Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

8 – Fights!




“Hit Points”, what are they?

See it as your “Vitality”, but not 100% equal to it. For example, in RPGs and other games that have a [Life Bar], when it reaches 0, you die, period!

But here, if it reaches 0, you don't die, but you remain in a state of “Near Death”, where there are several rules for what can happen, from the individual waking up alone after a while to being treated and things like that.

In other words, even though Hit Points are linked to vitality, they are not 100% connected to it, especially because it is the amount of damage you can take before falling. But what matters in the meantime is the “type” of damage you receive.

For example, there is something called [Vorpal], a legendary feature in 2-edged swords, where, simply depending on the game rule, it directly decapitates the enemy if the D20 result is a natural 20, but there are rules where they use [dismemberment] instead of directly decapitation, where by luck, it is decided whether to dismember arms, legs, or the head.

Simply put, it is damage that literally kills!

Another example I can give would be [Murder]. Where a target, oblivious to what is about to happen, is targeted by 1 or more individuals, without reaction, he is hit, but in the case of that individual having around 100 HP (Hit Points) and the killer's damage with “Sneak Attack” is 1d6+5(x2), we will have a maximum of 12~22 damage. Does this mean that the remaining 78~88 HP is ignored? And the answer is no!

If an individual with high HP suffers from an assassination attempt but has extremely high defenses or HP, where his enemy was not even able to deal 1/3 damage to his HP, then the individual will survive, but there will be a penalty, such as "bleeding," "seriously wounded," etc., which will cause penalties to your movement, attack, or reaction.

Simply put, it is possible for a Level 5 to assassinate a Level 10, even if it doesn't kill him instantly; it may diminish his capabilities to something manageable to confront and subsequently kill him.

So Hit Points, is nothing more than a health bar that does not fully demonstrate someone's state because, for example, even someone who has just left combat has suffered dozens to hundreds of attacks, whereas, for example, the protagonist, with more than 200 HP, ends up with 30 HP, where it never suffered damage greater than 10.

In this case, Skarla would have nothing more than scratches and bruises on her body; it would be painful but not severe. Even if she is at less than 14% of her HP, she would still be ready for combat, and after a long period of rest and having recovered from her wounds, she would probably be 100% in 1 or 2 days.

And there is also the case that, for example, someone has suffered a spear piercing their stomach and survived, even though they have a large amount of HP. This person, in addition to suffering several restrictions during their actions with such an injury, when resting after the combat, there would be persistent limitations, such as a temporary decrease in your maximum HP, penalties on attribute modifiers, and information about how it would be possible for your wound to open, among other factors.

Of course, with the presence of a Healer or Priest, this can be easily resolved.

(Note: Attacks that deal 20% or more damage have a high chance of causing negative effects, such as bleeding, stunning, or even worse!)


PART 1 – Conflicts!


The days went by!

In the first few days, nothing happened. Skarla and Edric sometimes talked about random things. Edric often went out for a walk while following the carriage; he was not the type who liked to stay still for a long time.

The objective is the City of Letauru, which is 3 weeks away at the current speed. If it weren't for the Duchy of Veremor's enmity with the Marquisate of Trapom, it would have taken half the time for them to reach their final destination.

But anyway, it's not like a longer trip would be a problem for someone of Skarla and Edric's level. Skarla is not the type to complain; she is also extremely patient and has methods to suppress her perception of time.

Edric is a man over 50 years old; he is very experienced, having lived many adventures throughout his life. Even though he is so old, he maintains a youthful appearance well into his 30s, all due to being above Level 11 and, of course, because of his life choices and other factors.

As for Viper, she's a trained assassin, so there's not much to talk about.

And it could be said that the trip would be more boring for the coachman, but he was an experienced person and didn't ask questions or start a lot of conversation; he just did his job and sometimes read a book in his free time.

For them, everything was quite calm—until it wasn't!



Difficulty – D20 = 15

Danger Level – D5 = 2

Enemy Type – D6 = 2

Number of Enemies – 3d6 = 11


On a dirt road, surrounded by trees, the carriage advanced until the rustling of bushes attracted the trio's attention, with Edric quickly getting out to see what was happening and Viper close behind.

Skarla sat there, not bothering; she already knew what it was.

