Single Man Guarding a Lonely City, Invincible in the World

Chapter 34 Shenzhou is in full swing, thousands of people roar, unprecedented cohesion

Early in the morning, the sun rises.

The sky is clear and clear, and the golden sunlight bathes the entire city of Chang'an.

I thought it was another normal day, but today is too quiet.

Yes, it is as quiet as an empty mountain and a valley.

The teahouse, which was in miserable business before today, is now overcrowded, and the rangers with nimble hands and feet are even climbing on the top of the locust tree outside.

The much-anticipated storyteller, with tears in his eyes, was both excited for the prosperous life he was about to usher in, but also mourned for a man 100,000 miles away.


Xingmu patted the table, and the storyteller shook the folding fan and said in a cadence:

"There is a lonely city in a thousand miles, full of white-haired soldiers, who have been alone for 60 years, how dare you forget the Tang Dynasty!"

His tone was not enthusiastic, and he did not deliberately exaggerate tragic and solemn.

But the copper plate was thrown like a hurricane, and the long box was covered with a layer of quilt, and it fell silently.

The people held their breaths, they couldn't understand the announcement of the imperial city, they could only come to hear the book.

"The Central Plains collapsed, the Hexi Corridor was lost, and Mobei was lost, and the spirit of our Shenzhou flickered."

"But in Qiuci City in the Western Regions, the battle flag of the Tang Dynasty is still flying!"

"The old man's heavy armor has long been broken, and the Mo Dao is broken again and again, what should I do?"


"I would rather shed the last drop of blood than beg for surrender to the barbarians. This is the backbone of China!"

The storyteller lowered his head and took a slow sip of strong wine, closing his eyes:

"A total of 22,000 soldiers and soldiers died heroically."

"Until yesterday, we didn't know that there is such an iron army of heroic souls who swear to defend the territory!"

"A scholar climbed to Yumen Pass in three years, his tongue was cut by barbarians, his fingers were chopped off by barbarians, he was a slave, he jumped over cesspits, he pretended to be dead..."

"But he crawled back!


"With one hand, he

Uncovering the dusty sixty-three years, Anxi's spirit was not buried in the yellow sand. With his mortal body, he created a miracle! "

"This is the most tenacious spirit of the Central Plains!"

The sound was like rolling thunder, and the vibrations continued.

The people's faces were flushed, and blood was flowing at an incredible speed.


"I hate the court and the princes, I hate those emperors who are addicted to beauty. If they send reinforcements, how can their territory be lost? How can Anxi heroes bury their corpses in a barbarian country?"

A businessman who seemed to be a little knowledgeable shed two lines of tears in grief at this moment.

The storyteller reshot Xingmu, shook his head and said:

"The territory is not lost."

Did not lose?

The tea guests looked at each other in dismay, didn't you say that all of them died heroically?

The storyteller laughed without saying a word, and sold a small pass.

But the spectators in the building were indifferent. Since they wanted to whet their appetites, they could change their homes.

"There is another person in the city."

"His name is Gu Changan!"

"From today onwards, everyone in the world should remember his name, because..."

The storyteller looked out of the window, really wanting to take a look at him.

I thought it was a reward, and the emotions of the spectators were mobilized. How could it be stingy at this time, and the money was thrown into the box one after another.

"Because he carried the country's territory with his own strength, and shook the entire barbarian country with his eight-foot body, he is a well-deserved legend in this era!"

The storyteller was sonorous and powerful, and his expression gradually became excited.

The teahouse was silent, and the people were short of breath. Although they didn't know a bunch of characters, they understood a simple truth.

What did you do to deserve such a great evaluation?

"Three thousand barbarians attacked the city, the territory is about to collapse, and there is only Gu Changan at the head of the city."

"one person!"

"A sword!"

"A flag fluttering in the wind!"

"He didn't guard the city, he stepped out of the lonely city and killed the barbarian army!"

"At that moment, one husband raised his arms, ten thousand men, and swallowed ten thousand miles like a tiger!"

The storyteller stopped abruptly.

"Then what?" The people's heart stopped and their voices trembled.

"His body has long been riddled with holes, and his blood has already dyed red and white robes!"

