Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

5 – Going out!


PART 1 – Location!


(Note: At the request of a reader who informed me of problems regarding certain images, From now on, except for the character images and the status image, everything else will be in text format.)

1 year later!

Everything remained calm in the last year. Contrary to the concerns of many, the Orcs didn't come to take the women or anything like that; they only took the half-breeds, and from rumors, apparently they are preparing for some war.

The percentage of taxes increased, going from 1/3 to 60%, which was more pressure but still manageable in a way.

Skarla, with the help of Ilyria, searched for suitable places to escape. Now that she is level 5, as well as having “Cloud Steps”, which boosted her stealth, she was able to sneak to distant locations.

And with the information that Ilyria gave her, she focused her searches on the place where the merchants carried out their negotiations. Skarla was able to get closer and watch as Ilyria and others did their negotiations.

When it was time for them to leave, she followed the wagons for two days. She encountered many Orc patrols, of which the majority were made up of half-breeds.

It didn't take long for the traders' objective to be achieved, an area that Skarla had not explored until then. It was close to a steep area of the mountains, but there is a road that leads to a huge, intensely protected crevasse.

Skarla noted, knowing that if she's going to try to escape this way, she'll have to kill her way, and... she doesn't have that much confidence, even with her new ability:

[Overcharge (Level 1)]

Requirement: 1 Point.

Cost: 2 Aura & 40 EP.

● Raise the capabilities of your Energy to the limit, allowing a monstrous boost to your body with a high possibility of permanent side effects, or overload your weapon with so much energy, unleashing an unusually powerful power that will most likely destroy your weapon.

Physical Overload: +4 Hit Rate; +6 Dodge; +6 Block; all of its attacks cause paralysis; All of your attacks deal an additional 2d8+INT damage. Consumes 1d10+INT HP per second!

Overload Equipment: +5d12+10+INT additional damage; causes paralysis; affects a cone area. The user takes 50% of the damage dealt.

An ability that goes beyond the limits, causing serious damage, will, in return, provide you with great power. She tested it, and in fact, it causes a lot of pain, but in return, the effects are wonderful!

She feels like she has easily become two or even three times stronger. She doesn't really understand how the modifiers in this world work. But she knows that her escalation is not that drastic.

Anyway. She growled as she searched her surroundings. Maybe there's something she can use to escape.

And in the process of her search, she found an area that seemed possible to climb, and with the arrival of night, she began to climb it.

[Climbing Test(Athletics + Strength) – Difficulty: 16]

Skarla – D20+7+3+2 = 19]

Skillfully, she climbed the wall, where she continued, and everything became more inclined, to the point where she had to use more strength.

[Climbing Test(Athletics + Strength) – Difficulty: 20]

Skarla – D20+7+3+2 = 26]

Taking a deep breath, Skarla smoothly made it to the end of this sloped area and finally grabbed what she believed to be a surface. There she stood up and slowly looked around, noticing a higher area and climbing it. She repeated this three more times until she finally found a very rough area, but it was possible to pass through.

Curious, she moved forward, running at high speed, until finally finding what looked like a descent. If she goes that way, she will slide for about 15 meters or so. As for what lies beyond, she believes it will be a long walk.

She doesn't know exactly where it leads or how wide the mountain is, but this is the best spot she's found in years, so here are her bets.


PART 2 – Training Camp!


Returning from his investigation, Skarla took down a huge bear and left it to the decommissioning team to deal with.

When asked why it took so long, Skarla only said that it took a while to find good prey.

After that, she went to Ilyria's house, where Talya was waiting there to welcome her and also hear the good news!

“So this place exists... Very good!” - Ilyria was happy after hearing what Skarla had to say.

“We don’t know how the world on the other side will treat us, so we need to be prepared for anything! We have enough supplies for one month, and with our hunting skills, it won’t be a problem to keep our bellies full.” - Skarla said, nodding slightly.

