Since 1983

Chapter 979 - The final chapter of the Olympic Games: the last 48 hours (part 2)

August 7th, late at night.

The last ignition test of the Bird’s Nest was successful.

Zhang Guoshi relaxed for a while, and gave a thumbs up to the camera: “There is no problem, even if we fail in art, we will light it up.”

“Yes, just click is success!”

“This is a process of ever-decreasing requirements. At the beginning, I was thinking about art, difficulty, and high-tech… But at the last minute, just light it.”

After the experiment, everyone went to work. Zhang Guoshi was going back to the Olympic Building and asked Xu Fei.

Teacher Xu said he would stay.

After everyone left, he led the technical team to check it again, and it was August 8th after 12 o’clock.

The bird’s nest stays up all night with lights on.

The main creative team of the opening ceremony left a floor of the grandstand, together with the command center of the TV broadcast. At this moment, Xu Fei was standing in the stands, with a clear view of the venue, the large screen, and the surrounding display screens on the upper edge of the bird’s nest.

In more than ten hours, 100,000 people will be seated here, with the country’s top leaders, guests from home and abroad, and the expectations of 1.3 billion people.

He watched for a while, then sat down casually.

It was not cool at midnight. Instead, I felt a sultry heat. The huge stadium was empty, and only the security guards kept their posts.

Xu Fei didn’t know what to think, so he kept sitting.

My mind is very messy, sometimes chaotic and sometimes blank, one is recalling 25 years of life, another is imagining the future, and the other is thinking about what to eat earlier…

Unknowingly, it was early in the morning, and the sky shone early in summer.

The phone rang suddenly, and it was the secretary of the leader. That’s right, that’s the big leader.

“Knowing that you are nervous now, I specifically asked me to tell you. Let go of your baggage and go into battle easily. You have done a good job. Follow the process to succeed.”

Hanging up, it rang again soon, Xiao Xu and Zhang Li.

After chatting a few words, there were still people playing.

This series is like an appointment, all greetings from friends from all sides.

At about seven o’clock, he and Xiao Mo went out for dinner and packed all the food and soup in the store by the way. The boss cried and happily.

Back to the Bird’s Nest, someone has already arrived.

“Teacher Li!”

“Brother Day Yang!”

“Little Mao!”

He hugged Li Jianqun, Yang Shuyun, and Mao Geping: “You can’t sleep, right?”

“I want to come over in the middle of the night, and lie down hard until dawn.”

“With a big rock hanging in my heart, I must not sleep!”

“You are still smart, stay at ease…”

Teacher Li wore glasses and still had that kind of heart, and said with a smile, “Is there anything to eat?”

“Yes, I’m ready!”

After welcoming this wave, everyone appeared one after another, and the energy was not very good, and the night was difficult.

At about 10 am, in the temporary office of the Bird’s Nest, Zhang Guoshi held the last meeting.

“We don’t have greater ambitions. Everything remains the same. Following the rehearsal process is a great victory! Don’t have too much ambition, keep safe and smooth!”

“The last few things to pay attention to, all the directors of the breakouts will tell the actors again before they come on stage, and show a smile in front of 4 billion audiences.”

“Confirm that the five rings of stars are aligned with the five rings of the image on the ground.”


“Make sure that the paper is in the correct position.”


“Reconfirm the main torch lighting time!”


Zhang Guoshi now has no extravagant expectations and repeatedly emphasized the torch: “The ignition must be successful! In previous Olympics, there has never been a mistake!

The communication must be unblocked amidst the cheers of the audience and the deafening music. If you don’t hear this clearly, the podium says the fire is on. If Li Ning didn’t hear it, it would be broken! ”

“Anyway, stand on the last guard!”

“The meeting is over!”

The director who made the documentary was the busiest, running up and down. What were the teams doing before the war.

Picture scroll editor Shen Wei: “The nervousness is because of that paper painting. This is the first time I have never done it before.”

Liyue Director Meihua: “I hope I hope! Don’t say it, it will definitely go well!”

Sha Xiaolan, chief lighting designer: “I’ll be anxious with them whenever I want to. Go up and check with them if you have anything to do!”

Video Director Yang Qingsheng: “Oh, I hope everything goes well.”

