Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

11 – Destination Reached!




What are Beastmancer’s?

A Beastmancer is nothing more than a subcategory of Druids. Those stoners who live naked in the forests, avoiding interacting with the people of the city, and abhor any act against nature.

They are practically vegans, but without the hypocrisy, as they actually fight and kill if you uselessly decide to commit some type of crime against nature or the ecosystem of a region.

Druids are known for their Nature Magic, which involves the manipulation and use of plants for combat. They have healing magic, and even though they are not on par with priests, they are the second best. But beyond that, druids are famous for their polymorphic spells, which allow them to transform into animals.

The more skilled the druid, the larger the category of animals that can transform. They start with small animals such as cats, rats, crows, etc., then move on to medium to large dogs, wolves, cheetahs, etc., then become bears and giant wolves.

Up to this point, they are “common” powerful creatures, at most Level 10, but Druids at Level 15 and above begin to be able to transform into a larger catalog of creatures, as long as they have prior knowledge of them.

But back to focus!

A Beastmancer was initially a Druid, but he gave up his oath to protect the forests. As a result, they lost the entire arsenal of magic that nature provided them.

But in exchange, a Beastmancer is able to choose a type of creature, so that at initial levels, it can transform some parts of its body into a mutant form of what would be the combination of the human body and the chosen creature.

There are many requirements for choosing the creature you can transform into, where wolves, bears, and leopards are the most common, but there are exceptional ones that can transform into subraces of dragons, some terrifying creatures like an olwbear.

There are many possibilities, but it depends on several factors, the main ones being:

1° Have a vial of fresh blood from the creature you wish to transform into in the future.

2° Have compatibility with the blood of that same creature.

Edric becomes a canid, more specifically a Snow Wolf, which is why he has white fur. Not because he is albino or because of his gray hair. In fact, Edric did not have such hair initially, but after his first full transformation as a Wolf Beastmancer, he gained permanent features.


PART 1 – Balkamo City!


The journey continued as normal, even though one of the group members was incapacitated. But it only lasted two days before the warrior woke up.

On the way, they had to stop in a town, because in addition to selling the items they collected from the ogres and, of course, that they had kept with them for most of the trip, it was also time to say goodbye.

It turns out that through this conflict with the ogres, the girls, who already knew that the trio was strong, did not expect the difference to be so huge, especially with Skarla, who could literally handle herself against the four ogres.

In their case, the group's warrior ended up suffering severe damage that would require another extended rest to recover. As a result, they said goodbye to Edric, who was understanding and gave them some money.

The result of him giving them money was that he received a very hard slap on the face. Edric is an asshole; this makes Skarla wonder how this man is still alive with five wives.

As far as is known, the center of a harem has a greater chance of dying for one of his lovers due to jealousy than to other factors.

Of course, she knows that in this world there are special cases, like hers, for example. Skarla has surreal vigor, a massive penis, and herculean strength that continually grows.

If Skarla is someone who is more lustful than controlled, in desperate need of holes to relieve herself, it is likely that the women who would stay by her side would make a point of looking for others, just to share the pressure.

Look at Ilyria and Talya. The two have cultivated their bodies, becoming significantly stronger, increasing some levels, and, among other factors, making them much stronger, but even with that, they still find themselves unable to take Skarla to her limits in bed.

And because of this, during the last 3 years, during the period that Ilyria became pregnant, for example, Talya, who is very charming and makes many friends, ended up inviting several friends to have fun and help relieve Skarla.

Result... Skarla has destroyed many pussies and has a small fan club of spinster women desperate for her touch.

Anyway, the point is: only those who have the ability to satisfy them all have a harem!

And as Skarla is not a noble, her harem does not exist for the purpose of procreating to generate heirs or some type of family connection for business and power. In the end, if she has a harem, it will be something simplistic, and in addition to feelings, it will also be one of carnal desire.

Now whether or not Skarla will complicate things in her future harem, a route she believes will be difficult to escape, is difficult to say, but she is confident of always remaining stronger than all her future companions. She doesn't want to wake up in the middle of the night to be brutally stabbed by a jealous lover.


The trio continued with their journey. Edric was content with women from the villages, or mercenaries and adventurers who bumped into each other along the way.

No serious conflicts arose. There were some attacks from goblins and wild animals, but nothing too dangerous.

And so, 3 days before the 2-month date, Skarla, Edric, and Viper reached their destination, Balkamo City!

The Duchy of Veremor has many cities, with Balkamo being the 2nd largest city in the duchy, second only to the capital. As soon as Skarla saw the imposing walls with large flags bearing the emblem of the Veremor family, she was slightly amazed.

The architecture is nothing to write home about, but Skarla noted that with the engineering seen in this world to this day, it would be difficult to create such tall and long walls, which indicates that the material is extremely high quality and abnormally strong.

In any case, entry was strict, resulting in long queues for individuals/groups and carriages.

But with Viper leading them, they skipped the line and went straight to the guards, where Viper showed a simple badge and the guard quickly allowed them entry, leaving the people in the lines unhappy, but they didn't show it in a loud voice. Reason?

1° Giant woman over 220 cm tall with enormous muscles and dazzling beauty, accompanied by an incredible aura that exudes power in the eyes of experts.

2° A handsome white-haired man in chain mail and animal leather armor, the quality seems high, and he has a fierce countenance, indicating that he is someone experienced and powerful.

3° A woman whose characteristics and presence are eclipsed by the previous two but who so carelessly carries the emblem of the Veremor Family.