“We can see that in the future; for now, I think the best thing is to focus on escaping this prison!” - Ilyria said, and Skarla nodded, with Talya just lying next to her, falling asleep.

“In one week, we will leave for our hunt. I've already prepared everything. We just need to grab our bags and go as quickly as possible."


The days passed, with Skarla acting as she normally does and being provoked by several women from the tribe, who invited her to their homes on the premise of eating something delicious.

Skarla has become accustomed to this lifestyle, making all the men green with envy, while the women are frustrated at being unable to get Skarla pregnant.

It is obvious that many women want to be the women of Skarla. She is powerful, has a big dick, and is the best hunter in the tribe. In modern terms, she would be a beautiful, hot, famous, intelligent, and domineering businesswoman, whom many men would easily fall in love with and lust after.

They all want a little piece of Skarla, and most likely, if she were willing, she would already have a harem of dozens of women. Taking the best women in the tribe for himself, where the men couldn't complain about that, since Skarla is very strong.

And because of this, even though many don't like Skarla, they are grateful to her for not accepting any more women; otherwise, there wouldn't be any left for them.

The day of the hunt arrived, and Skarla said during the meeting. - “I saw tracks of a Boardogge to the east, at least 4 days away. I’ll probably stay away for more than a week with Talya."

In Skarla's words, it is obvious that many were interested, as a young man came forward and said. - “Take me along; I want to help with this hunt. Please give me such an honor!”

And with the first emerging, men and women reached out fervently, but Skarla said in coldness. - “The 4 days I say, are at my pace and Talya’s. Our speed is very high because of a skill called [Hunter's Steps] that triples our movement speed without spending as much stamina. In other words, it would be 12 days for you, which would delay us. If you tried to keep up with us, you would push yourself to the limits and might faint from exhaustion."

Skarla's words immediately threw a bucket of cold water on everyone's heads, as the young man from before said. - “How do you acquire this Skill?” - And when he asked his question, everyone was interested in the answer.

“We got it after just the two of us killed Boardogge, where because we killed him in pairs, we received an achievement, where after a while we naturally received the ability.” - Said Skarla, further reducing everyone's spirits.

And with that done, Skarla and Talya went to finish their preparations, and before the next dawn, the two were out.

Ilyria observed this and was also preparing to leave. She did things as she normally did, talking to everyone about the tributes, insisting that they should hunt more, and such.

Then she said that she would go out to get some medicinal herbs, as she has been having certain intestinal pains. Some women joked with a certain envy in their tone about her perhaps being pregnant, and Ilyria's response was: May our ancestors hear you and make it real!

When going out in search of herbs, Ilyria was soon approached by Skarla, who didn't say much, just picked her up and started running, jumping into the trees, where Ilyria was also practicing [Cloud Steps], but focused on it to reduce its weight since Skarla has greater mobility.

And soon they arrived where Talya is. - “If the doves are finished, let’s go!” - Talya said, already pushing the backpacks full of supplies towards the duo.


In recent years, the Vulture Tribe has been the tribe that contributes the most in taxes, but who is counting this? Nobody!

The Orcs do not have any sense of responsibility, or they keep counting the tributes; they only take the amount that, in their eyes, is decent before taking them to the ruler of the region, who is more intelligent and has smart people around him.

Up to a certain point, it didn't matter who or where the taxes came from; the amount being in accordance with the regulations was enough. But then there was a problem noticed by those who counted that month's taxes.

Through a keen eye, he noticed the skills of those who took care of the leather and the cutting of the meat, so he could easily divide them and know on average how much the tribe contributed.

And through his observation, this time of year is one where there is a decrease in hunting resources. With experience, he already expected this, but then he noticed something: the number of one of the tribes is two times greater than that of the others.

In fact, this is something he has noticed over the last 2 years; one tribe always contributes more, so he started wanting to know more about it. There is definitely something going on.