“Take cover!” - Edric said this to the coachman, who nodded without asking questions.

Edric drew his sword, and then, realizing that they had been noticed, from the surrounding forest, a group of small, moss-green-skinned creatures came out. Ugly creatures with big ears, shaved heads in most cases, and very ugly faces!

There were 11 in total with hideous smiles on their faces, wielding weapons such as daggers, short swords, and clubs.

The eyes of the majority focused on Viper, the female figure; their facts were refined to perversity; they knew she was a fertile woman, exactly what they wanted!

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 10]

Edric – D20+12 = 22

Viper – D20+9 = 14

Edric, being the first to leave, was the first to attack, advancing with his sword in hand and ferociously attacking and, as a result, chopping off a goblin's head!

(Author: It's not worth showing the damage data, but if you're curious, it's 2d8+12. (The damage bonus alone is more than 60% of all goblins present.)

With fierce momentum, Edric did not cease his action with just one attack but continued towards the nearby goblin, who was already terrified by his speed, where he had no chance to dodge as the blade pierced his throat, and with a wave, half his throat was ripped open and blood sprayed out.

Viper, with two daggers in hand, advanced towards the group of goblins that were targeting her; those thirsty gazes for her body, which she is already accustomed to, and showing enormous disdain, she skillfully dodged, leaving their field of vision.

This stunned and confused the four goblins ahead, only for one of them to scream, frightening the others who saw the blood spurt. Viper was there, with cold eyes, giving them goosebumps, as if they were facing the gaze of death itself!

Then Viper began a frantic sequence of successive blows, slitting four throats in just under 3 seconds!

4 goblins fall to the ground. Viper keeps his gaze cold. Looking at Edric, he notices finishing off another goblin. In total, 9 were killed and 2 fled.

“I was hoping it would be something more fun, but mere goblins can’t even be called an appetizer!” - Edric said, grunting as he returned to the carriage.

Viper sat nearby and looked out the window.

“Why didn’t you go out to help? Even if we didn’t need help for something like that.” - Edric asked, narrowing his eyes.

It's not the first time they've faced challenges on the road, but it's the first time Skarla hasn't stepped up to provide support.

“There was no need; as my style is to use my fists, I would probably end up smelling of blood like the last few times. Not to mention that I already knew they were goblins, and as I didn’t feel strong enough, I decided to leave it to you.” - Said Skarla with a shrug.

Edric narrowed his eyes, but, sighing and shrugging, he decided not to drag out this conversation. His eyes soon stopped on Viper, her figure, even covered by that armor. He knows she is a beauty and must have a fabulous body.

Viper noticed her gaze but ignored it. Skarla noticed this; it was hard not to, but she ignored it.



Difficulty – D20 = 12

Danger Level – 2D4 = 6

Enemy Type – D6 = 4

Number of Enemies – 4d6 = 15


3 days later!

The carriage was heading to a village where the main source of income is agriculture; from there, they would pass through two more villages until finally reaching their destination.

Everything was going well…

[Perception Test – Difficulty: 20+]

Skarla – D20+14 = 34 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Edric – D20+11 = 30 (Success)

Viper – D20+8 = 21 (Success)

Skarla, with her eyes closed, opened them, staying alert as she felt everything around her. His change in expression and body language quickly attracted the attention of the pair, who quickly paid more attention and, with their heightened senses, noticed that something was out of the ordinary.

“Let’s wait a bit.” - Said Skarla, Edric, and Viper looked at him, and Edric nodded, but Viper opened a window, just a little, and moved forward, disappearing from everyone's sight.

Edric growled, but Skarla hinted not to bother.

The neighing of horses sounded as the carriage came to a stop, the coachman coming to alert as people exited areas out of sight. 15 bandits soon surrounded them.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Whoever is in that beautiful carriage, go out and hand over everything valuable; perhaps if you are cooperative, we can be kind to you."- Said a female voice, very loud and confident.

And the owner of the voice, a woman 172 cm tall with red hair and white skin, She wears tight leather pants with gloves exposing her fingers, which extend to her biceps. Additionally, she wears a top that exposes her toned abdomen while wielding two double-edged swords.