In other words, the trio exudes a phrase that everyone can understand: Keep quiet and accept it, or you will have problems!

The interior of the city was somewhat surprising. The streets were clean, and it seems that until recently, there was a major renovation to their structure, as everything seems well aligned and organized.

There are large brick roads for carriages and carts to pass through. Orderly buildings on apparently equally measured land. Everything is well organized, which makes the place beautiful.

The people also seem happy. Compared to the other cities they have visited so far, this one seems like a completely different world.

“I feel like I can throw a plate of food on the floor and eat it, and I’ll still feel clean!” - Edric said, admiring the environment as well.

Skarla didn't say anything, especially because Edric sometimes exaggerates. But her attention was on something else: the people around her. She could feel something special in some people.

What was this “special” thing? Simple: vitality and energy!

Skarla knew that they were strong people, many people around level 4~6, where she detected those close to level 10.

She's not sure how many there are, as there are so many, but she knows it's just the surface. 'I've never seen so many strong people in one place; even in Murim, it would be difficult to find something like that, and this is just the entrance to the city.'

The city of Balkamo is very prosperous; you can tell when you passed through the shopping area near the entrance that there were all kinds of different items being sold.

Some of the weapons stores had really high-quality products; they even went so far as to surprise Skarla with such quality.

But the trio's objective was not the commercial area but the city lord's mansion. Located in the center of the city, a luxurious castle with a magnificent garden is full of fantastic creatures that must certainly cost a few thousand gold coins to own.

A tall, old butler guided them to the mansion, which is heavily guarded. Many serious looks were directed at Skarla and Edric, who noticed that they were under heavy surveillance.

Continuing, the butler soon informed them. - “The city lord is currently busy, so I will guide you to his quarters. In a few minutes, a servant will come to your rooms to guide you to the bathroom. Clothes have already been prepared in advance; I just hope you wait and follow the instructions.”

Skarla saw no problems, and Edric much less.

The room they were assigned was large and luxurious, with a huge bed that could easily fit three Skarla’s and still have room to spare!

Viper disappeared shortly after they entered the mansion. Skarla noticed this but didn't say anything. Skarla decided to just watch for now.


PART 2 – Bath Room!


Skarla waited in her room until the servant arrived. A young woman with brown hair, a height of 160 cm, green eyes, milky white skin, and a slim, attractive physique.

“Lady Skarla, I'm Melissa. I will stay by your side during your stay. Please come with me; I will guide you to the bath room.” - Melissa said, bowing politely, and Skarla nodded slightly.

Following her, Skarla paid attention to her surroundings, especially the people, knowing that there are others like her and Edric, those who were contacted and brought here.

Anyway, she walked through the door and found a place to put her clothes and grab towels to cover herself if necessary. Skarla then began to undress, with not an ounce of shame in her eyes.

There were some women in the room, servants who take care of the bath room, who couldn't help but be attracted by Skarla's body, wondering how much effort it takes to achieve such a body.

But soon the attention fell on the monster between their legs, which scared many of them, while for the bravest, it attracted their lust and curiosity.

With a large towel in hand, Skarla advanced to the bathing area, where light smoke was in the air and the room was huge, but there were few people, many of whom looked at Skarla as soon as she arrived.

It's hard not to be attracted to the figure larger than an orc, casually walking around naked and swinging an arm between her legs.

“Skarla, come here! Come meet my new friends!” - Edric, who was already bathing, shouted to call Skarla, who looked lightly and saw him next to a woman with red hair and large breasts, as well as two other muscular men.

Just observing lightly, Skarla already understood that the 3 men are probably trying to befriend the beauty; Edric is included in this (that's why 3). But it seems like she's not paying that much attention; at least she wasn't paying attention until Skarla arrived.

And Skarla could feel the vibrations in the air; the environment itself seemed to distort. For those who are oblivious and weak, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but for those who are strong, they could use their trained instincts to feel the strength of whoever was nearby, and thus, they could feel that Skarla was dangerous.

Skarla also feels that everyone here is a real danger to her, certainly the special guests above level 11!

She soon entered the water and sat down, leaving her big breasts about 10 cm above the water. She is quite tall!

“I see you’re already making friends; you’re not wasting time!” -Skarla said, smiling and leaning back as she opened her arms, not bothering with the eyes on her breasts.

“You know how I am—a very sociable person; it’s hard not to like me!” - Edric smiled and didn't hide the fact that he admired Skarla's breasts and muscles.

“Hi, I’m Torrphim. A pleasure!” - One of the muscular men went forward, standing up, and, as a result, was showing his genitals in front of Skarla's eyes. He seemed very proud of its size, and in fact, it was no small thing.

“I see you’re the type who doesn’t have any skills.” - Skarla said, laughing and accepting the handshake, making the man frown. - “It's obvious that you used penile growth potions and elixirs, but I tell you to be careful; the circulation of energy there is a mess. Your dick could literally explode depending on the intensity.” - Skarla said, laughing, and Torrphim blushed.

"What do you mean?!" -He growled, quickly trying to keep her name.

“Let's say I can see the energy flows and I can tell that you are strong, but because of your insecurity, you ended up consuming a lot of poisons and everything accumulated there. This is practically a meat bomb; at some point it could literally explode, and I don't think even the strongest divine magic could restore it.” - Skarla said, smiling and not bothering to make him angry.

How this proud man came showing his piece in front of her, which has an elephant dick between his legs. It's literally asking to be humiliated!

