Single Stat System

Chapter 80: Counterattack (1)

"This is so annoying..."

After the exploding bullet hit him again, Sakim who had his back lying on the ground again couldn't help feeling frustrated. Although the bullet didn't really kill him, and he had a lot of healing items to spare, being treated as a shooting target was just too frustrating. He even felt that he was being toyed with, a kind of thing that he hated the most.

Sakim even wanted to counterattack but he had recalled that he currently had no long-range skill at his disposal. He could tell that with that distance, his Go Die skill wouldn't even be able to reach the tenth of it. Just what should he do with that guy who had caused him enough trouble? If this went on, the paralysis effect caused by The Fooler might really wear off before he could even feed Julius a Blood Manipulator Pill. If that happened, knowing that the other bandits were already coming in their direction, then it could only spell huge trouble for them. He really needed to feed Julius a Blood Manipulator Pill and make him his servant now.

Should he just ask Kristina or Izel? Sakim suddenly thought about it as he consumed another healing item to fill his HP bar. Since the two of them were free, then surely, they could make the job done and feed Julius the pill, right?


But then, as he was still planning to just order Kristina or Izel to feed Julius the pill, he heard another explosion around him. He couldn't help but turn his head in the direction where the explosions came from as there he saw Izel sliding her feet on the ground. While on the other hand, Kristina was rolling on the ground a few rounds before coming to a halt with her belly facing the ground. A few more rolls and she would reach her distance towards him. He could even see traces of explosion on her back as it appeared that she was in pain. Just what the hell was going on now? What happened to them?

As if to answer his question in mind, a fast object then came at Izel. After which, she slashed that fast object with the dagger that just appeared on her hand. Her movements were quick and graceful. Sakim was just astonished seeing her doing that.

In any case, that fast object turned out to be a bullet as it was cut into half before exploding again when it reached the ground. At that moment, Sakim finally realized what had just happened. It appeared that not only he, but Kristina and Izel were being shot as well. It seemed like the other party was considering the both of them as their enemies now.

Sakim was still planning to order them and feed Julius the Blood Manipulator Pill but it appeared that the enemy wouldn't just let it happen. Just what should he do now? Sakim thought that he really needed to think of something real quick in order to solve this situation before the paralysis status effect wore off. And there was only half a time left now.

With that in mind, Sakim got up from the ground and stood up straight. He saw Kristina who was also trying to push herself from the ground with gritting teeth. But she only managed to sit on the ground as she was now gasping heavily for some air. It appeared that she really suffered from that attack earlier.

But now that Sakim thought about it again, he suddenly realized something. He didn't put much attention to it a while ago but now that his subordinate was experiencing it as well, he realized that players, or perhaps every living being in this world would have their stats went down once their HP had dropped.

He also experienced it before. When Izel kicked him the first time they met each other, or when the bullet sent him rolling, his HP plummeted down as he felt that he was weakened as well.

The same went for Kristina. When he stole her life previously and left only a little of it, she became very weak to the point that she couldn't even lift a finger. With those occurrences, Sakim presumed that when players or other beings lost their HP, their stats would also go down depending on how much HP they had.

In any case, that wasn't that important now as there was a problem he needed to worry about. So staring intently at Kristina, Sakim retrieved a ball of blood from his Stolen Inventory. This was combined stolen blood of many monsters worth 10,000 HP. With this, he was certain that Kristina could heal herself quite a bit.

"Kristina!" Sakim called out as he threw the ball of blood towards her.

Kristina was taken aback at first when her master suddenly called her but when she saw him throwing a red ball of something, she quickly raised her hand and caught it.

"This is... Blood? This is similar to the thing that you gave me before, right?" Kristina was pleasantly surprised as she held the liquid-like red ball of something with her right hand. She recognized it as the blood that formed into a ball. Since there was some kind of gravity at the center of this blood that pulled it together, it wouldn't splash on the ground even if she dropped it.

"Drink it and heal yourself first," Sakim said coldly. He gazed in the direction of the sniper as he added, "I want you to take care of that guy. Can you do it for me?"

Sakim could see that Kristina could hide her presence to some extent. Although she wouldn't escape from the detection capability of his Blood Servant—the dragonfly or the moth, her presence was just a bit different and a little harder to detect than the others. Not only that, perhaps it was because his blood was one with her, but Sakim could also feel that she was fast herself. That said, choosing her to take care of the sniper was the best choice. Since they had no long-range means to fight that damned sniper, they could just go there and greet him.

Kristina smiled upon hearing her master. She then put the ball of blood on her hand to her lips as she slurped it. And upon drinking it all after a few moments, she then said, "Leave it to me master. As an assassin, this job is well-tailored for me."

She wanted to take revenge as well and teach that bastard a lesson. How dare he sneak attack on her? Beating him up was the very least she could do to appease her anger.

With that in mind, Kristina disappeared from where she was standing. She didn't want to betray the expectation of her master as well. That said, she must do her best for this job to be done especially upon knowing that this was his first official order to her.

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