Single Stat System

Chapter 72: The Power Of Calmness

"Alright," Julius agreed in the end. But it was not as if he was planning to do him a favor though. He just wanted to get what he wanted from the other party and then kill him later on or sell him to his family once he got it.

"Aright then, take this," Sakim said calmly as he threw the ring towards the other party.

Julius caught it with his right hand but his gaze was still fixed at Sakim's eyes trying to find something. But seeing that he bore no ill intention and only that unfazed calmness, he then looked at the ring on his palm. With a thought, he looked for its stats as a hologram screen appeared in his view.

This... The moment he saw it, his eyes couldn't help widening as he gasped in astonishment. What a terrifying richness. How could this guy give away this kind of item so casually?

[Ring Of Immortality]

Level: 1

HP: +1,000

Life: +10%

Reflect: +1%

HP Recovery: +1%

• Second Chance (Special): Resurrect after death with 1 HP. (Cooldown: 1 day.)

It was a Legend rank ring with a special attribute! Julius was pleasantly surprised as he was excited to have such an item without breaking a sweat. Although it was only level one, it didn't change the fact that it was still a Legend rank equipment with a special attribute. He could just upgrade it later on if he wanted to maximize its potential.

Not only this ring had a special attribute, its attribute was practically a second life! Although he could only be revived with one HP, he believed that once he upgraded it, it would increase significantly.

Should he equip it now? Julius had this thought in mind. Since he was only equiped with two Epic rings, he was planning to replace the other one with this Ring Of Immortality. Although his other stats would significantly decrease if he wore this ring, the special attribute of it was just too good. He felt that it was just a fair trade.

It was much better if he could use more than two rings. However, the rules of this world just didn't allow it. While players could indeed wear more than two rings, they could only use the stats and ability of two rings at max. Not if one were capable enough to break the rules of this world and became one of the Black Player.

"If only I have the Pride sin..." Julius had this thought in mind as he presumed that it would be much better. He might even be able to easily use three or four rings at the same time.

In any case, Julius was eager to wear the Ring Of Immortality right now and try it out. He really was thankful that he arrived here and found this walking gold mine.

With that in mind, Julius put the Ring Of Immortality in his Inventory. Since he currently wore a costume, it was inconvenient for him to take it off just to change his ring. And also, this costume was one time use only, so once he took it off, he would need to go back from Bat Cave to buy one. That said, he wanted to change equipment with the help of the system rather than doing it by himself physically.

So after putting the Ring Of Immortality in his Inventory, while unaware of the incoming danger, Julius muttered silently, "Sinumpang Singsing, unequip." After he unequipped his other ring, he then continued with a grin, "Ring Of Immortality, equip."

And just like that, something that Julius would never expect happened before his eyes. The Ring Of Immortality, of which he thought as a blessing, was actually a curse in disguise. Just a moment after he equipped the ring, it suddenly changed appearance and became pink gum, displaying its status in the Equipment panel with as if a wide smile.

Julius' heart skipped a beat seeing it. What the hell? The Fooler? Julius was terrified from the sight. He furiously gazed at Sakim who he found was smiling at him but before he could even roar, the special effect of The Fooler finally took place.

"Argh..." Julius gritted his teeth as he found his body unable to move. He was just been paralyzed! All his bones stopped functioning and he could only move the muscles. And since his jaws were locked and he was gritting his teeth, he couldn't open his mouth now. But it wasn't a hindrance for him to speak since he could still move his tongue and lips.

"Release me, bastard! Or else I will kill you!" Julius threatened the other party. The anger in his heart was just simply too great to the point that his gaze could as if melt everything it landed on. How could he let a mere new player trick him like that? This was really unforgivable!

"Just you wait..." Julius thought furiously as thousands of different torturing methods entered his mind all at once. If he ever managed to break free from this paralysis status effect, he would definitely make this new player pay for his foolishness.

And also, those two bitches seemed to be his accomplices as he could now tell that they were obeying him. All this while, he believed that those two were just trying to chase him away and take the walking gold mine for themselves. But who would have thought that they were actually in collaboration to take him down? It was actually their plan to let him stay for him to receive the The Fooler with a smile.

The more Julius thought about it, the more furious he got. Just why did he let his guard down and be tricked by them? And just who really was this guy for these two to follow his orders to the extent of betraying their comrade? No matter what, he should definitely make these two bitches pay with their life.

But thinking about it now, how could he find no malice nor lies from that guy? Was it because of his calmness? That poker face? Just how did he do it? No matter how hard Julius had to think about it, he just couldn't understand it at all. How could someone lie so calmly and naturally?

Little did he know that Sakim wasn't lying all along. He really had few things with him and he wanted to give the other party an item, and that was The Fooler. He also wanted the other party to do him a favor: to swallow the Blood Manipulator Pill. He also wanted to invite him, as a slave. So where were the lies on it?

Sakim's plan was executed with a satisfying result. And that was all because of his incomparable calmness. He set aside all the worries, the fear in heart, the agitation, the anger, the malice, as he faced the situation in utter calmness. Something that no ordinary individual could ever achieve in their life and couldn't even dream of it.

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