Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

13 – The Mission!


PART 1 – No more waiting!


Skarla waited in her room, just observing the actions of everyone around her. Ignoring invitations and calls that were not urgent.

Melania tried other approaches, trying to offer him a lot of money and trying to be provocative and perverted. She was literally humiliating herself to get Skarla to fuck her.

But Skarla is not stupid, and when it seemed that the situation regarding Melania would become serious and irreversible, she would run away, not allowing Melania the opportunity to continue with her plans.

The nobility tends to care a lot about appearances and honor. If Melania begins to humiliate herself in front of the common people or in front of influential people in an attempt to get someone's attention, showing sexual or “amorous” interest, this will certainly cause the duchess herself to have to intervene.

That's why, as soon as Skarla sensed Melania, before she could consider going ahead with her plans to arrest Skarla, she was no longer visible.

As a result, Skarla doesn't know what kind of shameful and humiliating things Melania had prepared, but she wouldn't stay and watch.

Regarding her accommodation, Melania would sometimes try visits, but as she wasn't in front of many people, she wouldn't get the desired effects.

So time passed. Skarla was very stressed; luckily, there are brothels where she has already started to make a name for herself with the toughest women they have available.

Melania sometimes tried something, but all she would see was a fugitive Skarla.

(Author: Skarla's patience is running out, I assure you!)


After what was torture, a formal and serious invitation reached Skarla, and she finally left her quarters and went to the mansion, discovering that all the special guests were present, as well as some new faces.

“Glad you finally joined us!” - Rogerio said, smiling slightly, trying to hide his discomfort.

“Are we heading to the main house yet?” - Skarla asked indifferently, ignoring many looks.

“Yes, wait a bit; soon the wizard will be ready for the ritual!” - Rogerio said bitterly, feeling very offended himself. He knew that showing discontent wouldn't help anything.

He treats Skarla's brutish, childish, and irrational attitude as simply the youth and arrogance that those who are young and strong normally have.

This upset him, but in the end, he could only accept it and hope that Skarla wouldn't cause trouble when he came to meet the duchess.

“And here she is, the rebel!” - Edric came, smiling and crossing his arms.

Skarla only gave a slight smile, and Edric narrowed his eyes, knowing instinctively that there was more behind Skarla's attitude.

“Did I miss anything important while I was gone?” - Skarla asked unconcernedly.

"Nothing else. Some new faces and beautiful bodies, groups forming, and you being discussed by many.” - Edric said with a shrug.

“Nothing out of the ordinary.” - Skarla said, shrugging her shoulders and returning looks from some people who were curious about her.

“Long time, no see!” - A voice sounded, and it was none other than Bianca. - “And I thought you were just a dream.” - Skarla replied, laughing.

“I'm glad you see me as a dream. I had a lot of things to do, and unfortunately, I couldn't visit you.” - Bianca said, making a sad expression. Skarla looked at her lightly and knew it was a lie.

But even knowing this, Skarla was still kind and maintained a good interaction; she still has some plans for Bianca.

After a light interaction with his acquaintances, Rogerio arrived and asked them to follow him, who guided them to an empty field, which had a drawn circle full of symbols inside.

Skarla looked curiously, noticing energy fluctuations, and... they are fluctuations that she understands what they are; gravity is manifesting itself, but it is something else, deeper and more complex... Space!

She understood what it was, even though she didn't know what was written or what these complex symbols represented. She felt the ambient energy coming from this matrix, and she understood that it had a correlation with the Space Element.

Skarla tried to research it in the past but never found any traces of it; it was not something easy to find in Murim, especially because her curiosity towards “Space” was due to her memories of her life on Earth about fantasy stories.

Anyway, today is your first time formally interacting with “Space”. She enjoyed it and wanted to know more, but held back, knowing that better opportunities would come in the future.

Soon everyone started to position themselves in specific areas of the matrix, not just the special guests, but those like Bianca, a group of the Shadows of Veremor, as well as Rogerio, Melania, and a few others.

Mages dressed in black robes began to wave their staffs, and the energies intensified and the air distorted. Images were overlapping; Skarla closed her eyes to feel them, and soon everything shook.

It was something that lasted less than 1 second, as if it had illogical barriers. Skarla opened her eyes, feeling slightly nauseous, but her eyes were shining brightly, her curiosity growing and her passion for research resurfacing.

Maybe if she researches this, she will find a way to travel to Earth. Even though so much time has passed, she might at least be able to get a photo of her mother...

