Single Man Guarding a Lonely City, Invincible in the World

Chapter 41 2 meat (one w two)

The night wind is bleak as water.

Bright red robes, snow-white long hair, fit in in the dark night.

like a ghost.


The leader of the knight was cut in two by the blood sword and crashed into the Gobi Desert. The face of death was terrified, but innocent.

What did I do wrong?

The ghost began to drift, the dead wasteland was only left with the rapid sound of hooves, the golden knight gasped, and the palms that were tightening the reins were shaking violently.

"The madman has left home."

A gloomy night wind suddenly penetrated into the neck, and the consciousness of the knight behind him shuddered.

Suddenly, there was a strange feeling in the head, and it all cracked.

"Give it back!"

Gu Chang'an only swung his sword, and the sword's momentum blocked it, like cutting through rows of watermelons, and the blood shot soared.

"Go back to the camp!" The fleeing knight screamed hoarsely, he didn't even have the courage to look back.

On the verge of desperation, the only way to feel safe is to hold a group together, just like the old horse tied with the flag, also rushing towards the continuous military camp.



After running for a full two hundred miles, the top knight was exhausted. Finally, he saw the bright bonfire and opened his throat for help. The sound was like a sharp weapon piercing the night sky.

The logistics barracks beat drums, and the barbarian patrols and soldiers wore armor and stomach, and rushed into the beacon tower to light the flames.

As soon as he saw the scene in the distance, Tong Kong shrank suddenly, and his internal organs seemed to be grabbed by a pair of hands.

The crazed, blood-colored figure hung in the air, swinging his sword again and again, the knight and his horse were broken in half and buried in the yellow sand.

"Which Han slave dares to make a sneak attack, don't you want to set fire to the company?"

At the sight of the bloody killing, the quivering lips stopped:

"Raise... raise the white flag."

"Down?" The soldier turned his head to look.

"You'll die if you drop it!" Captain Qiubeard's limbs stiffened, his face grimacing.

Witnessing the lunatic in the lonely city with his own eyes, the cruel aura is heart-wrenching, the barracks area is 800, what can you do to stop it?

For a moment, a white flag with the word "fall" written on it hung high at the gate of the base camp.

The instant the Thirty Knights, who had saved their lives, rushed into the base camp, they continued to flee to the east, even knowing that their actions were poisoned for thousands of miles, but they died when they stopped.

How stupid would it be to lower the white flag?

Surrender to a lunatic, mother is like facing a rock, at least she will echo back.

"Calm down... Calm down!" Qiu-bearded Colonel Lieutenant stood on the observation deck, held the cross necklace around his neck, and said tremblingly:

"The emperor testified that we had no intention of attacking Qiuci City, not at all."


At a distance of 80 meters, the blood-colored sword net covered the base camp and lowered the flag. The place where the sword energy was burning began to burn.

"Give it back, give it back."

Gu Changan's hair was disheveled, and at a moment of hatred, the sword ripped apart the ground.

"The home that wasn't robbed..." Captain Qiubeard cried out in fright, raised his hand and was forcibly taken away by his cronies.

What to explain to a lunatic like that, run for your life!

For the first time in my life, I walked into a cage, and it collapsed!

"Which animal is full and has nothing to do to provoke Qiuci City, the nine clan gallows, motherfucker!"

The captain of the bearded school roared while fleeing, feeling that the lunatic was more terrifying than the rumors.

Blind defense can slaughter more than 10,000 elites in the empire, so what about taking the initiative to attack?

Knowing that the defense is limited to one city, and the attack is the vast western region.

"Release a hell demon!"

Captain Qiubeard glanced back, the bloody figure was killing frantically, and he was looking for something everywhere, but he squatted on the ground in pain.


Three quarters in the morning.

West of Yumen Pass, Golden Terrace.

"Mian, wake up!"

Carl was in a hurry, not even wearing a shoe on one foot, shaking the bell of the purple tent frantically.

"What's the matter?" The Barbarian Emperor quickly walked away wearing a sacrificial dragon robe, and before he could put on a mask, the flesh and blood on the lake's face was flickering and the candlelight was extremely frightening.

