Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

23 – Repercussion!


PART 1 – Explanation!


Letiphia was in her office, reading important documents, until a servant came to her, informing her that Skarla was requesting a meeting.

This made Letiphia growl; she hates dealing with Skarla, but she nodded and remembered something where she growled. - “Send her to the living room and prepare something; I have to do something first!”

After her words, she went to the closet.

Letiphia calmly entered the drawing room, where she frowned at what she was seeing: a female Beastkin lying on the luxurious sofa, a small rabbit with wet pants, and a Beastkin Cat who, as soon as she entered, knelt down.

Her eyes assessed the situation and landed on Skarla and Viper. - “What is this about?”

“This woman is the result of an alchemical experiment similar to that which occurs with the Shadows of Veremor.” - Skarla said calmly, pointing at Shunam, and Letiphia raised an eyebrow.

It's not uncommon; in fact, alchemy, apart from training, is one of the few ways to modify your birth attributes, which is why many tend to look for ways to strengthen themselves with the least amount of side effects possible.

“If it was just that, you wouldn’t have come to me; get to the point!” - Letiphia said it coldly, and Skarla began to explain.

In a simple way, she explained that Shunam appears to be some kind of undead, perhaps a mix of a homunculus and a chimera. All of Shunam's organs are not original to him; the blood that runs through his veins is not blood but something similar.

“She apparently suffered this when she was 9 years old; she is a cross between Chinchilla and Rat. I asked Tropim about the average height of these species and their physical capabilities, and... it goes without saying that chinchillas tend to be around 140cm tall, while rats can reach over 170cm. But the point is that she is over 190cm, her skin is extremely hard and resistant, she has monstrous physical strength, among other incredible advantages.”

“But the real point is that she developed like a normal living being, going from puberty to adulthood. She seems to have no level limitations, but her limitation is in her life expectancy; she is around 3 years old before your body starts to fail.”

“And it is not a perfect success, but a miraculous success. It means that whoever created it was incredibly lucky, and after that... I don't even want to imagine the atrocities he committed in recent years, trying to recreate his success, only to later fail miserably and, with some success, discover that he doesn't hold a candle to Shunam. I would say that depending on where they came from, there must be a lot of cases of disappearances or bodies being stolen.”

Letiphia listened to Skarla, realizing the seriousness, and with Skarla describing in detail where it was cut, she understood that a monster was playing god.

“I will ask whoever takes care of creating my shadows to take a look at the girl; I will put her in a prison room; and regarding these two, I will ask some shadows to interrogate them.” - Letiphia said calmly, looking at the two.

Tropim was worried, looking at Skarla. - “Take it easy on Tropim; I'm confident he has no relation to this, but the rabbit is an alchemist; apparently his father was too, so my suspicions rest on him. So go easy on Tropim.”

"Understood!" -Letiphia nodded as she looked at Viper, noticing some obvious changes she heard in the reports, but this… is impressive. - “Come to my chambers; I wish to speak with you!” - She said this to Skarla before continuing walking.

Skarla nodded and soon followed, leaving Viper to take care of matters and calm the group, which must be quite worried. The older Shadow of Veremor, who normally follows Letiphia, remained to give instructions.

Jinmei screamed, saying that this wasn't fair and that he didn't know anything, but in the end he was hit and put to sleep.


PART 2 – Provocation!


In Letiphia's office, the door was closed. - “What do you need to talk to me about?” - Skarla asked calmly.

“Nothing much, just curious about Viper; I noticed that she is much younger than I remembered; she looks around my daughter's age.” - Letiphia said calmly.

“If this is it, in fact, some ass spanking is a secret technique that can cause wars in the world, and you have to keep your mouth shut for obvious reasons. Everyday thing.” -Skarla said in a mocking tone as she sat down, where her face was serious.

Letiphia snorted, rolling her eyes, filling two glasses with quality alcohol and handing one of the glasses to Skarla, who accepted it, and then she sat down in a comfortable armchair.