(Author: Mortals studying interdimensional travel… we already know it’s going to suck!)

Investigating her surroundings, Skarla soon glimpsed a glorious castle made of black bricks. Several majestic structures around it just complement this castle.

Furthermore, Skarla can feel a tingling sensation throughout her body in the presence of very strong individuals, one of whom is very close!

Looking, there she is, in a luxurious black robe and wearing a black cape with white plumage at the height of her shoulders. Beautiful jewelry decorated the necklace around her neck and crimson earrings in her ears. Pale white skin, thin pink lips, an intense, stern, and cold gaze, accompanied by beautiful violet eyes that exude a mystical feeling.C12_-_Letiphia_Veremor.jpg?ex=6591cba9&is=657f56a9&hm=184a141577ffdaabcb6d895de469a5a9d89c9bbf117c19db241dc4811f71c139& 

This woman is none other than Letiphia Veremor, Duchess of the Duchy of Veremor, a Sorceress above Level 15!

Her gaze was calm as she observed everyone present, investigating them, before her gaze fell on Rogerio, who had already come forward and was kneeling, accompanied by his foolish daughter, Melania.

The Shadows of Veremor were also kneeling; those who are subjects and fear the power of the duchess were also kneeling in respect, but of course, among the special guests, Skarla and many others continued to stand, some with some respect, and bowed their heads slightly.

Letiphia focused her attention on these standing figures, where she went to the tallest and most eye-catching young woman, who already knew her identity, Skarla!

Both exchanged glances, but they didn't move; they just stared at each other for an indeterminate amount of time before Letiphia finally broke the ice.

“I thank everyone for coming after receiving my letter; I feel honored that they came. I prepared a welcome party for you before we talk seriously about the work you will do on my behalf." - Letiphia said lightly as she waved her hand, and the servants behind them made way, and Letiphia followed.

Soon Rogerio, Melania, and others went ahead; Skarla and the others followed too.


PART 2 – Party and Mission!


Entering the black castle, a large party room awaited them, with several tables set, all types of delicacies served, and many leisure areas. Male and female servants, wearing little clothing, were very eye-catching.

All the guests were happy with this scene, Edric and some other perverts especially, knowing that they would be able to have fun with many beauties that night.

Skarla frowned, but soon looked for a seat in a corner, got something to eat and drink, and stayed there, refusing men and women who came to have fun with her.

Bianca was socializing, and Skarla was watching everyone. For her, this is already too long! At this point, Talya must have already given birth weeks ago; her son, whose name she still doesn't know, is waiting for her at home while she is here, under such pressure.

But she knew what she was getting into, so sipping from the mug of alcohol, Skarla would wait until the main mission information was delivered.

“Lady Skarla, I beg your pardon for interfering, but we have been ordered to warn guests not to drink too much.” - Said a maid, bowing to Skarla, who nodded.

Others who were already practically partying were warned, and some guards were assigned to put them in order, taking them to have sex or at least occupy their minds.

Skarla found this useless. Before releasing the food and drinks, it would have been better to inform the mission first and then let everyone potentially have one last feast in their lives.

“I see you’re not having fun.” - A calm voice sounded. A tall, beautiful young woman approached; she appears to be around 25 years old but seems to be more mature than that. She had long, dark brown hair, tanned skin, and wore a beautiful, long red dress.

Evaluating her, Skarla noticed similarities with Melania, already knowing what she was about. - “It’s not to my liking!” - Skarla said, drinking beer.C13_-_Pietra_Veremor.jpg?ex=6591ccd9&is=657f57d9&hm=cb702706b71dd7edac5fbdde94b0dd4ec04edae27445d1779ecccbd041b82e18& 

“I understand, but I hope you’re not mad at me. I’m not like my foolish sister; I know how to value and respect people.” - She said, laughing lightly, and Skarla didn't react much.

“I am Pietra Veremor, the eldest daughter!” - She said this, smiling slightly while looking Skarla in the eyes.

“Skarla, commoner!” - Said Skarla, raising the mug, where Pietra smiled. - “When will you stop acting like a child? You’re not very good at acting.”

Skarla narrowed her eyes but said nothing, and Pietra sat down and said. - “You are smart, Skarla; you managed to see behind my sister's useless plans. I must praise your intelligence and ability. But I hope you understand that constantly turning down my family is not a smart thing to do!”

Hearing Pietra's threatening tone, Skarla smiled slightly and said. - “Every action has a motivation. I am confident in what I do, and I guarantee myself."