“My friend, I told you to be careful when taking those things, but you never listen to me!” -The other muscular man laughed as he hit Torrphim on the shoulders, and next to him, he proudly exposed his member, smaller but natural.

“I’m Lemor. But what about me? What do you see?” - He said he was laughing and flexing his groin a little to make it more prominent.

“Nothing much; congratulations on having confidence in what you were born with.” - Skarla said, smiling, and Lemor grunted slightly. And there was no way he could try to humiliate her because she has something much bigger than hers.

“You guys~ since when was this a competition?” - Edric snorted and also joined the three men to stand in front of Skarla, who was already starting to get irritated by this.

“How about you get out of my way and get back in the fucking water? Or do you want me to castrate you?” - Skarla said seriously, extending his hand, where electricity manifested itself.

[Intimidation Test – Difficulty: D20+12 = 21]

Edric – D20+8 = 19 (Failed)

Torrphim – D20+8 = 20 (Failed)

Lemor – D20+7 = 13 (Failed)

The three were intimidated by Skarla's words, who did not hide her discontent and anger, which made the trio step back and turn their attention to the redhead, but she was already next to Skarla, smiling.

In terms of appearance, she doesn't seem strong; in fact, she is a beauty who even looks noble. Delicate features, soft skin, long and silky red hair, amber eyes, and incredible curves are accompanied by large breasts and a very plump and perfect ass.


“Skarla, right? Nice to meet you; I’m Bianca!” - She said she was smiling, and Skarla looked slightly at her.

“I'm not the friendly type, so don't expect big conversations.” - Skarla said calmly, and Bianca didn't feel offended. As Skarla didn't try to attack her, this actually made her happier.

“No problem; I’m just curious and impressed, so don’t mind me too much.” - Bianca said, laughing and leaning back.

The trio observed the two beauties, as Edric said. - “Let's give up; there's no way to steal something from Skarla's hands; take it from me; I traveled with her!”

Torrphim growled, feeling humiliated by what Skarla said and thinking about how to get revenge. Edric noticed this and smiled; he seemed to have some plans.

Bianca proved to be someone who is very talkative; she is not one of the special guests, but rather someone who fought to be among those guests. It turns out that her full name is Bianca Paravanato; she is a merchant and the owner of a very powerful and influential merchant group.

More precisely, she is the daughter of the owner, but as she is the most capable, intelligent, and sociable daughter among her brothers and sisters, it is already recognized that she will inherit the business as soon as her father retires.

Unlike the nobility, the bourgeoisie has its own rules regarding inheritance. In the case of merchants who make a lot of profit, instead of going for the firstborn, which is the rule among nobles, they choose the most capable.

And as for the purpose of Bianca bathing here, close to people who could be considered barbarians or just people who love to fight and are here for money, that is exactly the reason!

Bianca sees the value in having friendships with powerful people, and she uses her feminine gifts to her full advantage.

Her goal is to establish relationships and potentially find a partner, as she is still single.

Bianca didn't hide anything, saying this with a wide smile on her face. - “And why are you telling me this?” - Skarla asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s because I consider you one of the candidates.” -Bianca said with a wink as she relaxed, not seeming embarrassed.

"It's because?" - Skarla asked calmly.

“You are massive, in every way; you, with mere words, surprised me while dealing with the pussy-hunting trio. You seem to be very strong, and you do not match your appearance or characteristics, demonstrating that you are controlled and analytical.” -Bianca said, smiling, and a shrewd gleam appeared in her eyes.

Skarla listened and smiled. - “I'm a woman who has two wives waiting for me at home, and I'm looking to have a third wife; what do you say?”

Bianca was surprised by Skarla's words and soon said. - "Just that? It looks like I won’t have to compete with many people; at least I’ll be one of the first!” -Bianca smiled as she got closer to Skarla.

Skarla rolled her eyes, not reacting as much as she said. - “If you’re tired of playing, get straight to the point; I don’t like beating around the bush.”

"… I am not kidding. I am a woman with ambition, and finding people above level 11 is very difficult. It is even more difficult to find a futanari with so few wives. I'm rich, and if I get someone at your level, I'm guaranteed to have the position of owner of my father's group.” - Bianca said, smiling happily.

Skarla couldn't see exactly where this conversation would end; it's obvious that Bianca is hiding her real plans. It can't just be lust; since Bianca is pretending to constantly look at her crotch, her main interest is in her breasts and face.

With this, Skarla already knows that Bianca is a lesbian, or at least, is more interested in feminine characteristics than masculine ones.

Then there is the fact that she does not ask for comparisons of her strength with that of others. Of course, there are chances that Edric said something, but the space of time is so short, and Skarla doesn't believe that he arrived at least 5 minutes earlier than her; it's too little time to start talking about her.

Thinking about the possibilities of approaching her and her being so direct, wanting to establish a relationship in a hurry, indicates that she knows something or has something... ability!

Soon Skarla thought about skills; they are factors that she categorizes as unknown. Why?

Skills can be acquired through repetitive actions or through your own understanding of the subject and practicing it. Of course, there are limits to human limitation and the process used to achieve such a result.

It's not like she simply said: To cultivate Internal Energy and acquire a skill, just meditate, absorb the ambient energy into your body, and that's it.

Technically, it's not wrong, but it turns out that there are many other detailed processes behind the skill, i.e., details!

But there are abilities that the human mind is unable to create a process to acquire, at least not a quick process, hence unknown factors such as [Unique Abilities], which one is born with or which one awakens at some point in one's life. That is, you are born with the ability; if it is not awakened from birth, it is difficult to know whether you have one of these or not.

