Single Stat System

Chapter 66: Blood Manipulator Pill

"He's coming from that direction," Sakim said as his gaze was fixed in the direction of the Edge Of The Forest that was now far away from them. After a moment of silence, Sakim described the man he had seen, "He had a short black spiky hair and sharp eyes. He is also wearing something similar to that tight clothes you are wearing. I think that is really your friend who will come to pick you." There was another moment of pause before he added nonchalantly, "Or maybe, he is also after me?"

"Julius?" The blue-haired woman thought as she also shifted her gaze to where Sakim was gazing. But then, it only made her sure that the other party wasn't lying. That he could sense her friend coming from afar. She couldn't help swallowing another mouthful of saliva thinking how she had gotten to provoke this wolf in sheep clothing. She finally realized as well how did their boss trick them.

Yes, she could agree to what their boss had said. That the Vessel of the Greed sin finally arrived and was a body of a low-level player. But they were wrong to think that he was weak just because of his level! Thinking about her stupidity of actually believing that their current group or to put it more correctly, anyone among their group could subdue this vessel at ease, could only make her want to kill herself in shame.

But of course, that was only her thought. She didn't have the courage to face death yet, especially when there were a lot of things she needed to do.

In any case, only one person came into her mind who fitted the description given by Sakim. And that was their current group leader, Julius. If it really was true, then she should be happy now knowing that their leader was about to come, right? After all, he was the only High Ranker among them. Although he had just become an S-rank, his strength was much stronger compared to any of them.

But why could she still feel uneasy even after knowing that the help was coming? Her guts were even telling her that even if Julius came to save them, in the face of Sakim, it wouldn't change anything at all.

"Hmmm..." While the blue-haired woman was still bewildered on what to feel, she heard and saw Sakim thinking about something deep. She then saw him nodding his head twice as it appeared that he'd just realized something. So after a moment, Sakim opened his mouth and said, "Maybe I should try it."

Sakim then raised his right palm at chest level. A drop of blood then came out from the center of his palm as it floated a centimeter away from it.

But it didn't end just like that. Intending to create a new skill, and its ability, blood continuously came out from the center of Sakim's palm as it finally formed a small ball of blood.

Sakim greeted his teeth in the process. He never thought that it would also drain his HP creating this new skill he wanted.

After some time, his preparation was finally done. The small ball of blood floated above his palm. When the blue-haired woman saw this, she immediately felt an intimidating aura coming from it causing her to involuntarily swallow a mouthful of saliva again. She felt a bad premonition thinking about what the other party going to do this time.

After another moment, the blood coming out from Sakim's palm seemed to stop. The small ball of blood that was formed then had slowly compressed in itself and formed a small bead of blood. After which, Sakim grabbed it before a smile surfaced on his lips seeing that he was successful.

[A skill has been created. Will you name the skill: '___'?]


"Blood Manipulator Pill," Seeing the notification with the hologram screen appearing again, and seeing as well that it had a blank name since he didn't say anything yet, Sakim decided to name it according to what kind of skill was this. With this new skill that could create a pill using his blood, he could manipulate the blood of anyone who swallowed it. Meaning to say, he could stop the flow of their blood, or make it flow in reverse, or let it burst inside their body, or even control anyone as if Katara using blood bending.

Sakim didn't know what was the extent of its capability or who could resist or helpless against it, but he wanted to try it out in order to see.

[Congratulation! You've successfully named the skill: Blood Manipulator Pill.]

[Blood Manipulator Pill (Lvl 1)]

Cost: 60 MP, caster's blood worth 5,000 HP.

Cooldown: 0 seconds.

• Create a pill made of blood. Absolute blood control to anyone with lower-level Greed Energy who swallows it.

Although it costed him a lot of HP, it was worth it seeing the description. This was basically absolute control to anyone who swallowed it! As the Vessel of the Greed sin, his Greed Energy was naturally above anyone else.

Unfortunately, Sakim was oblivious to it. He didn't even know what exactly was Greed Energy. After all, it wasn't mentioned from the knowledge he received when came into this world. With that said, he could only nod his head reading the description.

Even so, this new skill still made him smile. Satisfied, he shifted his gaze at the blue-haired woman as he asked, "Do you want to save your friend?"

The blue-haired woman was taken aback when she heard it. He didn't know if the other party was just trying to pull a prank against her but she still nodded her head and replied with another question, "Is there a way to save my friend?"

Seeing the situation of her friend that was getting worse as time passes, she wanted to grab even the slightest bit of chance to save her. If Sakim really had a way to save her, then she should at least give it a try.

"Yes, I can save your friend," Sakim replied calmly with a confident and profound look on his face.

"What do you want then?" The blue-haired woman, although was stupid, she wasn't so stupid to the point that she didn't know that there was no free lunch in the world. If the other party offered her something, it was safe to assume that he wanted something else in return.

"Give me mana potion. I want something that can recover my MP instantly." Sakim replied calmly.

With his encounter with the knights and robbers before, when the four scrap pickers healed the knights, he learned that their healing potions couldn't instantly heal someone but instead, it only gave them a slight HP regeneration. In fact, the knights from before weren't fully healed when they left with the carriage. He could even tell that their HP was even below 30 percent.

In any case, if healing potions were like that, then it was safe to assume that the same went for the mana potions. Since that was the case, he should ask for the kind of mana potion that could recover his MP instantly.

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