Since 1983

Chapter 9 - Mogouying

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

Xu Fei has nothing, only more than one hundred deposits.

He seriously considered all kinds of feasibility, and even wanted to get some peanuts and sunflower seeds in the countryside, come back for rough processing, and then ran to the railway station to sell. Later, if you think about the low cost performance, just give up.

At the moment, he was sitting on a bus going to Wugou camp, watching the wilderness outside the city. Hey, that’s right, it was the place where the old Gu looked for the dragon …

Did not resign, let alone tell the family.

His parents supported him to participate in the Dream of the Red Mansion, because that was a serious matter, and it did not mean that they would be open-minded to let their son quit his job and go for a speculative business.

So he found a subtle excuse for leave to find the feeling of the dream of the Red Mansions.

Something that is very irritating at first hearing is actually accepted by both the unit and the family-well, the fact is that there is a lot of miscellaneous things anyway, there is no shortage.



The bus traveled slowly with noise of various frequencies, and stopped from time to time in a backcountry, or up or down, a distance of two hundred and thirty-two, two hundred kilometers, and actually walked for a small period of time.

At noon, he finally came to the Wugouying station.

I randomly found a restaurant and chewed sixty-five patties, plus a bowl of egg soup, before running towards the destination of this trip—the textile mill.

As a heavy industry base in the Northeast, light textile is not well developed. Like Ancheng, there is no textile factory, and it was only established in 1985. At present, there is one in Fengtian, one in Xiangping, and one at Luda, but the most famous one is Wugouying Textile Mill.

Before the liberation, Mogouying was the largest cotton cloth market in the Northeast, and its products were sold well in Guanbei and Siberia. In 1932, businessman Li Zichu formed a large textile factory, which was taken over by the government after liberation.

State-owned enterprise workers are the most popular this year. Above the wage level, various treatments are flying up to the sky.

The first is the iron rice bowl. Don’t worry about unemployment, a full set of labor insurance, and the cost of sickness will be covered by the enterprise. And relatives who get sick can also write their own names, which equals free medical care for the whole family.

When you get married, the unit will give you a house or rent it to you at a very low price. It does n’t matter if you ca n’t find your wife. The single-handed companies will even recruit a group of female workers to encourage intermarriage, so there are many double workers.

Later, when they were laid off, these people were the worst.

The most amazing thing is that there is also a succession system where the son can replace Lao Tzu. Basically, as long as you enter a state-owned enterprise, you will have no worries about life and death, and even future generations.

In addition, the most popular positions are commercial grain supply (commercial bureau system, grain shops, supply and marketing cooperatives), of course, textile mills are also good, go out blind dates are decent.

Xu Fei easily found a place. From afar, he saw a large area of ​​factory buildings lying there, surrounded by clubs, hospitals, schools and other supporting units, just like a small kingdom.

He was like a self-made, sloppy river and lake guest with no clue. But it’s no hurry. The factory couldn’t get in, so it went to the club.

On the first floor are the billiards case and the movie theater. On the second floor is the reading room. On the wall are the heads of the great proletarian leaders and blood-red banners.

In the afternoon working hours, there are few people in the club, only a man with small eyes is playing alone.

Xu Fei looked at it for a moment and suddenly stepped forward, “Dude, come on a shot?”

“Come on!”

Men wore vain and polite. So the two played their clubs and started to play, very simple black eight game.

Xu Fei was also passionate and youthful in his previous life, and his skills were exceptionally superb. He wins ahead of his consciousness, but also knows how to defend in addition to offense. In the end, with a defensive ball, he broke the opponent’s advantage and scored three goals in a row.


The man’s eyes brightened, “Come again!”

Xu Fei was naturally accompanied and played three consecutive games with two wins and one loss. The guy threw the club and waved his hand: “No more playing, serve!”

He smiled and said nothing, went to the steps at the door of the club and squatted there.

The man glanced at him, not bothering, and wiped himself on the second floor.



A perfect smoke ring spit out of his mouth and slowly disappeared in the air.

It was during working hours that the factory area was empty and there was a faint sound of rolling spindles, as if thousands of hummingbirds were not far away.

Such a big state-owned enterprise, he did not believe it was a red heart to the sun, no flaws. In the south, where textiles are most developed, it is no longer a novelty, and the north is almost, but there must be someone doing it.

Pressed a little anxiously, he smoked one by one, ready to wait to see it at night.

Two hours passed, the sound of the machinery running gradually stopped, and the bell in the factory followed as if it appeared out of thin air. Hundreds of workers walked out of the factories, wearing uniforms, taking off masks, and Wuyangyang flocked door.

It’s off work.

Their looks and mental appearance are better than most of this era, talking about picking up children, buying food, and even going to a nearby restaurant to take a look.

At the same time, footsteps also heard from upstairs.

The little-eyed man led a young girl downstairs. When Xu Fei was still hovering at the door, he whispered something to Yi Er and took the initiative.

“Dude hasn’t left yet!”

“Well, what about reading upstairs?” He spoke casually.

“What book can I read, go play.”

The man walked to the side and squatted down, asking: “Aliens? Haven’t seen you before.”


“Come to find someone?”

“No, do something.”

“Do something …”

The man looked at him and smiled unclearly. Xu Fei touched the other person’s eyes, moved his heart, and quickly figured out the big production and handed it over. “What do you call it?”

“My surname is Liu.”

“Brother Liu!”

He lit the fire again, and the set was close to saying: “At first glance, he has the ability to do it. This year, he has not played well in billiards.”

“Hah, you are complimenting yourself!”

The man smoked a cigarette and unconsciously exuded a little bit of pride. “Actually, he doesn’t have any great skills, but he has a familiar face.”

“A familiar face is great!”

Xu Fei showed a hint of surprise with half-truth and said, “I’m new here, I just want to inquire …”

“Okay, I know what you do as soon as you come, I see you much like this.”

The man interrupted him and paused. He stretched his fist first, then spread his fingers, shaking his palm.

“Do you want this or this?”

What the hell?

Xu Fei looked at him dumbfounded, this is a code word, what do you know!

“Don’t understand? First time?”

At first glance, Brother Liu smiled more, “Yes, then I don’t have to do a mystery anymore, you just say what do you want?”

“I want to get some cloth.”

Cloth? ? ?

When the second word fell on the ground, the other person’s smile swept away, “Fuck, what are you doing with the mysterious secret of my god, white blind my feelings!”

He thought about it and said, “But my brother came from afar, and I don’t dislike it. In this way, are you waiting for me here at ten o’clock?”

“It must be done. Trouble Brother Liu.”

Xu Fei put all the half-pack production into the room. The man thrust into his pocket and hugged the girl away again. His hands fell all the way, and finally he pinched on the **** accurately.

(You can reward …)

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