In response, the carriage door was opened, and the first to come out was Skarla, where the leader of the bandits, seeing her young and beautiful face, nodded, but when she was about to say something, she was startled when her foot stepped on the ground and her body rose up. before everyone's eyes.

A giantess 224 cm tall, with large, muscular arms, has a physique that exudes power. Then a handsome man with long white hair in chain mail came out.

The mattressman got out, and he quickly went into the carriage, already knowing what had to be done.

“15.” - Skarla said lightly, not needing to look; she already counted them with her senses.

“It was quick. How much?" - Edric asked, smiling and drawing his sword. The bandits, seeing such a gesture, became alert and were ready to attack.

“I'll take the front, take care of the left, and Viper will take the right.” - Said Skarla.

“Getting the best part?” - Edric narrowed his eyes.

“Making up for napping during the last attack.” - Skarla said, smiling, and Edric shrugged and said. - “Their leader, don’t kill her.”

Skarla looked at him, didn't really care about the reasons for that, and just nodded.

“You are deaf, you sons of bitches! I ordered you to drop your weapons now."-The leader of the bandits screamed shrilly, her face turning red. She is furious that they both ignore her.

As she saw Skarla approaching, she saw that mountain of muscles and a relatively slender, chiseled figure.

“Slut, I swear I'm going to rip your arms and legs off-” - She was growling insults when a bang sounded. The distance between the bandit leader and Skarla, which was slowly shortening, became 0!

She was shocked, stepping back when her vision was covered. The crackle sounded, and the nearby bandits took a few milliseconds to react as purple lightning appeared in front of her eyes, wrapped around Skarla's muscular arms.


A fierce boom reverberated as Skarla's fists rose…

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 14 & 16]

1st Attack – D20+15 = 27 (Success)

2nd Attack – D20+15 = 17 (Success)

The two targeted bandits tried to retreat, but Skarla's fists were extremely fast as she leaned forward slightly, to the point of almost thrusting her breasts into the bandit leader's face.

Her fists connected, and in the next instant...


1st Attack – 2D10+11+2D6+10 = 32

2nd Attack – 2D10+11+2D6+10 = 38

(Damage: 2D10+11 = Standard damage from your fists. 1D6+10 is the damage caused by the aura when surrounding your fists, but due to the effect of the [Thunder God Mantra] property of the “Purple Ray”, it doubles the effects of electricity, so it becomes 2D6+10!)

(Note: The [+10] that comes from the aura is proportional to INT or WIS; it does not multiply.)


Skarla's fist hit the two thugs in the face, catapulting them over 10 feet away. Unfortunately, they now have broken necks as their bodies are spasming from the electricity coursing through them.


The leader of the bandits shouted fiercely, suppressing her astonishment, especially because she still didn't have time to reason about what happened to her subordinates; she just took advantage of Skarla's opening to hit her.

[Attack Test – Difficulty: 27]

1st Attack – D20+6 = 15 (Fail)

2nd Attack – D20+6 = 21 (Fail)

Her blades approached Skarla's body, hitting her, but… they were unable to penetrate her skin. This shocked her, because even though she didn't exert her full strength, she still knew that it was impossible for ordinary people to resist blades.

Her plan was to seriously injure Skarla, then take her hostage or take the opportunity to escape. But a faint clink resounded; their swords seemed to have struck metal, and in the midst of all her shock and awe, Skarla's gaze fell upon her.

Then Skarla advanced, no test being done, and so she bumped with some force against the leader of the bandits, who, without resistance, fell to the ground, while Skarla advanced ferociously against the other bandits nearby, who were already terrified!

On the left was Edric, who coldly slit the throat of a bandit while turning him towards his companions with his throat open and gushing his blood, while his amber eyes became sharper, like a wolf's.

The three bandits, still standing, looked in terror, thinking about how to escape, as they knew they had bumped into something complicated.

On the right, 4 bandits were there, where they thought of splitting up to support their leader and the other brothers...

[Attack Test(Advantage) – Difficulty: 14 & 17]

1st Attack – 2D20+9 = 21 (Success)

2nd Attack – 2D20+9 = 24 (Success)

The two closest bandits and furthest behind among the four did not react until the cold and sharp blade passed through their throats, where Viper held them to knock them down without making a sound. It took a few seconds for the two in front to notice, and they only realized it was too late.

