Skeleton Girl: Dungeon Takeover

08: Lllleeeettt’ssss Gooooooo-

<Abigail> Purchase Options: Stats and Traits and Things.
An initial number of character points equal to your XP is given automatically.
Calculating ... done; granting a total of 594 character points (555 + 28 + 11).
Personal experience points can also be 'cashed in' to extend the character points.
- 0 character points
- 169 experience points convertible 1:11 to character points (result: 1859 CP)
Purchase Options:
- (2000 CP) "Skeletal Staff": A bone staff, acts as a functional dungeon node outside.
- (975 CP) "Topical Librarian": A library limited to 1 topic picked first; buy limit x4.
- (900 CP) "Profession Kit": A skill/trait kit keyed to a lone profession; buy limit 1x.
- (800 CP) "Superior Body": A skeleton body changes back into their 'original' form.
- (750 CP) "Common Garb": A fairly common set of clothes which can fit the buyer.
- (400 CP) "The Gift Slave": A slave which upgrades the same as you; buy limit x8.
- (325 CP) "Regained Body": A skeleton body converts to another undead race body.
- (100 CP) "Stat Up Any": Permanently increase 1 statistic by 1 point; buy limit 7x.
- (10 CP) "Skill Purchase": Buy or upgrade 1 skill; limit to race/class compatibility.
- Stat increment benefits purchased here but not used will become usable coupons.
- Stat increments obey the statistical maximums, cannot carry over to other stats.

These "purchase options" tempt me. Which ones of them will be the best choices?

Never mind if I again convert all the XP to CP, I'd be back to a basic "level one" skeleton character. All statistic scores are one point, for all eight stats; yet with the purchase of the Stat Increment, all eight stats were bumped up to a minimum of two points. Then with a purchase of Stat Up Body and Stat Up Mind, they again increment to three points, each. The final step in basic stat score upgrades are in the Stat Up Any, which has been bought just once, for the Intelligence statistic score. Meaning, only Intelligence is at four points, all of the remaining seven stats are at three points.

Oh but I do remember how Sharla told me ― to start seeing status screens, especially mine ― I need to have both Intelligence and Lore at five points. The Will stat might help too, but it's not the primary one. If I convert all XP now, I would again be below the five points for each statistic. I haven't yet seen my own status screen (not like it bothers me); if only I could restart back to "level one" but hope in the random upgrades from leveling up I do get one or the other of those two stats. Then, I will only have to keep from converting the bottom few points gained from the "level two" and improve from there.

"... Sharla?"

"Yes dear?" She leans in, her eyes blinking demurely.

"Oh stop ... I want to know about this one of the new options, the Skeletal Staff. Also, the Profession Kit."

"Oh." Sharla sighs, but then continues on with an explanation. "The Skeletal Staff is as you see in the screen's description. A staff made of a lengthy bone ― from some overly large beast called a gnorp. A femur, if you believe it ― it's taller than you. Yes, such a beast exists in the world outside the dungeon ― much like an elephant of your old world, but far larger. This staff itself functions as a supplemental tie to Zaya's Dungeon realm; anywhere out in the world, you can shove the tip into the ground and create a standing portal back into the dungeon, should you be called back to it. Um ― Tasha can go along with you too, and then her fighting constraint works in its range. Only, the staff stays where the portal is; you cannot take it with, thus you lose the other benefits."

"Hurry up, those benefits are what I'm waiting to hear-"

"Oh ... those. It upgrades any 'normal' minion not summoned by me as you were, to the same capacity. Anything you purchase, your followers can also purchase; they just have to follow me, or you as my proxy. Any dungeon minion which is loyal to you above either Suka or Zaya can get this benefit. Plus for you, while the staff is in your possession, add two points to all of your statistic scores-"

"-I want it!"

She looks at me with a reproving unblinking stare ― not doubting my logic but not wanting me to demand it either. "Abigail, even if you convert every experience point ... you still will not have enough-"

"-I know, but ... see I do, I think I need it! It would make things more certain, for me to be able to see my own status screen at least, and-"

"Okay well then, I will do this one thing for you. I shall forward you the extra points, this one time, and subtract the points the next time you return. And, you'll need to do something for me ... kissing is fine but your mouth can do so much more."

