Since I’ve Entered the World of Romantic Comedy Manga, I’ll Do My Best to Make the Heroine Who Doesn’t Stick With the Hero Happy.

Chapter 37: First Meeting

I pedaled my bike for about ten minutes.

Just before arriving at my usual place, where I drop off Rinke before school, I heard some sound calling towards me.


“Hm? Eh? Sei-chan!?”

I turned around when I heard my name called, and saw Sei-chan standing there.

When I came to a sudden stop the unaware Rinke hit her head on my back.


“Oh, I’m sorry Rinke, are you okay?”

“U-Um, yeah, I’m fine… But who is she?”

“Ah, Sei Shimada, you know, my girlfriend.”

“Oh, so that’s her.”

Rinke said with a hint of interest present in her voice and looked at Sei-chan curiously.

Well, I guess she’s a little curious about her brother’s girlfriend.

I stopped my bike, and Sei-chan came up to me.

“G-Good morning, Hisamura.”

“U-Un. Good morning Sei-chan.”

“Is this your sister that you had mentioned before, Hisamura?”


Rinke gets off the back of the bike and stands in front of Sei-chan.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Rinke.”

“Oh, nice to meet you, I’m Sei Shimada.”

“You’re my Onii-chan’s girlfriend, right?”

“Eh..? Hi-Hisamura, d-did you tell Rinke-san?”

“Ahh, well, I’m sorry. But I told her about it.”

“I-I see. W-Well, it’s normal to tell your sister about it, I guess… O-Once again, I’m your brother’s girlfriend.”

Ku… Sei-chan stop it, you’re gonna make me die of agony in broad daylight at this rate.

“Ah well, Onii-chan is always indebted to you.”

“No, it’s my pleasure. Your brother’s always been good to me.”

My position right now is kinda embarrassing.

I never expected that the girlfriend I had just got yesterday would be greeting my sister immediately today.

“But just like Hisamura mentioned in the past, Rinke-san is really cute.”

“My brother says these kinds of things outside as well?!”

“Yeah, he said he was proud of you often.”

“Onii-chan, don’t say these kinds of things outside.”

“I’m just saying what I really think though.” [TLN: Stop raising the sister flag god damn it.]

“D-Don’t say that.”

Fufu, well you are indeed very cute.”

Sei-chan also smiled and complimented Rinke.

“Shi-Shimada-san d-don’t join in please…”

“Then call me by my first name Sei. It’s weird to have Hisamura’s sister call me by my surname. ” 

“Then I’ll be calling you that. Sei-san.”

“Got it, Rinke.”

With that, Sei-chan and Rinke quickly became friends.

It’s nice to see that happen. They didn’t have that much contact in the original story so I was a little worried about how well they’d mesh together.

I guess they mesh pretty well after all.

“Speaking of which, why don’t you call Onii-chan by his first name. Sei-san.”


Sei-chan’s cheeks blush brightly and she glances at me nervously.

“Onii-chan calls you by your first name with a -chan, and you call him by his last name?”


Rinke asked a very surprising question.

I was also a little concerned about the way Sei-chan called me.

I would be happier if she called me by my first name instead of my last name of course.

“I-I’ll c-call y-you by your first name s-someday… S-So please wait,”

“I understand.”

She said with a slight upward glance, which made me willing to wait for decades for her to say it.

But one day, when we share the same last name we’ll- wait no, let’s not have this fantasy. I’ll die of happiness if I continue.

“Onii-chan, Sei-san, Can you two not flirt in front of me?”

Rinke said whilst giving me a cold look.

“We’re not flirting!”

“I don’t know how you can say that you aren’t flirting with each other.”

“Eh..? I don’t think we were flirting though?”

“Is that so?”

Apparently both Rinke and Sei-chan have different standards for what flirting means to them.

I thought that was a little flirtatious too, just now.

But well, it seems that it wasn’t really flirting according to Sei-chan’s standards.

In other words, when Sei-chan really tries to flirt with me, it would be much more intense than this. Shit, I’m starting to look forward to it very badly.

“Oh yeah, Sei-chan, this is the first time I’ve seen you come here. What’s up.”

This is the street where we parted ways when we went to a cafe after school. This is not the usual road that Sei-chan would take to come to school.

“Ah, that’s because… I thought that I would be able to meet Hisamura if I waited here..” [TLN: HNNNNNNG] [ED: AAAAAAAAAAAA]

“Sei-chan, your cuteness is piercing the clouds right now.”

“St-Stop it. Y-You’re embarrassing me.”

“This is flirting, isn’t it?”

“I-I didn’t mean to flirt just now.” [TLN: That’s what they all say.]

I think the current situation was all because of Sei-chan’s cuteness.

“Well then, Sei-chan, Do you want to go to school with me?”

“W-Well I was planning to but you’re going to go on bike with Rinke weren’t you?”

That’s right, I’m riding my bike with Rinke currently.

Well, if that’s the case, I guess I should just push my bike and walk with the two of the-

“Then I’ll ride the bike alone.”


Rinke then straddled on to the bike I had been supporting her on.

“I’m going to ride the bike ahead, so you two take your time.”

“You sure, Rinke?”

“It’s okay. Besides, I feel like I’m going to throw up sugar if I’m around you two all the time.”

“Eh? Rinke?! Could you be sick? Are you okay?”

Sei-chan took Rinke’s words literally and approached her looking very worried.

“I never heard of a sugar vomiting disease, is it something dangerous?”

“No, Sei-chan. Spitting out sugar is kind of like a metaphor.”

“It’s just that the air between you two is so sweet that it might produce sugar in my system.”

“Huh?! W-What do you mean ‘Sweet air’?”

It seems that Sei-chan has a surprisingly innocent side.

“Well, I’ll be on my way.”

“Ahh, thank you Rinke.”

Rinke started pedalling towards the school.

“Thank you, Rinke. Let’s talk together again sometime.”


When Sei-chan gave a very cool smile, Rinke responded with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Then, as if to escape from this situation, Rinke pedalled her bike even faster than before.

“It seemed that her face was kinda red. Did she catch a cold? Is Rinke being overworked?‘

“No, she’s probably fine. It’s Sei-chan’s fault though.”

“I-It’s my fault? Why?”

“Sei-chan, don’t let my whole family down, okay?”

“Wh-What do you mean by that?”

Come to think of it, in the original story, Sei-chan was a good-looking character that the girls had liked as well.

Now that I look at it, that makes a lot of sense.

TLN: Thanks Spynine01 for editing this chapter. I-I believe in Rinke Supremacy and that she deserves a happy end. This chapter made me feel bad for Rinke. Anyways if you see any typos or possible mistranslation leave it in the comments or join the discord. Ill be tling Reckless girl and definitely DEFINITELY not building my ayaka, So expect a bit lesser chapters. Thanks for reading. Heres my Ko-fi if you would like to support me. Obligatory Discord Plug.

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