Single Stat System

Chapter 59: Blood Servant

Hearing the sudden cursing in the carriage, the two knights almost had their shit scared out of them. Just what the hell had happened? The two couldn't help but look behind immediately to see what was going on. Thus, they immediately saw Sakim who had a blood-red dragonfly on his palm. The other party was glaring at it as if he was about to eat it at any moment. Just what was he doing?

Even the other knights on the other carriages ahead had also stuck their heads out of the window to see what had just happened. But seeing that nothing bad was going on, they retracted their heads as they only thought of it as a little fight among the bandits. They trusted that their two comrades in there could easily handle the situation.

But the two knights who were looking at Sakim didn't feel the same. Just seeing the expression of Sakim, they could immediately tell that something bad had happened to him.

On the other hand, noticing the watchful gazes of the two knights, Sakim shifted his sharp gaze at the two of them. After which, the icy tone of his voice came out of his mouth, "What?"

"N-nothing!" The two knights shivered as they retracted their gaze real quick. Perhaps, it was a good thing if they should just mind their own business.

But this bastard... The two knights gritted their teeth as they said inwardly, "Just you wait. I wonder if you can still be this cocky later on."

On the other hand, now that the two knights weren't looking at him anymore, Sakim then shifted back his gaze at the hologram screen in front of him, couldn't even find a word to utter.

[A skill has been created. Will you name the skill: 'F*ck'?]


Sakim didn't dare to speak the word 'yes' for he knew full well what would happen next if he did so. Just thinking how would he say the word 'f*ck' every time he cast a skill could only make him speechless. It felt like he would appear that he was cursing and was always displeased whenever he wanted to create a summon creature.

But well, it was not as if saying the name of the skill really matters that much. He could use the skill even without saying its name. But still, he needed to put his intent to use the skill. And saying its name really helps. That said, naming this newly created skill 'f*ck' was really not an option. And it would never be.

With that in mind, Sakim shifted his gaze at the dragonfly perching on his palm. Thankfully, he managed to control himself and remain calm as his eyebrows didn't twitch this time. He could only mutter silently, "This is also a dragon, I guess."

But putting that aside, what could this dragonfly possibly do? Even with a glance, Sakim could easily tell that this thing lacked offensive power. He felt that it would even die with just a single flick. It couldn't be that he created a useless summon, right? But since he had only used a little amount of his blood, such a case wasn't impossible. It was just that, how could a main character like him create a useless summon? No matter how hard he thought about it, it really didn't make sense at all. This dragonfly must have some kind of special ability!

Frown couldn't help but appear on Sakim's face. Just what could this dragonfly do for him? Even after some time of thinking, he could only come up with one use for this dragonfly.

Perhaps it was because they were connected with each other, but his instinct was telling him that this dragonfly could be used as a good spy. Its function should be a good drone that he could use even at a faraway distance.

To whether it was really the case or not, Sakim could only sigh deeply as he'd just let the System give the accurate information.

With that in mind, Sakim shifted his gaze back at the hologram screen. And with a calm voice, he said, "Blood Servant."

Since this thing was made of blood, and he didn't know what was its uses, he could only come up with such a name.

[A skill has been created. Will you name the skill: 'Blood Servant'?]


Immediately, the word 'f*ck' on the screen changed making Sakim nod in satisfaction as he muttered afterward, "Yes."

[Congratulation! You've successfully named the skill: Blood Servant.]

[Blood Servant (Lvl 1)]

Cost: 100 MP, caster's blood.

Cooldown: 60 seconds

Capacity: 1/10

• Create a little creature using a drop of caster's blood. The little creature doesn't have any offensive power and only has a weak defense. But it has a good spying capability making it hard to be detected.

Seeing the description of the skill, Sakim nodded in satisfaction. Just like what he thought, this dragonfly could really be used as a spy.

But the mana consumption of using this skill was pretty big for him as of now. With his current mana, he could only create one more Blood Servant.

Besides that, it appeared that he could only create ten of them with this skill's current level. It would be great if he could create unlimited numbers of Blood Servant but it appeared that he could only satisfy himself with this result.

Learning about this, Sakim shifted his gaze back at the dragonfly. He could feel that it could come in and out of his body whenever he willed for it. And he could feel as well that this creature had no thoughts of its own as if it was just like a robot ready to obey his every command.

"Go," Sakim muttered. He wanted to see what could this dragonfly do for him. Just how good was its spying capability for real?

With that in mind, Sakim planned to use this Blood Servant to see what was the knights scheming. He was just hoping that he was just overthinking things for he didn't want more troubles to deal with until he reached the beginner's village.

The dragonfly, on the other hand, didn't dare to disobey Sakim's order as it immediately flew to the intended location. Its speed might not be that fast for his eyes to fail to follow its movements but it was more than enough to fly faster than the carriage. As such, it wasn't that difficult for the dragonfly to reach its distance to the carriage ahead.

This carriage was full of dead bandits and only two knights were there. Seeing that nothing was amiss, the dragonfly flew to the next carriage.

Meanwhile, as the dragonfly left, Sakim closed his eyes. And just like what he thought, he really could see what the dragonfly was seeing if he focused his mind and transfer his consciousness to it. Sakim was delighted to see the capability of his Blood Servant. This thing was really good at spying. He could even control it to wherever he wanted it to go with just his thought.

Not only that, with the exception of his hearing, Sakim could use his four other senses while his consciousness was with this dragonfly. As if it was his own body.

As such, although his real body was as if in a dormant state and wasn't showing any expression nor moving a little, Sakim's consciousness was smiling inside the Blood Servant. He really was satisfied with this new skill that could create such a summon creature. Even though this summoned creature had no offensive power, its spying ability was more than satisfying enough.

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