“Good~ what do you want? My mother is very interested in taking her as a vassal; she has so much talent, a waste not to be properly nurtured; perhaps she could even become the wife of one of my sisters.” - Pietra said, smiling, crossing her legs, and showing more of her cleavage. - “Maybe… you could even become my companion; compared to many of my suitors, you seem more interesting to me!”

Skarla raised an eyebrow…

[Intuition Test – Difficulty: 27]

Skarla – D20+14 = 34 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Narrowing her eyes, Skarla noticed a lot of falsehood in his tone and gestures. Even though he doesn't know Pietra, he can tell she's faking it.

“I have no interest in staying under the Veremor family; you can give up; nothing here attracts me.” - Skarla said, and Pietra frowned. - “Do you mean to say that my family’s wealth and influence are not attractive to you?”

“I can achieve all this with my own abilities, or I could die trying; it doesn't matter, but I won't sell out!”

Pietra smiled at his response, taking a sip of her wine and said. - “You are indeed interesting; I understand why my mother wants to recruit you; now I want you too!”

“I am not an object to be possessed.” - Said Skarla.

Pietra just smiled, and she looked away slightly, feeling the gaze of her sister, Melania. - “It seems like the idiot is jealous; it's a shame she lost all her chances. I thank you, Skarla; you helped me get rid of a nuisance."

Saying this, Pietra stood up and dropped a paper on the table. - “I’ll be waiting for you later; I hope I’m not disappointed!”

Skarla looked and knew it was her room number, but she already answered. - “You will be disappointed!”

Pietra narrowed her eyes but laughed and walked away.


Skarla watched, wondering if there was anything special about all this. As a result, she soon noticed something. Pietra not only approached her but also some other special guests, acting flirtatious and provocative.

Besides her, Skarla saw other young women with similar characteristics approaching others; she understood that there seemed to be some kind of hidden war, knowing that the duchess's heirs must be recruiting.

As for why only Pietra interacts with her and the others avoid her, including Melania, she stays away, Skarla believes it is due to the role that Pietra gave her.

Frowning, she thought about what to do, as this situation is only getting more complicated, as it seems that the heirs are starting some kind of war, but Letiphia seems to be so young still.

Soon the awaited moment arrived! Skarla heard a sharp tinkle, and all conversation stopped, along with moans and laughter. Everyone stopped what they were doing, many being forced to stop to look at the railing of the stairs that lead to the second floor.

There, with a calm and intense gaze, is Letiphia, calmly observing everyone before she finally begins to speak.

“Again, I thank everyone for their presence and hope you are having fun. But the time has come for me to inform you better about what is affecting my land!" - Letiphia said seriously, and suddenly some men and women in white and sacred robes appeared, where they began to cast spells, covering the entire environment with sacred energy.

Skarla was amazed, and reaching out to the golden glow permeating the place, she began to have ideas, as if she had discovered a new toy.

The spells cast were detoxification, vigor, and alertness spells. This way, everyone could focus on what Letiphia had to say.

Along with that, Letiphia also wanted to make sure of something; watching everyone affected by the spells look better, no one seemed to be in pain, which made her feel relieved.

Then she started talking in more detail about what's really going on!

She said what many already knew: that the problems started five years ago, when conflicts with the Orcs were becoming more constant and complicated. Normal creatures living in the territory suddenly began to be corrupted, causing serious problems.

At first, it was 1 every 2 months, but it became 1 per month, then 2, then 3, 4, and so on.

With the help of the Church of Light as well as other allied churches, it was possible to contain this demonic evil, but it has been growing, gaining more strength, and becoming more difficult to deal with.

Over the past 5 years, she and a few other experts from the empire have tried to find the cause, but as the corrupt have emerged and spread across neighboring lands, the empire has begun to interfere even more.

And due to the Sin of Lust, Gluttony and Greed, which are recognized as the most dangerous due to the amount they appear and their effects on many people, especially Lust and Greed.

Lust manifests itself through extremely beautiful and sexy men and women, Succubi and Incubi, devouring the vitality of their sexual partners, creating what they call Sexual Slaves, who gain part of their power and, like a virus, spread and collect more and more vitality.

Gluttony manifests individually but grows quickly, where a Level 1 goblin, through its ability from sin, was able to instantly kill a Level 8 adventurer, devouring him and quickly evolving into a Level 8 hobgoblin.

