Single Stat System

Chapter 62: Why Am I Being Chased?

"Who are these people..."

Sakim who had overheard many things from the knights was furious when he realized that they sold his location from someone likely to be a group of bandits. He was even thinking about how should he teach them a lesson for trying to provoke him.

But as he was spying at them, Sakim suddenly detected two objects entering his range of hearing and were actually coming in their direction at an incredibly fast speed. It didn't even need for an entire minute to last just for these two objects to reach their distance at them.

When these two objects came nearer, only then did Sakim had realized that they were actually humans, perhaps other players. But what was astonishing to them was that he could feel that their strength was the same if not stronger than the four he met before.

What's going on? Who are these people? Are they the bandits whom the knights have leaked his location? Sakim suddenly felt uneasy at that time. It was as if bad things were ready to happen at any moment.

"So where is the vessel?"

Sakim was still frowning about the arrival of these two unknown people when he suddenly heard a cold voice that was likely to come from one of them. Surely, they were the bandits whom the knights had leaked his location.

Without any hesitation, Sakim retracted his consciousness from the moth. He opened his eyes and breathed a deep one. What should he do now? This was really troublesome.

Unwittingly, Sakim shifted his gaze at the bandit's leader who was regaining his consciousness. He stared at him for a moment before their eyes finally met each other.

The bandit's leader who saw Sakim staring at him weirdly suddenly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. What now? What wrong did he do this time? Why was the other party staring at him like that?

But before he could get even more confused, he suddenly found the other party standing from his seat. He swallowed another mouthful of saliva as he saw him coming in his direction.

"Wa-what are you going to do to me?" The bandit's leader asked frantically. The closer the other party came at him, the heavier the pressure he felt. As if his fated death was now about to come.

But the other party didn't reply to him. And contrary to what he was thinking, he walked past him going to the two knights in front. He followed his gaze at him wondering what was this guy up to. He was just relieved that the other party didn't do anything to him.

On the other hand, Sakim who was now just behind the two knights didn't say any words nor warn them as he grabbed both of their napes with his hands. The two knights were startled and wanted to remove the hands grabbing their nape when suddenly, they heard a cold voice saying, "Steal."

Scream of agony then soon followed as the two knights didn't even have the strength to struggle. The scream lasted for few seconds before gradually faded. Their life left them and died just like that. Their body turned into dried corpses of which blood was being sucked dry. It happened too fast that the two knights didn't even have the chance to see who killed them. In fact, they didn't even have the chance to learn what wrong did they do.

The bandit's leader who saw this almost wet his pants in fright. Although this guy didn't do it to him, he felt that he was likely to be the next target. That Greed Energy... Surely, this guy was definitely the Vessel of the Greed sin.

On the other hand, after stealing the knight's HP, Sakim took another deep breath as he didn't even feel anything after killing them. After which, he shifted his cold gaze at the bandit's leader as he asked, "Hey bandit, tell me clearly, why am I being chased? What's wrong with my name?"

"Ba-bandit?" The bandit's leader only heard this word as he continued, "But I am not a bandit. I'm just a robber. I'm still far from that level."

"What do you mean?" Sakim furrowed his eyebrows as he asked, "What's the difference? Explain it in five words."

"T-that..." The bandit's leader was startled as he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. But knowing that he might incur the wrath of the other party if he became any slower, he hurriedly organized his thought as he continued, "Bandits are stronger than robbers."

Thankfully, his brain didn't betray him as he met the requirements of the other party.

"..." Sakim was left speechless. But well, what could he learn in just five words? Why would he expect something valuable?

However, knowing the threat that was about to come, Sakim had no time learning such matters. He stared at the other party even more intently as he asked, "Forget it. Just hurry up and tell me what's wrong with my name. Why am I being chased by bandits?"

"You are being chased by bandits?" The bandit's leader, no, the robber's leader was shocked. If that was the case then surely, he too was highly likely to be in big trouble.

"I don't know what exactly is their reason but one thing I know is that they wanted your powers."

"They wanted my power? Why?" Sakim frowned.

"Yes," The robber's leader replied seriously as he added, "Because you have the power to rule over this place we called Greedland. And many people, especially the top powers, wanted to use you so that they can rule this land. And I can assure you that this has already happened in the past years in the other lands of Sinland."

"So there's really other vessels other than me huh..." Sakim thought as he asked, "So you mean to say that the other vessels have also experienced fighting the top powers and are now being used by them?"

"Yes," The robber's leader nodded as he added, "But not everyone. According to what I know, only the Vessel of the Glutton sin, Takaw, and the Vessel of Pride sin, Palalo, are the ones who are being coaxed, or perhaps forced into submission by the top powers of their respective land. The rest is said that they either went into hiding or still fighting the top powers of their land." There was a moment of silence before the robber's leader continued seriously, "Except to that person."

"Who?" Sakim asked as he narrowed his eyes.

"The first vessel who appeared in Sinland, the Vessel of the Envy sin, Inggit. Instead of being used, she is the one who ruled the entire Envyland." 

At that moment, Sakim's head suddenly started hurting as he held his head to ease the pain. Kim, Kim, Kimuel, a soft voice kept calling his name as fragments of memories entered his mind. The smile he saw before when he was in the place with blue surroundings, came to his mind again. But it was still too blurred for him to recognize who was that person.

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