I blushed, considering I knew what she meant. If I did this, I could not turn back on thoughts of remaining straight as I am.

"... okay ... I'll do it. As long as you're being truthful about the staff-"

"-and as long as you'll follow through, until I get off-"

"-yeah okay. Just tell me what to do."

Coyly, Sharla dropped the dress, and suddenly I see what she meant by futanari. Her hand points down below her waist, to where the thing pulsed.

"... here, right here. Get to work-"

After what feels like two or three hours of doing something I do not wish to repeat ― I am back with this traveling group. The new staff is stored within my Inventory space, subtly providing a main motive for obtaining it ― thankfully it can be there and I still get its help ― +2 points to all stats in my status screen-

-which I now see, by the way. I see how Sharla wants to hide so much of this ― no, I'm not a 'cheat character' in some cheesy novel; but I am already host to so many minor boons and boosts. All low level boons and boosts by the way; this world has a tiered quality system controlling the strength of each skill and talent and unique property. Common, Uncommon, Rare, Elite, Legendary, Ultimate. Sharla tells me I'm prohibited from Ultimate as it's next to deity status; but otherwise most of my things are Uncommon, two are Rare.

Now since I have the staff, the next things I'll be focusing on with each step back here ― after paying back 141 CP ― is ... buying the other seven Stat Up Any, and using Skill Purchase for the 'upgrade' of skills. Normally the latter is used to increment the skills to the next level through points expended; however for now I'd upgrade their tiers to the maximum allowed.

Before returning here I also had asked Sharla about 'The Gift Slave'. I can add personal slaves which follow me wherever I go ... in dungeon and out of it. It's an odd dichotomy. I'm attached to Sharla, to Zaya's Dungeon, and to the few meters outside this dungeon if I ever lose the staff. Yet with the staff I can go virtually anywhere in this world ... if I also take the Superior Body; I'm assuming it returns me to looking like a full human once more. I will be not seen as a skeleton, and if my 'slaves' are also not forced into a skeletal role ... we can move anywhere as any sentient group of beings could go.

I believe, if I go elsewhere ― Tasha might go along too. If she's not somehow stuck to this region, and starting anything with Tallin when we catch up with him again. After all, up until this point, she'd only gone where her 'brother' Tommy/Dellan dragged the ex heroes. This time ... she'll want to be more active in deciding where she goes; I just know it, from what I see of her now. I would do the same, if I were in her shoes ... right?

I can bring out this staff into the current room ... which is not the last place I saw. Seriously? The whole group backtracked to Ruffetta's room?

"What did you do." I appear at the door, and Tasha stops her weeping and leaps up to me, in a hug so firm I wonder if it will damage me. Still, her sobs turn to words.

"I was so worried! When you crumbled, I just-"

"-shh," I soothe, bringing a bony arm up around her back, and add a gentle patting motion. "I'm fine. But more serious than this ― why did you move from the last room, back to here?"

Rufy sighed. "As Brother has told, she became ... distraught-"

"Yeah because Abi died! I saw her crumble! What if ... if she didn't come back ... well what am I to do, for the rest of my life here?!?!"

She pulls back, so I suddenly see the pure terror of her own thoughts. She's being serious ― if I did fail to return, she's lost into world ― especially not having an ally like me, a possible connection to something stable. Suka would be willing to let her die, and even ordering it; Tasha may be referring to this alone. Unlike the as yet unseen Zaya, the true dungeon mistress who might be convinced to leave her alone, in her forays into this dungeon. Tasha won't get 'hero treatment' by anyone in this world, anymore; I suddenly realize what my existence may mean to the girl.

"... oh, Tasha-"

It's time for some unsaid but necessary 'honest admission' here; but since my other minions of the dungeon are watching me, I should make this moment count, for all of them.

"I perhaps wasn't as overt as you'd like before we set out on this journey. Yes I still have an attachment to the dungeon; but each time I 'die' to your view, I'll return in one hour's time. Plus for the time I'm absent, I have the chance of being with Sharla and can 'purchase' subtle benefits from some system menu she enables for my use. Any of the dungeon minions aligned to me, not Suka or Zaya, can also gain some of the same benefits; if they 'die' to opponents having defeated opponents, then they might also see Sharla or arrive in the blank space and can see the same purchase menu. Or, I can just select things attributively in their behalf. But the point is, a 'system' controls this, controls the fact I will see a return, if defeated within the dungeon."