"The city of madmen!" Karl handed the blood-stained silk book, "The fish that slipped through the net in the Western Regions contacted the madman to hunt down the slaughtering empire Erlang."

After a cursory glance at the silk book, the Barbarian Emperor staggered back half a step, and his mind went blank.

Leaning on the goalpost, roaring sharply:

"Dispatch troops, encircle and suppress them!"

"Notify Saint, intercept and kill!"

After speaking, a pair of children stared at each other:

"Karl, the madman behind the city is very weak, enough to fear!"

Carl's face twitched, do you mean to deceive yourself?

According to the content of the emergency report, the lunatic who broke free from the cage is even more afraid. Killing is like pulling grass and picking flowers.

The strength of a lunatic depends entirely on the degree of obsession.

"You must kill Gu Changan in a battle, don't let him breathe!"

out of control.

The battle of winning the ticket suddenly went out of control, and the most worrying hidden danger appeared.

How on earth could Hannu persuade the lunatic to leave home?

Carl paced outside the tent, agreeing with Mian's will, and must stabilize the military's heart in the rear.

Can be confusing!

Gu Changan is by no means an ordinary practitioner. This is like a rolling river, only the dams are tightly blocked, and water seeps through any gap.

Then it's all over!

The dam collapsed, and the river raged.

"Mian, those 50,000 soldiers..." Carl squirmed his lips and said the number that made him shudder.

Just one!

The elites of the empire are in the Yumenguan battlefield, and the rabble guarding the rear are all ants in the eyes of a lunatic.

"Enough!" The barbarian emperor's eyes were fierce, and he punched the doorpost, hysterically:

"One hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, how many piles are there, all the warriors with the army have to participate in the killing, the skull that I crushed!


"Mian calm down..." Carl's face was pale, and he said anxiously:

"The original army will definitely take this opportunity to raise pressure, regardless of the reason, the key to the victory or defeat is Yumenguan."

"If the Abyss Sage is moved to the rear, how can the original arrangement of a hundred schools of thought contend for the formation?"

After a short pause, trying to calm down the turbulent emotions, he said calmly:

"Mian, 50,000 troops are enough to dispatch some masters and masters."

The voice fell.

"The two saints of the abyss have been released." The purple-haired old monster stood on the platform with a dark cloud on his face.

The old thing is also starting to panic? The barbarian emperor hummed, and his mind was muddled with rational thoughts.

"Everything is under control." The purple-haired old monster strode, serious:

"The original will definitely take the opportunity to attack the frontal battlefield, immediately block the news, cover the lid, and shake the heart of the army."

Carl felt dizzy.

Cover the lid, seal the message...

The scene seemed familiar.

Going around in circles, it seems that everything is back to the original.

Become an old witch Yue Jiuling, still Hu Yanshou?

But know that you must cover your lids. Once the military is stable and panic fills, it is almost fatal!

As for the madman, can he still survive under the siege of 50,000 troops and countless high-level practitioners?

"It's a tough time, it's testing Mian's ability to maintain stability, don't let the empire down!"

The purple-haired old monster left in a hurry after he finished speaking. On the one hand, he arranged the rear and on the other hand defended the Yumen Pass. The situation was urgent.

The Barbarian Emperor waved his hand and took the golden mask handed over by the guards. After wearing it, he regained his composure as always, resolutely:

"Mad, it's dead!"

"The original Han slave, don't think that a little trick can shake the Empire of God, wishful thinking!"


East of Yumen Pass.

It was bright, and the fresh air of the morning blew into the handsome tent, but it blew away the oppressive atmosphere.

The military conference table was silent, dozens of high-ranking generals looked tense, and several secret letters from spies were placed on the table.

"Handsome, did you fail?" The Soochow general looked at Xu Ting, who was in the main seat.

Xu Ting hadn't slept for two nights, his sunken eye sockets were red.

"The royal family said that Gao Zhongguan was dead, did they persuade Chang'an?" Li Deyu's expression was solemn.

The fact that Eunuch Gao also cultivated Tang Longqi has already died.

According to the spy news, the two sides of the barbarian army were safe and sound, not only did they not panic, but their morale was even stronger.

Only one can, persuasion failed, Changan did not leave the lonely city.

"That's it!"

