Bi!”


Bi Jianjun raised his head in a daze.

“Well, is there a reading room on the stage?” Xu Fei asked.

“Yes, on the third floor.”

“I want to borrow some information to see.”


Xu Fei wiped away, and came back after a long time, holding several books. Bi Jianjun glanced again. The top is “Overview of TV Drama Development in the New Period.”

This is an internal book and is not published.

He sat down and began to read, followed everyone to the cafeteria at noon, and continued to read in the afternoon. Everyone got up to help when something happened … Unconsciously, the day passed.

The second day is still the same; the third day is the same.

The newcomer Xiao Xu quickly aroused discussion. Twenty-one years old, the youngest one, comes early every day, fetching water to get the newspaper, and then just reading books and newspapers, steady.

But it was this stability that made everyone weird.

Like Zhao Baogang and Feng Pants, they swept the table every day and showed them deliberately, but he didn’t feel that way. On the contrary, like that, oh, I am young and strong, and I deserve to do more. You will rest when you are old …

There is not much talk, but there are intersections with the people in the center, not too deep, just enough to chat. Everyone’s initial impressions are pretty good, sensible, and the ability to work is temporarily invisible.

And one thing is weird. The whole center is nervous about new projects, but he seems to have no idea.

A week later.

As usual, the morning meeting was on Monday, and all of them took a lot of work. Zhao Baogang and Feng Pants also thought of ideas, each holding a thick manuscript paper.

“Okay, let’s have a regular meeting … Hey, why are people incomplete?”

Lu Xiaowei glanced around and found a place that was empty. I just wanted to ask, and I saw Xu Fei coming in with a big board. “I’m sorry, Director, I’m late.”

The board is more than one meter long and half a meter wide, and is covered with cloth, I don’t know what it is. Lu Xiaowei frowned and asked, “What are you holding?”

“Don’t you let us think about the project, this is it.”

“It’s time for the meeting. Freedom is a must. What is it?” Jin Yan of the filming department was a bit bored and said a word.

“Teacher Jin, this is really what I think.” Xu Fei laughed.

“Okay, let’s have a meeting!”

Lu Xiaowei waved his hand, suppressing the slight irritability.

“I talked about it last week, let everyone think about this year’s key projects. Let’s express our opinions today, don’t be conservative, it is best to make a decision before the festival, who starts first?”

After a brief silence, the screenwriter Li Xiaoming said: “I will come first. I have turned over Mr. Guo Moruo’s play” Peacock Gallbladder “these days, and I think it is suitable for adaptation into a TV script.”

“” Peacock Gallbladder “?”

Lu Xiaowei used to be a soldier, not from a professional background, so he looked at Zheng Xiaolong. Zheng Xiaolong is a Chinese college student anyway, and explained it briefly.

It means that the red towel uprising at the end of Yuan Dynasty, King Liang fled to Chu Xiong, was rescued by Dali Gong, the governor of Dali, and then married Princess Agay as his wife. Later Duan Gong complained with King Liang, and King Liang ordered Agai to kill with peacock gallbladder. Agay refused to accept the king’s order and told him the truth. Duan Gong believed that he was highly virtuous and did not believe that King Liang would harm himself. As a result, he was killed. Agay soon disappeared.


Lu Xiaowei listened to contemplation, Guo Moruo’s book, certainly no problem in nature, but this plot is not attractive.

After everyone discussed for a while, they asked: “How many episodes do you want to adapt?”

“The original script is not long, just four episodes.”

“Four episodes …”

Lu Xiaowei became more and more bored and asked, “What do you think?”

“Can be considered, spare.” Zheng Xiaolong said.

“Standby is OK.”


Lu Xiaowei shook his head, made a stroke on the book, and asked, “Is there any?”

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