"... but that's just, in here, Abi-"

"-no, with another thing I obtained, I can go outside ... but this too has rules. Tasha ― we can go explore together, you too along with me, if you wish. With you no longer as a hunted former hero turned bandit, but as your own person. And, instead of a brother to jerk you around ... you can have a say where and when you want to go places-"

At last, Tasha gave a sigh, and appears to be more at ease. I'm being truthful in what I see in the status of things and what I am told by Sharla; she has no reason to disbelieve this.

"... okay then, um ... I'm sorry, about-"

"-don't worry about it, it's just a minor setback for now; but if we're sticking together to the end of this dungeon siege ― be all in. Don't retreat again if you can help it; or at least try to hold until the hour is up and I return with something new to benefit me- us.."

Calm and regrouped now, I observe the extent of this 'team' I somehow lead. A great number of slimes, as well as many skeletons.

I see how when Suka did try blocking those dungeon features, the door into the safe room, Sharla did not instantly 'kill' Suka but sent in '25 rogue slimes'. Perhaps because she saw how the young girl's slime creature caused enough havoc on its own, yet might be defeated after some effort; Sharla sent twenty five of them, though. Suka should have been freaking out at this; she should be thinking her skeletons are not enough to end them. When we saw him, Tallin said Suka grew manic for not having any more dungeon points ― she spent them on obstructing the safe room door. And then, with the fifteen rogue skeletons ― she said 'nope', then took her and Tallin back to her base ― her dungeon core room. And to top it off, I'd bet the last attempt to obstruct my way out was Suka's last shot fired before vanishing back to the dungeon core room ― and then Sharla had to act.

I could dare imagine Suka might still be peeing her panties ... if she wore any. I doubt she does. According to Tallin she just wears the thin cloth skirt so anytime she's in the mood she just climbs all over him-

-but still; eighteen enhanced slimes, plus five enhanced skeletons. All supposedly much better than the norm out in the world. Obviously I am not included in the count, but Brother is ― Brother arrived in front of me in the safe room, while the two others we found in the early dungeon walk. So for now it's me, Tasha, Brother and four other skeletons, and eighteen slimes. Oh and Rokk is catching a free ride in my otherwise empty pelvis; not like anything else can be there. Or I'm not sure if it's because while Rokk 'hop walks' he can't move so fast, or just some basic codependence ... but I don't mind for now. He's grown large enough, he's more than a handful. If it comes to combat, I know he's able to hop out at any point and chomp on what's aiming at me, and thus could leave him defenseless.

Slimes being silent means none of them are standing out by any note. I'm not ignoring them as we progress but I also have no idea how to help them progress ... other than let them consume the remains of defeated enemies. At first chance, one of them tries to grow larger by being first to every pile of remains, by bullying its lesser fellows. So I had to straight out order the slimes, take turns, balance out their growth. Maybe they're predatory and my command would bite me in the backside later; but for now, I don't want any of them too weak, easy defeated. The skeletons we will encounter will still be enough of a hassle, for us skeletons.

The fact Suka has somehow given in on something to have enough points to buy fifty such skeletons, for the last room we reached, means ... she was scared. Also, either Tallin didn't know, or he still is not fully being honest with me. Hmm; not like I'm being fully honest with him, though ― but I can't, I have more at stake than him ― I have my purpose, here. What did Suka give up, sell off, or promise in exchange for the coin to buy this many skeletons? I ... don't know. Neither does Tallin.

But then ... it's all of some fifty skeletons. And so close to where we were passing through it, too ― Tallin told he only saw so few rooms as four or five ― means too maybe Suka's dungeon core room was near us. And then if she heard our mutual conversation, somehow the fifty skeletons were a little "surprise" meant to slow us down, or even end us. So close I can smell it ― these kinds of feelings here. I'll worry if she actually has enough coin to repeat this, fifty in each room ahead of us, or if she directs her minions to advance and retake the rooms we took for ourselves. Let's not ... worry ourselves too much, yet.