After that, he continued to devour, and his level grew 10 times faster than the standard as long as he devoured the corpses of his victims. It is assumed that, like Lust, Gluttony also absorbs vitality, but only more instantly.

As for Greed, it manifests itself in groups and spreads like a disease, creating warts in the common people and leaving them very itchy. The factor causing this is that they become more aggressive and want what belongs to others; they want everything for themselves. themselves, women, men, wealth, goods, houses, and everything!

But the more they get, the more they want, and respectively, they gain more strength in this process, even killing each other, and it seems that killing others during their greed provides them with great benefits.

And the end result of these corrupted people is that they go crazy while continually, as if they were undead, the state of their bodies continues to decay until they become really powerful skeletons that seem to have great hatred for the living, coveting their lives.

Other sins have also manifested themselves many times, but none with such destructive potential, at least not so far.

The mission of everyone present will be to investigate these contaminated lands and find any traces of these aberrations. Kill everything related and avoid maximum sacrifice from the common people.

Everyone will receive financial support from the duchy, which is being supported by the empire. They will also have a badge that will make all facilities and services, to some extent, free.

All those present are above Level 11, individuals who have proven themselves to be powerful and reliable, so they will be able to form small groups of a maximum of 3, where they will then be assigned to recruit mercenaries and adventurers of Level 5~10 who were called, and in some days, another banquet will be held to introduce them to the mission.

Groups of elites will be formed and then spread across the duchy, as well as neighboring regions to limit the activity of these aberrations as much as possible.

For each confirmed and eliminated aberration, a large monetary bonus will be awarded. It will also be possible to receive noble titles, and depending on the contribution, it will even be possible to be made noble by the imperial family itself!

Letiphia said the main thing to everyone, saying that in everyone's quarters, documents reporting the most minute details were delivered.

And after saying all this, she wished everyone a good feast and said goodbye.

Skarla, hearing this, soon went to a servant who was not participating in the party and asked. - “Where is my room?”

“You no longer wish to participate in the banquet?” - The servant asked, smiling slightly.

"No!" - Skarla said, and the servant nodded. - “I understand. I will take your information and take you to your quarters. Would you like some company for the evening?”

“No need, I just want to go to my room!” - Skarla replied, looking away at some specific people at the party.

“I understand. Wait a moment!” - The servant nodded and then left to get Skarla's information, then came to her and guided her to her quarters.


PART 3 – Duchess!


The next morning!

Skarla received breakfast in her room. Then she asked the servant assigned to her. - “Which places can I get to in the castle?”

The servant informed her that practically all locations, except those that are heavily guarded, will know if she tries to approach them.

Therefore, Skarla asked about the library; such a large and luxurious castle must have an incredible library!

Skarla took in the vast space with shelves full of books, her mind having a small orgasm of happiness due to the desire for knowledge.

Going forward, she asked about the book categories and where she could find subjects relevant to magic. The librarian, who was a half-breed of the elf race, was polite in guiding him to where the magic books were.

And it was here that Skarla would find her passion. Finally, she will be able to get her hands on real and reliable books with magical content!

Skarla happily began searching for books on the foundations of magic, its structuring, and its conception.

Afterwards, she will seek to know the structure of spells, what are the Magical Runes that she sees through her “Mana Vision” and how to use them more efficiently, what combinations she can make to increase her martial arts, and... she wants to understand which is Sacred Magic.

If it is just magic that those who serve God can use, or anyone who studies enough of this element can use it,

There are so many questions, so much curiosity, and so much knowledge to assimilate. Skarla promised that she would not drown in her research, but... this is stronger than her; she has suppressed herself a lot in the last 20 years, and the time has come to free herself a little!


“Is she in the library, reading books about magic? Is she interested in that?” - Letiphia, with a book in her hands, raised an eyebrow in astonishment.

"Yes ma'am. She doesn't seem to be just reading out of curiosity, but it seemed like what she was looking for; she seems to be very focused on the books and is taking notes.” - Said a kneeling Shadow of Veremor.

“What did she have in those notes?” - Letiphia asked curiously.

“I can’t say. It's in a language I don't know; if it really is a language, there are many strange symbols that are repeated many times, which I believe to be some numerical form through repetition and counting gestures with the fingers.” - Said the shadow calmly.

“Hmmm… it’s probably the language of the Krugar Mountains; I didn’t know they learned to read and write. Anyway, what about my daughters? Especially the youngest.” - Letiphia asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Young Miss Pietra sent an invitation to Skarla to visit her, but she refused to go and stayed in her room after her statement during the banquet. Young Miss Melania did not approach Skarla during the banquet, nor did she attempt anything when she was in her room.” - Said the shadow calmly.