[Attack Test(Advantage) – Difficulty: 12 & 15]

1st Attack – 2D20+9 = 23 (Success)

2nd Attack – 2D20+9 = 26 (Success)

Viper had a cold gaze as she looked at the front of the carriage, watching Skarla, the purple lightning covering her fists, and her resisting blades as if they were fake.

Her eyes narrowed, knowing that Skarla had many secrets. Her strength does not match her age, which indicates that perhaps she has some magical artifact in her possession or has somehow conquered a Dungeon and climbed many levels, as well as acquired many legendary skills!

Of course, there is the possibility that she possesses unique skills, which are extremely rare and go against the logic of the world and are recognized as imbalance skills.

If Skarla has it, it means she has the power of someone at least 5 levels above hers, maybe more! Maybe at the supernatural level, she has the strength to cause problems even for legends!

Viper has many doubts and assumptions about Skarla, but when she finished with her enemies and looked at her lightly with that smile, Viper looked away.

Of the 15 bandits, the leader of the bandits was the only survivor, who was captured by Skarla. She didn't even have the desire to resist or flee; she just accepted her fate.

The three bandits facing Edric, seeing that a surrender was possible since they had surrendered their leader, tried their luck, but Edric had no plans to spare them, and so he killed them one by one, smiling bloodthirsty in the process.

And with all that taken care of, Skarla kicked the corpses off the road while manipulating her aura of electricity to get rid of the blood before it stuck to her clothes.

As for the leader of the bandits, she was dragged away by Skarla, as Edric said. - “You were faster than me; I didn’t like it. I’m pretty competitive, you know.” - He smiled as his eyes passed slightly toward the leader of the bandits.

“Then don’t play around here!” -Skarla said, rolling her eyes and throwing the bandit leader at her feet. - “I don’t care about your objective with her; just don’t think about doing it inside the carriage!” - After saying that, Skarla turned around, and Edric smiled slightly.

The carriage moved, but now we have a new company. Her name is Chelcy; other information doesn't matter. She stayed in the corner of the carriage, sitting close to Edric.

After a few hours, night had fallen, and a camp was being set up where Chelcy didn't dare try to escape, sitting next to the carriage, just waiting.

Skarla didn't need a tent or anything like that; the insects didn't bother her, especially because they were unable to penetrate her defenses. She could also satisfy her need for sleep by meditating.

But tonight, it was a little special, as Edric had ideas for Chelcy, who used some magical items to generate water and clean her before taking her to his tent after dinner.

Needless to say, vigorous sounds began to sound alongside a woman's melodious moans.

The mattressman, quite experienced with such situations, took out some earplugs and put them in before going to sleep, leaving Skarla and Viper near the fire.

Viper clouded his senses, so he managed to ignore what was happening, which would take a significant amount of time. It seems that Edric is very frustrated.

As for Skarla, this is unfortunately a complicated situation for her. Not that she's turned on by the sounds or the thought of Edric and Chelcy fucking!

Just that she can't meditate right now. The state of meditating requires concentration and is difficult with two animals fucking next door and making so much noise. If Skarla loses concentration while meditating, she could have serious problems, as her method practically messes with her brain waves; the slightest disturbance could literally make her retarded!


PART 2 – Fun! (+18)


Sighing, Skarla suppressed her senses to ignore the sounds as she focused her mind on other things.

But not thinking of much usefulness, Skarla slowly looked around in boredom until his eyes fell on Viper, who felt his gaze and also looked at him.

The two watched each other for a few seconds before Skarla got up and went into the darkness of the forest, where Viper seconds later followed in the same direction.


Amidst the darkness and cold night wind, the rustling of trees and the chorus of insects resounded, where two figures stood facing each other.

A tall, muscular figure measuring 224 cm tall, with healthy brown skin and wearing simple, loose-fitting clothes, with many leather parts, but merely aesthetic, nothing defensive, as he doesn't need it!

The other figure is a slender figure with pale white skin and long white hair, 164 cm tall, wearing a red hood accompanied by a dark veil that covers her face but exposes her soft, pink lips.