For some reason, I've actually given slightly more attention for Brother, than the other four skeletons ... and no, don't make something of this. It just is what the situation is. He speaks ... slow and cautious ... but better than any other skeleton ― except me, of course. He would be my second in command in this troop ― or maybe he would return to Zaya as a boss creature if my own life and soul is free of Zaya. I see his status is ... not as great as mine now; but not so bad either, on its own. He's still better yet than my former room leader Lance. Would Sharla have summoned him to exist like me, somehow almost on the same path? Or is Brother tied to the dungeon and will not come with me out into the world?

... come to think of it ― Sharla could summon, Zaya could summon, even Suka can summon too. Which means, if Suka or Zaya summons a being then can Sharla insert the result ... or is it a separate request?

"Are we all ready? Eh ... okay then," I pose in an eager 'pirate captain like pose', waving my bone staff toward the door out of Rufy's room, "Lllleeeettt'ssss Gooooooo-"

Back out to the hall, scan the area ― it's empty and unchanged ― then on to the next room, the one where I started in first. It, also, seems to be left alone, no further change, no spawns in wait or stray remains on the floor. I don't need to 'conquer' it again. We're back in the loop of this dungeon delve, it seems.

"It's ... the next room, that's the p, problem-"

Tasha spoke to all our concern. Or at least of her and my concern. Actually her face has the same old pallor as when seeing Delkiran the one time. Not sure if the other skeletons and slimes have this same fear. For them, they could die and spawn without concern; or if not, they don't even seem to care. But for Tasha, she could only fight and die. I am at least as concerned for her safety as my own.

"No need to build it up to such a massive problem though. So ... strategy time. Any thoughts?"

"I don't know; if you would ask Dellan, he would have done just as he did entering here ― a head on siege, straight to their core room. Over and over. I don't think he would learn from the mistake but try to continue in the same linear way. Over the time we've been on this world, he's pretty much learned to not take no for an answer."

"Yeah, but this doesn't work here. We tried this too." I look back to the waiting door, through which none of the next room could be seen yet. No; only through conquest can room views be linked ― it's all or nothing. "Yet I do think a siege might work ... in some context. Need a strategy, an order of battle. Obviously Suka knows we're going to be going further, if she doesn't know our whereabouts this instant. Once the first couple of us are in and through the door, all fifty skeletons will be alert and firing. Which means, if you remember the layout of the room, we split up to pincer attack them. Now. The slimes are the largest part of our force, and also the quickest to roll in. They shall take the lead ― half go to the left, half go to the right. The fifty should at least be half following those on the left and half following those on the right, leaving the final group of all of us, a chance to form a wedge to split them down the middle. They shall be divided between a left, right, and middle portion."

I speak for another minute, doling out the assignments of which minion goes which way; and then we're set. It's a plan ... and hey, it might even work-

"-but most of all, even if we disappear ― those who are remaining, please keep at it as much as possible. It takes determination, and a skill at remaining active and mobile despite our fears. We can do this!"


Already, all eighteen slimes and four of five skeletons pressed in through the door; Brother, Tasha, and I are pressing forward too even as my mage goes out. The first to roll in ― those slimes ― each should have alternated left and right. Actually the slimes roll in two wide, the door width allows it so it's fine, and it shortens the time it takes to get all of us inside; but the skeletons still go single file. Two skeletons go left, two go right. And this is the point where Tasha shouts out this line ― a passionate aggression to charge up us last few. I believe all my minions too know why it's important to stay in battle and win this one.

Tasha's zeal is part contagious; or maybe she picks up on my eagerness to get going too. She and I are at the end of the line; we won't see how it's gone until we last two arrive in the next room. Still, we'll be entering in just seconds after the first slime did. Hardly even a break in the line rushing in to the next room.

Even as the apprentice mage disappears through the door, Brother steps forward too with all the readiness he can muster; and now it's just me and Tasha ― ready to follow. Then I step forward too-

-blam. Already the foes are on the attack; something I expected but not the severity. My staff is in one hand, a lightweight sword in the other; and I'm ready to swing at them but they're still out of range. Damn; we might get beat, several times ― if this is the level of force they can bring.

