Since 1983

Chapter 839 - virus

“Travel to Busan” did not directly explain the process of the virus leak, but it can be seen from some details:

The protagonist is a financial broker. Under his operation, a biotechnology company that is about to fail has its stock price soaring, bringing it back to life, and having money to continue research.

As a result, the things studied leaked and flowed into the reservoir. The fish died and the deer that had drunk mutated.

But how did the first person get it? Without showing, the audience has many interpretations, and even suspected that it was the three fat guys’ terrifying conspiracy to bring down the neighbors.

Anyway, the virus spread, the government initially covered it, and later it became a catastrophe.

“Virus” is even worse. It not only flows into the lake, but also into the sea. The whole of Asia is dangerous.

It’s okay to set a bigger one, the story line is not involved, but if you shoot a sequel, this setting is useful: for example, you can set the scene in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, etc.

The mainland can’t work. The radio and television cast Jiuding is buried in various places in China, forming a large enchantment. The demons will not invade, and the house is safe.

The rest of the content is similar to the original version, only modified according to local conditions.


“Call Dad!”

“Da da!”

“Da da!”


Xu·Old Father·fei was holding the microphone tightly, his whole body was shaking, his heart was rolling, and his heart was full of tears.

“Where is Xiaohu?”

“Little Tiger is sleeping, when will you be back?”

“Not necessarily, I have to go to Xiangshan afterwards, but I will definitely go back when he is one year old.”

“Then you bring some souvenirs, cameras, lithography machines, DVs…”


Xu Fei hung up the phone. I don’t understand industry. I only know gossip.

In the past few days in Tokyo, he has had a good jet lag, eating well and sleeping soundly, just like home. I went shopping yesterday and bought a ZARD collection.

“are you done?”

“All right.”

Old Song called outside the door, Teacher Xu put on clothes and went out to the studio together with Xu Yingzhu.

As the producer, they have to stay with them for a few days.

First, filming the scene in the studio, Dongbao’s large studio, set up a few carriages and a corner of the platform. Those Japanese actors don’t have to spend time in the crew, they come only when there is a play.

Mainland China, Hong Kong, and South Korea all contributed a certain amount of people behind the scenes. As soon as Xu Fei arrived, he saw a makeup artist he knew busy.

The subject was a girl, who was very clever to let her smear on her face.

“how do you feel?”

“I haven’t put on zombie makeup before, and I have been studying in this episode for a few days, it’s okay.”

“How long does it take?”

“It’s 1 hour and 10 minutes. The director asked us to shorten it to less than 50 minutes, otherwise it would be too much trouble.”

“It’s a rare opportunity to come out and communicate, do it hard.”

Xu Fei encouraged a few words, and then asked the girl in English: “Did you learn dancing?”

The other party does not understand.

He broke apart and said, “You, dance? Dance?”

The girl seemed to understand, smiled and nodded: “Hmm!”

“Come on!”

He gave a thumbs up.

Get into the carriage and it has been photographed inside. Tsui Hark said the cycle is four months, purely considering the feelings of Japan and South Korea. You let a Hong Kong director spend four months filming?

It’s troublesome.

The size of the carriage is much larger than the real size, and the photographers I bring with me cooperate with each other and have multiple cameras. Old Monster Xu started acting again.

“You like this guy, very proactive.”

“You like this girl too, but you don’t want to be so ostentatious, a little awkward.”

“You come here, come here…”

Tsui Hark’s one-handed backpack strode over very neatly, sitting next to Takashi Kashiwahara, and said: “You chew bubble gum, blow a bubble at him, burst it, and grab his earphones.”

He really stretched out his hand, really took off the headset, put it on himself, and looked at Bai Yuanchong in a charming and provocative manner.


Takaichi Kashiwabara is excited, why is there such a director? ? ?

Hirosue Ryoko covered her mouth and nodded frequently: “I understand, I understand.”

Tsui Hark got up again, and said to the dragons: “You know that they are both, you have to booze at this time, come and try.”


“OK, very good, let’s go through it completely.”

Although it needs to be translated, the sentence by sentence is conveyed more clearly. Old Monster Xu made a scene so plainly that he would no longer be a fool.


“Crack! Over!”

One mouth, one shut, it’s over!

Xu Ke was about to go to the next game, and I saw Mr. Xu’s words: “Keep one, keep one!”

So I took another backup, which was not so amazing. Some Hong Kong directors can shoot fast and well, which is really amazing.

“The Demon Lord of the Legend of the Dragon Slayer” took 7 days and there were scenes of chaos.

Tsui Hark is relatively slow.

Putting on makeup outside and entering the main scene, a virus-infected person got into the carriage, causing a catastrophe for this train.

The two young ladies who went into battle first were the infected and the flight attendants, both dancers.

Old Monster Xu mainly communicated with action design these days, and Xu Fei also provided a reference on how to make zombies more visually impactful: From people to zombies quickly, at the moment of complete corpse, wow.



In the compartment where the baseball team was, Hirosue Ryoko was next to Takashi Kashiwahara, who covered his face with a hat and didn’t care about her.

Two single dog companions are fighting.

The camera was very low, just in time to capture the body of a flight attendant passing by, but strangely, there was still a person on her back.

Denim shorts, sturdy thighs, silk stockings are tightly tied to the thighs like a rubber band, the calf seems to be bloody, and the purple blood vessels are bursting out like earthworms.

The passengers were amazed.

I saw a woman lying on the back of the flight attendant, buried between her neck, and the flight attendant struggling forward in pain. Finally unable to support it, he fell to the ground.

The woman simply broke her head and pressed it **** the ground, her hands were bloody, her lips and teeth roared.

It looked like a lioness biting the neck of its prey.

When the flight attendant was completely breathless, the woman suddenly raised her head, her pupils grey, her hair mixed with blood and sticking to her face.

“what happened?”

“what is that?”


The woman threw on another food and let out a scream.

Takashi Kashiwahara reacted first, turning over the chair to save people.

Ryoko Hirosue’s eyes widened, and when the flight attendant on the ground suddenly twitched, his head and feet began to twist violently.

After being bitten, the corpse takes only a short time.

The flight attendant was like a fish thrown ashore, like a snake pinched to his body. First, he twitched irregularly, followed by bending his head and feet to the inside, arching his back.

In the next second, the muscle strength of the whole body exploded in an instant.


Ryoko really screamed!

The dancer’s flexibility is shown to the maximum, the body is opened like a bow, and the shoulders and clothes are designed to make the arms look like anti-joints stretched.

The slender neck leaned back violently, revealing an evil face.

His face and mouth were full of blood stains, his teeth became sharp, and his mouth was nailed one by one.


Tsui Hark clapped his hands and praised: “Very good, very good!”

Many people on the scene were taken aback, and then they reacted and praised one after another: “Sri Lanka!”

“Sri Lanka One!”

Japan is also considered a big country of zombies, but it has never seen such zombies. It transcends the blood in the traditional sense and has a sense of novelty in style, action, scene, story, and connotation.

Of course, I can’t see the connotation now, it’s just action.

This is something I haven’t seen in the past, nor in Hollywood zombie movies, let alone the subject is Oriental.

“Mr. Xu, Mr. Song!”

Yasuda and Seo Young-soo were still clapping their hands, and repeatedly praised: “We now believe that “Virus” will succeed.”

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