Single Stat System

Chapter 56: Scheme

Sakim, a word derived from the first language that meant greed. And it was given as a name to one of the first sinners, the first vessels of the seven deadly sins.

Carried by this name was a sin. And carried by this sin was an incomparable power that was feared even by the primordial beings. It was so powerful that it needed the army of God themselves to come down from the heavens just to seal this sin and the others so that they could never bare their fang again.

As the seven deadly sins disappeared, so as the names lost their meaning. No one then was ever worthy to carry these names after that incident since these names were only given to the vessels of seven deadly sins.

And those who tried to use these names as their own were either cursed or had died mysteriously.

But then, just a decade ago, some changes occurred in the world. No one knew how but after who knew how many years, the seven sins that were sealed by the army of God managed to break free from their seal. But since their vessels were all long been gone, they searched for their new vessels for them to once again display their power in the face of the world.

And now, Ruby and her party would just learn that someone was actually using that name? Did that mean that the Greed sin had finally chosen a vessel? And did that mean as well that they had just met this new Vessel of the Greed sin? And they actually tried to offend him? Were they tired of living? Where in the world did they get such courage?

But then, how could he suddenly appear here? Not only that, this vessel appeared to be too weak to the point that he was way weaker than them. They were even doubting if he really was carrying the name Sakim. But if not, how could he still be alive and kicking after claiming that he was Sakim?

Ruby and her party would have doubted it if he'd just died or be cursed right away after claiming that name. But since that guy was completely fine even after by doing so, they could only believe that it was the truth.

What should they do now... Should they spread the word and tell the world that the Greed sin had finally chosen its vessel and was actually in this place?

But it would definitely cause a huge storm and attract many powerful individuals from the higher-level place if this news were leaked. After all, many greedy forces covet power, and they would definitely make use of the Vessel of the Greed sin just to rule above anyone else.

That said, even the four of them weren't sure if it was a good thing to spread the news. This might even bring them many unnecessary troubles.

But before that, would anyone believe them? People might even call them crazy if they ever spread the news regarding the vessel. Perhaps, they should just keep it to themselves?

With that in mind, the four sighed deeply. They could only stare at the faraway carriages as they didn't know what was the right thing to do.

In the end, after a good while of thinking, the four decided to keep the news to themselves for now. They then turned around and entered the woods which was called Edge Of The Forest.

Since the robbers that were chasing them were already gone, there was no use to waste their money and use the heartstone in the Wide Plains. They then decided to just walk back to the Wolf Village unsure if this trip was a loss or gain.

Yes, they might have secured the Seven Colored Flower with them. But they had also lost many healing potions. Although those healing potions couldn't be compared to Seven Colored Flower in terms of value, losing those healing potions was still too difficult to bear.

But then, if they didn't try to loot the items of the knights, they wouldn't have suffered in the first place. Surely, this was the repercussions of their greed. If they had just behaved and helped the knights first, then surely, the knights would have also rewarded them as they should be happy right now. The four could only sigh deeply again as they walked amidst the woods.



"Yes, I'm sure of it, the vessel is here."

Inside the carriage, where the knight's captain was, he was now talking to a certain someone as a hologram screen projection was in front of him. It was some kind of video call as the one displayed on the screen was a man in his late thirties.

"Oh?" The man on the screen grinned. One could immediately see that he was up to no good. So after a moment of pause, he opened his mouth as his malicious voice sounded, "Where are you now?"

"Wide Plains," The knight's captain replied as he continued, "We are on our way to the heartstone."

"Oh," The man on the screen responded and his grin didn't leave his lips. "We'll go there now."

"Alright," The knight's captain nodded his head. After which, the video call ended as the hologram screen also vanished. After a moment, his gaze turned outside the window as a smile crept up on his lips.


"So the vessel is still nearby huh,"

Somewhere at a distance, the man who was talking with the knight's captain was now standing amidst a certain forest. Around him was a crater as it could be seen that it was made not long ago.

Surprisingly, it was actually the place where Sakim had landed when he fell from the sky. And the man was standing just outside the perimeter of the crater.

"Then, what are we waiting for? Let's hurry up and go there!" Another man spoke excitedly. His voice was full of malice as it was obvious that killing was his way of living.

This man was also in his thirties but his height was just about four feet. The same with the other man, he was wearing black robes.

"What about them?" Another voice sounded. Surprisingly, besides the two who were just been introduced, five other individuals around them were wearing black robes. A total of seven.

And the man who had just spoke shifted his gaze to a certain direction.

Surprisingly, three people were lying on the ground. Their bodies were bloodied and full of cuts and pierce as it could be seen that no traces of life were could be found anymore from them.

And shockingly, these three people were the ones who Sakim had met before. The ones he'd scared just by using his heaven-defying composure: Umaga, Tanghali, and Hapon. No one knew where was Gabi, but it was safe to assume that he'd managed to escape.

"What else is their use if they are already dead?" One of the people clad in black robes spoke with an alluring voice of a woman as she continued, "Let's just leave them as it is."

"Haha, you've got a point there," Another alluring voice of a woman chuckled softly.

The two women then smiled at each other before disappearing without a trace.

"Damn those two, they're getting ahead of themselves!" One of the people wearing black robes spoke in frustration. After a moment, he too disappeared.

The others didn't want to be left just like that as they too disappeared out of thin air. Or to put it more correctly, they moved way too fast that it seemed like they disappeared from the eyes of the normal people.

Until finally, only one of them was left in the area. And it was the one who spoke with the knight's captain from before.

He glanced at the three corpses lying on the ground before finally disappearing without a trace.

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