"But he never stopped swinging his sword, killing the world to the point where there was only one person standing on the battlefield."

"The world was quiet, and he sat back at the head of the city again, as if it was an ordinary day, except that there were 3,000 dirty corpses outside the city."

The storyteller roared excitedly, clenching the wake-up wood and knocking on the table:

"In the realm of death, he did not disappoint Anxi Yinghun, and he did not let the barbarians act recklessly in the territory of the Tang Dynasty."

"A person is an army!"

The whole building was dead silent, and the tea guests had horrified expressions and dull eyes.

They seemed to be acupuncture points, their bodies were motionless, and they were immersed in unprecedented shock.

Killing 3,000 barbarians by one person?

How brave and unparalleled!

That is the hero we are looking forward to, indomitable!


The swordsman in the corner stood up and laughed, suddenly feeling bored, and said solemnly before leaving:

"Have you ever thought that the imperial court is keen to create gods, killing three thousand barbarians by one person, living in a dream?"

"Don't insult Anxi Yinghun, they are martyrs who are truly worthy of memory. The most fearful thing in the world is to add water. If there is too much water, the qi will dissipate."

He is a fourth-rank realm, and he knows that when the manpower is exhausted, let alone a pair of three thousand, even three hundred, he will also be consumed to death.

Unless a half-step saint, who would dare to guarantee that he would slaughter three thousand elites with one force?

When the people heard the words, the blood gradually subsided, and a sense of loss was inevitable in their hearts.

At that moment, their eyes filled with tears. In fact, their wish was very simple. A hero who dared to fight against the barbarians appeared in the Central Plains.

Don't lie and deceive us!

"Young master suspects, it's human nature." The storyteller calmly took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, and said sternly:

"Please go to the holy city and see how the barbarians are frightened and furious!"

"Really?" The swordsman was dubious.

"Yesterday at three quarters of noon, the holy city's pilgrimage hall was devastated.

"A name that is well-known in the Holy City, and his name is—"

"Gu Changan!"

A look of pride flashed in the storyteller's eyes.

To eat this bowl of rice, the most important thing is the news channel.

The center was afraid that he had just received it, and he received a letter from a friend in Shuzhong from flying pigeons at midnight, and the land of Shu was boiling!

The swordsman stared blankly, opened his mouth, and sat down again.

"Didn't you lie?" Some people looked nervous and begged faintly.

"I don't want to be a street rat that everyone yells at."

The storyteller shook his folding fan with unspeakable confidence.

The implication is that if you lie about this kind of thing, unless you don't show your face in the future, you will be drowned in saliva.


The people all over the building suddenly got up and waved their fists fiercely. They regained the confidence they had been away from for a long time!

It's been decades, and it's never been such an exciting moment!

Suddenly, gold beans and pieces of silver were thrown into the "merit box". Most of them were rewarded by rich merchants, but the common people were not stingy, and their copper plates were hollowed out.

The storyteller raised his hand and pressed it down, signaling restraint, and then said calmly:

"Can you defend the lonely city with only three thousand kills?"

"That city is the spirit of the Central Plains and the dignity of the barbarians. They are bound to eradicate it!"

"Following 4,000 elites, there are also warriors in the great master realm."

"There is no return, it's just a few more corpses under the sword, has Gu Changan ever been afraid?"

Listening to the painless description, the tea guest suddenly became anxious and urged:

"The process!


The slaughter of 3,000 barbarian dogs just now made them emotional, although they knew that this was far from the limit of Gu Yingying.

The storyteller took the roast duck handed over by his apprentice and ate it without looking at it, "Four thousand barbarian dogs, what's there to describe?"

The corners of the mouths of countless people twitched, but that was all alone!

The Central Plains have worshipped heroes since ancient times. Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty, the champion Hou Huo Qubing, and the resourceful Zhuge Liang are all big figures that ordinary farmers have heard of.

Gu Changan's terrifying battle can also stand shoulder to shoulder with the heroes of history. How come you are not worth mentioning?

The storyteller ate comfortably, hiccupped with satisfaction, wiped the oil from his mouth with his wide sleeves, and continued to wake up and beat the table:

"Because the battle that followed was the man's most terrifying will."