Visual special effects art design Marvin: “I don’t think it will rain, and there will be no accidents. Every piece of LED will light up when it should be bright, and there will be no black spot!”

The camera is aimed at every corner, and there are people working hard in every corner, doing the final sprint.

The teacher took a group of children to give another guidance on paper and painting.

The solo dancer hid in a small space and practiced again and again in front of the mirror.

The fou outside the field is already in place and is moving in.

The actors of the Maritime Silk Road put on their costumes and stood ready with their oars.

The young lady in the ceremony and music program wore a heavy headgear and waved her small fist.

Li Ning bowed his hands: “Don’t ask me any more, okay, I’m faint now!”

Starlight choreographer Haoju, holding a big horn, shouted: “Don’t be nervous, just like we usually rehearse, show our best level, and deliver satisfaction to audiences across the country, to our parents, and to our friends. answer!”

“Go on!”

“No problem, we are ready!”

“Come on!”

“Come on!”


In the afternoon, it was sultry.

Many people worry that it will rain today. In fact, the relevant departments have already done artificial rain.

The streets of Beijing are full of Chinese red, and the eyes are full of five rings, just like the Chinese New Year.

Crowds came from all directions and gathered in the square in front of the station, Wangfujing, Millennium Monument, World Trade Center, etc., where there are large outdoor screens to gather and celebrate.

Traffic control near the Bird’s Nest has already been implemented. Nearly 100,000 spectators lined up to check the tickets. Volunteers dressed in blue did not slacken their efforts.

A big family in Baihua Hutong just entered.

Xiaoxu and Zhang Li each took their baby to accompany their parents and relatives. A group of Zhang Guiqin, Xu Xiaowen, and Sister Lan, plus Xiao Mo’s family.

“Lots of people!”

Xu Yuling looked around, not seeing as many people in this life as today.

“Where is Dad?”


Xiaoxu pointed to the far away stand on the opposite side, and said: “Look at it with the telescope.”

Xu Yuling set up the binoculars and looked at her big eyes for a while: “Ah, I found it. Dad is eating melons.”


Xiaoxu also glanced curiously. In his narrow field of vision, a blue silver was sitting there, actually eating watermelon. Not only eat it by itself, but also eat it together.

“Hey, Teacher Xu understands life!”

“It’s too hot, come and see, you have a share.”

From the stands, Xu Fei pulled out a few boxes, including apples, pears, oranges, watermelons, various drinks, and even small pastries.

The crowd was extremely nervous and needed something sweet to ease. The carbonated drinks were so popular that one person was holding a bottle of Coke.

Finally, he started to distribute fans, paper fans and small electric fans in his hand.

“Come on, one for each.”

Everyone is not surprised, he is like a Doraemon, and he has never treated him logistically.

When Xu Fei finished sending it, he took another piece of watermelon miamia to eat.

The red flesh has few seeds, it is sweet and sandy, this melon is cool, really cool, really cool, really cool, worthy of it…

Unconsciously, the audience grew.

An empty stadium and a full stadium have absolutely different senses. A sea of ​​people rushed forward, weighing heavily on my heart.

As the sky slowly dimmed, the tension came out again, to the apex.

The lights are already illuminated on the field, there is an electronic clock on the podium, and the eye-catching red numbers remind everyone.


Zhang Guoshi stopped communicating with anyone, just stood and kept pursing his lips.

Zhang Jigang squeezed his handkerchief and wiped it every few seconds.

Chen Weiya hid in the chair behind, rubbing his face hand by hand.

Xu Fei fanned the fan, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and the water he had just eaten seemed to have all turned into sweat beads, and a layer was applied to his forehead.


The sky finally darkened.

The lights in the venue were bright, the director began to cut the audience’s footage, and the military band played “Welcome March”.

The leader enters.


The lights suddenly turned off, the venue was dark, but the audience seemed to be lit up all at once.

From the first bid for the Olympics in 1991, to the difficult success in 2001, and to today in 2008, this is 17 years of waiting and hard work!


There was a craze in the audience, and everyone in the stands looked solemn.

Xu Fei continued to fan the fan and looked at Zhang Guoshi, nothing to say.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the cheers suddenly lifted up, and a ball of sparks suddenly burst out from the upper edge of the bird’s nest, crackling like a cannon, spreading around the stadium.