“You were so confident talking about fucking me and my daughters, but look at you, running away and hiding in dirty taverns. I expected more from you, but then I remember that you are just a child.” - Letiphia said, laughing.

Skarla laughed, tasting the alcohol before saying. - “The body is young, but who said the soul is too?” - A slight smile appeared, and Letiphia frowned.

“Oh, I see that ruling from your pretty room hasn't alienated her perception. Well, I know what you're thinking, and I'm just saying, where do you think such an incredible technique came from? Where did a girl who came from the mountains and is 20 years old get such detailed information and experiences about something that few could notice?” - Skarla saw it, and Letiphia was getting more and more serious.

“I think if you add up all my ages, you might be my great-granddaughter in terms of age… That’s right, it's been so many years, but it doesn’t matter.” - Skarla shrugged, getting up and then advancing on Letiphia, coming face-to-face.

“Don’t treat me like a child, little girl! You don't know what kind of monster you're dealing with; everything you see or think you know is what I allow you to know.” - Skarla slowly brought her face closer to Letiphia's, blowing on her lips, going to her ear, and saying. - “I am dangerous, a thousand times more dangerous than you imagine, and having me as an enemy is not wise because you don't know what I can do.”

Skarla grabbed her breasts, pinched her clothes, and ripped them mercilessly, exposing her dark blue lingerie. - “I knew they were big, but they are more beautiful than I thought they would be.”

Letiphia, with a calm face, leaned back in her chair, not bothered by her torn clothes and being only in a bra. She said with a mocking smile. - “So who or what are you?”

Skarla hugged her waist, pulling her and burying his face in her neck, smelling her sweet and attractive smell. - “It’s good to know that you took my words seriously… But to answer her question, why would I take away the mystery? Look, I am someone who is strong and has done inhumane acts involving alchemy; you should certainly be able to discover me.”

Letiphia narrowed her eyes, grunting as her breasts were exposed, and then a hand slid to her crotch, invading her pants and rubbing at her vagina. - “Lisa~ it looks like someone cleaned the house waiting for visitors.” - Skarla said, laughing, and Letiphia blushed.

Soon Skarla raised her hand damp with sticky juices, bringing it to her lips as she stood. - “Well, I'm tired of teasing you; keep waiting for me; sooner or later I'll be in the mood, but now I have to forget memories that I regret.”

Skarla laughed while Letiphia growled ferociously, being quite a mess. - “If you want some material to relieve yourself, you can see it; memorize it well!” - Skarla said, laughing and pulling down her pants, allowing her to see in detail what awaits her.

Letiphia growled, Skarla laughed, and soon left after fixing her clothes, where, with an angry howl, Letiphia threw the glass within her reach against the wall.

"OK! OK! Reincarnation, well, let's find out more of your secrets, bitch! We'll see who laughs last! We will see!" - Letiphia growled fiercely.

Skarla walking away, after teasing Letiphia, which actually improved her mood, went in search of Shunam, taking a while, but stayed with her, taking care of her and naturally studying her body in more detail.


PART 3 – Ideas and the Weight of Common Sense!


Apparently the shock was too great, to the point that Shunam fell into a coma. But as Letiphia had said, she sent experts in alchemy and magic to evaluate her in more detail and find out specifically what kind of thing was done to her.

At first, they didn't notice anything, but when they used their many tools to investigate Shunam in more detail—blood, bone structure, organs, skin, and more—they couldn't help but be startled by their discoveries.

A butcher, no matter how you look at it, is all you can call Shunam's creator. The work is naturally magnificent; anyone can see the value of a creation like Shunam, and the results are shocking.

But at the same time, anyone who has a good eye and knowledge knows that Shunam, in addition to being a miracle in her field, is unique; recreating her is technically impossible, not to mention that they have no idea what exactly is circulating her body as if it were blood.

Naturally, for more details, it will take more days, perhaps months, to know everything, but something everyone agreed on is: It's a miracle that it's still walking!