It seems a dozen of my slimes are still rolling about ... which is honestly still better than I'd thought. They've drawn a solid fifteen to each side of the enemy, to hunt them; yet as slimes they are quick, darting among the legs of the enemy skeletons. Aah they are so quick ― even I at the start would have problems hunting after them. If already thirty of the fifty are distracted by the slimes, it still leaves twenty in the center, more or less. It's not as many distracted as I'd hoped; but now we can work at this.

Six of my slimes now to either side of the room ― oops one on the right just got hit ― but all skeletons are still ... oops the first one got hit. One sword swipe against its ribcage did almost half the damage needed; the other half came from an enemy mage.

But on the opposite side, 'my side' is starting to get back at them. Even if the slimes don't have a firepower to fight, they can keep confusing the enemy's step and attention. Plus us six skeletons, and Tasha, are not incapable ― Tasha is doing her best to keep dodging or running around, I and the five skeletons ahead of me are surging in to wedge open the group. Our ultimate attempt is to defeat the four, count 'em four, mages in the foes. So all told ― with a total of fifty foes, we have wrecked ten of the basic warrior skeletons ― we beat a solid twenty percent of them already.

Plus, one of my words to the slimes is, to be aware of when enemy mages are rearing up to cast something. If the slimes can be between the mage skeletons and the other for skeletons then avoid what's fired, they can maybe let the mages cause 'friendly fire' among the enemy. It's all to defeat more of the enemy, using the enemy too.

... we might not win this time ― at best, we're still fighting a war of attrition: us versus them. We'll end up in a 'rinse lather repeat' mode of doing it over, and over, and over, again. And hopefully, each time we siege against all of them in here, we can get to an offset point where we can overwhelm them, and form a beachhead for this room. But for now ― it's an uphill journey, and no way around this room but through it. At least Tasha ― the one mortal ally ― can and should be at the ready to retreat, the only one who should. Yet she's still in attack mode, venting her frustrations here the only way she can. She's not speaking except in mild grunts, groans, and yelps of nervousness ― the latter, still somewhat reminiscent of a 'fox girl' maybe-

... time passes, damage is sent and received ― but we're still going strong-

-at least an hour in and we're doing better than expected. The first slimes who vanished reappear; yet so do the first foes ― but somehow I have the feeling we've achieved some great hold here. I've defeated four, count 'em four, total skeleton foes; and I see most of my other skeletons had done in no less than two, each; Brother got three himself. Somehow I'm seeing minor statistical notices when 'my side' takes out an enemy, or even takes on damage? Even the earth slime formed a crude brick to chuck at an enemy mage ― a brick to the face which did the enemy in! The water slime cast a thin stream at one mage but it didn't have much effect ... or wait, the mage doesn't cast as fast, now. Go, water slime! Can we do it, can we actually succeed? ... yes, maybe.

Into the continual fray I'm sensing now too ― when one of the defeated ones return, I can sense in a near immediate time, whether they are for or against me or Zaya. This eliminates much so asking of them to submit down to knowing the answer as I ask already.

The only problem I note, Tasha is feeling winded; twice now she's been nicked by an enemy skeleton's sword or dagger. All minor things to heal; but even a slight pain can take its toll in battle. Should I, we, regroup? All for the sake of keeping Tasha safe?

First of the foe mages reappears; I see the gauge on its submission is already over fifty five percent, a new factor to consider. So, I repeat my query spiel ― it works at so low? Yes. Yes! Now I have an earth mage skeleton. Let's see this one, throwing bricks at his former allies!

"Tash- behind!"

Too late, a skeleton behind her swings with its pole weapon; it doesn't cut her but she did get knocked down by the solid hit to the back of her head. Brother though is in a position to defeat the foe who did it, relieving Tasha for a moment to collect herself and stand.

"... ow-"

"It's ok to retreat Tasha, we'll go on-"

"No! I'm good!"

Tasha hops up, feigning an eagerness and stability I would bet she does not have. But like her defiant stance back in her pushing back a sickness, I know it's going to come to a head again ― and her failings might cause more harm than good at some point.

"Seriously, Tasha you know your health is just as import-"

"Abi if I stop now I don't know if I'll ... look just keep going okay- Look! Behind you!"