"The barbarians have dispatched 12,000 elites, three great masters, and the most sophisticated weapons in the Holy City!"

"How powerful is this weapon? The three-nation coalition failed miserably, and the big reason is it!"

When the words fell, everyone was horrified.

"Impossible... Absolutely impossible!" The swordsman was dumbfounded, as if he were listening to a romantic drama, which was outrageously exaggerated.

Saints can't do it!

"The barbarian high officials surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, and their staff dictated the battle."

"It is said that this battle has become a nightmare that they do not want to recall in their lives, and the staff is even more blunt."

"It is easy to shake Mount Tai, but difficult to shake Chang'an!"

"The senior officials from the third rank joked in private, if Gu Changan was a citizen of a barbarian country, he would be willing to be a servant!"

The storyteller was filled with emotion and said solemnly:

"There is always only one thing that wins the admiration of the enemy, the fist!"

After a short pause, he said hoarsely:

"In that battle, Gu Changan almost fell."

"Which of you would cut a gap in your arm and sprinkle salt?"

At that moment, the burly Wufu was expressionless, cut his arm with a dagger, and blood gushed out immediately.

When he threw the salt on it, he suddenly felt a piercing scream, he gritted his teeth and endured it, but still let out a shrill whine.

"What about you?" The storyteller looked at the broken-mouthed swordsman.

The swordsman hesitated for a moment, then opened the wound, also trembling with pain.

The people were horrified, and the wounds were sprinkled with salt, and the pain was more than ten times superimposed!

The storyteller's expression gradually became sad, and his voice was no longer enthusiastic, and he moved his lips gently:

"Gu Changan fell down, with thousands of wounds all over his body, and the barbarians threw three cartons of refined salt at him."

The atmosphere was almost frozen.

The people's chests were violently heaving and their eyes were moist. This was a more cruel execution than a thousand cuts!

The swordsman was in a daze, he couldn't even imagine what kind of terrifying torture it was.

"Gu Changan is dying, he really wants to pass out, but..." The storyteller actually choked up for the first time and said sadly:

"But what about the territory?"

"He's down, who can defend the city?"

"Why keep..." Some people muttered to themselves, wouldn't it be good to leave.

The swordsman was silent, stood up and retorted:

"This is the difference between ordinary people and unparalleled heroes!"

"The lonely city is not just a piece of territory, but also a torch in a dark and desperate situation. It has been held for 60 years and cannot be lost!"

"Just like the Divine Continent that stubbornly resists barbarian invasions, certain things must be adhered to to the end!"

The storyteller's eyes showed admiration, and then he continued:

"In an era and a nation, after all, some people need to stand up without hesitation, just stand there quietly and never step back!"

"As for Gu Changan, when he was about to fall into a coma, he held the peach tree by his hand, and a bloody man with several hundred arrows stuck in his body slowly stood up."

"At that moment, more than 10,000 barbarians were shocked and frightened by their terrifying willpower."

"What's this called?"

A scholar's blood boiled, waving his arms and shouting:

"Although there are thousands of people, I will go!"

The storyteller was full of passion and roared:

"What is Gu Changan going to do?!"

Wufu gritted his teeth and said hysterically:

"The time has come, now Tuman!


The atmosphere of the teahouse reached a climax, and countless people were furious, as if they were also participating in the battlefield of the golden horse.

"Kill! Gu Changan rushed out with his sword. That sword took away nine hundred barbarian dogs. He fought to the point of madness. The smell of blood awakened an ancient beast. The more he killed, the more terrifying he became!"

The storyteller's eyes were scarlet, and he said loudly:

"Killing for a whole night, killing the barbarian sanctioning officer and fleeing, killing the barbarian and kneeling and begging for mercy, killing the lonely city and raining blood for three hours!"

"The flag is flying, and the territory is expanded. What kind of scene is that shocking the past and present? One person and one sword slaughter thousands of troops, and expand the territory of Shenzhou for twenty miles!"

"The national fortune skyrocketed, the Central Plains was horrified, and the portraits were spread all over the world, but no one knew it was him!"