Shunam is no longer seen as “someone” by these alchemists and mages, but rather “something”, As she is no longer a Beastkin, they refuse to accept something like that.

In the end, Shunam is a monster that is doomed to death; it is impossible to reverse engineer it, but maybe, just maybe, she can solve this problem if she reaches Level 21.

Advancing to the legendary level, all of someone's defects will be corrected, and the individual will be brought to perfection, evolving various aspects and developing skills that are most useful to them.

Shunam could get something to increase his life expectancy, or perhaps simply assimilate with what was done and nullify all the side effects, being able to live normally.

Anyway, she is only at Level 10; to reach Level 21 in 3 years is impossible!

Unless she starts killing hundreds of dragons, she annihilates entire dungeons by herself. Only then could she reach Level 15 in 2~3 years, but 21. Look at Letiphia; she is over 50 years old and hasn't even reached Level 20 yet.

In the end, above Level 15, it is extremely difficult to level up.

Anyway, Skarla left Shunam in the care of these people and went out to find Viper and his group, while Tropim would spend the night in the castle for interrogation.

Naturally, everyone wanted to know what was happening. What was that Skarla said? How did she know that? What happened to Shunam, Jinmei, and Tropim?

When Skarla arrived, these were the questions, and she saw no need to hide them. Talking about alchemy and body modification, Calah knew more about it than Skarla, as her knowledge came from Murim. Calah is more knowledgeable about the right terms to use.

So she explained most of it, and when it was time for Skarla to explain more about how she found out, Viper intervened and said. -“This is about her abilities; it’s not good for her to say, but know that she can see energy in detail; she knows how much each person has, how strong someone is, and so on!”

“That's what she said. Now about Tropim, he will need to stay tonight for interrogation, and he will probably return tomorrow, Jinmei... Apparently, he is the son of the man who committed such atrocities; he needs to be killed at any cost! As for Shunam… her condition is irreversible; unless some God intervenes or her hand is placed on an item capable of granting unrestricted desires, there is no way to cure her.” - Skarla said calmly.

“Well, one assumption would be to transfer your soul into another body, but that wouldn’t be healing.” - Calah said.

“The soul shapes the body; you cannot simply place, for example, Cecil's soul in Belinda's body, as well as Belinda's in Cecil's body. There would be incompatibility; the body would constantly fail, and in the end, it would be a matter of time before they died.”

“In the case of transferring a soul to another body, it would be to a baby. The soul would mold the child's body, making it as compatible as possible with your soul, and as you grow up, that would be you! This is practically called forced reincarnation, but it is practically impossible to force it; I think only gods would have such power.” - Skarla said calmly.

“So what can we do to help you?” - Calah asked.

"Anything. What part of irreversibility do you not understand? It's practically me killing Viper; if she is revived, how would I deal with the consequences of doing that? Would our love continue to exist? Would she hate me for killing her?” Skarla said, already apologizing to Viper for the example.

“It's like Skarla said, this is already irreversible; there's nothing we can do; maybe if some knowledgeable legend intervenes, but we... there's nothing we can do; let's just drink and wait for the day for the mission.” - Viper said, sighing.

“That’s what she said; just wait for Tropim to return, and the group is practically ready.” - Said Skarla.

“If Shunam is willing to join us, would you accept her?” - Phinel asked curiously.

“She is very strong; if she joined the group, she would only be below Viper in terms of strength, where, of course, I am number 1. I would accept it, but the problem would be her mental state. I think it is difficult for her to recover from the shock after all that.” - Skarla sighed.

The atmosphere became heavy after his words. - “Anyway, don't think about it; there are all kinds of shit going on in the world. We are not the protagonists of some fantasy story that can save everyone and always have the best ending for everyone. Get ready, drink, and complain, and in a few days the banquet will take place to formalize the mission and the groups being dispatched, so make sure you have everything prepared.”


Tropim returned the next morning, looking tired and heading to Skarla early. - “I see you’re tired; is there a problem?” - Skarla asked calmly.