So he sought to find out from the orcs who take care of reception and transportation. - "Hmm? The wagons with the most features I think... what’s the name of that tribe again?” - The orc scratched his chin thoughtfully.

“Please think carefully!” - Said the treasurer, and then the orc said. - “It’s the Vulture Tribe; I think that’s it. Now that I think about it, their wagons were always the bulkiest and most organized.”

The treasurer nodded and then went to the training field, where he looked for the instructor. - “Vulture Tribe? Ok, I Pakai, send for everyone who came here from the Vulture Tribe!” - The instructor shouted, and soon some orcs and half-breeds were running through the fields, calling out whoever belonged to the tribe.

And soon several Half-Orcs arrived—young men and women with well-built physiques and sharp gazes—with several scars across their bodies. - "Hmm? Are you all from the same tribe?” - Before the treasurer said anything, it was the instructor who said it in surprise.

"Some problem?" - Asked the treasurer.

“It’s just that they are the best mestizos we have; they are even going to go to the battlefield next month. I didn’t expect the best in our field to come from the same tribe; what a coincidence!” - Said the instructor, nodding.

The treasurer narrowed his eyes, then quickly said. - “I noticed that of all the tribes in this region, your tribe is the one that contributes the most, and now I see that it has generated the best warriors. Why do you think that is so?” - He asked, narrowing his eyes.

The young people looked at each other, a little confused, until one raised his hand, and the treasurer looked at him. - “It must be because of Skarla.”

“Skarla?” - The treasurer raised an eyebrow.

“That’s right, Skarla; it’s been so long; I wonder how she is.” - Said a young man, smiling.

“Now that she said it, the things that Skarla taught us were so complicated that when we came here, everything was so easy and simple.” - Said a girl, nodding, and the young people began to nod and talk a lot.

"Wait!" - The treasurer shouted, and everyone fell silent. - “Who is Skarla?” - He asked.

“Skarla is a human from the tribe; at 14 years old, she has already become the best and most beautiful hunter in the tribe. I think she and her cousin must have killed a Boardogge by themselves.” - Toru said.

“The Boardogge meat was so delicious.” - Said a girl, salivating.

“They killed a Boardogge; what nonsense is this? Just two girls?!” - The instructor asked, roaring, and soon many remembered something and shuddered, realizing that they had said too much!

The treasurer frowned, started asking even more intrusive questions, and, as a result, came to find out more about Skarla, who has secret abilities that make her very powerful. She taught these skills to her cousin, who quickly became very strong as well.

And even though he didn't teach the others, Skarla still instructed the younger ones and taught them many things, including ways to train their bodies correctly, which is why their bodies are the most defined in the entire field, just as they have more flexible bodies.

In fact, some have already achieved [Effort (II)]. Knowing this left the instructor and treasurers astonished. They weren't bothered by the fact that they didn't give Boardogge's meat or fur as tribute, but rather by hiding this information, especially the presence of someone so mysterious.

“Why didn’t they tell you about this before?” - The instructor growled with bloodthirsty eyes, seeing this as betrayal.

"I told!" - A girl stretched out her hand and screamed. - “But I was beaten by the elders; they said I was lying... A human couldn’t kill a Boardogge, even two.”

“I said Skarla had a dick bigger than an Orc… The instructor spanked me and then fucked me!” - A young boy stretched out his hand, shaking.

Others who found themselves tongue-tied began to speak, and they realized that everyone who heard laughed and treated it as a lie.


PART 3 – Hunt!



Two days after Ilyria's disappearance, which confused and worried the entire tribe, some hunters ran in the direction that Skarla and Talya went, trying to find them so they could help in the search, but they were unable to find decent tracks.

And when the entire tribe was in panic and confusion, a group of Orcs arrived, and leading them was a beautiful woman with a fierce countenance and a large, bulky physique.

This woman is none other than Gakai, the daughter of Makaulu, the current housekeeper of the human tribes of the Southwest Region.

