Single Man Guarding a Lonely City, Invincible in the World

Chapter 49 He Comes Slowly

Feng Xiaoxiao night was heavy, and a group of ragged deserters hid in the dark canyon.

They were scarred and exhausted, but they each carried children with gaunt faces.

The barbarian slaughtered the city.

The people are dead.

The rumbling of horses' hooves came from all directions, approaching, and the howling of the wild wolves in the foothills seemed to sound the death knell of death.

"it's time."

In the long silence of the canyon, the centurion carried the child to a cramped and gloomy cave and smiled kindly:

"Let's play hide and seek."

The child is less than four years old, his eyes are wide and clear, and his face is ignorant.

"You hide in there and don't make a sound. When you come out early tomorrow morning to look for Uncle, if you find it, you will be rewarded with three packs of candied fruit."

"Okay." The child licked his mouth happily when he thought of the sweetness of the candied fruit.

The rest of the soldiers' faces were tense, and they sent the children to the cliffs, promising the reward of hide and seek.

With tears in his eyes, the sensible boy hugged the younger child tightly and hid in the deep cave.

"Uncle, the retractor is not allowed to deceive people..." The girl raised her sunken cheeks and stretched out her fingers to clasp with the rough fingers of the centurion.

"Hide well and don't make a sound." The centurion piled stones at the entrance of the cave and covered them with weeds, leaving only the gaps for ventilation.

After doing all this, thirty-nine people lined up to gather, holding a crossbow and a horizontal knife hanging from their waists, and walked out of the canyon in unison.

"We were comrades in arms during our lifetime, and we can walk side by side on Huangquan Road after death."

The centurion stood facing the faint moonlight, picked up the sword and stabbed it in his heart, and roared angrily:

"It is a supreme honor for a man to kill himself for his country!


"Our battles were full of vigor and arrogance!" Shi Chang laughed freely, looked around at a few fearful subordinates, and scolded:

"Fear of life and fear of death, bowing your head and calling yourself a slave, why do you meet the elders in Shu?"

Nearly three hundred barbarian dogs were surrounded and suppressed,

They can't break through no matter what.

Rather than being tortured, it is better to commit suicide to preserve integrity.

The timid soldiers gradually became resolute, and the movements of drawing their swords were fierce and swift.


A gust of mist floated up, and a hoarse voice sounded.

"Do you still dare to fight?"

Like thunder on the ground!

The thirty-nine soldiers twisted their heads with difficulty, only to see a very immature face. Anyone who encountered a ghost in a silent night would be scared to the core, but they did not move.

The sound of hoofs was getting closer.

Hundreds of torches can already be seen shining in the dark night, and the barbarians are holding the reins, overlooking the Han slaves who are at the end of their lives.

The soldier's expression changed from the initial shock to excitement, and the blood flowed at an incredible speed.

The fighting spirit is boiling!

Transform into ghosts, Zhenshanhe!

It's him.

As long as it is him, he is willing to follow him when he goes to kill Prince Yan.

Without it, just because of the name Gu Changan!

"Why don't you dare!


With tears in his eyes, the centurion shrugged fiercely:

"Barbarian, your grandfather is here to fuck you!"

Thirty-nine soldiers were imposing like a rainbow, raising their swords and charging.

The three hundred barbarians were startled one after another, and this scene made them unbelievable.

Are you afraid of death?

Are you crazy, or are we out of touch?

"Slaughter slaves!"

The leader ordered to blow the horn, and the humming sound resounded through the foothills of the mountain, with bows and arrows, and horses galloping.

But all of a sudden, the soul seems to be out of touch with the body.

There are strings jumping in my mind, making intermittent vibrato, whether it is tapping the crossbow machine or holding the weapon high, it is stagnant at this moment.


The centurion bravely rushed into the barbarian army, thinking that he would be shot into a hedgehog, but when he stabbed the barbarian dog with a knife, he thought of the scarecrow in his farmland.

Do what you want to do.

So fucking easy!

The only difficulty seems to be...

Killing Man Killing Hand Cramps?