Other factors are “Skill Books” and similar items that record skills, which can be simple things like a [Powerful Attack] that doubles the damage dealt, something like [Improved Critical] that increases the rate of critical hits in combat, etc.

But there are also skills like [Breathing Underwater], a skill that allows someone to breathe underwater. Skarla cannot imagine or create a process that would allow the human body to breathe underwater, but with a skill book that has such an ability, it is possible!

So the reason she thinks about this because of Bianca is the only factor that she believes would cause Bianca's attention to her, where there are 2 possibilities:

1st Assessment: Bianca has a powerful assessment ability that works on people, allowing her to see their attributes, statistics, and potentially abilities. If you know that she is level 10, but has attributes that those at level 20 could hardly get their hands on, along with abnormally powerful skills, it is obvious that she would be attracted to you and try everything to stay by your side, as it indicates that Skarla has immense potential.

2nd Clairvoyance: Bianca has some ability that allows her to predict the future, or at least, give her tips on what benefits someone will bring to her if a relationship is established.

Of course, there may be other factors, but Skarla mainly thought about these, as she knows about the existence of [Appraisal], just that it is rare, but for nobles and those who have money, it should be easy to get your hands on.

In the second possibility, it is difficult, but this is not Murim governed by martial arts but a fantasy world governed by magic, which she still does not have an in-depth understanding of.

“I see you're thinking too much~ You're really sexy when you think so much~” - Bianca said, smiling and caressing her thigh, slowly bringing her hand closer to what's soft.

“It was a good conversation, but if you want to get close to me, aim for my trust, but if you just want to get fucked, come to my room later; I know you can find him!” -Skarla said as she stood up and leaned towards Bianca, saying in her ear and touching her shoulder.

Bianca was surprised, and when Skarla released her and stood up, even cracking her bones a little, she made sure to allow Bianca to have a good view of what awaits her if she tries to be so brave.

Swallowing her saliva, Bianca watched as Skarla walked away, picking up her towel as she dried her hair and ignoring most of the stares and smiles.


PART 3 – Contract and Mission!


After taking a shower, Skarla had to wait until she was finally called.

The servant Melissa guided him to the city lord's quarters!

In a richly decorated but neutral-colored office, a man was standing, waiting patiently with his hands clasped behind his back.

As Skarla entered, the man turned around, showing a slightly aged face—a handsome and mature man who was a little past his prime, appearing to be around 45~50 years old.

Gray areas appear throughout his hair and beard, which only accentuated his charm in a way. He has an elegant and firm posture, a sword at his waist, and from his aura, he is strong!


“Nice to meet you, Skarla; I hope the rooms are to your liking!” - Said Rogerio Ludwick, lord of the city of Balmako.

“So far, it’s been comfortable.” - Skarla said calmly, not bowing or showing respect that is shown to nobles.

Rogerio didn't seem surprised by Skarla's rudeness, as anyone on his level is unlikely to lower their head to anyone they don't recognize as very powerful.

As for the possibility of Rogerio getting angry and simply deciding to attack Skarla, he knows that he will need to prepare himself to receive severe damage, so it is better to ignore small offenses like this.

“That's good to hear, but surely you want to know about the job you've been called to do, correct?” - He said this, smiling slightly and suggesting that they sit down.

Sitting down, Skarla didn't pay much attention to the appetizers on the table, and Rogerio didn't seem interested either.

“I received a report from the shadow that came with you and Mr. Edric. I am satisfied with your abilities, so I have no problem officially offering you such a job.” - Rogerio said while taking out some documents—more precisely, a magical contract.

But before talking about the documents, he took out a bag of coins—100 gold coins are inside—and then threw it to Skarla. - “This is compensation for traveling this far; now let me be clear!”

“The mission for which you have been called is of extreme importance for the entire empire, so I assure you that the rewards for your help alone will be at least 2,000 gold coins over a period of 6~8 months, but that is the minimum; you could earn 5,000, 10,000, and much more depending on your contribution!” - Rogerio said it seriously, and Skarla understood that the danger was high.

“The chances of even someone of your level dying are high, but the rewards are equally high. So if you want to know more details, only through a contract will it be possible for me to formally inform you about it.”

Skarla took the contract and started reading it…

[Intelligence Test + Investigation – Difficulty: 20+]

Skarla – D20+10 = 18 (Failed)

She read the document, discovering that whoever breaks the side of the contract will suffer from severe curses that will halve all of their strength for 5 years!

There are many penalties for breaking the contract, but in return, it is said that the Duchy of Veremor will give full support to Skarla and, of course, his family. Once the matter is resolved, depending on your contribution, rich rewards, better than gold, can be handed out.

But during the period of 1 year, she will have to provide support for the problems related to the contract and cannot leave the Duchy lightly during this period.

A minimum of 2,500 gold coins will be given to her at the end of the contract, where initially 500 gold coins will be delivered, and monthly she will receive another 500 coins for her expenses.

Skarla noticed that whenever danger is mentioned, rewards are also mentioned, further understanding that it is something very dangerous and the Duchy is using money to blind its mercenaries.

After reading it and finding nothing she found outrageous, Skarla was willing to accept, but first she asked. - “What about the duchess? She was the one who sent the letter; I was hoping to find her.”

“…the duchess is in the capital and will host a banquet in a few weeks, which you and the other supernatural-level individuals will attend to learn the specific details of the mission.” - Rogerio said.

