Single Stat System

Chapter 34: Greed Energy


And just like that, the Wrathful Rat fell to Sakim's scheme as it brandished its huge ax against him only to be dodged by him after he quickly rolled to the side. After which, knowing that he dodged the attack, Sakim grabbed the ground trying to halt his rolling and go against the strong shockwave. But even after he halted his rolling his feet and hands still lined on the ground as the shockwave was trying its best to blow him away.

Sakim remained triumphant though. The strong shockwave only lasted for a moment before its strength had immediately faded. Sakim didn't think any other thoughts as he rushed towards the Wrathful Rat's huge ax that was now glued on the ground.

On the other hand, seeing Sakim actually coming at it, the Wrathful Rat was taken aback. This pest was actually thinking to face it head-on? It never thought that there was actually someone so stupid in this world.

So with a grin, instead of trying its best to lift the ax, the Wrathful Rat let go of it as it instead clenched its right hand into a fist.

Sakim, on the other hand, was slightly taken aback seeing the sudden action of the Wrathful Rat. He never thought that it would actually let go of the ax as it instead used its own body to block his way towards the ax.

"Damn, change of plan," Sakim said inwardly while gritting his teeth. He wanted to steal the ax since he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to touch the Wrathful Rat with this ax blocking his way.

But since the Wrathful Rat cleared the obstacle on his way to it, Sakim had no more reason to steal the ax as he should just steal the life of this monster boss instead. He really was more or less, grateful to the other party for what it had done.

So then, as Sakim finally closed his distance, the Wrathful Rat finally threw a punch against him. This deadly punch made Sakim's heart skip a beat but even so, he still tried his best to dodge it. That said, he hurriedly dashed to the left side. He was planning that after he dodged this, he would immediately grab its arms and then finally steal its life.

But contrary to his expectation, although Sakim managed to dodge the fist, the fist continued its way to the ground as it made a strong impact. Sakim who only moved a little sideways was blown away. He even lost his balance and then tumbled on the ground once as he was now lying on the ground with his belly.

HP: 7834 | 8,360

"Ugh..." Sakim wiped away the blood dripping from his mouth. He never expected that that punch had a blown away effect as well similar to when it was using its weapon. With that effect alone, he seemed to receive more than 500 attack damage. How much more if he received that attack directly?

Sakim pushed the ground as he tried to get up. But to his horror, he was still yet to lift his head when he suddenly saw two feet filled with furs standing right in front of him. He didn't need to shift his head upwards just to know what was in front of him. Because he knew full well that it was the Wrathful Rat!


But before Sakim could even do anything, the other party had already made a move. Just like a hammer, it slammed its right fist against his back making him crash heavily on the ground.


HP: 4,367 | 8,360

Sakim spurted a mouthful of blood. With just a single attack, he lost more than three thousand HP? Just what kind of attack was that? He even felt that the other party had only given him a little tap as it was only toying around with him.

If this attack was brought to the Players other than him, would they survive? Sakim suddenly thought about it, but he felt that it was definitely a no. He only survived this kind of attack because he put all of his stat points to Vitality stat. And also, he had a passive skill: Double Vitality that could increase his HP exponentially.

Unlike him, the other Players would definitely not put everything to their Vitality stat as there were more stats available for them to choose from. And since that was the case, their HP would definitely lower than him multiple times. If they fought this Hidden Dungeon Boss, and this boss attacked and hit them, they would surely suffer something like 'One hit delete'.

But how the heck could they clear this kind of dungeon if the boss was this strong? Did the game developer of this world even know how to balance their game? Sakim felt that it was too unfair for the new Player like him to face this kind of boss.

The Hidden Dungeon Boss should be nerfed! Sakim complained in his heart trying to appease his helplessness.

But what else could he do? He had already fallen on the ground now. Although he'd used three [Healing Leaves] while he was down, he felt that what he'd suffered right now was just the tip of the iceberg. He felt that there was more to it than what he'd suffered right now. That said, he already considered his two remaining [Healing Leaves] as gone.

On the other hand, seeing that its prey was now completely suppressed, the Wrathful Rat finally opened its mouth and said, "You... Come... With me..."

After what was said, it grabbed the seemingly weakened body of Sakim. With its huge hand, it was more than enough to grab Sakim's head. Thus, it raised its hand while grabbing Sakim's head as Sakim was lifted as if he was like a hanging lantern.

But then, the Wrathful Rat was taken aback when it saw the reaction of the other party. Instead of fear, what it saw on his face was a grin. It didn't even see any physical injuries from the other party at all.

But well, the Wrathful Rat already knew that the other party had used some healing items to preserve his life. But what it didn't understand was why would the other party grin like that. Perhaps he finally lost his head and became mad, right? The Wrathful Rat suddenly thought about it.

But before the Wrathful Rat could even get more bewildered, he suddenly saw the other party slowly raising his two hands. The other party grabbed its hand that was holding his head, as the Wrathful Rat only thought that the other party only wanted to be freed from its hand.

But why did it felt something like a bad premonition was ready to occur at any moment? The Wrathful Rat suddenly frowned. But then, it still yet to figure out what was going on when he saw the other party opening his mouth and mumbling about something.


Before the Wrathful Rat could even get what it heard, it suddenly found its life force being sucked away. It felt that its HP was dropping at an alarming rate.

Wadahek! The Wrathful Rat that was already having trouble speaking found it hard to speak even harder. Just what the heck was going on now? Could it be that this human had still some card under his sleeves? The Wrathful Rat shifted its attention towards Sakim as it could only feel a shudder down to its spine. What a terrifying amount of Greed Energy. No wonder its life was being sucked away rapidly, the other party was actually stealing it! How could it forget the very nature of Greed Energy when facing someone who might probably have the most of it? The Wrathful Rat could only blame itself for its own carelessness.

But seeing that its HP was dropping hurriedly, the Wrathful Rat quickly threw away the other party. It felt that if it continued grabbing him like that, it would surely die this time.

As expected to one of the Vessels of the sins, they really were annoying just like 'him'. The Wrathful Rat, or rather, the one possessing it, couldn't help but think how frustrating these Vessels of sins. Even so, it only made its eagerness to eat the other party so that it could finally grow stronger.

Perhaps, if it absorbed the Vessel of the Greed sin, it could finally have a chance to defeat that man.

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