The hearts of countless people in the teahouse are about to burst, and the excitement cannot be described in words!

The storyteller gradually suppressed his emotions and his voice was calm:

"He never left the lonely city in his life, and he never set foot in the Central Plains."

"The people of the Central Plains don't know him."

"But he is willing to give everything for us, to endure thousands of scars."

"The barbarians call him a monster, but the old man thinks."

"This man is gentle and powerful!"

When the words fell, the tea guest nodded vigorously, so excited that he lost his voice, and only actions expressed emotions.

"How on earth did he do it?" The swordsman was still skeptical, the battle was too absurd and bizarre, and it was difficult to justify it with strength.

"Listen clearly!"

"Gu Chang'an is the only existence in history who has broken away from the way of heaven and created his own qi machine!"

The storyteller is honored, and the proud color of his expression is undisguised.

The swordsman Tong Kong shrank suddenly, and it seems that the hinterland of the Western Regions has not been baptized by spiritual energy...

The storyteller stared at him and said every word:

"The barbarian abyss was taken care of by the thieves, and Chang'an was struggling in a desperate situation!"

"So what?"

"Just like our ancestors, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs and Yu Shun worked hard. To create a splendid Chinese civilization, you have to rely on your own hands."

"Gu Changan was born in slaughter, and he will go against the sky in slaughter!"

His emotions accumulated to a certain extent, and suddenly left the eucalyptus table and looked around at everyone:

"In an era when mountains and rivers are broken and life is ruined, he used his own power to let us know that the power of persistence is endless!"

"So far, he is still watching the city head alone, day after day, silently."

"But we clearly heard the roars of tigers and dragons in the Western Regions, which shook me in the Central Plains!


There was a long silence, and the huge teahouse was silent.

The blue veins on the people's foreheads sprung up one by one, which is an expression of excitement that can no longer be added.

The court officials in the corner couldn't help but feel their blood boiled. Although he had already experienced the court meeting once yesterday, but after listening to it thousands of times, he is still the same as before.

I have to admit that the storyteller's rendering ability is particularly strong, and he is born to eat this bowl of rice.

But no matter how good the skills and feelings are, they all need the support of the story, which can make the people present hot with tears, or because Gu Changan's life is too legendary.

"He's a god!" You Wufukang exclaimed.

"No." The storyteller sat back in his seat, secretly sad:

"He's gone crazy."

The teahouse was silent again, and countless people felt inexplicable sadness, as if they had just stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly fell.

The storyteller didn't wake up and beat the table, his voice was low and weak:

"Who wants to be a lunatic?"

"Perhaps being crazy is the strongest Gu Changan. He tortured himself just to defend his territory, that's all."

"He can't be saved, he doesn't dare to rest even for a day, no one fights by his side, no one gives him a hint of warmth..."

The people unknowingly dripped with tears, like a knife stabbing in their hearts.

If Gu Changan was an omnipotent god, it would be too distant and illusory after all.

But he is also flesh and blood, and he will also suffer and be tired, which makes what he does great and heavy!

"Will he come to Chang'an City?" Some people choked up.

The storyteller sipped the tea to moisten his throat and said firmly:

"The Central Plains regained the courage and strength of the past, and vowed to sound the horn of attack in the Western Regions and defeat the arrogance of the barbarians!"

The swordsman nodded and couldn't help but say, "If that day does come, what should we say to Gu Changan?"

The storyteller was silent for a while, then said softly:

"Changan, hello."

"When he sees Chang'an City, he should also respond with a smile: Chang'an, hello."

The officials in attendance raised their glasses and wished sincerely:

"We wish him to go through hardships and return as a teenager."

The box was full of money and money, and all the listeners spontaneously rewarded them and left the teahouse silently.

Outside the teahouse, the streets are full of vendors chanting, the neighbors drinking tea and chatting, and strolling around the shops, which seems to be no different from the usual fireworks in the market.

But the storytellers clearly noticed the subtle changes, and the people became more energetic.

This may be the eight words that the lonely city hero endures all the hardships just to pursue——

The mountains and rivers are safe, the country is safe and the people are safe.

"Donate the money to the Department of Armed Forces." The storyteller said freely.