“So you won’t give me the information; I’ll need to wait a few more weeks to find out everything?” - Skarla frowned.

"No! I will naturally give you details about our problems, but I am not in charge of all the information; just the surface and the banquet will be where everything will be properly organized.” - Rogerio said calmly. Skarla narrowed her eyes and nodded. She took the pen to sign.


It happened 5 years ago, around the time when the confrontation against the Orcs of the Krugar Mountains became even more constant and frantic, as more and more half-breeds were appearing, and due to the numbers, problems were arising.

It was at this time that strange creatures were discovered, which at first they thought were the work of some necromancer or lich, carrying out experiments and taking advantage of the war. But two years ago, during further investigation and more frequent reporting, it was discovered that this was not the case.

People or monsters who were acting normally would suddenly begin to suffer from some type of mutation, where they would become aberrations, becoming significantly more powerful but losing their senses and reason.

Through investigations, it turns out that these transformations are related to the Deadly Sins, where suddenly the people and monsters of the duchy are affected by strong emotions and temptations related to one of the seven deadly sins and then become corrupted by them.

One of the most drastic cases is known as the White Titan. A retired warrior who lived in a village in the midst of investigations suddenly began to show signs of explosive rage, and when he was about to be imprisoned for testing, he went crazy and transformed.

He became a creature over 5 meters tall, with pale white skin and explosive muscles. He lost his ability to see, but in exchange, he acquired herculean strength that would only be seen in creatures above level 15.

His HP was predicted to be somewhere around 800~1000. He was abnormally powerful and resilient, causing great chaos and devastation. Consuming the entire village and even destroying another village, until finally the aberration was stopped.

But besides this case, there was a case of a fat goblin who stole food from adventurers until one of the adventurers got angry and chased him to kill him, managing to knock him down. When he finished him, the goblin became a freak that devoured him in one bite.

After that, the goblin began to mutate, growing monstrously and going from a fragile creature of level 0~1, to an aberration with strength of approximately level 10.

He was easy to take care of, but similar cases occurred before and were not that easy, especially because the more these things consume the living, the stronger they become. Until now, the strongest of this type was approximately level 14.

Rogerio informed him about other cases and that supposedly this is a curse, or somewhere in the duchy, some group of adventurers stumbled upon some dungeon or an ancient ruin, breaking some seal and releasing this evil into their lands.

The mission is to find the cause of all this. But why is this dangerous for the entire empire? Even though the Duchy of Veremor does not border with any nation, it has marine relations with other nations and islands.

It turns out that as time passes, this is spreading, because in the beginning, it was something random and rare, but now, cases are emerging all the time, and many are dying, and little by little, it is spreading to other territories.

And given the growth rate at which this is spreading, it is predicted that in 3~4 years, it will no longer be possible to hide this event, whereas in 5~6 years, the empire will have to officially seal this region.

So it is preferable to take care of everything before things get worse, which is why the empire is supporting it with large sums of money to attract powerful adventurers and mercenaries to investigate and solve the problems.

Hearing this, Skarla was rubbing her chin. It seems like she got into something complicated, but then she asked. - “Will groups be formed, or can we travel alone?”

“Regarding team building, wait until the banquet. But regarding acting alone on this mission, we don't see any problems with that, but we strongly recommend that you not be overly confident, as we have already lost many in the meantime, including a famous level 18 swordsman who recently died at the hands of these creatures.” - Rogerio said, and Skarla nodded.

Soon Skarla returned to her quarters, looking thoughtful, knowing that it would be better to spend some of her points. She just hopes that when she advances to Level 11, nothing too drastic will happen.


PART 4 – “Negotiation” (+18)


After the contract was made, Skarla, who found some paper and pencils in a drawer, began to write using the language of her past world, that is, the common language of Murim, which is a variation of Korean.

She was making plans, already specifying how many companions she wanted and their types. She has also shown great interest in trying to ally herself with individuals who use magic; she herself wants to learn more about it.

Skarla believes that in order to utilize the best cultivation technique that she has developed in the past, she needs to understand more about the magic of this world, because, let's say, the [Thunder God Mantra] is a Supreme Level Technique, so the [Perfect Body Mantra] is a Divine Level Technique!

If now your cultivation speed is a little more than 6 times, with your complete technique, it would easily be 12 times, maybe 15 times!

If she is able to go through an epiphany like the moment near her death, where it seemed like everything doubled, she wonders what level she would reach.

In any case, she believes that magic is where the final puzzle lies for her to complete the translation and understanding and finally use her techniques to their full potential!

And she was also thinking about how to use her saved 3 points. [Martial Body], [Diamond Body], [Body Control], and [Aura – Electricity].

There are four extremely important skills, the first and last of which are essential to continuing to level up. [Martial Body] will increase passive damage dealt from unarmed damage. She even feels that when this ability improves, certain muscles in her body become stronger, as well as that her body seems to be freer and more unrestricted than before.

[Aura – Electricity] is your main source of abilities for combat, being very versatile, a boost to physical capabilities, an explosive increase in damage, defense, and there is certainly much more in the future.

Therefore, we only have 1 point, which she thinks is between [Diamond Body] and [Body Control]. Which would be better?

[Diamond Body] practically gives her an indestructible body, mitigating much of the damage she suffers, and has several other incredible advantages, without mentioning that this is linked to [Metamorphosis], since [Diamond Body], in addition to being an ability, is a set of techniques and circulation of “External Energy”, which trains and transforms the entire body.