Her faithful servant, an Orc with a weak physique but great wisdom, Torim, who works as her treasurer, informed her of the abnormal presence of a human futanari who appears to be very powerful.

Gakai thought it was absurd, but knowing that she and another human killed a Boardogge made her intrigued, and she finally decided to come in person.

Arriving here, she noticed that the tribe seemed to be in chaos. - “Go find out what’s going on!” - She said it fiercely, and the Orcs, as well as the young mestizos who belong to the tribe, went to look for information.

Toru and her brother searched for her mother, but they didn't find her, and soon the news came.

“Skarla and Talya went hunting in the north 2 days ago, and it usually takes them 1 week to 1 week and a half to get back. It looks like they went hunting for a Boardogge they found there. My mother is missing; she went out in the afternoon of the same day to find medicinal herbs, and... she was never seen again, and no traces were found.” - Toru said, shivering, with a worried look.

Gakai, with a cold face, asked. - “Where is Skarla’s house?”

She was soon taken, and without hesitation, she broke the door, entering the house, which is relatively tall, and discovering that Skarla is no smaller than an average male Orc in height, which is why her house is that big.

Looking around, she noticed that everything is very simple, but there are still some decorations, which would be her achievements, and there she found the skull of a Boardogge, knowing it was true.

Looking more around, the smell of the environment was peculiar, and her instincts warned her. Her eyes widened slightly, and taking a piece of cloth, she smelled it and knew that whoever lives here is strong!

Whoever lives here, perhaps she is suitable to be your life partner! Gakai never expected that she would find her possible life partner among humans.

She quickly put it away between her robes and left. - “They are running away! Send our hunters to look for them and send messages on the way out!”

“What do you mean they’re running away?” - Toru frowned.

Gakai looked at him and ignored him, advancing towards his treasurer. - “Keep some to learn more about the tribe’s secrets and get as much information as you can from Skarla!”

"Understood!" - Torim nodded, and then the hunt began!


PART 4 – Escape!


In the last year, Ilyria partially discovered Skarla and Talya's secrets, being impressed by Energy Cultivation, which allows her to significantly increase her attributes in a few years, as if she had increased 3~4 levels!

Even though she didn't reach the heights of Skarla or Talya, she was content with what she had and focused a lot on training him. As a result, she looked a few years younger and was healthier.

But at the moment, this is not important because the trio's aim was to stay away from prying eyes, where they passed close to many tribes, but Skarla used the path he always uses, bypassing them without being noticed.

They repeated this, always choosing the longest route out of sight. When they had no choice and had to cross large stretches of treeless areas with a clearer view, they had to spend the entire night walking.

In this way, the days passed, and they hunted to have fresh food, thus preserving their supplies. Skarla had already memorized the location of rivers and streams, so there were no problems regarding thirst.


Due to taking the longest route to their destination, it didn't take long for them to notice strange movements. Since they started arriving in the area under the influence of Orc patrols, the problem is… this area is bigger than before.

“Have you noticed us yet? Did someone from the tribe go to the Orcs and report it?” - Ilyria asked, frowning.

“That must be the case. Anyway, we just need to be more careful!” - Skarla said, not looking worried.

They continued until they reached the last obstacle before entering the forest that leads to the desired location. This location is not far from the mountain pass garrisoned by the Orcs.

It's a rocky area with no places to hide. And due to the warning of the orcs, there are many spread throughout the region.

"What do we do?" - Talya asked, narrowing her eyes into the distance and counting the enemies.

“Wait for the night. Do as we always do. The good thing is that the place we will be going is further to the left, where it is out of your field of vision; we just need a bigger outline.” - Said Skarla and they both nodded nervously.


Night came, and the trio started to move!