Completely reduced to one-sided slaughter, they have never been so hearty, until they were exhausted, until all the barbarians died tragically in the mountains.

Gu Changan was floating on the battlefield, he stared blankly at his newly grown right hand.

Palm, wrist, blue veins, fingers, nails.

Flesh and blood.

He smiled and whispered softly:

"I am back."

Although he doesn't even have arms, he has qi when he has flesh and blood.

Next, go directly to the holy city. I have seen the map in the barbarian corpse, and the direction will not be forgotten.

The world returned to silence.

The mist drifted away with the wind, and behind him was a striking blood sword.

The thirty-nine soldiers got up, wiped the blood from their faces, and folded their fists and said sincerely:

"Please take care of the heroic soul."

The black fog seemed to be waving, but it didn't seem to be, but quickly disappeared into the night.

Many years later, the centurion has grown old and still clearly remembers that distant night when Gu Yingying melted into the darkness.

There was no wind that night, and the story after that night was wonderful.


Shu Kingdom, Chengdu Prefecture.

Zichen Palace.

The atmosphere in the hall was as stiff as iron, the eyes of the civil and military officials were red, and the rotten situation made them sleepless all night.

The barbarian countries invaded on two fronts, and the fierce battle was stalemate for five months.

After the Great Victory in the Western Regions, Zhao State established the Hexi Corridor as a strategic buffer zone. On the one hand, it allowed the barbarians to lengthen their fronts, and on the other hand, Beiliang could quickly support them.

The barbarians did not progress well on the Zhao line, so they transferred their troops to the Shu Kingdom. The Shu Kingdom is now under unimaginable pressure.

"Your Majesty, the sky is falling!"

A sharp cry sounded outside the hall, and a dusty practitioner trembled into the hall, his lips squirming with difficulty:

"Saint...the saint died."

As if struck by lightning, the Shu Emperor's eyes were blank and empty.

The faces of the ministers were ashen.

after all……

There is no miracle after all.

They stood in the court hall, just waiting for a miracle to appear, but what they were waiting for was shocking news.

The only sage in the Shu Kingdom, the Pavilion Master of the Jiange Pavilion, has not escaped this calamity.

Seven days ago, Muhammad Abra, who was at the peak of the holy abyss, came to Shu.

"Where are the remains?" Emperor Shu looked sad.

The cultivator's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"Abra has already been beheaded by the master of the academy, but it's a pity that he came a step late..."

"The pavilion owner died tragically in Wuzhangyuan, and the body turned into powder, and the withered statue in Wuzhangyuan was also smashed by Abra."

The hall was full of mourning, followed by monstrous anger.

Six hundred years ago, Zhuge Liang was in Wuzhangyuan and hated looking north, and now the master of Jiange Pavilion is also staring down Wuzhangyuan.

The barbarians deliberately humiliated Shu!

Right now.

"Your Majesty, the barbarian envoy asks to see you."

The white-browed eunuch stood in the hall corridor, trying his best to restrain the anger of his voice.

It came "just right", naked and showy.

"Get in!" Emperor Shu lost control of his emotions and stared at the messenger who was walking in the courtyard.

The messenger's blond blue boy with a beard, facing the eyes that looked like he was swallowing life, he just clasped his fists perfunctorily, pretending to be melancholy:

"To hear of the death of a saint in your country, oh God, that's really sad news."

The air in Zichen Hall was almost frozen.

The civil and military officials were breathing heavily, almost unable to hold back their murderous intentions.

The messenger is expressionless, and the anger of the weak is meaningless.

Kind of kill me?

Coward without seed!

Although the empire has also lost a great saint, the abyss, with its unique advantages, is only a matter of time.

On the contrary, Shudi lost the pavilion master, and the whole country mourned!

It would be good to die at Wuzhang.

Didn't Dongtu worship Zhuge Liang? Zhuge Liang died in spite of his hard work all his life.

In the words of the Central Plains, this is called—

Destiny cannot be violated.

Some things cannot be shaken.

Give up fantasy, stop resisting!

Seeing that no one responded, the messenger smiled and said:

"In order to rescue the suffering people in Shu, the empire built weapons and armor, levied labor livestock, and made long-distance expeditions..."