"Why?" The apprentice was horrified.

It has been worth more than six years of income from one game. Is the master hysterical? Don't you want to marry two more concubines?

"The court builds more armors and kills more savage dogs!" The storyteller's tone couldn't be refuted.

The apprentice was sullen, his mouth pouted and silent.

"Pattern!" The storyteller kicked his ass with a reserved look in his eyes:

"As long as the Battle of the Western Regions is defeated, with my mouth, I'm afraid I won't make any money?"

"You are not too young to go south and north with your teacher, and you should also look for a daughter from a good family."

"Donate! Donate here!" The apprentice was full of shame.


Chu country.

Jinling Academy.

"His Royal Highness, have you ever asked me if I regretted my 13th year of fortune telling, but now I can say it in a dignified manner: I don't regret it!"

Li Ping, who was wearing a black Taoist robe, had a dull tone.

"You made a name for yourself!" The eldest princess of Chu country lightly opened her red lips, "In the Western Regions covered by heavenly secrets, you can accurately spy on Gu Changan's appearance, just a little bit."

Li Ping fell silent with some guilt. If he broke through the slightest gap, Gu Changan would not have suffered so much.

It is said that the Empress couldn't bear to hear it in the Golden Palace, and she burst into tears when she was writing, how cruel it was to stick to it for three years.

The phrase "I didn't run around, I was obediently staying at home", even her old grandmother burst into tears when she heard it.

The eldest princess raised her hand and patted her shoulder, comforting:

"The land of Shenzhou has lived up to Gu Chang'an's efforts. The torches held high have already set off a prairie prairie. Xishu promulgated an edict, and the whole country set off to the Western Regions.

"And our country of Chu is not only an army, half of the academy students are going to the Western Regions."

"Because of him, he awakened the long-silent national spirit of the Divine Continent, and also rekindled the fighting spirit of the common people. This is already a feat that shines through the ages!"

Li Ping clicked his delicate chin, and then he looked down at the academy square, his dark blue gown.

The white-haired Master stood in the air, and glanced at each vigorous face, which was the spirit of a scholar, but also the courage of a Central Plains person.

"There is a saying in the north that a man should be in a serious danger. How can Confucian Guan miss this life and say that Jinling Academy is the worst disaster for Confucian Guan."

"You are very angry, and the old man is also angry, but in addition to being angry, he is speechless. For decades after the An-Shi Rebellion, no academy student has died for the country on the battlefield."

A grand and solemn voice resounded in the square.

The scholar clenched his fists but was unable to drop them. What the Northerners said was the truth, and the truth was the hardest to tell.

The master had no expression on his face, and said without rushing:

"You've been at ease for too long."

"In times of trouble, you have to tell the world on the battlefield that a scholar can mend the sky with only one hand!"

"I hope that someone like you can make an independent biography in the history of Huanghuang Qing, and future generations will read the biographies, and respectfully call me a sage and strengthen my Shenzhou Huaxia!"

The breeze from the south of the Yangtze River blew the catkins, flowers and grasses, and also stroked each academy student.

"Reading the book of sages, what have you learned, and now, you are almost ashamed!"

Countless air masses poured out of the sky and the earth slowly gathered together to form a magnificent Mohu river, which stretched across the square like that.

Defend the family and the country, do not kill, do not destroy benevolence, righteousness and morality!

It's like Gu Changan who guards the lonely city alone. Although the barbarians call it a madman, everyone in the Central Plains knows that he interprets the true national spirit!

Rolling along the Yangtze River, the black-robed monster sank 30 feet to the bottom, with a fish-tailed body and a golden mask, only revealing two lips that were soaked in purplish red from the river.

"Even the tomb guards are full of blood." He whispered softly.

The master of the academy is called the tomb keeper of the old world by the holy city, and he has spent his whole life trying to preserve the inheritance of Chinese culture, for fear of being destroyed and burned by the empire.

This also indirectly means that the master is afraid of the empire!

And today, the vast river above the academy is the first time in history.

"Your Majesty, you are a waste!

"The black-robed monster snorted coldly.

