Single Stat System

Chapter 88: Perfect Cage

Oso finally arrived just in front of the black dome as he finally got to understand what was that thing. He just couldn't believe that space distortion was could be used this way.

Oso reached his hand towards the black dome and sure enough, his hand just went through it. This dome was not some kind of barrier and there was no restriction for him to enter. Everything was normal except for the inside of that place to suddenly turned dark.

Oso then retracted his hand and made a step back. From what he was seeing, the reason why the sunlight couldn't penetrate that darkness was that it was being transported somewhere the moment it made contact in this dome of darkness. So other than the sunlight or any kinds of light, Oso guessed that everything else could have the leisure to enter and exit freely as they like. As such, this dome of darkness was only used for blocking one's sight. Other than that, Oso couldn't see any more purpose.

[Julius: Hey, Oso! Why are you just standing in there?! This guy is already standing right beside me. When the hell will you make a move?]

Oso was still pondering deeply when he saw the System suddenly appeared in his view. It was a personal message of their leader. Only then did he recalled that there was something important he needed to take care of.

So knowing the exact location of their leader, he then raised his hand forward as he pointed it in the direction of their leader. After which, a good amount of mana was gathered in his hand as he said, "Perfect Cage!"

This skill might cause a lot of mana since he used it somewhere at a distance. But if it meant saving their leader from possible danger, then he felt that it was just fine.

To his surprise, since there was a faint glow of blue light on the cage made by his skill, he saw something glowing amidst the dome of darkness. And it was actually the cage he created! Inside of it was their leader lying on the ground and standing outside was the vessel. He was as if frowning at what had just happened.

"So that's how it is..." Oso seemed to realize something as he nodded. It appeared that only light that came from the outside was unable to enter this dome of darkness. But once the light came from the inside, it could illuminate the darkness in the area.

If that was the case, then things had just gotten a lot easier. He wouldn't need to be so much wary about that dome of darkness anymore as he could just create light when entering it. He really thought that it was hard to deal with it. But who would have thought that it wasn't that dangerous?


Meanwhile, when Sakim reached his distance near the bandit's leader, he was just about to crouch down and feed the other party his Blood Manipulator Pill when suddenly, something like a cage glowing in blue light appeared before him, caging the bandit's leader inside. From the looks of it, it was to prevent him from approaching the bandit's leader.

But Sakim wasn't that surprised though. After all, he already knew that Oso was outside the perimeter of the darkness as he was planning to do something to save their leader. It was just that... Worrying wasn't his forte as even though he knew that a reinforcement of the enemy had arrived, he still walked in great leisure, thinking rationally about what should he do about them.

Sakim even heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that they were just trying to put something to protect their leader instead of taking him away. Protecting their leader with a mere cage? How laughable. He could just steal this cage if he wanted to. He really thought that they were just a bunch of trashes who couldn't think of anything better.

If the bandits would just learn what he was thinking, then they were probably fuming in anger now. This low-level trash dared to underestimate them, a High Ranker and Middle Rankers? He sure thought highly of himself!

"Bastard, if I am you, I will run away as far as possible. Now that I am protected by this cage, you cannot touch me anymore. Once the paralysis status effect wore off, then, believe me, I will..." Julius was still trying to threaten the other party when suddenly, the surroundings turned dark. The glow made by the cage was nowhere to be found anymore as it was replaced by an incredible amount of Greed Energy. What the hell had happened? Could it be that... Julius wanted to cry when he realized what had just happened. He even felt that a bad premonition was ready to happen at any moment. Could it be that the cage was stolen? No! It must be a no! Please no!


Meanwhile, Oso spurted a mouthful of blood when his cage had suddenly disappeared. He even took a couple of steps backward to regain his balance as he felt that he would fall if he didn't do so. What the hell was that?! Where in the world was his cage now? And that Greed Energy... Could it be that his Perfect Cage was perhaps... Stolen?

Oso wiped the blood dripping from his mouth as he instead swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he thought about it. After all, although he had already heard of it, it was his first time seeing someone using Greed Energy to steal other player's cast skills. He never thought that it would be this terrifying. Could they really defeat this vessel? Oso was now even doubting if they were just being scammed by the boss of their organization.


Suddenly, a pillar of light appeared near Oso, taking him by surprise. But when a figure had appeared not long after that, he got even more surprised.

"Pael? What the hell? Did you really use Angel's Wing to come here? Are you crazy? When did you become so rich?"

"F*ck you! What do you know? I ended up encountering a group of Middle Rankers while running towards here. Had I not use my last Angel's Wing, then I might be a cold corpse right now." Pael snorted coldly, frustratingly blaming his bad luck. But who he blamed the most was Izel who sent him flying.

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