It is a pity that, due to the lack of a Dantian in the bodies of the people of this world, it is unlikely to have both “Internal Energy” and “External Energy”. That's why, through External Cultivation, she is not receiving all kinds of rewards in extra attributes, and the focus is only on Internal Cultivation.

[Body Control] is a technique that strengthens the body and mind, making them in great synchronization, something extremely difficult to train. Even though her benefits don't seem so great, the fact that she has such control over her body and mind allows her to acquire more complex skills in the future and perhaps develop many new techniques and improve the ones she already has in mind.

Knock* Knock*

Suddenly, a knock came at the door, where Skarla said. - "You may come in!"

At his words, the door opened, and Melissa entered, pushing a cart with the meal. - “The baron asked me to inform you that it will not be possible to invite you to dinner in the hall, as special guests are in the mansion at the moment and it is preferable to avoid conflicts and discontent.”

“In other words, some spoiled nobleman is in the mansion, and the city lord has to lick his ass?” -Skarla said, rolling her eyes. Melissa did not respond or react to her rude words, but she internally agrees that this is the case.

“You got it right!” - Said an amused and familiar voice. Where looking, Skarla and Melissa found Bianca.

Bianca is wearing tight pants that accentuate her thick, smooth thighs and her plump, firm ass. A tight white shirt that exposes her large cleavage, where she is not even wearing a bra.

With her long, silky red hair, she entered the room while smiling. Melissa watched before bowing and quickly leaving.

Skarla, sitting on the bed, watched Bianca as she said it with a big smile. - “I decided to keep you company for dinner and maybe take you for a walk.”

“Am I some kind of pet for you to take me for a walk?” - Skarla said, huffing and getting up, startling Bianca, who said it hurriedly. - “That’s not what I meant; I just want to take you to see the city; I know a lot of places-”

Soon Skarla was in front of Bianca, who was worried, as she understood that Skarla is a difficult woman to read, and the fact that she is so gigantic and has something so massive between her legs, accompanied by her calm personality and analytical gaze, makes it difficult to know what kind of things go through your mind.

And of course, her height intimidates anyone, which is why Bianca literally goes into a bit of despair, thinking that she may have irritated Skarla the way she said it.

And to her surprise, Skarla grabbed her waist as she bent down slightly, going to her ear and saying. - “If you came to my room close to dusk, does that mean you accepted my invitation, or is this your way of trying to gain my trust?”

Bianca shuddered and soon felt a strong hand grab her back, and she was pulled, her feet leaving the ground. She let out a slight scream, and soon, with her breasts pressed against Skarla's, they both looked into each other's eyes.

Looking into those sharp brown eyes, Bianca shivered, and Skarla said. - “You have until I get to the door to decide, because when I close it, you won't leave here until dawn!”

Bianca swallowed her saliva, and Skarla began to take her steps towards the door, where Bianca looked at her, then at Skarla, and saw that light and seductive smile on her lips.

She thought a little before smiling. - “Close that door soon; show me what you’re capable of!” -Bianca said confidently as she hugged Skarla's neck, hiding her obvious nervousness.

Smiling, Skarla held the door and closed it. The sound of the lock sounded, and the door was locked. Bianca's fate was sealed!

Bianca expected something brutal and wild; she even came prepared, where Skarla can feel energies flowing through her body, energies that are strengthening her, but it is something temporary; that is, Bianca already came prepared and was waiting for something like this, so she took potions of high quality to last longer, or at least, withstand whatever was to come.

But Skarla is not a savage, at least not with just anyone!

Skarla has hugged Bianca's waist with one arm, leaving it below her armpit while she is standing. Bianca didn't understand this position, which was so strange, until Skarla's hand ended up on her plump bottom.

Soon Bianca felt a light caress through her clothes, followed by light pressure, before finally her belt was released and her pants were pulled down, exposing her soft white bottom, her pink and wrinkled anus, just below her pink pussy and pubic hair. redheads all around, short and beautiful.

Smiling, Skarla took her hand and stuck her middle finger into Bianca's pussy. She frowned as she shuddered, feeling Skarla's thick and long finger penetrating her pussy and then starting to dance inside her.


Bianca moaned from the touch on her sensitive areas, where Skarla began to seriously pump fingers, already thrusting 2 inside her while pinching her clitoris, where Bianca's face twisted in surprise and pleasure.

“Fuck~ where did you learn that?!” -Bianca growled as her arms forced themselves on Skarla's back, instinctively trying to free herself from her hungry claws!

But in response, Skarla didn't let go of anything, and her fingers continued to make a mess in her wet, pink pussy, where Bianca growled as she felt so close!

Wet sounds sounded more intense than the light sounds of vaginal farts made with the flexion of Skarla's wrist, her fingers penetrating deep into her vagina and caressing her entire sensitive interior.

Bianca growled fiercely, to the point where saliva was dripping from her lips as she put more strength into her arms and even struggled a little with her legs, which were tense, and due to her pants being pulled down, it became difficult to move much, restricting them, which made her more frustrated, and with Skarla's intense touch, things only intensified.

When she was close to reaching her climax, Skarla's hand rose abruptly, reaching, in that short space of time, the specific point that had been her target all along.


A sharp, sensitive scream reverberated from her lips, her entire body tensing and writhing as a fierce squirt came from her pussy, straight against the floor, and of course, her pants down.

Skarla smiled as she licked her lips—a wicked and delicious taste!

