Single Stat System

Chapter 45: Dangerous Character (2)

After Sakim touched the other party's shoulder and warned him, Sakim then made his next move. The other party's exquisite fine clothing then disappeared leaving his upper body naked. After which, Sakim's cold voice had rung again, "You've wasted my precious time so I will take this as compensation. And also..."

The other party didn't notice it, but Sakim had his heart palpitating wildly to death when he saw something astonishing. But then, he tried his best to remain calm by swallowing a mouthful of saliva. So after a moment of pause, Sakim then whispered so that this thin man was the only one who could hear, "I will take a bit of your life. Next time I see you again, remember this, I will take it all."

After which was said, Sakim stole the HP of the other party. And only after stealing his HP did Sakim let go of his shoulder. Then he walked past the other party without bothering himself to turn around.

Hapon then finally felt the weakness of his knees as he couldn't help but kneel. His arms were now pushing the ground as his breathing became unstable. Did he just escape death? No, he felt that it was more like death had let him go.

So to make sure, Hapon summoned the System to see his current HP. But when he saw it, he couldn't help but cry out, "Thank you for sparing our lives!"

Hapon didn't even bother standing up as he instead put his forehead on the ground when he said those words. He was afraid that the moment he stood up and looked at that monster, he might really take his last breath.

But Sakim, even after hearing him, continued to walk away without sparing a glance at the other party. As if he didn't even hear a word at all.

So after which was said, Hapon's teammates finally ran onto him to help him get up. They could only watch the back of the leaving Sakim couldn't even find a word to utter.

Seeing that the figure of the other party was now being obstructed by the woods, the three could only shift their gaze to their teammate who suffered the worst.

"What happened, Hapon? What did he do to you the last time?" Umaga asked worriedly. He saw that before that monster left the area, he whispered something to Hapon making him even more frightened. Umaga was just ashamed of himself that as a party leader, he couldn't even step forward to help his party member. But well, it was for the best to not help him up. After all, if they angered that man even more, they might not even able to know how would they die.

"It's lifesteal..." Hapon couldn't stand up as he replied with great difficulty.

"Lifesteal?" The three were taken aback upon hearing it.

"Yes. He stole about 50% of my HP in that short moment of touch." Hapon added seeing the surprised reaction of the three. After a moment of pause, he continued, "I am afraid that he could steal my entire HP and kill me directly if he wanted to. Right now, it's only a warning. But next time..."

Hapon didn't finish his words but the three could already understand what he was about to say. They could only swallow a mouthful of saliva at almost the same time when they heard him. Who would have thought that that man was capable of such a feat? It had to be known that life was one of the hardest things to steal using Greed Energy.

But then, seeing the amount of Greed Energy that that man had, it would be strange if he couldn't do such a feat. It was just that, how could they encounter such a dangerous character in this place? Not only that, they even tried to provoke him. Were they tired of leaving? Did they think that they already had lived long enough and they wanted to die now? Just by thinking how stupid their action was could only make the three of them shiver down to their spine. They were really just thankful that that man didn't kill them in his annoyance. Perhaps, he was too strong to the point that he didn't even care whether they live or die, right? Surely, it must be the case.

But then again, what was that man doing here? Was he also after the fallen star of the day? If that was the case, then what were they even doing here? They should just hurry up and go back home to report.

But since they were already here, they should at least check it if they could find at least the traces of that fallen star. They should at least have something to report before going back, right?


Somewhere at a distance away...

"Holy shit! Those four are dangerous!"

Sakim had now finally made a good distance away from those four people. But who would have thought that their levels had far exceeded his assumption? He still remembered clearly the stats of that thin man after he made contact with him and intended to see his stats.

Name: Hapon

Level: 64

Class: Assassin

Title: Blade Of The Dusk


HP: 23,536 | 23, 536

MP: 19,335 | 19, 335

Level sixty-four! Sakim could only swallow a mouthful of saliva just by recalling the level of that person. Although he couldn't see the other stats of the other party like where he invested his stat points, Sakim could guess that since he was an Assassin, he probably had invested most of his stats in Agility or Strength.

But for an Assassin to have more than twice the amount of HP compared to him? Sakim felt that it was an astonishing feat. With a natural increase of all stats in every level by 1, that Hapon should have a minimum amount of 64 stat points in Vitality. It went without saying, he should have a minimum HP of six thousand.

But that Hapon had twenty-three thousand HP. How could he get such a large sum? Sakim pondered about it for a good while before finally nodding in realization. It was probably because of his equipment. With that level, the other party must have good equipment as well, right? It was just a pity that Sakim had only stolen two types of equipment from the other party.

But then, when he looked at the stats of the item he had stolen, Sakim could only smile excitedly. It appeared that his harvest this time was rather good as well.

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