“It’s nothing; I just couldn’t sleep.” - He said calmly, then added with a look of pain. - “I really had no idea… I’m sorry.”

"Why are you apologizing? It’s not like you’re to blame.” - Said Skarla with a shrug. - “Stop thinking about these things; it’s not worth it, and there’s nothing you could have done; dwelling on the past will only eat away at you!”

Tropim hesitated, where he growled and said. - “Jinmei’s father. I did some services for him; I collected corpses and... sent him slaves, slaves of all ages... I didn't know; I never thought it could be that; I just thought he was very rich.” - Tropim lowered his head, falling to his knees and looking weak.

“By god... I gave dozens of children to that monster; I knew he was sick; I thought he would use them for sexual relief at most; most rich people do that, but this... this is on a sicker level than I could imagine!” - Tropim hit his head on the ground, shaking, and Skarla clenched her fists.

She opened her mouth; she was going to say something but stopped, almost laughing, but she shut up in time. She committed many atrocities too, already expecting what would happen, but she did it anyway. She and Tropim in this regard are not very different.

Skarla thought of children, their crying and screaming, mothers begging, and men going crazy with pain and just wanting to die.

Just thinking about the past, Skarla could no longer see the color of her skin; she only saw blood; her body felt so heavy; the smell was something that could not be ignored or suppressed; she felt sick, but with a strong closeness. of her eyes, she opened them, and she adjusted her mind.

“Get up; stop talking about these things. We still have a mission to complete, so go rest, tidy up, and make friends with everyone. Don't bring this up again; otherwise, you'll have to look for another group to  join."- Skarla said it seriously, not even thinking about comforting him.

For her, rape and pedophilia are unacceptable; combining the two becomes the focus of her hatred. The problem is that in this world, rape doesn't even have 10% of the weight it would have on Earth. Children as young as 12 learn about sex; some learn even earlier.

Skarla sees all this as strange and difficult to accept; she finds it disgusting when she sees children of such a young age still developing with men or women 2 to 3 times older than them.

But other people saw this and ignored it; they thought it was normal, and she was forced to accept it.

Being honest with herself, if Skarla could choose how to live her life, she would choose to live in ignorance, not having the common sense of her past lives. It would be less torturous to be forced to think and measure the weight of actions that in this world are common and easy to ignore, but for her, it is something absurd.

Tropim tried to be ignorant, but it was obvious that something was tormenting him. Phinel, smiling and sloppy, pulled him into a room because sex helps with everything!

Skarla wasn't in the mood, so she didn't drink with them or try to strengthen the bond; she spent most of the time in her room, having taken several of Letiphia's papers as well as books.

She read them and was drawing, as well as making calculations and plans.

On the papers, there are drawings of the human body. She marked out where Shunam's cuts were and vividly remembered the flow of his energy, his bloodstream, and more. She wanted to find a way.

But no matter what or how hard she tried, she knew it was impossible. The books contained detailed information about how alchemy could strengthen bodies, expand the body's mana limits, and other factors.

Skarla read all of this, assimilating it with her past knowledge, but in the end, the result was the same, so her final focus was to prolong her life.

Viper came to check on her, finding Skarla sitting and writing. - “I’m not in the mood, girls.” - She said before anyone spoke, and by'someone' we are naturally talking about Calah.

Calah pouted as she entered and noticed what was written, but the language was one she didn't know. - “That… is interesting, so many details; where did you get all this?” - She asked, the flame of her curiosity and desire to learn burning.

“I don't have time, Calah, and don't try to learn this; you can and will go crazy if you start studying something like this, always seeking perfection.” - Skarla said seriously, stopping her from looking at the papers any further.

Calah looked at her, where she nodded, and, trying hard to satisfy her curiosity, she walked away.


PART 4 – Warriors!


Time passed, and Letiphia sent him a letter indicating that she and her group could go to the mansion and wait there until the day of the banquet.

And it was informed that one day before, they would receive a special mission.