Laughing, she threw Bianca onto the bed, who growled lightly as she squirmed, licking her lips while her clothes were already sweaty and her pants were soaked in her nectar.

Skarla undresses before Bianca's gaze, which is full of complexity, wondering how someone who looks like a savage has such skills with her fingers. This made her wonder how sexually satisfied their wives are.

(Author: I assure you, a lot!)

And then that body sculpted by the gods was naked to Bianca's delight and certain terror. Skarla was smiling, and her penis was still flaccid; that wouldn't be enough to excite her to the point of becoming erect.

Advancing, Skarla knelt on the bed and went on top of Bianca, taking her hand to her soaked and soft, very sensitive pussy. Touching there, Skarla watched Bianca's features twist in pleasure—a beautiful face filled with lust—and how she adores the women of this world.

In Murim, he was not used to so many beautiful women having many similarities. He also had the fact that makeup easily fools anyone. That's why he avoided having too much of a relationship with any woman in Murim, and of course, he was a nerd focused on his studies.

But in this world, there are so many diverse beauties—not just humans with white, brown, tan, and black skin—but there are other races such as elves, orcs, dwarves, tieflings, and more!

The variety is absurd, and even though Asian women have a lot of charm, this world is covered in varieties of all kinds, and certainly the interactions with so many characteristics over the millennia have given birth to many unique beauties in all kinds of ways.

In other words, Skarla prefers the beauties of this world much more than in Murim!

Skarla stole Bianca's lips as she slowly took off her wet pants and pants, throwing them away and then climbing over her. Bianca's legs soon wrapped around her waist.

Bianca felt Skarla's lips and tongue assault hers—such skill, her firm touch—better than that of any other man she had ever had a relationship with.

The heat emanated from their bodies, and soon the kiss broke, leaving Bianca in great frustration. But Skarla's hands went to her big, soft breasts, pulling her shirt down and exposing her white mountains and those hard, pink nipples.


Bianca moaned when Skarla grabbed them firmly and then devoured one of the nipples, sucking vigorously and nibbling on the hard nipple. Bianca writhed and arched her abdomen, pressing it against Skarla's breasts.

Sucking sounds echoed alongside Bianca's melodious moans; she rolled her eyes in pure delight, looking down and seeing this beautiful female face devouring her body. Feeling his firm touch, and from here, she knew that she prefers women a thousand times more than men!

Then Skarla went down, and Bianca became more excited, biting her lips as Skarla's lips slid down her smooth abdomen before reaching her well-trimmed pubic area with red hair.

Skarla licked and sucked them before going to her hard clit and licking it, sucking it vigorously. Bianca growled and punched the bed as she arched her chest. Skarla continued going down and soon sank her tongue into her vagina. Her long and strong arms went up and firmly grabbed Bianca's breasts.

Bianca rolled her eyes in delight as she writhed in pleasure. She moaned loudly as Skarla pinched her nipples and cupped her breasts with his big, strong hands.

Rolling her eyes, lost in pleasure, Bianca felt the tongue reach that place, making her scream and grab Skarla's hair, pressing her pussy more firmly against Skarla's face.

Looking down, she saw that beautiful face soaked in her vaginal juices—those clear, brown eyes—while her lips and nose reveled in the taste and fullness of her pussy.


Bianca couldn't hold back the curse as she came on Skarla's face, even smearing her hair with her cum. Skarla smiled, devouring as much as Bianca went limp on the bed, panting and writhing in delight.

Slowly getting up and kneeling on the bed. Skarla watched Bianca shudder as her pussyglistened, her beautiful face contorted in pleasure. This made her laugh, and looking down, she saw her friend standing straight and ready for battle.

“Are you going to tell me it’s over?” - Skarla asked, smiling, and Bianca grunted, looked at her, and growled. - "Never!"

Hearing her answer, Skarla smiled and watched as Bianca slowly sat up, shakily, and said. - "My turn!"

Smiling, Skarla lay down with her arms crossed behind her head. Bianca swallowed her saliva and feels like she was too hasty. Looking at that huge rod pointing to the heavens, she wonders how something like that fits in a woman's body, and she begins to think that Skarla's wives are giants like her.

But not allowing herself to accept defeat without a fight, Bianca moved towards Skarla's legs and stared at this monster, which she internally nicknamed “pussy destroyer”!

She reached out with her delicate hands, touching him and feeling his firm, supple, warm texture. She began to squeeze and flex it, where she heard slight grunts from Skarla and then continued.

Bianca brought her face closer, licking the head and tasting the pre-cum leaking from her urethra.

Skarla watched and saw Bianca's beautiful face, moving towards the head of his cock and swallowing the head, while her hands wrapped around his thick length masturbated him, which made her grunt in pleasure and enjoy.

Bianca narrowed her eyes, where she let more of her saliva run down the thick length, trying to make it harder. Skarla's answers were not what she wanted, but she knew that she didn't have enough strength to challenge this giantess.

Growling, she soon stopped and had an idea. She went ahead, and curiously, Skarla looked down, finding Bianca smiling as she lowered her breasts onto her dick. - ‘That’s interesting…’ - Skarla thought, smiling.

Bianca started pressing her breasts against Skarla's cock, hugging it, and her breasts started flexing up and down. Skarla moaned and squirmed a little, as her breasts are very soft, and the view is also something incredible!

Bianca licked his head and penetrated his urethra with her tongue. Skarla's moans came, and Bianca became more wild. Loud and wicked sounds of friction echoed, with the owner of those huge, wonderful breasts ferociously grabbing and pressing them, even slamming them against Skarla's massive cock.

