Since 1983

Chapter 905 - The fifth film

Historically, Han Sanping served as director of Beijing Film Factory in 1994.

In 1999, he served as Deputy Director and Vice President of China Film Group. In 2007, he formally became Chairman of China Film Group.

Why does he support Chen Kaige? Because CITIC and China Film jointly established a Century Hero Film Investment Company, and Chen Kaige is the art director and has business in it.

Like “With You” and “Wuji”, this company is involved in investment.

Besides, Han Sanping has a good judgment in art films and he has a certain level of confidence in commercial films. When I was in the Emei factory, I asked “Emei Fei Pirates” to temporarily add 7 action scenes and sold many copies.

Looking at his resume, he supported directors such as Huo Jianqi, Lu Xuechang, Lu Xiaochuan, and supported Feng Pants’ “Party A and Party B”, released “Crazy Stone”, and invested in Ning Hao to continue filming “Crazy Racing”…

This is all credit.

On the other hand, the so-called blockbusters, “The Promise”, “Up and Down Chibi”, “Mei Lanfang”, “Nanjing”, “October Besieged City”, the Jianguo trilogy, etc., including the new “Red Mansion” and “Three Kingdoms” he has invested in .

Objectively speaking, in the environment at the time, people were crossing the river by touching the stones.

How can Hong Kong filmmakers go northward, how can they integrate and make blockbuster films suitable for the mainland market? needs time.

As a result, Han Sanping made a “time-limiting mistake” and valued Hong Kong directors very much and launched a series of formalistic blockbusters.

Later, it was even more disoriented, such as the Jianguo trilogy.

Is the standard really high? Not necessarily, there is nothing left besides counting stars.

Especially in the last one, Liu Weiqiang is the director, looking for a lot of traffic to play, General Ye is like a young and Dangerous boy…

Not only want to shoot the main theme, but also want to show good to the so-called hundreds of millions of fans, with the same nature as the Spring Festival Gala.

Now, in 2003, Wu Mengchen did not resign, and the five-year plan was in full swing, and the powerful Han Sanping was virtually eliminated.

He wants to earn this sense of existence, and “Promise” is the breakthrough.

Wu Mengchen is very visionary and worried in the small pavilion: “The integration of the two places is a good thing, but I am worried that some people in the Mainland are too superstitious about Hong Kong movies and are eager for quick success and quick gains, and waste time without much effect.

Especially with your “A World Without Thieves” and other movies ahead, everyone looks at it, this is the model, and then swarms up, completely ignoring the content. “

“Should you think this way? Trial and error are inevitable. The market needs stimulus, and there are more films to stimulate.

Every country is a bunch of good movies and bad movies. I can’t stop bad movies? I’m only responsible for making good movies…”

Xu Fei’s attitude is clear: “But don’t you worry? I won’t let some people waste resources in vain? Capital is arrogant, policy is discriminatory, and a few **** is out!”

You are talking about? Wu Baige!

The two chatted for a long time? Xu Fei took Lao Wu to visit the manor, orchard, as well as his own pigs, cows, sheep, and big geese.

“Oh, it turns out that all the eggs and meat you send during the New Year holidays are from here.”

“Not bad, right? Waiting for this Mid-Autumn Festival? The big goose is getting fat? I’ll carry one for you then.”

“I prefer to eat duck.”

“Is there a duck too? Carry one for you!”

“That’s okay? The sauced duck made by my wife is superb? Salty but sweet? Soft but not rotten…”

“Wait! How can ducks be sweet?”

“Why can’t the duck be sweet?”



Xu Yuling passed by after the big goose.

In the evening, Mr. Xu stayed for dinner and ran to the study to continue talking after dinner.

“If the fourth “Kung Fu” is over soon, it will be released at the end of the year without any problem. Mainly the fifth…”

“Yes, you’ve been so mysterious and secret? What do you want to shoot?” Old Wu asked.

“I’ll talk about what to shoot. The first four are basically released every year? The fifth is very difficult? It will definitely not be finished next year? I want to postpone the release until the next year.”


Old Wu was surprised and speechless, waiting for him to explain.

“But don’t worry about the next year’s film? I will release “Mobile” until the end of the year and speculate with “Kung Fu” for the New Year’s Eve files. “Hurricane Rescue”, “Super Body” and “Ambush on Ten Sides” can be released in two years.

Besides, I have new projects!

If anyone asks, the reason is good, everyone will understand the impact of the epidemic. “

Xu Fei pulled out a script from the drawer and smiled: “I went to Hollywood to investigate special effects last year. I have been in touch with that side a long time ago and I am already preparing.

Before, I always talked about the film industry. After several years of training, the studio has been able to achieve basic assembly line production.

What is the foundation?

It is not related to high-level special effects, and the type is narrow. Ancient costumes, cities, and the Republic of China can do it, but what about others? “

He clicked on the script: “What to do in the future?”


Wu Mengchen bowed his head, four characters on the title page: “Earth Cannon”!


Late at night.

Lao Wu drove in the countryside, and the light from the two headlights turned with the ups and downs of the road, shaking in front of him.

Occasionally, there are two spots of light on the face, passing by slowly.

On the co-pilot’s seat, there were a script, a “Sci-Fi World” magazine, and a copy of the manuscript. The magazine and the photocopy are two short stories, “Bring Her Eyes” and “Earth Cannon.”


Looking at the gloomy road ahead, Old Wu still thought about the conversation just now, in the study room filled with incense.

“This is a science fiction movie?”


“Science fiction…Since you take it out, I won’t ask any nonsense, but I want to hear your thoughts.”

“What was the goal of our five-year plan?”

“Stimulate the market, open up the path of domestic blockbusters, and build the film industry.”

“The first two are barely done, but the latter is far from it. In other words, the first four films are just for the last one.

“A World Without Thieves”, “October Besieged”, “Heroes” and “Kung Fu”, are they successful? Very successful, the template was erected, the cooperation between the two places was promoted, the audience’s vision was broadened, and the box office increased steadily.

They have their own meanings, but you can think of them as commercial, market, and co-production, not the film industry!

We are pioneers, pioneers must break through themselves, and those who make rules must break through themselves!

Otherwise, it will be like the film industry in today’s film industry, where the successful old directors occupy the top, and their interests will form their own factions, suppressing different and new things.

Otherwise, you will lie on the credit of the five blockbuster films, watching the latecomers succeeding, imitating one after another. It may not be until a dozen or two decades later that a new milestone will be born.

Do you know what type of film I decided on the first five-year plan? “


“Ha! The journey of mankind is the sea of ​​stars!”

Teacher Xu uttered a famous saying that hadn’t become popular, and smiled: “This film is costly and the box office is unpredictable. The three major investment companies, Tianxia, ​​Sunshine, and Cactus, may also seek Japanese and South Korean funds to expand the pan-Asian market.

But I still have no guarantee. It may be the first film I lost money in my career.

Old Wu, are you following? “


The tire ran across the country road, Wu Mengchen drove the car, and seemed to smile at the time.

“Old Han is supporting the inconsistent script over there, of course we have to do some business together!”

(and also……)

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