Since 1983

Chapter 910 - Worship the wrong buddha

On the third day, continue the discussion.

Except for those who spoke, 80% of the team of more than 100 people stayed there and couldn’t run around. Those who came under the banner must be united.

“Contemporary Entertainment”, Sohu Entertainment, and the entertainment scene are like fish in the water, sneaking interviews one by one, which is a joy.

Today’s meeting has become smaller, and there are only people from the Film Bureau and China Film. The Hong Kong side finally understood what the forum was, it was really a forum.

I did not mention the previous demands, and only put forward specific suggestions on film review and classification system.

There are Feng Pants, Huang Jianxin, Huo Jianqi and others on the mainland, and they have responded with a warm atmosphere. To be honest, mainland directors have suffered even more from censorship, fighting for decades.

Feng’s trousers have a big mouth, and he fires daily shots: “Now they are talking about opening up the market to Hong Kong films and giving them the treatment of mainland films. But I want to call for mainland films to be treated as imported films!

Seeing everyone’s confusion, he explained: “Take “Infernal Affairs” as an example. There are also undercover police officers in the police force. If it is shot by a mainland director, it will definitely fail.

How can there be bad guys in the police force? Right?

But since “Infernal Affairs” is an imported film, it will be no problem to be released, just because the pirated version has not been introduced. It is said that China Film is already talking about “Infernal Affairs 2”. “


Han Sanping began to cough.

Feng Pants was even more energetic, saying: “There is an unfair competition between the two places. I don’t ask for more, but the film bureau treats them equally.”


Tong Gang also began to cough.

The Hong Kong side was a little embarrassed, and Huang Jianxin ended up saying: “You say a few words, and a few words.”

“Hey, just kidding.”

Feng Pants knew that he had a better spray on his back, and he was confident, and smiled: “In short, I support the opening of the film market.

The market is definitely getting bigger and bigger, and everyone has food to eat. “

The words are stingy, but on the whole they support the review reform.

The Hong Kong side continued to export, Balabala, and finally Han Sanping couldn’t listen, saying: “I think the mainland is better? Hong Kong is not the case. Chinese films want to really get out of the trough, not just a question of market and censorship.

First of all, we must find the reason from the work itself? Hong Kong has a classification system? But why can’t it beat Hollywood?

Similarly? French, German, and British films have also failed to beat Hollywood. It can be seen that the problem is the work itself, the aging model and the newcomer’s fault? This is the first problem we have to solve. “


The atmosphere was a bit stiff for a while? Tong Gang also ended up: “Let me say a few words. In the mid to late 1990s, due to the promotion of the main theme, the censorship standards were relatively strict.

But now? Central ideological guidance to vigorously develop the cultural industry? We will certainly relax more than before.

As for the degree of relaxation? It depends on the specific content of the specific film. Can’t you say that you make a pornographic movie? Then yell at the censorship? It must not work! “


Mainland directors have spurned, are you strict? You can hardly pass the trial except for the main melody?

Historically, the Film Bureau issued a series of documents in 2003 to relax the censorship standards. No comparison with the 80s? Compared with the main melody period? It’s really loose.

At the same time, look for the sixth-generation panelists who made the banned films? Jia Zhangke, Wang Xiaoshuai, Lou Ye, Chu Qing and others? All of them lifted the ban.

There was still nothing to discuss after a meeting, and when everyone thought it was about to end, Lao Song suddenly added.

“Everyone, please wait a moment? I just heard Director Tong talk about censorship, and I jumped out an idea. If we can’t make detailed regulations for the time being, then a simple distinction should be fine?”

“Mr. Song speaks specifically.” Tong Gang said.

“For example, in a movie, of course it is not pornography, but there are some passionate scenes, such as kissing and touching the bed, etc…”


Everyone was amused.

Lao Song asked seriously: “Can such a film go through trial?”

“Uh, as long as the subject is not crooked, it should be passed.”

“Then is it suitable for children to watch?”

“Definitely not suitable.”

“So, can you make a general standard first, which is obviously not suitable for children to watch, and the official reminder sign will be issued.”


This seems to work.

Tong Gang’s eyes lit up and he nodded and said, “Thank you Mr. Song for the suggestion. We will seriously consider it.”

Finally ended.

Feng Pants and others went to Lao Song directly and gave a thumbs up: “I admire it!”

“With kind thoughts and noble morals, he is stronger than us laymen!”

“Yeah, we didn’t even think of such a simple thing.”

They know too well!

The official censorship card is so strict, and as a result, the special school organizes children to watch movies. “Black Sun 731” and “Red Cherry” are not taboo!

Later generations are also awesome, “Lust Caution”, “Wind Sound” and “Operation Red Sea” are open for all age groups!

“Don’t dare to be it.”

Lao Song was polite, then went to lunch and went back to the room to rest for a while.

Meeting with those big guys again, all of them were very upset.

“A trip for nothing, nothing was done.”

“Issue, split accounts, taxes, review, review may be a little tricky, alas!”

“No way, the mainland officials are the biggest, we can’t match them.”

“Hong Kong films can only be released first. If they want to co-produce the film, we will do the co-production.”

Wen Jun had something to say at this time, and said: “I have worked with the mainland a few times, and I am a little more familiar than a few others. The mainland producers are China Film and Tianxia.

The rest, uh, they are called private enterprises, and they are not a climate. If we work together, we’d better find these two. “

“How did I hear that they are all studios?”

“That’s a thing of the past. Now that the studio is in decline, looking for them is a burden and burden.”

Wen Jun continued: “In terms of distribution, it is still China Film and the World. One official is the largest and the other is the largest private. In terms of screening, there are heroes from all walks of life, but these two also have theaters.”

“The boss of the world is Xu Fei? You were on the news in Hong Kong last year. You seem to admire it?” Huang Baiming said.

“Just kidding, he knows the cooperation between the two places best.

“The Wind”, “A World Without Thieves”, “October Besieged”, “Hero”, “Hero” has nearly 300 million box office, 300 million!

There are also releases, “My Brothers and Sisters”, “Tianmai Legend”, “Unparalleled Under Heaven” and “Hedong Lion Roar” are all made by Xu Fei’s company. Ah, ask Mr. Song, he knows better than me. “


Old Song took a look at Wenjun, when did you join as a little comrade? The organization didn’t tell me!

He paused and said: “I have worked with this person many times. “Virus” is his creativity and coordination. He also took the initiative to come to me for those films. I heard that the relationship with China Film is very good.

A blockbuster program is currently being created. Although the box office in Hong Kong is not good, it is 100 million in the Mainland. “


After a moment of silence, Fatty Wang suddenly said: “Several bosses, I think they had a wrong idea at the beginning. After all, we are so-called non-governmental people. The radio and television level is very high and we can’t talk about it.

“Then what do you mean?”

“Worship the wrong Buddha.”

Fatty Wang spread his hands like a penguin.

“Boom boom boom!”

At this moment, the waiter knocked on the door and came in and said, “I’m sorry, a few people, someone just gave this to Mr. Wen Jun.”


Wen Jun took it. It was an antique post.

Take a look:

“Well, boss Xu hosted a banquet.”

(and also……)

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