Skarla growled ferociously as she writhed, and soon, with a loud growl, she began to cum, heavy jets shooting into Bianca's mouth, thick, heavy loads, before escaping her lips and covering her face, breasts, hair, and torso.

‘Heavens~ if that gets into a uterus, it gets the woman pregnant right away!’ - Bianca thought she was happy to notice the [Infertility Tattoo] on Skarla, but instinctively, she didn’t like it.

It's normal for capable women to want to have children from equally capable and strong people... Skarla is all that and much more!

Bianca was proud of having made Skarla cum, but… it showed no sign of weakness; she remained pointed towards the heavens, continually ready for more!

When she noticed, Skarla was already sitting up and grabbing her shoulder; this made Bianca shudder, and her pussy tightened, understanding what's coming now and knowing that perhaps she will take a step that she can never return.

Bianca soon found herself lying down, her legs being spread and Skarla's massive cock falling against her pussy and touching her stomach. She grunted and shuddered, watching how far this monster went, knowing it would do irreversible damage, but her body strangely wanted it so much!

Skarla's smile was somehow mesmerizing, and soon the big red head fit into her tight pussy. Bianca grunted at the touch, and then the force came, a resistance appeared, Skarla growled, and then the head slid inside.


A scream came from Bianca's twitching lips, and Skarla's cock surged forward, her grunt reverberating sharply as her pussy was stuffed with Skarla's massive cock, widening her insides and molding them to her shape.

The dick went deeper and deeper, reached the entrance to her uterus, and forced itself against her, kneading her uterus and almost invading it.

Bianca rolled her eyes as her face twisted in agonizing pleasure that dominated her entire body and mind!

Skarla growled at how tight Bianca is; the advantage of having a giant penis is that every woman is tight!


Skarla cursed in a low voice as Bianca, regaining her senses due to the support of the potions she had taken, touched her voluminous abdomen, grunting in sensitivity at this touch, knowing that there was no turning back.


Bianca grunted loudly as she arched her body, and Skarla was slowly withdrawing, only to move forward, causing tremors to run through each other's bodies.

Slowly the speed increased, and Bianca was going crazy, having several smaller orgasms that were only building up to something gigantic and destructive!

Skarla growled, and as it intensified, she wanted to go more brutally. She soon grabbed Bianca's wrists that were going everywhere, where she brought them to stand above Bianca's head and pressed them against the bed.

Bianca squirmed and rolled her eyes. Skarla fiercely adjusted her legs and knees, where he made Bianca's legs bend and point upwards, resting on Skarla's waist and bent thighs.

Skarla was already above Bianca, with her ass sticking out while her pussy was filled by the massive cock.

And then Skarla planted her feet on the bed and began to flex, up and down, up and down…

His huge cock ravaged Bianca's pussy, and she began to scream and moan in pleasurable agony. Sounds of flesh clashing began to echo, with Bianca's face twisting fiercely with the pleasure felt.

Skarla growled like a beast, suppressing her moans as she intensified and fiercely pressed her dick into Bianca's pussy, crushing her entire body against the bed and destroying her pussy and uterus!

Bianca's screams reverberated shrilly, and Skarla's roars also echoed. Bianca had intense orgasms in a row, frying her brains out.

And finally, Skarla reached her limit, penetrating deep. Now, with her knees pressing against the bed, she hugged Bianca tightly, wrapping her in her embrace and pressing her tightly, making her unable to move, drowning her in pure pleasure and your body heat as you cum and fill your entire uterus.

Bianca had no more thoughts; her eyes rolled back, and strange sounds came from her lips as her whole body spasmed.

Skarla observed the state in which he left Bianca, knowing that she may have done something complicated, as it is unlikely that a woman who is in that state will want to leave her side. But it doesn't matter, because if Bianca is everything Skarla expects of her, it will be good to accept her as his wife.

Panting, Skarla got up and went to eat what Melissa sent; the food was good, and at that moment, she went to the door, unlocking it and opening it, not bothering to be seen, and there she found several frightened servants; they were certainly snooping through the lock.

There she found Melissa, who was the only one who stayed while all the others fled, but not before taking several looks to assess the monster between Skarla's legs.

“Lady Skarla…” - Melissa shivered nervously, not knowing where to look. When trying to look at Skarla's face, she was immediately drawn to that huge cock and her breasts—that entire sculpted body.

"Goes into!" - Skarla ordered, Melissa swallowed her saliva and timidly entered, the door closed, and she jumped in fright as her pussy was already soaked.

Skarla turned to her, smiling as he stroked her head. - “You can take everything away; I’ll be kind to you… at least, I’ll try!”

Melissa trembled as she undressed, with slight tears in her eyes but, in her pupils, a great expectation and a surreal desire for everything that was about to happen.

Skarla sat down, pointing to his cock. - “Leave it standing; I’ll eat in the meantime!”

Melissa went and hugged his cock, started to smear it with her lips, and rubbed her torso and arms against it. Skarla smiled, knowing that Melissa has experience taking care of big cocks; maybe that's why she was assigned to serve her.

Laughing, Skarla devoured her meal and then devoured Melissa until her screams and happy cries dominated the entire room, until she passed out, who, without the help of potions, lasted 2 rounds with Skarla before fainting.

‘I have to be careful, or I’ll end up getting attached whenever I find a whore who can handle my dick!’ - Skarla thought, licking her lips and having loved fucking Melissa.

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