Slightly, he had a healthy attitude:

"Forget the indemnity, cede 30% of the territory, and the empire will retreat."

The reverberation echoed around the beams.

The ministers' faces were hideous, and they held the Chaohu in their hands tightly, and a strong sense of dizziness appeared in their minds.

"Cut the land for peace? Whimsical!" The aged prime minister snarled hysterically, his lips trembling.

"Isn't it considered for the people of the Sheji?" The messenger also lifted the mask of disguise and said coldly:

"Stupid resistance, destroy Shu within three months!"

If it weren't for the determination of the gods to be ashamed, the empire would not have given the Shu Kingdom a chance to survive.

Only after the battle of the Shu Line can we gather our forces to attack Zhao State and retake the Hexi Corridor and Yumen Pass.

The eyes of the ministers were about to burst into flames, and no one had any intention of compromising.

In fact, they knew very well that the State of Shu was attracting firepower to the State of Zhao.


How could China wag its tail to beg for pity for the barbarians!

If the barbarians are the policy of empathy, perhaps some officials will be shaken, hoping that the barbarians will raise their hands.

But the barbarians want Shu to subjugate the country and wipe out the species!

Whoever dares to make peace is the eternal sinner of the nation!

Although Zhuge Kongming hated Wuzhangyuan, it was infighting in China after all, and Huanghuang Qingshi could never obliterate the achievements of the prime minister.

Once the barbarians destroy the Central Plains, will there be any history? Thousands of years of Yanhuang civilization have disappeared, and everyone in this era will have no face to see their ancestors after death!

"Does Eryi know Gu Changan?"

"He is here, defending the territory, slaughtering the four barbarians and defending the national spirit."

"He died, turned into a ghost, and protect my Chinese faith!"

"Gu Changan's crest supported by flesh and blood is not for us to bend over to the barbarians!"

The censor's face flushed red and his voice was like rolling thunder.

The messenger's smile gradually solidified, and he shuddered when he heard the name, which was an unbearable memory of the empire.

He was about to continue talking.

A chilling voice came from the throne.

"Drag it out and chop it up!"

The messenger was horrified, and then he was forced to hold his limbs, pulling Zichen Hall like a struggling wild dog.

The ministers watched with cold eyes.

In the face of barbarians, it is no longer necessary to adhere to the etiquette of "do not kill in battle".

The other side is savage, and the Central Plains must be more bloody.

Compromise can never bring victory, only violence can be overcome!

The people of Shu told the Central Plains in such a violent way that they would not yield!

The Shu Emperor tightly grasped the armrest of the throne, exhausted all his strength, and said decisively:

"I won't take a step back!"

After the bell tolled, he retreated.

His footsteps were staggering and confused. He was only thirty years old, but he was like an old man with a candle in the wind.

Resisting barbarians is really desperate.

It only takes one thought to give up, but it is too difficult to hold on!


The towering bronze temple is surrounded by sandalwood.

Queen Tuoba sat on the purple throne, with a pair of dazzling dragon horns on her forehead, Zitong calmly looked around the round table.

The twelve giants at the round table have a relaxed expression, and there are two silk books on the table.

First, the owner of the Jiange Pavilion died, and Muhammad Abra died.

Second, the State of Shu was reluctant to beg for peace, and even slashed the imperial messengers with thousands of swords.

"Your Majesty, Master of the Academy has become very difficult now."

Female Inquisitor Beth gave her advice respectfully, her long eyebrows twisted into the word "Chuan".

I really didn't expect that the old thing could knock on the gate of heaven. The peak of the holy realm and the gods on the land are separated by a line, but their strength is like a moat. Simply described, it is the gap between people and ants.

There were originally a hundred schools of thought contending formations and the sword of national fortune in the Eastern Land. Now the old things are even more powerful, and it is very difficult to kill the gods in the abyss.

"No problem." Tuoba Tianxia said indifferently with a calm expression:

"One person can't turn a big wave."

Hearing "one person", the round table suddenly fell silent.

