Since 1983

Chapter 976

On March 27th, the Olympic Building.

Today is the first creative seminar for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

After the second round of presentations, the Olympic Organizing Committee made a decision to let the top three score joint operations. So the chief director Zhang Guoshi, Zhang Jigang of the People’s Liberation Army team, and Chen Weiya of the National Song and Dance Ensemble served as the deputy directors.

The matter has been settled and has not been announced to the public. It is said that a press conference will be held next month to formally issue the letter of appointment.

In the morning meeting room, people arrived one after another.

There are nearly 300 people in the entire team. Those who can sit here are the core members, including the chief visual effects designer Cai Guoqiang, who has a bronzed skin and a smoky look.

In addition, Chen Qigang, the chief music designer, Yu Jianping, the director of the Beijing Special Engineering Design Institute, the head of the technical team, planned Wang Chaoge, Fan Yue, Chen Danqing and so on.

In addition to some other personnel, I sat in a large room.

And in the corridor outside, the photographer responsible for shooting the documentary was following him.

“Mr Xu, what did the next blockbuster shoot?”

“”Earth Cannon” won the first place in the mainland box office. Are you confident of breaking through yourself?”

“Are you still making science fiction movies?”

Xu Fei squinted at him, wondering: “Why are you still adding private goods? Isn’t this an Olympic documentary?”

“Your loyal fan, I haven’t officially filmed yet!”

“Wait for the lower part, the opening ceremony has priority.”

He strode into the conference room, and it was full of big guys. Although he didn’t get up to meet him, he also looked at him. After all, I just finished a landmark work, and hit the whole country!

A 41-year-old man, the pinnacle of mature charm. It is not bald or oily, tall and tall, with a strong waist and long legs.

On the neck hangs a work card: production director!

With all the staff in place, Zhang Guoshi presided over the meeting and said: “Today’s first seminar, some of you are familiar and some are unfamiliar. Many of them are the first time we met.

This is a long process, not just creativity, we all have to work together as soon as possible…”

“Civilization and harmony cannot be performed. The most urgent task is to find a bearing concept…”

Barabala spoke for a while, and Zhang Jigang’s personality was lively, and he said first: “A thousand threads are too complicated. You talk a little first, just say a little, what do you want to see?”

“No explanation, no explanation, just like the water in Athens. At first glance, this is China!”

Zhang Guoshi talks with many thieves and expresses his feelings: “I hope to complete an action on the spot. This action is continuous from beginning to end. It is different from foreign countries and China’s past.”

Ideas are from abstract to concrete, from idea to program.

Xu Fei listened very carefully. He had a full set of answers, but he couldn’t directly show them. All of you present, who have worked so hard in history, cannot be shamelessly taken away by themselves.

What he has to do is to save some time for everyone, so as not to rush the rehearsal later.

After a rush of discussion, during a short break, Teacher Xu said: “I think there are two points. One is the structure of your four great inventions, which is definitely not good.”

“Why not? The four great inventions are so awesome!” Zhang Guoshi wondered.

“There can be the elements of the four great inventions, but if you take them as the core structure, it is very narrow. I think it can be integrated into the chronological sequence that I did before. Isn’t it the idea of ​​expressing harmony? Think about how to combine Get cash] Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

“The second point is that the construction of the Bird’s Nest did not take into account the opening ceremony. In other words, what we are thinking about now is in a mess, and it is likely to be invalidated due to site constraints.

And there is news from the Bird’s Nest, let us submit the plan before the completion of the construction, they are good at digging pipes, digging holes and so on. Because once this thing is dug, it cannot be changed.

So I suggest going to the site as soon as possible to check the venue conditions. ”

Historically, Lao Mouzi was structured with four great inventions, which was refuted by the leaders at the time.

As a result, many plans were overturned and redone, and time was tight. By the end of 2007, there was no rehearsal, and there were frequent problems with equipment and props.

After Xu Fei finished speaking, everyone did not comment on the first point, but the second point was very practical.

When he saw this, he couldn’t help reminding again: “Please note that our plan is to be submitted for review, and the reviewer is most likely the leader.

Artistic creation should be pure, but the opening ceremony cannot be pure. Many aspects must be considered. ”

This sentence made Zhang Guoshi sway.

His character strengths, one is that he can listen to opinions, and the other is that he knows how to compromise.

He subconsciously felt that Teacher Xu was right, because the political sensitivity of a guy who can lead a team to study the central documents is worthy of trust.


The meeting ended in the afternoon.

Xu Fei and Zhang Guoshi rode in the same car. It was a little rain in the capital, wet and cool, passing by a bus station, and the poster of “Earth Cannon” was posted on the publicity board.

“It’s been two months since this film was released?”

“Well, the Film Bureau called me yesterday and told me to postpone it for another month.”

“To be honest, I also want to make such a film, but I really don’t understand the future, technology, and I’m afraid I can’t grasp it…”

Zhang Guoshi was a little envious, there was no outsider at the moment, and asked privately: “Do you have any inside information that prevents me from using the four great inventions?”

“It has nothing to do with the inside story, it still lacks consciousness.”

Xu Fei sighed and said, “I have talked about it many times. The opening ceremony is not just a performance. There are a lot of political things in it. You take the four great inventions as the core, which is equivalent to squeezing out what some countries want to express. You have to make room.”

“Like the Silk Road?”

“Yes, connect with the world!”

“All right, all right.”

Zhang Guoshi nodded, feeling a little sorry.

While talking, Zhang Guoshi went to the place first, and then drove to Baihua Hutong. Parked in the garage, Xu Fei also stepped on a Segway balance car and floated in.

Everyone is here, Xu Yuling is carrying a small pink schoolbag and everyone is busy complimenting.


He saw the wives for a moment, didn’t you two wear them back? I am still very happy.


Xu Yuling ran over: “Look at my schoolbag! Look at my schoolbag!”

“Hmm, pretty!”

He asked Xiaoxu: “Is everything done?”

“I haven’t registered yet, but I have already said, go to the primary school attached to the People’s University.”

“Not bad.”

He touched his daughter’s dog’s head and waved back and forth.

The three people entered the room, and Teacher Xu stretched his waist uncharacteristically, and said, “Just after the meeting, this is all set. I basically said goodbye to the film industry before the opening ceremony.”

“It’s okay to stop or stop. As the saying goes, the prosperity must go down. If you take a break and then shoot, it may be another peak.” Zhang Li said.

“As the production director, you are more busy than the director?” Xiaoxu said.

“I have to deal with everything! Tens of thousands of costumes and props, eating and drinking Lazar, what a big project… Hey, by the way, take this opportunity to talk to you two.”

Teacher Xu took one in one hand and said: “You two have a clothing and a commercial real estate, and you have already achieved the first class in China. If you continue to develop, you will continue to expand, which is boring.

Time to think about cross-border development. ”

“Go on.”

Xiaoxu didn’t know where to grab the seeds.

“First of all, the Internet is forgotten. I plan to use Times Venture Capital to incubate several new companies. You can enter new manufacturing and high-tech technologies.”

“for example?”

“Such as energy conservation and environmental protection, new energy, new materials, biological engineering, aerospace and navigation…”

“God, you don’t have a fever, right?” Zhang Li touched his head.

“Of course it’s not for you to do it right away, take it slow. Now you can try electronic products, smart home appliances, mobile phones, drones, hey!”

Teacher Xu slapped, drone!

DJI is holding back in the deep city!

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