Aah. In my attention to Tasha, having turned to her ― a new foe somehow found a way to come up behind me ― flames pass through and wrap around my bones once more ... and I fade with a hiss of anger-

"Well that happened," Sharla said calmly, her eyes diverting down my body once more.


She's right. Sharla saw all of it; so in this time here, I have no reason to 'defend' our group actions. I can only muse hopefully somehow Tasha and the others can endure. Or, wax poetic about how all of this feels.

"-that never stops feeling eerie, my 'fading away' like I do ... and then to appear here, all of a sudden-"

"-well I can't change how that feels, though I see as you get to higher levels, something in the purchase screen will unlock to modify it."

"Oh so some of these things will only unlock then ― how does it work? I have to be a certain level before I 'die' in the world, or-"

"-basically, all the XP you accumulate is also tracked in a hidden stat, something you won't see, and I don't see it unless I look specifically for it; but yes. In time, more advanced items and even systems could unlock to you. I know some of them depend on what form or race you physically exist as being. Other things just ... depend upon the sum of experience points or others. And yes, some things do depend upon personal level as well ― you are not yet to this level of concern, though."

But, back to converting experience points to character points and using them. I had all twenty points in the first level, and just three points more in the second level. Twenty one points from defeating the four foes ― they're normally just three points each, but from this 'overwhelmed' battleground the benefit is boosted slightly. Six points for the first one, five points for the next three; and plus two extra points from subtle tactical planning with 'before the siege' time, carries over.

Twenty three points times eleven, I get ... two hundred fifty three points. But I have to 'pay back' Sharla for the 'loaned' one hundred forty one points ― leaving just one hundred twelve points.

... ugh. Another Stat Up Any costs one hundred points; plus a Skill Purchase costs ten points. Leaving just two points left over ― to be halved when I return to the world. Well, not a great loss, only one point-

I sigh. "I wish I had a way to store up points in a bank or something, a way they can be deposited for safety-"

"-aah I did see something like that though, in one screen-"

"Truly? It's possible?"

"Yeah but it requires me to buy something first which even I do not have the price. In time, maybe ... but not just yet. Also ... it's not funny but even a deity like myself sometimes has to peek into a 'black market' for some of the rare and random stuff the normal market screen doesn't offer. Yes I've checked there too; but the cost for such a thing ... no, I'm not gonna do that-"

Oddly enough, Sharla is forthright and honest with me; a thing I'm surprised to hear. But I cannot fault her for not having the 'cost', can I. Not when I myself have not lived as long as her existence, yet.

"Well anyway. I guess ... in the meantime I have to use the points then, or lose them. Let's see ... a hundred twelve points ... okay a Stat Up Any for Lore, so I can know and recall more about the world or myself ... and Skill Purchase-"

On the latter call, I see a new menu pop up. It shows my existing skills on one side; and on the other it's new skills to buy. Here I see too a spreadsheet like grid on both halves; with columns like the name, cost per level, and skill tier ― all skills are tiered. Part of the skill increase can be used to bump a skill up a tier ... at the supplemental cost of skill levels.

"-use it to tier up the Cleanse ability, from Common to Rare tier."

I feel it, I can clean and repair things faster-

"-ow! Rokk-"

Sharla gives a 'tee hee' but it's not funny, not at all.

"Sharla ― why. Why does Rokk attach to me, like this-"

"-hmm I wonder ... could it be, something about your past? Well you may have a penchant for a pregnant pause-"


"-kidding!" But, after a last chuckle, she at last relents. "So ... yes some things about your past life you maybe know have happened; so somehow your current existence is trying to find an equilibrium. If you were a male, this would not be happening; Your pet rock Rokk would instead be forced outside your physical body when you arrive ― or be lodged within your stomach ... which has its own problems. Honestly there's another side of it too, you might feel nervous about; you as a female here have the potential also to 'rebirth' Rokk ... as your legitimate child. Rokk should somehow already sense this, or it's an innate logic for him, it, uh whatever."

I'm stunned. Somehow I knew it might be this; but I'm stunned, to hear it laid out like this. Me? Become a mother-

-or, I was. Or would have become so, on Earth ― not to mention being shot-

... it's this ... isn't it. Something about being female, bearing a fetus, then getting the 'Isekai' treatment and where's an infant to go-

-this also infers, a fetus similarly gets the Isekai treatment ... and that Rokk was on a path to meet me, somehow-

"Simplify this, Sharla. Who or what is ... Rokk?"

