Since 1983

Chapter 96 - Internal reference

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

“How do you look like a boy of wealth, look at this golden body.”

He didn’t pay much attention until he was far away. At this moment, Xu Fei discovered that she was wearing a dazzling golden pine crane pattern satin partial waistband.

Ordinary people wear gold, which must be vulgar, but Baochai, on the contrary, only feels rich and graceful, and has a graceful attitude.

“I didn’t like it at first glance, but it felt okay to wear it.”

Zhang Li rubbed his arms and twisted the fan with his fingertips, it should be a summer scene.

Xu Fei flipped through a pile of clothes to find her jacket and threw it over, “Wipe the sweat, don’t catch a cold.”

“It’s not sweat, it’s water pouring on my face.”

“That must be wiped even more.”

He took out his handkerchief and reached over, and the girl hid a little, then stopped. After she briefly picks it up, the two are sitting on the bluestone just now.

“Why are you free?”

“After being busy for two months, things are almost the same. You can take a breath this time. When will Xiaoxu come back?”

“It’s afternoon, she went to the city government.”

“Afternoon …”

Xu Fei didn’t want to spend a day and asked, “Do you have a play next month on the 9th?”

“No. 9? I have to go back and look at the schedule. What’s wrong?”

“Isn’t this year’s Year of World Peace? I’m going to have a concert concert. I heard that there are more than 100 singers. Haven’t you read the newspaper?”

“Where do I have time to read the newspaper …”

“Uh, then you look at your itinerary, if you have time, please write me a letter, and then set the number of people, and I will book the ticket after the end.”

“How many people are you going to invite?”

“Don’t be too much, don’t be too little. It’s too much trouble, it’s boring to lose it.”

“Oh … understand.”

Zhang Li wrapped his coat and shook the fan with a chuckle, “Teacher Xu wants to earn a face, but does not want to spend too much money, I must convey it.”

“Huh, why are you skinned now?”

Xu Fei knocked her head off, and didn’t wait for her to react, then stood up, “I still have something to do, let’s go first, waiting for your call.”


When Zhang Li saw him, he suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and finally he sat down slowly and touched his hair again.

“Teacher Xu!”

“Teacher Xu!”

At the gate, Zhang Jinglin carried a bag and jumped into the back seat of the bicycle. “Aren’t you waiting for me?”

“I’m waiting, where are you going?”

“Where are you going?”

“I go back to the Baihua alley.”

“I’m going to Dongcheng, and stop by.”

It’s really smooth! Xu Fei got on the bicycle and left the Grand View Garden.

The road in front of the door was okay, and it turned into a bumpy, dusty loess around a corner. The wheels were crushed on the dirt road, and they started to walk again and again.


Zhang Jinglin nearly fell, holding his waist, “This is not as good as my hometown!”

“You are seated, I almost did not die when I came.”

Xu Fei tried his best to keep his balance. He felt two small hands holding his waist, soft and soft, which was very interesting.

I have carried Daiyu and Baochai, and the two girls refused to touch each other, and the first one was Qingwen.

Zhang Jinglin really does not squeeze in this respect, not to say that she is unrestrained, on the contrary she is the most affectionate and singular girl, and her life is also a lot of ups and downs, which is sighing.

“You have finished filming, what are you going to do in the future?” He asked.

“I have more things to do. I will go to a singer competition in a few days, and I will continue filming next month.”


“Yeah, it was played by two masters Chen Ersi, called” Second Son Opening a Shop. “”

咣 啷!

The bicycle rubbed against a stone.

“Okay, find your next house so quickly?”

“Who do you think I am, how can you say it is a little famous.”

“Then you’re in and out, I mean, you just played Qingwen and played other roles, can you adapt?”

“What’s wrong, fuss …”

Zhang Jinglin swayed his legs and smiled, “Seriously, I think everyone in the group is stupid, but you and Brother Hou are okay, but Brother Hou is older, you don’t have this thought, and you’re boring.


Xu Fei shook his head, more dead than popular.