“Pietra was interested in Skarla, but I find it difficult, based on what I know about Skarla, for her to agree to ally herself with Pietra. As for Melania, she just disappoints me."Sighing, Letiphia thought about what to do with her daughter, wondering if she really should just expel her.

“I see that I will need to meet with Skarla sooner than I would like. Well, is she in the library?” - Letiphia asked, and the shadow confirmed. Then, getting up, Letiphia started to move!


At the library!

Skarla was focused on the books, but naturally she was not oblivious to the looks and onlookers who were observing her notes.

She avoided problems and ignored all forms of approach. She did not see many of these people as valuable because, during the banquet, in addition to sitting, drinking, and observing, she, with her heightened senses, paid attention to conversations to learn names, social positions, and power.

The ones that approached her while she was reading were the ones she considered below her standards, so she didn't pay them any attention, leaving them unhappy and naturally leaving soon after.

But unfortunately, her peace has always been short-lived since she started interacting with nobles. A powerful and distinct presence approached, where Skarla stopped what she was doing to look at this stunning woman in luxurious robes and showing off her magnificent curves.

“Duchess!” - Skarla said, nodding at her. Letiphia remained indifferent as she approached.

“Skarla, I’ve heard her name a lot over the last few weeks.” -Letiphia said calmly as she evaluated the young woman in front of her, wanting to see all her secrets!

“It certainly wasn’t good, but I’m used to it.” - Skarla said with a shrug, and Letiphia gave a slight smile.

“Give me one good reason why I refused my youngest daughter’s advances!” - Letiphia said, narrowing her eyes, already trying to corner her.

“If I want to take care of children, I will take care of my children!” -Skarla said, not caring if she was being rude or not.

Letiphia narrowed her eyes, then asked. - “What about my oldest? I heard she gave you a sweet invitation.”

“I don’t like being seen as an object. Pietra didn’t see me as human, so I don’t want to waste my time!” - Said Skarla.

“It seems my daughters are not to your liking.” - Letiphia smiled slightly, a cold gleam appearing in her eyes.

“You’re right; they don’t please me as a person.” - Said Skarla.

"What do you mean by that?" - Letiphia asked curiously.

“His daughters are beautiful and strong women, but... it doesn't seem like they are hardworking, like they have everything on a plate, never really fighting to achieve anything. It is very likely that after yesterday, your eldest daughter will cause me problems using her name.” - Skarla said with a shrug.

Letiphia didn't respond, but Skarla continued. - “I sought to know more about you during my adventure so far. Letiphia Veremor, the youngest of her family, was weakest and most underrated, but inherited her father's title, officially becoming the first Duchess of her family, ending the patriarchy in her family.”

“You are an extremely powerful sorceress; they say you are at Level 20, close to becoming a legend. One of the strongest and most sought-after women in the empire since a fateful loss. A woman who got where she is through blood and a lot of death!” - Skarla said, smiling and looking Letiphia in the eyes.

“You know a part of my story; should that surprise me?” - Letiphia mocked.

“No, certainly the stories should be more exaggerated to match reality. But I wonder: How can such an incredible woman have such spoiled daughters?"

Letiphia clenched her teeth to the point where veins slightly stood out on her jaw, but she soon calmed down. - “I believe we won’t have any problems with your cooperation regarding the mission, right?”

"Certainly. A lot of money is involved; I have 2 children to look after, so mom here needs to bring a lot of money home."- Skarla smiled.

"Good. But if I sent you an invitation to become a vassal of my family, I would give her the position of Viscountess; what do you think?” - Letiphia looked into Skarla's eyes, wanting to know how she would react.

“It's tempting, but I guarantee I'll achieve achievements to become a real noblewoman and not a landless vassal. I need to lay a firm foundation for my future brood.” - Skarla said, laughing, and Letiphia didn't show any reactions.

“Well, too bad; we’ll see you later.” - Letiphia said to leave, but Skarla said. - “What do you think of a little negotiation?”

Letiphia raised an eyebrow, then turned to look at Skarla. - “What would I gain from this?”

“During my little trip, I became very attached to the shadow that guided us; I want it, free from any contract!” - Skarla said it seriously.

“This is complicated, but not impossible. What do I gain from losing one of my sharpest blades?” - Letiphia narrowed her eyes and sat down.