It is an unprecedented shame for the empire to tolerate a Han slave in the ten thousand miles of territory, and it has shaken the trust of the people of the empire in the Tuoba royal family.

The empire is a history of aggression. In just 60 years, from the frontier tribes to a territory of 20 million miles, the people come from the south, east, and northwest, and their cultural customs and beliefs are different.

Because of this, the foundation of governance is strong, and only by staying strong can it suppress the internal separatist forces and ease the conflicts between races.

But the sudden arrival of one person, one city, Gu Chang'an, brought a heavy blow to the empire and shook the invincible spirit of the empire that the Holy City had been promoting.

"Want to fight, right?"

"It's hard to get up the courage to face off, once you lose, the qi will completely collapse!"

The man in black robe rushed out from the bottom of the river, the fish tail returned to his healthy legs, and he flew to the holy city in the air.

The purpose of diving here is to suppress Haoran Righteousness. The melee power of Haoran Righteousness is not worth mentioning, but the auxiliary army is unparalleled.

Since this poor old man is going to the Western Regions, he must also stop it.

Passing through Jinling Academy, the man in black robe smiled and said in a loud voice:

"See you on the battlefield in the Western Regions."

In the face of provocation, the master's eyes were calm and calm, and he said:

"See you on the battlefield."



Royal study.

The old emperor sat on the dragon chair, his expression was deep, and it was difficult to distinguish between joy and anger.

"Your Majesty, except for us, the six countries have all made an edict, so we need to ask the thieves to write."

Several important officials stood beside them and made serious reports.

"Ridiculous!" Emperor Wu furiously brushed the sleeves of his robe, without concealing the yin and yang in his tone:

"Youyan borders the barbarian country Mobei, and they must send troops to destroy the barbarian nation!"

"Not to mention Beiliang, it is adjacent to both Mobei and the Western Regions!"

"Zhao State is close to the Hexi Corridor of the barbarians, how can there be no reason to fight?"

"Xi Shu is in danger and urgently needs reinforcements to ease the pressure of destroying the country. It is normal for them to gamble!"

"Although the Tang Dynasty is in the middle of the gate, Gu Changan is from the Tang Dynasty. Such a shocking and lonely loyalty, the empress's driving and personal expedition is where the morality lies."

Hearing this, the ministers frowned deeply, feeling that His Majesty's analysis was unreasonable.

"What about the state of Chu?" The prime minister tried his best to be calm.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, and the land of Shu is swallowed up, and it will be its turn next." Emperor Wu's eyes were cloudy, and his words were full of hints.

The ministers understood, but no one made a statement, and it was impossible to take the blame.

The six countries are going to fight, so Soochow escaped, no matter how you think about it, it feels shameful.

The water that capsizes the boat is the tears of the common people.

If they don't unite and gather their will, and wait for the barbarians to defeat each of them, it is time to slaughter the people of Soochow Wu. The barbarians have formulated a genocide policy.

Seeing the courtiers pretending to be painted, Emperor Wu kept his eyes closed and said nothing.

After the lengthy silence, Emperor Wu was finally forced to express his stance, and said solemnly:

"How many troops Chu State sends, 30% from Eastern Wu, this is my bottom line!"

The ministers looked at each other and retreated.

His Majesty was determined to forge ahead, but now he is so cowardly, and the emperor cannot escape the fate of old age.

"Chen Gong, what did the royal father say?" A middle-aged man in a python robe hurried over.

"His Royal Highness, His Majesty's willingness to send troops depends on the state of Chu, with 30% of its troops as the bottom line." The prime minister said concisely.

The prince's expression froze, he hesitated, and finally sighed.

It is always better to send troops than to stand on the sidelines, but casually perfunctory will really be ridiculed by the world. Fighting barbarians is not a matter of one family, but involves the entire Chinese nation!

He suddenly had a thought:

"How can there be a thirty-year-old prince in the world?"

If he ascends the throne himself, he will not fall into the prestige of Jiangdong's children, and soon he will quell the idea of ​​tyranny.

Perhaps because of Gu Changan's shocking deeds, everyone who heard it was full of anger, either courage, righteousness, or arrogance.

"I really want to toast you with a glass of wine."

The prince sighed with emotion.


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