Suddenly, a thick voice came from the quiet camp.

As Lan Su was folded, he suddenly got up.

"Always question the level of barbarians covering their lids."

"At this moment, there will be a calm storm. The two armies are at a stalemate for days, and the barbarians suddenly have a boost in morale, which is abnormal!"

"No one knows Man Guoshu better than Gu Changan. Gu Changan will definitely kill Gucheng and start a massacre."

After he sat down, his attitude was firm.

In order to cover the lid, the old witch slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians in the Empire at every turn!

Now it is almost the same, relying on the reward army to cover up the undercurrent.


"Order the Nine Saints to unite to put pressure on them to hold back the old monster in the barbarian abyss, and use a hundred schools of thought to contend with each other."

The taciturn Xu Ting spoke slowly, and then his face was cold:

"Chang'an is suffering, if you miss the opportunity to counterattack, then..."

Confused, he left the camp.

The generals looked at each other in dismay, understand why Shuai was so sure?

How did Gao Zhongguan deceive Chang'an...

Yes, only the empress and the handsome Gao Zhongguan who performed the task knew the inside story.

Zhe Lansu hesitated, but finally had the heart to tell the truth.

I know, but I can guess.

The best way to deceive Gu Changan from leaving home is—

Raise the flag!

That side stands the flag that has changed hands for 64 years.

Also consider Chang'an's deepest obsession.

Only in this way can we explain why Gao Zhongguan, who is good at body technique, was dispatched.

Say cruel.

When you want to die, you must sink in despair in order to hold a banner.

I began to want to live, and I also raised a flag, so that I must die for the cause.


On the beach of Gumo, the scorching sun shines brightly, and the corpses are exposed to the sun, and the corpses are scattered everywhere, and the river water is dyed scarlet with blood.

Begging for mercy and howling loudly, fear spread like a plague, and some of the disabled barbarians were already scared of hysteria, not to mention trembling incontinence and soaking in yellow urine.

The blood faced the wind and asked in a low voice:

"Where's your home?"

With both hands like iron pincers, they grabbed the neck of the barbarian soldier, and repeated:

"Where is home?"

The barbarian suffocated and trembled, and his bulging eyes looked around the bloody land, the boundless purgatory, the slaughterhouse that hated the coldest.

Whoever stole the home, give it back!

With a sound of Katcha, Gu Changan twisted off the head of the barbarian soldier, stepped on empty footsteps, and slid in an empty state.

After walking a long way, I found the flag no matter what.


With a thunderous shout, the fish-tailed old monster swept to the top of Gumo Mountain, and there was also an old abyss monster standing twenty feet away.

At the same time, hundreds of figures came one after another, as well as the rumble of barbarian soldiers, the sound of tens of thousands of armor pieces shook the sky, and the flags were broken.

The bloody figure stood there and moved.

Like a blooming flower of destruction.

"Naughty animal, what's going on!" The fish tail was horrified, and the sight of the eyes was beyond the scope of cognition.

I thought that I had hid in the Yangtze River to practice cultivation and turned my legs into fish tails, but I was a monster with a discount.

When I saw a madman, I understood what a monster is. From the early morning of last night to this afternoon, I have cut a full two thousand miles.

Sheng Dun felt terrified, not to mention fifty thousand generals, and shuddered just looking at it.


The tail of the fish rushes up and turns into scales from the waist, and the sun shines brightly.

Another saint, Dorang, stood up from the ground and clenched the axe that weighed 100 jin, and rushed to the blood with the same disease.

"Raise the sword."

Gu Changan's eyes were scarlet, the blood sword pierced his wrist, the fire inside shattered, and the world-weary spirit was like a dragon wading into a river, rolling up a huge wave.

all of a sudden.

The bodies of the three thousand barbarians were stiff, and the swords around their waists were sheathed together, and the sound of clanging and clanging floated into the air.

Shade Day.

Sword curtain shrouded.

With three thousand swords in a row, the sword light illuminates like a meteor shower in the daytime.

Looking back at the fish tail, there was a violent tail flick near Chi Chi, and the scales hit the blood on the chest and abdomen heavily.

The shocking collision, penny pawns could see the surging ripples with the naked eye.


