Single Stat System

Chapter 100: Anti-Greed Net

"This feels... so great!"

As soon as he reached his distance towards the many incoming players, Sakim had immediately displayed his dominance. He swung his right hand coated by solidified Greed Energy as those players in the very front had their lives immediately stolen.

The many players in the area were surprised by the sudden appearance of the other party. And they got even more surprised after the terrifying thing he had done. However, instead of fear, what they felt at that time was excitement.

They were supposed to be frightened. They should be fearful of Sakim now because of the sudden occurrence. However, someone was manipulating their feelings and emotions making them no different than a puppet who only knew how to obey.

Of course, Sakim also noticed this. He also noticed that butterflyman in the sky as it appeared that he was the cause of what was going on with these players before him. Not only that, with the help of his Blood Servant, he also knew about those many players above the cliff who were on a completely different level compared to these players before him. He didn't know what was it but it seemed like they were plotting something against him.

Sakim didn't treat them seriously though. He only saw them as mere ants as what they could only do to him was to bite and give him some pain. As for dealing with them, he could think of many things.

With that in mind, Sakim enjoyed the big harvest before him. With these many players, he could definitely get plenty of things from them. In every swung he made using his hands coated by solidified Greed Energy, many players would suffer. He stole their HP together with the things in their Inventory, their strength, speed, defense, mana. He even stole their equipment, the skills they cast against him when they retaliated, and much more.

Sakim was just thankful that after the changes that happened to his Stolen Inventory previously, it now had a lot more free slots where he could store his stolen items. With that, he could steal more items and enjoy what he currently doing.

However, if there were things that could be deemed as good, there were, of course, some bad things. After stealing greedily for some time, he finally got to realize some of the limitations of his passive skill: Extreme Greed.

When Sakim tried to steal their skills themselves so that he could use them himself, there was no reaction even from the System as he got nothing. The same went for their passive skills, their stats, their levels, their experience points, their ability, and their Greed Energy. When he tried to steal them, he got no response. It was as if telling him that something like that wasn't available yet. And he felt that there were more things that he still couldn't steal with the current level of his passive skill.

But Sakim couldn't care less about it. Feeling superior to his current opponents, Sakim continued his slaughter with a wide grin. He even began to laugh like a madman the more players he killed and robbed. And seeing that there was no end to it as more and more players were coming, what he only got at that time was excitement.

The Greed Energy leaking out from Sakim was getting stronger and stronger the more the time had passed. The always calm and nonchalant Sakim from before was nowhere to be found anymore as he was replaced by as if a completely different entity. But what was saddening was that he couldn't even see the changes in him as he continued what he was doing.

In any case, although what happened right now seemed long, it actually only happened for less than five minutes. And this had already caused chaos among the crowds of players in the area.

The butterflyman flying above could only grit his teeth in his hardest trying to control the overwhelming emotions of the players below. Thankfully, as an SS-rank support, he still managed the crowds of Middle Rankers and a few S-ranks.

Even so, although the butterflyman had already expected something like this to happen, he was still shocked by the capabilities of the vessel. Even those players on the top of the cliff, the representatives of the top five strongest families, were taken by shock as well. Although they expected this much, seeing what was happening right now with their own eyes was still too shocking for them. They could only swallow a mouthful of saliva thinking if they could really complete their task.

"Damn it! We must use now the Anti-Greed Net!" Someone from the crowds of players shouted seeing the fall of their comrades. Although they couldn't feel fear and only excitement, the butterflyman flying above could also give them the anger emotion. And this caused the many players in the area to be enraged and become even more violent. So after a moment of pause, he added, "Charlotte family, threw the Anti-Greed Net!"

"Damn it, threw the Anti-Greed Net too!"

With the Charlotte family taking the initiative, the other four families had also thrown the Anti-Greed Net towards Sakim.

That being said, all the players in the area retrieved a fist-sized black ball. The moment they retrieved it, they immediately threw it in the direction of Sakim as it formed an arch. Not only that, as they threw the Anti-Greed Net, plenty of furious cursing was naturally could be heard all over the place trying to accompany the net and boost the success rate.

So as the countless Anti-Greed Nets were in the midair and were about to fall onto Sakim, it opened in itself like a mouth as a five meters radius black net came out from inside of it.

Sakim suddenly turned serious seeing the incoming attack. He could feel that these things were dangerous even for him. He could even feel that his Greed Energy was as if backing away the more the nets got closer. It was as if telling him to run away as soon as possible and don't let those things touch him even by a little.

Since there were a lot of those nets, it naturally covered the entire sky leaving Sakim almost no place to escape. If he was any slower, then surely, the other party would definitely be able to catch him.

But Sakim wasn't like that. With the help of the speed of sound he had stolen, Sakim could move with the same speed as the sound. That said, escaping from these countless nets was still easy for him.

Thus, before the countless Anti-Greed Nets could even land at him, Sakim disappeared from where he was standing. The many players in the area who was watching over him widened their eyes at first seeing his sudden disappearance before countless even more furious cursing echoed here and there. Damn it! Where did that bastard go? All of them frantically swept their gazes around them but they didn't find even the traces left by Sakim. As if he wasn't even there in the first place.

"What are those black nets? Why do I feel something weird from those?" Sakim asked. He was now besides Julius and Sintia. Izel was also already there when he came to them. Not only that, even the other three bandits: Gilbert, Oso, and Pael, were already there lying their butt on the ground as their hands were tied on their back. It appeared that Izel and Julius were convincing them to join them and serve the vessel as well.

Sakim didn't care about them though. He stared at Izel and Julius and then asked a question. Before making his next move, Sakim wanted to know what was those black nets that those players threw onto him. He felt that it could subdue him very easily if it managed to touch him at least. That was really a bit surprising. He even felt a bit scared.

"..." Julius, Sintia, and Izel were speechless for some time after seeing their master rushing onto them just to ask such a question. Did he really not know it? They felt a bit doubtful though.

But knowing that their master wouldn't go there and asked them such a question only to play with them, Izel opened her mouth and replied respectfully, "Just in the recent year, the top families had successfully developed some kind of technology to suppress the Greed Energy of anyone. And that is the black nets they threw onto you a moment ago. They called it Anti-Greed Net. Anyone who touched it will lose their Greed Energy by more than 80% no matter how strong your Greed Energy is."

"There's such a thing?" Sakim was really surprised. To think that these people would develop something interesting as that. He even felt that this thing was created solely to counter someone like him. If those people had this kind of thing, then surely, they would have a chance to catch him.

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