Sharla's gleeful mirth at my situation ... disappears. "You sure you truly want to know? Last chance, to bail out-"

"-just ... tell me."

"First off, this is not your first awareness or existence in Ather ― it's the second. But, something happened, things ... broke. Or, more like things about all of Ather are wrapped up in you, and you alone ― and also not. Thus your memories had to get ... contained ... and a reason I kept putting options into the early menu screens ― a reason to bond you to me, but it had to be at your will, not forced. If you had chosen any of them, I would have explained the reason at the time you submitted to me. I had hoped never to face this moment-"

"-you're stalling, I can sense it."

Sharla stood silent, not even moving. Her face is reddened with embarrassment and fear and worry for what she has to say. Only the appearance of her subtle breathing ― an effect maybe she didn't need to perform, but still did ― let me know she's not dead, not broken.

If she's not speaking yet, neither will I. I can hold this long term stare as long as necessary ... except for the concerns of eventually being sent back to the world, to the dungeon, to the ongoing siege of rooms.

But ... even she knows this. Is she trying to delay, to the last moment, before just saying it? I'll be pissed, if it's something so world-shattering she can't say it and face the consequence-

"Rokk's your son. Or, part of him."

"-And? More?"

"-let me start with the history of Ather. Because the answer to your larger questions, are wrapped up in it."

I reduce the intensity of the glare, nod, and let loose a soft sigh. Okay, then if she can tell me in some way I can understand ― well, I'll just have to listen, for a while. Never mind the 'Skill Purchase' windows are still floating here; they can wait.

"In the beginning this realm was all in existence for this fragment of the cosmos. Much like you, one past being saw a 'shot to death' experience, and appeared here. I did not exist because I was not born; I am not the original goddess here. But the person who arrived here did not know how to deal with things, and maybe ... went a little crazy ― considering details. But she did obtain a helper who aided her in getting back to a state of sanity, and a first buildup of the realm here, and a start at worldbuilding. They became the best of friends and confidantes, building an interesting world, not even yet to the point of populating it but even just in building the world from a nothing sphere. They ... worked together, played together, even ... dreamed together, of what could become."

I'm understanding ... so far. Sharla is saying she's not the 'true goddess' in a roundabout way, but someone else is, and should be it again. That means she's been dealing with a ton of issues, all on her own, in the past ... how long? Also I can sense a pain in her face as she tells this, and tells with dispassionate voice; it must hurt her, to relive these details. I'm sorry, if I ever thought she was careless or unconcerned-

"... anyway. This original goddess and her helper grew close; and ― as things will go ― they grew intimate. This helper is and was as I am ― some say hermaphrodite, some say shemale, some say futanari. But I have both sex organs, as you saw; so did she, or he, yet fertile. A pregnancy ensued bringing forth a new monstrous entity, also hermaphrodite too. But the helper somehow passes her hermaphroditic status to the child born, in order to be pure female and no longer have this frustration. Instead, the child does."

Okay, the original goddess had a lover in her helper, then had a child from a union. Got it. But what does this have to do with how this world is so broken?

"In time, the child ― more a son than daughter ― grew his own deific powers, but became more aggressive than the mother goddess. In time, a mere three centuries of life and further world developing, this 'son' imprisoned this helper, imprisoned this mother goddess too ― and brought her to ... a point of a comatose, subdued existence. He ... raped her. He forced himself on his mother, forced his own mother to bear his own child because no other being within this world or deific realm could match up to his desires. This son also split the futa nature from himself as well, and pushed it upon the child too. He relieved his every whims upon his mother ... and upon ... the daughter of this incestuous harm ... now also a f, futa-"

Sharla breaks, her voice just stops ― for a definite syllable. I nod subtly, to encourage her to continue and thank her for revealing this much. Is Sharla this daughter? Did Sharla's own bastard father do to her, what he did to her mother?

"-so ... the daughter ... she broke. The daughter, alone, forced into a corner, found the strength somehow to ... break her own father, brother, lover. She was able to poison his existence in a way he could not abort ― but at further cost. The god, man or not, was vying for a certain title to ensure him power, even more than anyone else, so he would be unstoppable. But in his 'death scene' he forced his own body and soul to split, to again return some day; in the end, parts of him are on a course to reunite, in an unstoppable way."