The axe slammed into the face, and the majestic Qi machine was afraid that it could cut off a huge river. Gu Changan blocked with the sword, suffered a heavy blow to the abdomen, and his body flew several dozen feet upside down.


Three thousand swords fell all at once.

Three thousand died.

The fish tail gnawed at the gums, and watched Sanqian Erlang die, and the killing speed was so fast that he suffocated.

"Killing the underworld with one sword is like a demon master." Another saint dared to believe, and suddenly turned around and urged the rest of the practitioners:


Gu Changan stood up with difficulty, trembling weakly, only the sword could stand.

With a hand, he cleaned his bloody white hair, and he didn't care about the broken internal organs.

The white hair flutters freely, and the gods who know the time are also the ghosts of hell, not arrogant, but sad:

"Give it back well."

Gu Changan swung his sword with a sharp wrist, straddling the holy road, and looked at the fishtail with mournful eyes.

The latter was frightened, and calmed down after a moment. The madman could only reluctantly kill the evil Haitang with the help of the sword of national fortune, threatening his own life.

In an instant, Tong Kong shook, and the scales shrank violently.

What a horrible scene?


No sword.

, the sword!

The blood slashed in the air, like a scabbard sword, with a white-haired blade and a body sword.

Many cultivators stagnate and stare in astonishment.

It is surprising that the action is like a sword, and the sword energy is intertwined all over the body, which becomes the most spectacular scene in history.

The fish tail of the body was unavoidable, and he gritted his teeth and retreated. His life-long holy energy was concentrated in his fists, and he held a sword with a strong force.

Don't overestimate yourself, only underestimate lunatics.

When the blood cuts itself, I vaguely understand that the sword of a madman is the only one in the world.

Whatever reinforcements, whatever swords, will be used one by one in the future.

Yes, lonely one.

Just the city, fortunately, the sword will cut and the city will fall, otherwise it will be smashed and smashed?

The fish tail also knows what to think about, and only regrets that he should leave the Yangtze River. The power of a lunatic using his body as a sword is really terrifying.

Gu Changan held the head with one hand and threw it back, smashing it into pieces.

The ground was dead silent, the speed of the barbarian army's advance was stagnant, and the tall sage just returned to his soul.

Kill the saint!

The practitioner was trembling with fear, his heart was beating violently like a drum, and his throat was almost throbbing.

At the beginning, she still relied on the sword of national fortune to kill Haitang of Evil.

"Drummer March!


The rest of Shengton, feeling a sense of grief, turned his head and ordered the army to move forward.

"Five thousand Han slaves on the opposite side, you and others will kill the slaves and create no glory for the empire!"

An absurd and strange scene appeared in Gumotan. Hundreds of generals blew their horns and the drums rumbled, as if they were facing an evenly matched battlefield.

The soldier looked numb.

No matter how much you deceive yourself, the opposite will be the same.

The real 50,000 Han slaves would still be excited, at least make sure that the spear is used to provoke the heads of the Han slaves, and they will receive credit for their heads.

Alone, with unprecedented fear!

Because of the kill!

Only to be mercilessly slaughtered!

But no one dares to retreat, but whenever the battlefield is to supervise the troops, those who retreat stand beheaded, and they are deserters and affect their families, just as they are imperial martyrs.

The sound of the drums stopped like thunder, and the boundless black tide rolled towards the beach.

In the face of the arrow that slanted like a torrential rain, Gu Changan didn't move much to dodge, but also retreated, and only began to look forward to the most beautiful things in the world.

The ultimate obsession.

A strange scene came quietly, and some snowflakes fell sparsely in the sky, followed by goose feathers.

Every snowflake is a cruel and world-weary qi, and in the meantime, it is wrapped in a source of evil, covering the heads of 50,000 soldiers.

Gu Changan, who was full of arrows, was dying, and he felt very happy when he saw the snow.

The thick long arrow almost penetrated the thin and thin blood body, and the black pressure layered the soldiers, trembling and killing the sound.

"What about home?"

Gu Changan's cloudy and scattered eyes moved slowly, he saw the white snow, the mighty barbarian army, and the practitioners who were waiting for an opportunity, but he saw the city.

"Chang'an, brave the three armies." Liu Shang smiled softly.