Skarla and Viper watched each other for a few seconds before Skarla reached out her hand, touching Viper's chin, who looked lightly and allowed herself to be touched, before directly taking her hands to specific areas of her clothes and starting to untie knots. and connections, where his armor began to fall off and his clothes slid along.

Soon Viper's slender and seductive physique was visible. Small but still noticeable breasts, pink nipples, and thin but toned arms. Thin waist, slightly extended rear, accompanied by thick and soft thighs.

Skarla observed her face, a beauty who appears to be around 30 years old, with delicate features, but due to her normally cold look, she gave a feeling of maturity and even arrogance.2_-_Zendaya_-_Viper_-_Ex-Sombra_de_Veremor.jpg?ex=657dccc2&is=656b57c2&hm=b18ef2c6848e2f07c65c901f90c2c1222521b0f234772e4d33e58ebf2e2d6e78&

Skarla touched her lips, where Viper seductively welcomed him into her mouth, before hearing the movement of clothes, looking she saw Skarla lean in and then their faces met.

Viper didn't resist; she allowed her lips to be taken, even though it's not common. She's not ignorant about kisses or against them.

As for Skarla, with their lips connecting, she reached out with her hands, grabbing Viper's soft ass and then pulling her into her arms, lifting her off the ground.

Viper instinctively held on to Skarla's strong arm, as well as pressing her other hand against her chest, while she no longer felt the ground and the kiss intensified, with their tongues intertwining.

Skarla, with her free hand, went to her waist, undoing her belt, where her loose pants soon fell, exposing her thick, muscular thighs, well-defined legs, and, of course, a long, thick member.

Viper felt the hand grab her thigh, pulling her to the side and pressing her even more against Skarla's body. The kiss slightly ceased, and Viper slid down a little, where she soon felt something hard and warm press against her ass.

She didn't need to look to know what it was; she just let Skarla guide her. Skarla, in response to her submission, grabbed his slightly stiff cock, but not to its full potential.

Without preliminaries, she took him to the entrance, which was already quite damp, but it wouldn't be enough.

Then, with the snap, a tremor came from Viper's body, and she clenched her teeth as she adjusted her breathing.

At first, the penetration seemed to have resistance, but then, with the head fitting, everything suddenly became easier and more comfortable. Viper's breathing became more labored, and with more than half of the monster entering, Skarla growled in pleasure.

Viper's arms came forward and wrapped themselves around Skarla's neck, while she grabbed her ass to insert her dick deeper, while Viper's sexy legs wrapped around her waist.

And that huge dick went deeper, and a notable volume and shape appeared on his toned abdomen. Skarla's dick was already leaving its mark on that soft and apparently delicate body, which is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing!

The bodies of the two beauties trembled in pleasure, with Skarla holding Viper's ass and back, who wrapped her arms tightly around her neck and waist as she buried her beautiful face in her chest, grunting as she fought not to roll her eyes.

Slowly, Skarla tilted her crotch forward, slightly pursing her lips while manifesting a smile. She began to flex her hips, and Viper's lips opened.


A melodious moan reverberated as her body shuddered. Skarla growled as she began to flex, now that she knew Viper could handle it.

Viper, clenching her teeth, looked at Skarla, who, smiling at her, began to flex with more speed, resulting in Viper feeling her insides being filled; it's more than she can adapt to with her technique.


A bigger and more melodious moan reverberated as she shrank into Skarla's arms, who, growling, ended up punching his huge, monstrous cock into that small, sexy body.

Haa~ Haa~

Skarla gasped, Viper shivered, and then the intensity resumed.

Plop* Plop* Plop*

The wet shock of the flesh reverberated as the thrusting movements became longer and more vigorous, sweat already covering the bodies of the two who were lost in pure ecstasy.

Viper's nails damaged Skarla's shirt, and Skarla, growling, hugged her tightly, almost suffocating her against her breasts, before, with strong and deep thrusts, she began to ejaculate, filling her uterus!

Viper rolled her eyes as she lost strength in Skarla's arms, who slowly leaned back against a tree and slid down until she sat down with Viper still in her arms.

The two rested for some time, before slowly Viper stood up. Skarla observed that white ass and, not resisting, grabbed it. Viper watched, and seeing that rod standing again, she couldn't resist.