Skarla spoke to everyone, and they didn't hesitate to move forward. By going straight to the duchess's mansion and staying there, in addition to being free and having the best treatments, they will also be able to receive privileged information.

But Skarla, of course, didn't have that in mind. When they got there, she stayed in a large, spacious room, where she nailed the many papers she had to the wall, not caring about the damage, and began making a body map.

Calah often found herself looking at it, curious and wanting to know more; she even tried to ask Viper for an automatic translation artifact, but she informed her that she couldn't.

Calah thought Viper was stopping her on Skarla's orders, but little did she know that Viper, worried about what Skarla said that day when they saw the papers for the first time, wanted to know what it was and if she could go crazy.

The result was that her translation artifact did not work, indicating that it is an unregistered language.

In other words, only Skarla was able to read and write in this language.


Pauline was really enjoying the big bath, where she managed to make a lot of friends and discovered a lot of interesting things. Apparently, Skarla has conflict with Letiphia's daughters, but she has a very close relationship with the duchess.

And this relationship is still a mystery.

Furthermore, she learned that the situation outside is much more serious than imagined; many deaths are occurring, and it seems that they are in urgent need of manpower.

And initially, Pauline wanted to take advantage of being so close to several notable and famous individuals to leave Skarla's group and go to these, but she noticed that most were full, while those who had space did not seem to be on the same level as Skarla's.

As for why this is? It could be that she didn't really like what happened when they met.

Skarla and Viper got her drunk, which has happened to her many times, but unfortunately, that night she brought back memories of something in the past. Even though she didn't ask for it, it wasn't because she wanted it; it was out of fear.

Many years ago, when Pauline was still in her infancy—not even Level 4 yet—she was attacked by bandits, and their leader was an orc. He had the infamous nickname “Slit Cracker.”

The result was a lot of pain for her; it took many months and a lot of money for her vagina to recover, and at that time, a whole leg could fit inside her without any problems.

Having sex with Skarla reminded her of this; of course, it was less intense and the pain wasn't even equal, but the strength and sensation were somehow similar, which is why she tried her best to get away from Skarla.

For her, Skarla is wild; she only knows how to use his dick to get what he wants. But that changed after that day, with Shunam appearing.

The expressions, the shock, disgust, and terror on his face, his explanation, the pity in his eyes.

In the end, Pauline saw that Skarla is not everything she thought, because she has a woman who loves her very much and got a strange and very perverted Undine to be her wife too.

Furthermore, she is training a young swordswoman who has been constantly approaching her, and every day, they seem to be getting closer.

And now we have a lesbian couple who seem to be interested in dick, and get this: the dick they are interested in is Skarla's!

Pauline saw that leaving this group would be foolish; her trauma is a thing of the past, and since that night, Skarla has not tried anything with her, seeming to respect her and understand her feelings.

Sighing, Pauline wishes she could like Skarla; she seems like a nice woman, and everyone likes her; she also seems to be very responsible, but in the end... It's hard to change your first impression of her.


Little by little, Skarla calmed down, deciding to let it go. Not that he abandoned Shunam, just that she was returning to what she was in the past: a fanatical researcher.

If it continues, it will be lost. As she has two children waiting for her at home and four wives to take care of, Skarla cannot return to what she was, so she welcomed Viper, Calah, and Sasha into her arms, relieving her tensions.

The next day, Skarla met with Edric; it had been a long time since they last met.

“I see your little harem has grown.” - Skarla said, smiling at the proud Edric, who, listening to her, seemed worried.

“What nonsense is Skarla talking about? These are my compatriots.” - Edric said, smiling bitterly, almost begging her to leave.

Skarla noticed. - “Well, then have a good chat; I'm going out and-” - She frowned and turned around.

“Look what we have here! What a beautiful ass!” - A thick and bold voice sounded, with Skarla having her firm ass grabbed.

When she turned around, what she found was a woman as tall as her, with long white hair, dark skin, a beautiful face, and explosive muscles.