[Stealth Test(Stealth + Dexterity) – Difficulty: 8~21]

Skarla(Advantage 2x) – 3D20+9 = [27] & 24 & 11

Talya(Advantage 2x) – 3D20+7 = 14 & [26] & 26

Ilyria(Advantage 2x) – 3D20+6 = 16 & 14 & [23]

(Note: The advantage comes from [Cloud Steps] and Night. Therefore, we have a double advantage, which is why we have 3 dice, where only the highest of the 3 results for each of them is accepted.)

The trio, keeping little or no silence, advanced towards their destination. Skarla, who has Level 3 night vision (talent), which allows him to see more than 50 meters in the dark, gave him a huge advantage.

And not to mention that the Orcs were not worried about ambushes, since these lands are theirs and they would hardly believe that human women could cause them problems.

As a result, they set up camps and campfires, allowing the trio to move away. In case there are orcs sneaking around in the dark, Skarla has a high chance of spotting them, as hardly any orc will have Level 2 [Night Vision], much less Level 3.

It didn't take long to reach the forest. While entering it, the trio heard distant laughter. If they look from an area with a lower density of trees, they will see the entrance to the illuminated passage and many orcs eating and drinking.

Ignoring this, the trio headed towards their destination. Skarla sighed in relief, as she thought she would be forced to murder some Orcs, but as they were so spread out and left such a wide path for them, she had nothing to worry about.

And so, getting as far as she wanted, Skarla dropped her backpack on the ground, then grabbed a rope, which she prepared before leaving. She actually made it a long time ago; only now would she use it.

Next, Skarla climbed the wall. The duo watched in anxiety, and because Skarla was already used to it, as she had gone up and down this before, she, with her great memory, knew the way to go.

Without any problems, she climbed to the top and dropped the rope, where the girls below tied their belongings, and Skarla climbed everything until Talya held on to the rope, Skarla pulled her, and then Ilyria came.

With the three there, they began to follow the path decided by Skarla.

The hours passed, and they reached the area where they slipped for several meters before continuing.

At one point, Skarla didn't want to go any further for now, and they needed to rest. They took refuge in a large space with an area that looked like some kind of ceiling.

There they stayed together, eating the dried meat and quenching their thirst. The hours passed and soon dawned, and the trio got up and continued.

Now illuminated, the field of vision became larger, and they could see good places to go in more detail. The environment here is very rugged, with large elevated areas; everything is quite irregular.

As they only had to go forward, they continued, where Skarla had to climb several places and pull them up.

This was repeated throughout the day, and the hot sun didn't help much, making them consume more water than normal.

But persevering after an arduous morning and afternoon of walking In the middle of the night, they saw a cliff. Being at the top and looking down, they saw an immense forest.

And from where they are, they could glimpse what appears to be a fortress further away. Skarla soon found something that appeared to be some type of road; this is probably where the traders come from.

“This must be where the traders come and live.” - Said Ilyria with shining eyes.

“We’re not going there!” - Said Skarla, looking in one direction and seeing what he believes to be a type of stream.

"Why not?" - Ilyria asked, confused, and Talya was curious.

“If they negotiate with the Orcs, it means they are allies. If we go there, we are likely to be captured and returned to the Orcs, or we may even become their slaves."- Said Skarla and the pair were scared.

“So what do we do?” - Ilyria shivered.

“Let’s go southwest. During my investigations, I saw that there is a large space that leads to the inside of the Krugar Mountains and the outside, and... I think that is where Makaulu is gathering his army and confronting the people outside the mountain.” - Skarla said calmly.

“If they are clashing, it means we can go there and join them!” - Talya said, pointing to the furthest fortress.

“We don’t know if the land here and on the other side belongs to the same person. But it would be strange for me to be an enemy and an ally of the same group of individuals, so most likely the lands at war with Makaulu belong to someone else, and these lands belong to the one who is an ally.” - Said Skarla.

“But the traders said that all the land around here belonged to their king." - Said Ilyria.