Viper gave in to Skarla's arms, sitting on her lap and having that huge dick fit into her pussy again, where she now saw better how that huge dick deformed her abdomen, making her shudder in a certain fear, accompanied by constantly growing lust.

A hand held her neck, her head was tilted, and then her lips were taken as the movements below became short but constant and strong, making Viper shudder and roll her eyes.

Skarla's hand went to her clitoral area, rubbing it as his cock moved in and out repeatedly.

As soon as the kiss ended and her neck was free, Skarla grabbed Viper's waist, and she opened her legs wide, exerting strength to climb up, while Skarla exerted strength to pull her to sit vigorously on his dick!

The wet rhythm reverberated as the duo shuddered sensitively, being at their limits. Viper was the first to give in, followed by Skarla, who hugged her and shuddered, ejaculating again inside her womb.

Viper grunted as she writhed in Skarla's arms, holding them as that huge cock pulsed and filled her.

When it stopped, they both panted slightly.

“I couldn't say... but you're more beautiful than I thought…” - Skarla said, hugging her lightly, but Viper didn't respond. She just had her eyes closed, recovering her strength and feeling the persistent pleasure in her body.

Not hearing a response, Skarla didn't bother; even though she could go further, she knows that Viper has her limits, and certainly the sleep deprivation of the last few weeks from now on must be hitting her hard.

“You can sleep; I’ll take care of things.” -Skarla said in her ear that Viper didn't respond; she just got up and went to her clothes, and Skarla didn't pull her away.

But she watched that protruding and slightly reddened ass wiggling while a thick liquid dripped between her legs.

Smiling, Skarla got up and also went to get ready to return to camp.


Viper gave in to Skarla's suggestion, and when they returned to the camp, which was already calmer, she was tired and agreed to sleep. Skarla, to tease her since she had nothing better to do, pulled her to sit on her lap.

Begrudgingly, Viper ended up dozing off, because when tiredness sets in, he punches hard, and so she falls asleep like a stone in Skarla's lap.

Skarla didn't bother and just practiced her meditation, but she was also aware of her surroundings.

So the night passed, and early the next morning, when the first people started to wake up, Viper woke up, feeling refreshed. Glancing lightly at Skarla, she didn't say anything; she just went about her business.

Skarla wasn't bothered by the ignorance; I just went to check on Edric and his companion, who were quite destroyed and exhausted.

“I see I wasn't the only one who had fun tonight. If I had known it was an option, I wouldn’t have wasted time on this one.” Edric said, laughing lightly, and Skarla didn't bother and just asked. - “What are you going to do with her?”

“… I will make the decision as soon as some of my questions are answered.” - Said Edric, who went to Viper to ask certain questions, looking very excited but soon returning sad.

"What was it?" - Skarla asked curiously.

“Let’s stay with her; it will be good sexual relief until we reach our destination, and... congratulations, you have found an exclusive partner for sex!” - Edric said it in a tone of envy.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" - Skarla was confused.

“Viper doesn't seem to like me. I asked if maybe she could sleep with me, but she said no! Since I can't get something from Viper, I'll stick with that for now.” - Edric said, sighing.

Skarla was confused, but she shrugged it off; it's not like it was anything impressive or shocking. It just means that Edric might not suit Viper's tastes.

As for Chelcy, it looks like she'll be following them for now.


The journey continued normally, with Chelcy seeming closer to Edric, who seemed happy with that. Where she thought she was among “allies”, she kept asking if Skarla and Viper were his wives and something like that.

The answer she received was: - “Don’t think too much of yourself; you are nothing more than an instrument for Edric’s sexual relief. As soon as he gets something better, you’re out!”

Chelcy was surprised by Skarla's words; looking at Edric, he only smiled, showing that he agreed with Skarla's speech.

"Enjoy; sooner or later you will gain large amounts of EXP; adequate compensation, I would say?” - Edric said, smiling thoughtfully.

With that said, Chelcy went back to cowering, understanding that her current situation is no different from that of a slave and toy, where at least she was grateful that there is only one man using her and not several.

And then she wondered, if she is a toy for sexual relief, what are Skarla and Viper to Edric? Does it mean they're not having sex? Or is Edric, in fact, her husband, but they are fighting?

It is hard to say with the limited information and intelligence she has, but she would see this as an opportunity.

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