“Oh, she is wild; do you want to lose your eyes?” - The woman laughed and looked at Skarla, both glaring at each other fiercely.

And the woman, seeing that Skarla would not back down, snorted as she sent her hand against Skarla's crotch and said so. -“It looks like you need to be polite-”-She gasped when she realized that instead of something smoother, she picked up something plump.

She looked and… She knew very well what she was holding; Edric behind her was hitting her in the face. What he wanted so much to avoid happened.

“You're a-” - The woman smiled but soon received a punch that made her eyes vibrate, and she soon found herself on her knees, shaking with dazed eyes.

A firm hand fell on her head, pulling her hair, and she growled. - “Know that we are not on the same level, and never touch me again!” -Skarla said coldly before thrusting a fist into her exposed abdomen, and the woman's entire body rose several meters before she collided heavily with the ground.

At this point, the other muscular women were already drawing their axes, swords, spears, and shields, ready to attack Skarla.

“HEY! HEY! HEY!” - Edric ran to stay between them and Skarla. - “Girls, don’t fight; I don’t want to have to collect your bodies and send them to your homes.” - He said, looking at one of them in particular, that he must be the vice leader of [Eye of the Crow].

“Do you think we’re going to lose to this brat?!” - The woman growled, looking even angrier.

"Yes! I lose to her! She is above Level 15, can use Aura, and has strong connections with the duchess, owner of the castle! If you want to go ahead, ok, go!” - Edric growled fiercely and began punching the blades and shields, forcing them down.

“And another thing, she’s a futanari like you, so put down those weapons, Skadih, who did the stupid thing; don’t kill yourselves because of that idiot!” - Edric said it seriously and was already walking away.

The second in command advanced, facing Skarla. Skarla observed this young-looking woman; she must be at most 25 years old.

She is tall, has long blonde hair, a muscular physique, beautiful blue eyes, a serious and combat-hardened appearance, few scars, and exudes strong vitality.


“What’s your name, warrior?” - She asked seriously.

“Skarla, that’s all you need to know!” - Skarla said coldly, looking at her from above.

“Okay, Skarla! I’m Holga, and I challenge you to a duel; the winner takes the loser!” - She said it fiercely.

“YOU SLUT!” - A thunderous roar came as the white-haired woman lying in the background moved forward, pushing some women and bending over, still feeling the impact of the punch, looking at Holga.

“Is there a problem, sister?” - Holga asked calmly.

“Stop that facade; that bitch is mine!” - Skadih, leader of the Raven's Eye, growled as he stood up straight and looked fiercely at Skarla.

“Edric told me about you; I have no interest in having you follow me; you will look for someone else to attach to, like a parasite.” - Skarla growled lightly and turned to leave, no longer interested in staying here.

“Are you going to run away, you coward? Do you think I’m going to let you leave after sneakily punching me?” - Skadih shouted fiercely, but Skarla stopped, and she smiled.

Skarla reached out her arm, grabbing the shield of one of the warriors and pulling it out of her hands with ease. The warrior wasn't expecting this, so Skarla threw the shield into Skadih's hands.

“I'm going to punch your chest when I'm 40 cm away from you; I won't hold back, so you better accept my warning!” - Skarla said, clenching her fist and approaching. A bang came as electricity crackled around Skarla's arm.

Skadih's eyes widened. - “RISE YOUR GUARD AND GET READY!” - Edric shouted, and she quickly started to protect herself.

Skarla stood in front of her, her aura exploding with great power, strengthening her physical capabilities and the power of her attacks.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 0]

Skarla – D20+18 = 38 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

[Damage – 3D10+19+4D6+10 = 57*2 = 114!]


A huge explosion reverberated as Skadih, who was holding the shield with all her strength and power, flew against the wall, the shield in her hand shattering, and she sank into the wall.

Skarla slowly relaxed her posture, looking at the damage, then looked at Holga. - “Holga, right? Do you still want to challenge me?” -Skarla asked calmly, but her hand rested on her head and she applied some force.