“That’s a lie! The Krugar Mountains are huge! They say they have tens to hundreds of times our numbers, but they haven't annihilated us yet. They say everything after the mountains belongs to them, so how huge is this land surrounding the Krugar Mountains? How can only one ruler have all this under control? Certainly because these people live in a more open environment and perhaps with fewer wars, they formed tribes much larger than we can imagine, where there are all types of leaders."

“Don’t believe everything they said; maybe they told such lies to stop us from thinking about running away!” - Said Skarla.

Listening to her, Ilyria realized that it made sense—manipulating the simple-minded people and making them fear what was not true.


The night passed peacefully, and the next day, the job was to find a way to get down the cliff.

And through observation and analysis, Skarla discovered a way to get down, as there are many areas that they can use as a surface to stand on, but they will certainly have to climb a lot.

So without delay, they began to follow Skarla's pace.

As Skarla was testing the paths, she was the one in the most danger; so often, her hands and legs ended up escaping, but due to [Cloud Steps], she remained firm and strong.

Talya, who came next, was doing very well, having no problems. As for Ilyria, she didn't seem to be very good at it; maybe she was afraid of heights, but she was going down without any major setbacks.

The trio stopped a lot to rest, where, on Skarla's instructions, they practiced energy circulation, which accelerated the recovery of vigor, reduced muscle pain, and much more.

After many hours, they finally reached the ground, stopped to rest for an hour, and started to walk towards the nearby stream, as they needed to replenish their water.


PART 5 – Sorcery!


Gakai was frowning at the reports coming in, where even after one week, nothing was discovered.

Through which he came to know about Skarla. All women liked her, especially those who had been taken by Orcs before, as she had a penis superior to any Orc, which intrigued Gakai a lot.

But the most important thing was knowing her strength; she apparently didn't use a bow, spear, or axe. She knew how to use them, but apparently, Skarla was better known for using her fists and body to deal with everything.

It was even said that of those who challenged her for the title of the strongest warrior, or the best hunter, Skarla never used any weapon and defeated everyone, even those 5 levels above hers.

All these factors only made Gakai's curiosity about Skarla increase, wondering how something like this was not noticed and where she placed the blame on her idiotic race!

99% of Orcs are ignorant brutes who only think about strength and fucking; other than that, they think a lot about their image and honor. The problem is that few orcs are truly smart; those that are are mostly older.

If they are not very old, they are women. As for the reason for this? It's not that female orcs are naturally more intelligent than men; it's just that female orcs are more perceptive and attentive. In a male-dominant society, it is natural that a woman, in order to stand out over her peers, needs to adapt and, as such, learn and gain wisdom faster than men.

This can even be seen as a form of privilege, since the male sex within the Orcs already has the privilege of being respected as long as they grow strong, where what falls on their shoulders in the future is the responsibility to continue growing stronger.

As for women, not much is expected; other than that, they conceive children and support the males of their race. So a woman who decides to focus on being an excellent warrior and surpassing men will naturally work harder to achieve her goal than men who do not feel such rivalry with the opposite sex.

Gakai itself is a special case. She is Makaulu's daughter, but neither she nor her father have ever been the exceptional type in the past.

She was pretty, but she wasn't that strong, especially because she was young and because she was the niece of the Chief of the Tribe at the time. She had some privileges and was being looked after to be used as a bargaining chip if necessary.

But then Makaulu, her father, who had abandoned her, returned much more powerful. With this strength, he took control of things, and Gakai received many benefits and gifts from his father.

She was trained by him and given a powerful magical weapon that made her above her peers. She received the right to lead armies, and through her conquests, she became even more beautiful in the eyes of everyone; her suitors only increased.

So after the war, Makaulu took her to train in difficult places; she survived, and today, she is already at Level 10, close to Level 11, being the 4th strongest orc in her father's army.

But being so strong, it's obvious there was little she wanted. In addition to wanting more strength, she wanted a worthy partner, not an old orc or someone related to her. She had fun with humans, orcs, and half-breeds, but never found anyone decent or that made her feel truly excited.