“While evaluating Viper and other shadows' bodies, I came to discover many interesting things, such as the fact that their levels were locked at what I believe to be level 10. No need to answer; her expression gave me the answer I wanted. Regarding all of this, I believe that through alchemy, you have developed level 10 expert assassins in large quantities, but that's it. The side effects are the impossibility of continuing to climb beyond level 10, along with gray hair. As for other penalties, I don’t know about them yet. I would need to interact more with their shadows.”

Letiphia frowned. This is a secret to the public, but among the nobles, everyone knows that there are alchemical processes to create powerful people, but with many side effects.

The Shadows of Veremor are one of the most perfect in existence, creating the best elite force of assassins in the empire!

“Be careful what you say now!” - Letiphia said coldly, Skarla is too observant, more than she initially thought.

Smiling, Skarla replied. - “I might be able to break this limit; even if I can't nullify this side effect, I believe I would be able to make them go up a few levels with all the EXP they have accumulated.”

"As?" - Letiphia asked very calmly.

“I have my secrets. I've never tried it before, but I'm confident I can do it. I will do this with five of your shadows; in exchange, you will give me Viper."- Said Skarla.

“5 is too little!” - Letiphia said, narrowing her eyes.

“And 0 is nothing!” - Skarla said it with a cold tone.

Letiphia looked her in the eyes; they both looked at each other, but neither seemed to want to give in.

Time passed slightly until Letiphia finally said. - “Try these techniques on Viper; if you are successful, I will give you your contract, and she will be yours to do as you wish, and then you will break the limits of five of the shadows I send you!”

“Okay, great doing business with you!” - Skarla said, smiling happily.

“If your method works, what do you think about selling it to me? I will pay you 100,000 Gold Coins! He also gave you two more Shadows of Veremor of your choice."- Letiphia said it seriously, and Skarla smiled.

What is the reason for this proposal? It's quite obvious that the value of 1 Level 11 Assassin exceeds the value of 3~5 Level 10 Assassins.

The supernatural level is something very coveted. The Shadows of Veremor have been doing all kinds of missions since they finished training; they have killed countless creatures and murdered dangerous people. The amount of EXP they collected is tens of thousands, enough to increase 2~4 levels, of course, for the older ones.

So she wouldn't mind even if she had to give Skarla 10 Shadows of Veremor in exchange for this method. The value of Level 11+ Assassins is somewhat surreal.

“It won’t be possible; it has to do with a very special ability. Of course, I could teach her, but since it’s a family thing, you understand, only family can!” - Skarla said, smiling and acting provocatively.

Letiphia was surprised by her words, and she soon laughed. - “You were not interested in the daughters, but in the mother? Bold, but be careful what you covet!” - Letiphia's eyes shone coldly.

Skarla smiled and said. - “A shame, but I guarantee that if I said a single sentence to you, it would make you regret for the rest of your life having refused me.”

Letiphia narrowed her eyes and sneered. - "And even? So say, We’ll see if I’ll get down on my knees to become your wife!”

“No, unless a contract is made, one that prevents you from spreading this information or considering doing me any harm because of what I say to you. Only then will I tell you this great secret of mine that will make you willing to hand yourself and all your daughters over to me!” - Skarla said, smiling full of confidence, and Letiphia, who was just joking, frowned.

She realized that Skarla wasn't joking; there really is something. Narrowing her eyes, she debated whether or not she should do this.

“Anyway, Viper will be coming to your quarters later. Have fun with books. I hope for good results; in case of failure, prepare for some punishments. I let you talk too much, and my patience has limits, girl."

Skarla smiled as Letiphia walked away. Skarla rubbed her chin. She really liked Letiphia's attitude and surroundings; it would be interesting to subdue such a powerful beauty.

But she knows it's not wise to try anything for now; just watch and raise her value. Force Letiphia to put a leash on her daughters so they understand that she is not someone they can target to cause any harm.

Either way, Skarla will first make sure to have Viper for herself, have her become her wife, then train her in the Shadow Arts, making her an even more fearsome Assassin—the best in the world!

Of course, the first thing is to make sure that it will separate her from the Veremor family, to know that she will have their loyalty. Only then will she invest in Viper, who has a perfect body to learn her techniques and undergo a metamorphosis; she vehemently believes that all the collateral effects will disappear.

But that's for the future. For now, she will go back to her books and think about how to dominate Letiphia in the distant future.

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