Holga lowered her head, looking down and shivering. - “Well, that’s what I thought.” - Skarla said in a cold tone as she withdrew her hand and walked away. She then looked at the guards and said. - “I apologize for the incident; tell the duchess to put this on my account!”

(Author: Which account?)

Edric saw her retreat and growled as he hit her forehead. The reason? All the [Raven's Eye] warriors were looking at her leaving, her broad back, her large behind... he could see how they all probably "fell in love" with Skarla.


A laugh mixed with coughs and grunts of pain echoed, and Skadih climbed out of the hole, refusing medical treatment, even though he stumbled and didn't even have the strength to walk. - “EDRIC!” - Skadih shouted, a wide smile on her beautiful face.

“You’re going to tell me everything you know about her! That woman is going to get me pregnant; I'm going to have a litter of her children! Now stop hiding your game, or I’ll fuck you like we did when we were younger and make you find your inner slut!” - Skadih growled fiercely, and Edric shivered.

‘What if I…’ - An idea came to Edric’s mind.


“Skarla, please, I beg you, fuck Skadih!” - An Edric who gave up his pride was on his knees with Skarla, his hands together in a sign of prayer.

"What is that?!" - Skarla frowned.

“Skadih and I are childhood friends; she always tortured me and made my life hell. Even though I'm stronger than her, I don't know how to deal with her. So please, destroy her; I know what monster she is capable of; I saw how Viper was after her nights; I want you to do the same; only worse with Skadih; she can handle it!” - Edric said it seriously.

“I don’t want to know; stop humiliating yourself like that, or I won’t see you as my friend anymore.” - Skarla said coldly.

“I'm sorry, but do this for a friend; I'll pay; I owe you as many favors as you want; just the fuck; make it tame; I know you can do it. If you don't, she'll probably try something with me, and maybe I'll kill her.” - Edric said, growling slightly and hitting his head on the floor.

Skarla looked at him. - ‘But what nonsense is this now?’

Rubbing her head, Skarla said. - “Look, I already know that she and her entourage are going to annoy me; I'm not blind, and it's likely that if they annoy me, I'll really lose control, but I'm not going to chase it, and you... stop it; never do something like that again or Ask me; I promise that if you do, I will break your legs!”

Edric shuddered where he stood. - “I'm sorry, I know it's absurd, and I know what kind of problem I can put you in, but I hope you understand; I'm desperate! Skadih is a great warrior; if it weren't for her having a bigger dick than mine, she could have been my main wife. But my problem is… Skadih thinks everything that’s mine is hers too.”

When Skarla heard this, an assumption came to her mind. - “Maybe…” - Skarla fell silent when she noticed the pain on Edric’s face.

“That bitch fucked several of my wives and concubines! That's why I came to these lands; I made my fame here increase, and I gained power. When I returned, I had the strength to defend my women. What I ask of you is absurd, but I assure you, if you can subdue Skadih, you will have a group of formidable warriors.” - Edric said it seriously.

“And where was the part about patriotism?” - Skarla gave a disdainful laugh.

“It disappeared when my ass came into play!” - Edric replied without hesitation.

Snorting, Skarla said. - “Okay, you can go; I don’t want to talk about this anymore, but... Holga, was that the blonde’s name?”

"Hmm? Are you interested in the lioness? Yes, that’s her name.” - Edric said, smiling.

"How old is she?" - Skarla asked calmly.

“… I can’t tell you; she’s quite young; I think she’s probably in her 20s; I can’t say.” - Edric rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

“She has a lot of talent.” - Skarla said, nodding and looking away to focus on other things.

As for what she said, Holga really is very talented; more specifically, she seems to have a great affinity for fire. Skarla felt this heat coming from her, especially when touching her head.

If she learns a cultivation technique focused on the fire element, her cultivation speed will likely be 2 to 3 times higher than what she should.

Anyway, she's not interested in chasing tall, muscular warriors with big dicks; that doesn't really appeal to her.

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