So Skarla, someone unknown to her, a young girl full of mysteries, was growing up practically in the house next door, so strong and wonderful, so close, but she never saw or heard of her until then, and when she came to find out more, she was already gone.

“Madam, what do you think about asking the King for the support of the Shamans? I know they have strange sorcery, and maybe they can track someone.” - Torim said shyly when giving his suggestion.

Gakai, who was holding the fabric that she believes belonged to Skarla, looked at her treasurer and became thoughtful, faintly smelling it, getting excited and said. - “Send a messenger; I will visit my father in a few days!”


Days later, Gakai received permission from Makaulu to interact with the Shamans, using a tracking ritual.

And the place where it would be held was a cave rich in bone decorations. There was a heavy pile of medicinal herbs in the air, as well as rotten meat.

Gakai felt disgusted being here and seeing the old and shabby-looking Orcs. She snorted. They are orcs who were born with strength and constitution attributes below 8 points, which unfortunately gave them fragile and unhealthy physiques.

But it seems that in exchange for fragile bodies, they were endowed with great intelligence, allowing them to learn magic easily and even learn military strategies and create them.

Makaulu currently has a faithful servant, just like Gakai has Torim, who is her faithful advisor.

Makaulu is a very wise leader who understands that he is not good at everything, so he focuses on being good at what he thinks is most important while surrounding himself with equally capable people in other areas and meeting his needs.

“The item we are looking for, please.” - The Orc Shaman, with crooked teeth, extended a large, thin hand to Gakai, who handed him a piece of cloth.

The shaman picked him up and limped to a pentagram, placing him in its center, and together with two other shamans, they began to wave their staffs while reciting a strange and even evil chant.

Gakai, with a cold gaze, watched until she was amazed when, from the bodies of the shamans, energy began to manifest that was attracted to the center of the pentagram, accumulating, and slowly a mirror manifested itself.

Gakai watched in intrigue as the scene shown was the environment they were in, but then that piece of cloth floated and burned, and quickly the image began to move.

The image left the cave and extended towards the southwest, flying at high speed. Gakai swallowed her saliva, watching expectantly, and then arrived at the place she recognized—the pass where traders from beyond the mountains receive.

But the path wasn't that, but a higher area not far away. Gakai watched as she continued following, already knowing that Skarla had crossed the mountain, which made her growl.

Then through the forest and a stream. The image soon stopped at a trio of three beautiful human women. It was raining, and the trio had taken shelter under a large rock.


The moan of a young Talya reverberated, and Gakai narrowed his eyes, seeing two bodies pressing against each other, with a beautiful, athletic young woman with defined muscles, legs spread, and bouncing on the lap of a jovial and enormous woman, no inferior to a male Orc in height.

[Magic Perception Test(Arcane + Intelligence) – Difficulty: 25]

Skarla(Advantage) – 2D20+11 = 30 & [31] (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Skarla, who had Talya in her body, enjoying the pleasure and growling, suddenly felt a strong gaze, shuddering, and quickly pushed Talya, who screamed in surprise.

Quickly, Skarla placed Talya behind her and pulled Ilyria to her side as she herself walked forward, looking around as she clenched her fists, where crackling sounded as purple lightning covered Skarla's arms.

Gakai's eyes widened, not because Skarla apparently felt the spell, but because of the huge, erect member between her legs, which was truly larger than many Orcs. But beyond that, the purple lightning covering her fists, this body that seems to have been sculpted, exuding immense power!

Gakai's breathing became labored, and she was excited, wanting this woman very much. Even if Skarla is weaker than her, Gakai will be more than willing to defeat her and take her as his life partner because everything about her attracts him!

"Impossible!" - The shaman shouted in shock when he realized that Skarla was looking at the source of the magic and suddenly punched, where the entire screen was covered by electricity, so the spell broke!