Seemingly realizing that they were frightened, the judges quickly showed embarrassed smiles.

The current goddess is undoubtedly very outstanding, even great.

Since ascending the throne, internal rebellions have been eradicated by various means. This year, the fiscal tax has increased by 30% compared with the past. Every corner of the 20 million li territory is afraid of the Queen's iron and bloody hands.

The only blemish is the lonely city in the Western Regions.


But now that the empire is out of sight, it is just as if the ghosts and ghosts do not exist.

Without the loathsome mortals of the old world, the Empire is back to life, fighting for the highest glory!

The Eastern Land is just short of it. As long as the Eastern Land is swallowed up, the ambition of the Supreme Divine Kingdom can be realized.

"Everyone performs their duties, Beth, you speed up the pace of training spies, and use spies to disintegrate the will of resistance of the dignitaries in the East."

Tuoba Tianxia flicked his skirt sleeves, and was about to return to the castle to practice.


The door slammed "bang".

Not pushing away, but kicking away!

The old woman in the wedding dress looked horrified, and the wrinkles were intertwined like the roots of an old tree, and she said word by word:

"Gu Changan, he is at the main gate of the Holy City."

"Meet the enemy now!"


As if the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder roared in their ears, the scalps of the twelve judges exploded, and their eyes were confused, as if they had heard the most bizarre words in the world.

They looked at the old woman in shock.


Gu Changan is absolutely impossible to appear in the Holy City.

There is absolutely no possibility!

Tuoba Tiantong's hole shrank suddenly, the chills on his neck stood on end, and an extremely dangerous premonition flashed through his heart.

The bronze temple is as quiet as a tomb.

This is probably the most shocking news in the world!

"Anyone?" Beth's lips trembled.

"Yes." The old woman in the wedding dress had a blank expression, and then said hysterically:

" meet the enemy!"

She started to be incoherent.

In the decades since the nation was founded, no enemy has ever dared to provoke the Holy City.

That is the most glorious holy place of the empire!

For the first time ever!

Feeling nervous, anger out of control, and even a trace of fear.

Once the holy city is desecrated, the consequences are unimaginable.


Tuoba roared angrily, his figure turned into lightning, and appeared in the sky above the nine palace towers in an instant.


If the world is very beautiful, the sky will give nine points to the city in the sky.

In the early morning, the golden roof of the holy city is shimmering with light, shrouded in layers of mist, and the symmetrical and solemn blue and white statues in the distance quietly overlook the earth.

People of color from Wuyangyang have yellow, white, and black skin. All kinds of believers and practitioners have made pilgrimages to the holy city.

When the black fog appeared, the world suddenly became quiet, and even the majestic momentum of the National Protector Array held its breath in an instant.


two steps.

three steps -

Closer and nearer, until the world was nothing but the sound of him rubbing against the wind as he drifted.

Soul shadow.

A blood sword hangs high.

You can't help but know him.

Who will forget one person and one city in the Western Regions?

From human to lunatic to ghost, he should have disappeared, how could he appear in the most sacred place in the empire?

The world seemed to have only this black fog left, and everyone felt an absurd sense of terror.

The main gate of the Holy City of Nuoda was silent for a moment, and the sky and the earth were frozen at this time.

I have never left home in my life, suddenly tearing apart the darkness shrouded in the sky, and appearing at dawn walking alone!

No one dared to speak, as if it was a monster with a life-and-death attack.

Not as if.

he is the one!

Just a faint soul shadow, that kind of power is not only described as horror, it is simply suffocating!

"For sixty-five years, our Anxi Army has been beaten passively. You can come and leave if you want, no matter whether you win or lose, you will come again."

"But there is no such thing in the world, why can't I come out and beat you?"

"So today I am here."

Gu Changan's voice was not loud, but it was deep and dignified, with a smile that spread far in the cool morning.

As if there was an invisible air pressure holding the surrounding wind, there was boundless silence everywhere.

But I can clearly feel that the sky is falling and the earth is collapsing, and the mountains are falling!


PS: Asking for a monthly pass, begging for a monthly pass, hurry up and update!

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