This talent is extremely talented, singing and acting like a child, like a child, he has no plan for his acting career, only feels fun.

“Hey, if you filmed, tell me chant.”


“I want to know and know Mr. Chen. I especially like to see his sketches.”

“Okay, call you when the time comes, hey you give me a call!”

Xu Fei spread a hand and found a business card and handed it over.

“Huh, it looks like a decent thing. I don’t know if you are a competent cadre. Wait until the flight is over, don’t forget all of us.”

“No one can forget who is revolutionary friendship.”

After riding for a long time, I arrived at Baihua Alley.

Xu Fei was polite and asked her to go in and see, but the result really went in, Sa Huan ran around, flashing smoke.

“Women who come and go like wind!”

He sighed in excitement. He sweated on the bike and went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water. After a rush, he entered the study and picked up a newspaper today.

Below the daylight saving time news, there is a few hundred words of news.

“A concert of 100 singers will be held, dedicated to the World Peace Year …”

I was busy with “Undercover Police” a while ago, and I didn’t think hard. When I saw the news of the concert today, I suddenly had some ideas.

In 1982, the 37th United Nations General Assembly, on the initiative of Costa Rica, designated 1986 as the International Year of Peace. The theme is “Defending Peace and Safeguarding the Future of Mankind”, which is supported by more than 100 countries and organizations.

In 1984, Bob Dylan, Madonna, Elton John, Michael Jackson and others held a charity performance for African victims. Among them, “WeAreTheWorld”, which was sung together by 54 singers, is a famous musical history.

The performance lasted 16 hours and attracted nearly 1.5 billion TV viewers.

Affected by this, Luo Dayou created “Tomorrow Will Be Better” on the initiative of Zhang Aijia this year. More than 60 singers such as Li Zongsheng, Tong Ange, Qi Qin, Qi Yu, Pan Yueyun and Su Rui broke the restrictions of signing companies and also jointly created a feat.

This time the mainland musicians couldn’t sit still.

Popular songs have always been viewed low, but through these two events, some guys suddenly found out that eh, popular music is not just a flashy moonlight, but also can bear great social responsibilities.

Two people played an important role, one was Guo Feng of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, and the other was his girlfriend, Zhang Danli, editor of the China Recording and Video Corporation.

The two people had the idea of ​​holding a concert and received support from both units. So, one set invested 250,000 and convened a concert of 100 singers to start planning …

It was finally decided to perform on May 9th.

There is no need to talk more about the significance of this concert. He has to go back and see it for sure. In addition, you can plan well.


Xu Fei has been brewing for a long time, writing and swaying, an internal reference is instantly available.


The next day, the central office.

Zheng Xiaolong has read this internal reference for the third time, and every time he reads it, he feels good, and at the same time has a headache: What is the grandson doing?

At the beginning, he and Lu Xiaowei evaluated this person, saying that it was a good knife, used the right to cut through the thorns, and used the wrong to hurt others.

Sometimes he ’s weird. There are so many weird ideas, but it makes a lot of sense.


Zheng Xiaolong shook his head, still writing a “read” with a pen.

He got up and went to the office next door. “Director, Xiao Xu wrote something. See if you can report it.”

“Well, let it go.”

Li Mu is personally calculating the pre-expenditure of “Underwear Police”, and when he is busy, he remembers it, and at first glance, he is silent, and finally writes a “read”.

At the end, think about it, and add a sentence “This proposal has practical feasibility and far-reaching significance, and I urge leaders to pay attention.”

He took the manuscript and went upstairs to the art department of the TV station.

The director of the department of arts and culture is called Liu Di. Later, he became the director of the station. When he met the former deputy station, he quickly greeted him.

“You study and study this, if you can do it, you can do it.”


Liu Di secretly vomited, the cadres you focused on training personally sent, I dare not carry out? He took the internal reference, and he was surprised for a moment, seeing the title read:

“Some suggestions for broadcasting valuable programs and establishing audiovisual publishing houses.”

(And … for subscriptions, recommendations, monthly tickets, too few subscriptions!)

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