"Give it to me."

Knowing why, the empress took a Tang flag and received seven taels of meat. For a long time, she was still willing to wrap the meat on the flag.

His eyes were red, and his heart was sobbing:


"I would have taken it back to the Western Regions, and the lonely city would apologize."

As he spoke, he ruthlessly wrapped the seven taels of meat into the flag, and staggered away.



Two thousand miles away in the wasteland, with yellow sand covering the ground, a blood-colored figure jumped up and down carrying a flag, humming a brisk song.

Two old monsters followed in the distance, the purple-haired old man stopped first, his face full of horror.

"It's weird." The fellow saint was as horrified.

In the battle of Gumotan, the madman was dragged for seven hundred miles, and all the bones and flesh were worn away, and only one was left, which could be blown away by gusts of wind.

The world-weary sword changed the situation again. The madman's body was healed with naked eyes, his internal organs regrown, and his arms and shoulders slowly returned to their original shape, only bleeding all the time.

Until now, the lunatic has almost returned to his peak state.

Seeing this situation, to be honest, if you really dare to kill him, whoever lives and who dies is certain.

Holy, the lunatic chopped off two and abolished one.

"Only the top generation of the castle can dare to kill." The purple-haired old monster was worried, and the top generation only pursued opening the door and never asked about the world.

"What should I do?" Peer Saint was confused.

He didn't kill him when his life was on the line, and watched the lunatic return to his original state, dare?


The purple-haired old monster said in a deep voice.

The method deceived the original astrologer and forged the illusion that the lunatic was dead.

Cover the lid upside down, and in order to restore confidence.

The situation in the battle of the Western Regions, which started on September 1, is now five or five, or even four or six, and it is still on the verge of collapse.

To avoid the fear of the imperial son, he will hang the head of the madman on the gate, boost morale, and find the original Han slave a shame.

As for the fake lunatics, Abyss Bingzhi faked two, Yumenguan was beheaded by the master of the academy, and killed another by himself.


Golden Desk.

The barbarian emperor looked up, his whole body smelled like dry branches, exuding a rotten and wilted aura.

Carl sighed, watching how the light in Mian's eyes went from being full of passion to being extinguished a little bit.

The empire is incompetent in this war, and it is by no means the original strength. Everything is because of—

A lunatic looking for a home.

"Vicious, shameless, in the eyes of the ancestors of the East, I will definitely scold the scum..."

The barbarian emperor muttered to himself, angered by the method of deceiving the lunatic, and saddened by the fall of the Western Regions for more than a thousand miles.

Xuancheng, the holy city of Xuancheng, is outside the gate of the country, is it a laughing stock at this moment?

That's it.


A head smashed into the tower, embedded in the bluestone slab, revealing eyes of hatred and fear.

The barbarian emperor's blood boiled instantly, and suddenly the chair slumped.

The appearance is disguised exactly the same, and the eyes are deceived.

Crazy people are always afraid.

"Mian, the old man is slaying the beast!" The purple-haired old monster stood with his hands behind his back, with a firm attitude.

Carl was stunned, and then his expression became extremely excited, and he ran to his head like a madman.

"I dug out a pair of eyeballs, and I vented my anger!" Since they were all deceived, they also pretended to be hysterical and waved their arms wantonly.

This kind of deception is meaningless, but it can boost morale, as for the defeat.

Carl took the order, holding a dagger and cruelly cutting his eyes, pretending to be crazy and excited.

Also helpless.

Speaking of exposed eyes, the hair alone is very poor. The white hair of a lunatic is the most extreme white in the world, whiter than snow, and the hair of a fake lunatic is obviously dyed.

How embarrassing the empire, which is so dignified, has begun to deceive itself!


"Send an order to the Holy City, and transfer another 300,000 elites. If you lose again, Mian will be hanged."

The purple-haired old monster spit out ruthless words, then strode away, and rushed back to the abyss for help.

The Western Regions can be lost, and once the Western Regions fall to the original, the empire will be completely overturned, and internal conflicts will explode!


PS: With so many words, I am absolutely qualified to ask for a monthly pass, ask for a monthly pass...

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Chapter 41 Seven Liang Meat (1w2) Free Read.

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