Single Stat System

Chapter 75: Sniper

"Enough," Sakim spoke coldly as he interrupted the other party's so-called last words. It was as if this man was really leaving behind his will.

But Sakim knew that he was just spouting bullshit as he was just trying to buy some time. He just never thought that this man was actually that shameless. What daughter? What son? What family? Just by reading the other party's expressions, he could tell that this man was just all alone and had no relatives.

So now that Julius had finally stopped talking, Sakim retrieved the Blood Manipulator Pill from his Inventory. He should have fed this to the other party much earlier and didn't bother asking him his last words.

"What's that?" Julius asked with a frown. He could feel that that red bead that the other party had retrieved was not something good.

"Don't mind it. It's just a candy." Sakim said as he raised his left hand to open the mouth of Julius. "Now then, let me help you open your mouth."

"Hey, what are you doing?! Don't touch me, you bastard!" Julius was flustered seeing that this guy was actually trying to feed that red thing to him. Although he couldn't move now because of the paralysis status effect, any external help could still move his body. That said, opening his mouth wasn't a huge problem at all.

So afraid that he might really eat that red bead against his will, Julius finally let out his cold voice accompanied by killing intent, "I'm warning you. If you try to put that dirty thing in my mouth, I will really kill you."

To his surprise, the other party really stopped moving. Did he manage to scare him somehow? Julius heaved a sigh of relief inwardly knowing that he had likely escaped some sort of danger.

On the other hand, Sakim, who had just stopped moving, suddenly shifted his gaze in his left direction where the Edge Of The Forest was could be seen from afar. He narrowed his eyes for a moment before closing them without saying anything.

"Is there a problem, master?" Izel asked seeing her master acting so strangely again. It was just like before when Sakim had also acted that way. When he did, he sensed Julius coming in their direction from afar while she couldn't even detect him at all.

So now that her master was acting like that again, Izel presumed that he had just sensed the other bandits coming in their direction. Although it was just her guess, she also felt that it was highly likely. As such, she prepared herself for a fight as she signaled her friend Kristina to be prepared as well.

Now that they were Sakim's servants, it could be said that they had just betrayed their old friends completely and were now an enemy to them. Kristina and Izel had just didn't expect that such a situation would happen to them. If their organization ever learned of this, they would definitely treat them as traitors as they would do their best to hunt them down.

But what else could they do? It was not as if they could defy the formidable manipulating capability of Sakim. The two of them were just hoping that just like the other vessels, this Sakim they were serving would achieve great things in the future and overcome his current predicament. With that, as his servants, they too would also achieve great things as this mere bandit organization wouldn't be able to touch them anymore.

So to make that happen, they would definitely do their best to help their master, even if it cost them their life. After all, he was also the only hope left for them. He was the only one they could rely on so that they could avenge their families from those greedy top families.

After some time, Sakim on the other hand then finally opened his eyes. However, as soon as he opened his eyes, he quickly jumped back.

Just after he made a move, and had barely jumped back, a fast object flew past in front of him almost hitting his handsome face. After which, that fast object crashed on the ground and caused a little explosion with the gust of the wind trying to push them away.

Kristina and Izel who saw it had their eyes widened in shock before they finally realized what had just happened. They immediately shifted their gazes in the direction where the sudden attack came from as they couldn't help gritting their teeth. Those guys were finally out from the Illusion Forest and were now making a move. It appeared that they were really going to fight them now.

Izel was just annoyed to herself that even though she was a hunter, she still failed to immediately detect such an incoming attack and give their master a warning. Thankfully, her master was capable. Because if not, knowing what kind of attack was that and the nature of its ability, that attack would definitely hit him and put him into a half-death state. And Izel could only blame herself for not giving a warning if that happened.

But what else could she do? Izel could tell that that bullet was coated by concealing ability as she was only able to detect it when it was already close enough. She really wondered how did his master, despite being a low-level, managed to detect it. And from the looks of it, he detected it even from afar. Was the disparity of the capability of their senses really that huge?

Staring at the back of their master, Izel couldn't help but admire him. She could even feel that as long as she was under his wings, she would be safe no matter what. Sigh, if only she was a bit younger...

On the other hand, Julius also had his eyes widened at first seeing that an extremely fast object went past just in front of him. But realizing what had just happened, his shock had immediately turned into a smile as he could feel his blood boiling in excitement. Finally, his subordinates had shown a sign of them coming. He could finally be freed from this damn paralysis status effect and avenge himself from these bastards who caused him so much trouble.

"Damn, I almost got hit." Sakim who had just landed on the ground cursed silently as he managed to dodge the incoming onslaught. He was just thankful that his Blood Servant had informed him that there was a sniper from afar who was likely trying to assassinate him.

A while ago, when Sakim put his consciousness in his Blood Servant to see what was going on, he was surprised to see that on top of a certain cliff, someone clad in black tight clothes similar to Kristina, Izel and Julius, was crouching down and was holding a two meters long sniper gun. Not only that, it was actually pointed in their direction as he even guessed that it was pointed directly at him.

And not only that but there were also three other people standing behind that sniper who was also clad in a bandit costume. At that moment, Sakim could already tell that they were the missing comrades of Izel and Kristina.

However, when he saw that the sniper gun had finally released its bullet at an extremely high speed, Sakim didn't think much as he could tell that this sniper had just shot him. That said, he immediately retracted his consciousness to avoid the incoming attack.

But who would have thought that even after Sakim tried to avoid the bullet the moment he retracted his consciousness, and even though there was still a moment of delay before the bullet arrived in his location, the bullet was just too fast as it still almost hit him.

Sakim shifted his gaze to where the bullet had exploded. What a terrifying shooting capability. If that bullet hit him, Sakim was afraid that he needed to be revived again with the help of the Ring Of Immortality just to survive. But upon recalling that its special attribute was still in cooldown, Sakim swallowed a mouthful of saliva as cold sweats appeared on his forehead. That was just too dangerous. If that bullet really hit him, there was a high chance that he would definitely die.

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