"What happened?!" - Gakai asked, growling; she wanted to see more.

"Impossible! Who is this monster?!” - Shouted the Shaman, trembling in pure terror. - “How was that monster able to sense my spell? Even his father couldn't feel him, but this human girl felt him! Does not make sense!"

Gakai, irritated, soon calmed down in amazement. - “Does that mean she’s stronger than my father?” - She asked, sounding more excited than worried.

“No… She’s too young to be on his level. But her perception and intuition are far superior to her father's, but you also have to be very strong to be able to feel something abnormal and find that abnormality through a spell.” - Said the shaman, shuddering and thinking.

“Those lightning bolts in her hands, what were they?” - Gakai asked.

“I don’t know; it didn’t seem like ordinary magic; maybe some skill?” - The Shaman asked himself.

“Can we see her again?” - Gakai asked, breathing heavily.

“We need to prepare the necessary resources for the sacrifice, and we also need to replenish our energy. We spent more Mana than we initially thought. She’s too far away!” - replied the shaman.

Gakai nodded and soon left; she had memorized the direction and, apparently, the path taken. But the problem will be getting her father's permission to leave the Krugar Mountains.


Skarla, who had punched the magical presence that she could partially feel and see, looked carefully around her while the two naked beauties wielded their weapons as they advanced, wanting to support Skarla.

"What is happening? What were you attacking?” - Talya asked, pointing her bow, looking very frustrated and irritated but also alert.

“There was something invisible here... watching us!” - Said Skarla.

"Invisible? What does that mean?" - It was Ilyria who asked.

“Something that is here, but that we cannot see with our eyes!” - Said Skarla.

“How do we fight something like this?” - Talya looked scared, looking around more apprehensively than before.

Skarla closed her eyes, focusing her energy on her senses and using her Aura to enhance all of her senses. If it weren't for the limitations of her Aura due to her level, she could have spread her energy like sonar, mapping the environment in detail.

Unfortunately, the restriction of her ability complicates things a lot since, internally, she can use the Aura as she wishes, which is why she acquired the [Overcharge] ability, which is an ability for bodily use or to incorporate such power into something that is playing.

But if it weren't for the limitation that practically makes her body a prison for her Energy and Aura. She would be able to perform incredibly powerful blows and tricks. In fact, it was likely to increase the effectiveness of collecting Core Energy from 627% to over 1,000%!

Skarla tried to detect it but found nothing. She thought about what it could be and came to the conclusion that it was magic!

In this world, there is magic; in Murim, there was also something like that, but it was something that she didn't study much since Internal Energy was something that already took up all of her time.

But she had plans to study the [Blood Cult] sorcery or the [Demonic Cult]. She was interested in this diabolical sorcery abhorred by Martial Artists. But she would probably only study it around the age of 80 or more.

Either way, she doesn't know how magic works in this world, but if it's something she's read about in books or seen in tabletop RPGs, that would explain what happened.

Thinking, she took the two of them to shelter from the rain, where they let their guard down. - “That was probably the magic we heard that Orc Shamans possess... They must be trying to find us.” - Skarla said, narrowing her eyes, arriving at the greatest possibility.

“If that’s the case, don’t we need to get out of here?!” - Ilyria asked worriedly, but Skarla pulled her into her hug.

“We are not going to rush things. We've been leaving the mountains for days and so far nothing, not even a sign of pursuit. I think it's difficult that they're chasing us out here, but they should start from now on if they really manage to get out... I don't think they'll find us here, so relax."- Skarla said she wanted to make all her assumptions, but she thought it was better to avoid being too knowledgeable and tried to be as simplistic as possible.

The two were still worried, but soon Talya asked. - “Since nothing is going to happen… can we continue?” - Her hand held the still-erect rod, and Skarla agreed.

Ilyria opened her mouth to speak but fell silent. She would wait her turn, but she looked carefully around, looking for any observers.

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