Single Stat System

Chapter 96: The Greed Sin And The Vessel

Going back before Sakim unleashed the Greed Domain...


After being dominated by Julius' overwhelming power, and as he felt the helplessness before him, Sakim suddenly heard a voice inside his head.

It was a cold laugh filled with malice. At first, Sakim thought that he was just hearing things but not long after, he heard a voice speaking in his mind, "Do you want power?"

Just after hearing the voice, Sakim found himself in a place where everything is bloody red. Or to put it more correctly, he was in the midst of a sea of blood where there was no end to it in all directions. The sky was red and the clouds were even redder. And the sun hanging on the sky was much redder as it gave off an ominous feeling as if a monarch gazing down to its dominion.

Sakim turned to look at his surroundings. However, he didn't find anyone but him. The place was desolated and nothing could be found other than blood and him alone.

"Where are you?" Sakim asked. Though he had this calm expression, it would be a lie if he said that he didn't feel uneasy. Just how in the world did he end up here anyway? Who the hell brought him here? From the looks of it, the one who spoke a moment ago was responsible for this.

"Kekeke..." Sakim then heard someone laughing again. Not long after, something was sprouting on the sea of blood in front of him. It was as if a boulder popping up on the ground. The only difference was that this thing popping up on the ground was blood.

Sakim narrowed his eyes as he gazed at it with great wary. And he became even warier when he saw that thing slowly taking shape. It was in a shape of a human. A bloody red stick man to be precise.

However, it didn't take long for the stick man to change shape again as it slowly formed an appearance similar to Sakim's. From head to toe, even the way they dress, everything looked the same. The only difference was that Sakim had a serious expression while on the other hand, the other party was grinning.

"You... Who are you?" Sakim asked with the same serious expression.

"Keke, don't you remember this smile?" The other party replied with a question. Sakim wasn't surprised to hear that their voice was also the same though.

However, hearing the question of the other party, Sakim immediately remembered something. That smile... That grin he saw from the other party... Wasn't he so familliar with it? Yes, that must be the case. That grin was what he always wore in his past life!

A grin full of greed. An instinct to take everything for himself. Sakim now remembered the past self that he tried so hard to hide in the facade of nonchalance. Just who the hell was this guy in front of him? Sakim's heart couldn't help racing the more he stared at the other party. It was as if his past self was being dug out and was slowly taking place in his current self.

"I am you," The other party responded with the same grin as he added, "And you are me. You and I are one."

"What are you talking about?" Sakim narrowed his eyes.

"Just like what you heard, we are the same entity. I am that someone living within you. I am your very instinct. The Greed Sin. You are the vessel, and I am what contains you. We are the same. We are one. Accepting me is like accepting yourself. So I will ask you again, do you want power?"

"..." Sakim didn't reply immediately as he instead pondered deeply in his heart. The Greed Sin and the Vessel... Sakim repeated those words in his mind as if he was getting an epiphany. Accepting the other party was like accepting himself... They were the same... They were one... Sakim contemplated for a good while before finally opening his mouth and said, "What power? I mean, what is the price?"

"Keke," The other party continued to grin as he said, "There's nothing in particular. You just need to enjoy that power."

At that moment, Sakim didn't know why, but he suddenly felt some kind of energy running through his veins. It ignited his greed exponentially as there was a very strong desire in him to accept the power.

Sakim's heart raced wildly pounding his eardrum to death. His hand shook in excitement as if he would die if he didn't accept that power. Just what in the world was going on to him now?

Sakim knew well that he needed to refuse such an offer because he knew as well that there was a high chance that this would cause him harm. But his heart just wanted it so badly that refusing such an offer would be barely possible. It was as if nature was calling him. If he didn't answer the calling, he might really piss himself.

Damn it! Sakim cursed inwardly. He gritted his teeth to the hardest trying to shut his mouth and prevent it from opening. However, after a long while of struggle, he still opened his mouth and said what was against his will, "I accept the power."

Or perhaps, this was what he truly felt. This was what he really willed. It was just that, his rationality was telling him, in accordance with his past experience, he would turn into a living machine whose fuel was greed once he accepted the power. But what else could he do now? He already said it. And he couldn't go back on his words anymore.

"Kekeke," The other party laughed again as he said, "I knew it. You cannot deny your greed. You cannot reject yourself. Fine then, let me awaken your power hidden within you."

After saying those words, the other party walked closer to Sakim. After having a good distance, he tapped Sakim's forehead with his forefinger as the Greed Energy within him became violent. A very strong force exuded out of his body pressing down the surroundings. Sakim felt incredible pain as he couldn't help screaming. Even if he tried to grit his teeth, the pain was just too much as he couldn't help opening his mouth and shout in his hardest.


[Passive Skill: Greed undergoes a temporary evolution.]

[Passive Skill: Greed >> Passive Skill: Extreme Greed]

[Extreme Greed]

• Ability to steal everything. The higher the level, the more you can steal.


• Stolen Inventory undergoes some changes. The same kind of items will be combined. Happy stealing!

Sakim was snapped awake. It appeared that what had happened a moment ago, only happened deep within him with his consciousness.

In any case, the first thing that obstructed his view was a bunch of window notifications appearing on the hologram screen projection. His eyes widened in shock seeing all of it. Excitement... Agitation... The boiling desire to take everything for himself... Greed... Sakim couldn't even explain what he currently felt anymore. But one thing was for sure... It was too good to feel!

Sakim then dismissed the System as he swept his gaze around. However, the first he saw was the terrified Izel beside him who fell with her butt on the ground. He also saw Julius in front of them and that familiar energy emitting out from him as it appeared that he was trying to threaten Izel.

Sakim narrowed his eyes thinking about that familiar energy. He was still trying to figure out what was it when suddenly, a voice, or probably, a thought entered his mind. Greed Domain... Greed Energy... Sakim didn't know why but these words came to his mind. And his instinct was telling him, or probably the one inside him, that that familiar energy was called Greed Energy while on the other hand, the process of creating a certain field where that Greed Energy lie was called Greed Domain. What an interesting ability. "So that energy is called Greed Energy huh..." Sakim suddenly felt an even greater excitement as he felt as well that he could do much better and greater Greed Domain than Julius.

But seeing that Izel was currently in trouble, Sakim reached his hand and patted his head. After which, he transferred his Greed Energy to her as he said coldly, "Don't be afraid, Izel. You've done a great job protecting me."

Sakim knew well that this woman tried her best to protect him even without forcing or ordering the other party. That alone could be proof that this woman was now loyal to him. As such, he would surely reward her once this matter was over.

"Now then," Sakim thought as he turned his cold gaze at Julius who was looking at him warily. Sakim was so eager to try it out. The Greed Energy within him was running wildly as if insisting him to let them out already. Thus, with the irresistible urge of letting the energy out, Sakim closed his eyes for a moment. After another moment, he opened them again. But the pupil of his eyes was now bloody red in color as he felt very strong greed running throughout his entirety.

With that as a feeling, Sakim couldn't help letting out a devilish smile. After which, he finally freed the Greed Energy within him as he said with a very excited tone of his voice, "Greed Domain."

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