It stopped again somewhere, the display lit up, and an ancient sundial appeared.

A ray of light from the sundial fell into the dark clouds.

First, there were light spots, and the light spots formed a light array, spreading out magically in the center of the venue.


Xu Fei felt like he was riding a roller coaster, and each show was like a level. The one in the past was relieved, and he was worried about the next.

More than 2,000 fighters attacked Fou.

The light flickered and changed like a star falling on the ground. After a short period of heat, a huge “60” suddenly appeared.

Then 50, 40, 30, 20…

When it reaches 10, one will make “ten” and one will make “10”.

Chinese characters and Arabic numerals flashed at the same time, welcoming a heat wave that was higher than a while, and the audience counted down together:





Jinan Coach Terminal.

The national flag and the five-ring flag are arranged on both sides, extending to the end of the waiting hall promenade. Six plasma screens stood in the waiting room. Passengers walked by, but no matter who they were, they stopped here.

Shenjiamen Border Police Station of Zhoushan Border Defense Detachment.

The police moved the TV outside and set up a closed-circuit TV line. Sitting in front of them were more than 100 fishermen and 6 crew members from Taiwan.

Chengdu bar.

With the national flag printed on their faces, the shirtless brawny men counted down together with their wine glasses.

Shanghai shopping mall.

The TV was crowded with people, and some simply sat on the floor.

Deep city.

A worker stopped in front of the big screen.

Outside the bird’s nest.

The volunteers had nowhere to watch or walk. They sat on the ground and looked at the sky above the stadium, waiting for the fireworks festival to come soon.

In countless ordinary dwellings, there are several generations living together, men, women, and children.







Countless fireworks rose from the bird’s nest, lighting up the night sky of the capital.

“Long night is hard to see the sky in Chixian County, a century of demons and monsters danced gracefully, and 500 million people are not reunited. When the rooster sings the world is white, and the music of all directions is in Khotan, the poet will be even more invincible!”


“The whole family is so excited to watch the opening ceremony together hahahahaha miss it!”

“I was in Pattaya at the time, listening to the commentary in Thai, and the old man looked at the phone face in the subway.”

“2008.8.8 because of hyperthyroidism surgery hospitalization, 2020 my hyperthyroidism recurred.”

“The opening day of the Olympics was still a summer vacation. I was lying on the mat in my hometown and watching the opening ceremony while shaking my grandma’s fan.”

“At the time when I was in elementary school, there would be a countdown to the opening of the Olympic Games after the news was released every day. Although it was still small, I always felt that every day was a day full of hope.”

“I just went to Canada for the first year. I went to the restaurant for dinner that day. I remember that the foreigners at the next table were talking about the opening ceremony. I remember someone said it was the most beautiful thing he had seen on TV in his life.”

“In order to ensure that everyone can watch the opening, the village stopped two hours in advance for electrical maintenance, and the call was received at about 7:50. The impression is too deep!”

“After dinner, I jumped rubber bands in the alley with a bunch of friends, and I jumped back after nine o’clock. Later, I thought about it and I’m sorry that I haven’t seen it in full.”

“I remember the audience cheered when Kobe came out, alas…”

“I got good grades in the college entrance examination that year, and went to the university in Beijing, so I watched the opening ceremony with my parents happily at home that day. Now my family and I are both very well, but I didn’t have any good achievements. Already working.”

“I didn’t imagine how useless I am now.”

“I was still in the remedial get out of class that day, and the teacher kept talking about it, and I watched the TV when I went home after class. The most memorable year, the following years felt like water without leaving any trace.”

“My house was smashed into a dilapidated house and I couldn’t live in it. I remember setting up a tent outside and watching the opening ceremony in the tent.”

“I was a volunteer night shift that day, watching fireworks outside the Bird’s Nest.”

“I was very happy that year. The college entrance examination was over and the exam was pretty good. The boy who had been in love with me for almost two years confessed to me. It turned out that he liked me longer.

Get up early every morning and go for a run with Faxiao, and then go to the small shop to eat small wontons. Later, the small wonton shop closed, and the boy and I were married after a long entanglement. 2008 has passed and I miss it very much. ”

“I really want to go back in time, even though I didn’t have a good time…”

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