"Return ... the same, or different?"

"Who knows ― I cannot prevent it; nobody here can. I can't delay it either because I don't know when, only this approximate timing; when one thing happens, a certain time exists for the next thing must happen. It's a long chain of its own logic I don't understand. But. I have ... a plan."

I consider this new angle. Sharla is trying so hard to not say, who the mother is, who the son is, who the daughter is. I feel properly sickened myself, as a bold thought forms, on who some of these might be. It's a possibility I truly don't want to consider, not yet. But for Sharla ... what I see is ... beyond normal amount of terror and hatred. Much more than one mortal such as I should see in a goddess of the world.

The only event she will link onto herself, is the plan ― a method or process to somehow avert what a bastard god did to them all. This, she's feeling sure of doing; she won't hold back in accepting its failure or success upon herself. I ... I would like to help her, if this rogue god's existence would ruin the world I'm now part of being within too.

"Wait, Sharla," I interrupt for just this once. "So ... you're saying, somehow my own existence ties into all of this? I somehow am part of stopping this unstoppable force? How-"

"... wait I'm not to that part, yet. I ... well I'm not ready to reveal ― what you want to know. Yet I have to, to go forward, yet I'm afraid you'll ... hate me-"

Faint tears flow from her eyes; she's not lying in how she's afraid ― of me, for me, or about me ― who knows. But in the moment, I recall too, I once said I'd be here to be her friend ― and I'm not about to take this status back from her. Opening my arms, she collapses into me, and I feel the subtle wracking sobs of a girl so deep in emotional trauma ― and I'm supposed to support her? Me? This mere human body turned skeleton bone body turned dust heap once I am defeated?

Even if I sigh, it won't be enough. Even if I cry myself, it'll never be enough either. No, it won't. But here and now ― I wrap arms around her too, and console her.

"Shh, it's okay, it's alright, I won't leave you-"

Even as I repeat it, the sobs turn more brutal, painful from her memories, as her thoughts turn so much more to the darkness she's seen and done. It's unfair; I don't know the darkest parts but I am getting a sense of needing to protect her.

How long have we been here like this? How long can a goddess cry? Nearly to eternity, maybe. But she does not seem to have had anyone of my status to do this with here; I am unique ― I believe I am.

Yet I cannot keep in this pose, so indefinitely. I speak true in saying I will care for her; but even this has its logical limit too. I have to push back, just a bit-

-but Sharla grabs hold more, fearful I may push her away even the last bit and be done here. She's endured her inner turmoil so long, pushed it down deep when a logical person would at some point confront the sheer angst of it. But at least now her tears are letting up, a sign she's returning to a point of conversation-

"-Sharla ― I have my own emotional limit, you know this; but now we need to finish this chat so I can go back-"

"-but I need ... I need you."

Mind, blown. She needs me?

"... Sharla, stop for a moment. I need to be realistic. You have hinted so much, I can fill in the blanks with what I think is going on; but at some point ― you have to come clean. Who is who, who did what, and why. I need to ... hear it, spelled out."

Sharla shudders; I can feel it in her, she's probably holding off throwing up, just to stay stable, in the moment. If I dare to push it, she'll ... oh I don't even have a vomit bucket or anything so it'll be messy.

"I ... you might guess it, Abigail ― I am the daughter of an incestuous rape pairing. The daughter of a male former hermaphrodite body ― my father, and somehow brother, and forced lover, too ― but I am a trash existence, maybe. My mother ― she's also my grandmother, the mother of my father ― even though my father forced her and I to ... do things together, dirty things I'm trapped into recalling. Trust me, I'm just as confused and crazed about it, as you might be. It's why I could spend decades just crying on end. But ... you are right, I have to work through it."

I take a minute, process all of this.

Goddess or not, real woman or not ― she's got baggage. But baggage I've openly said I won't reject her for having. I'm not going to become her lover, or her proxy anything ― is she wanting me to take over as goddess or something of this nature? Is her frustration at its maximum, and now she needs a break or something?

"First, let me get a handle on this, Sharla. I am thinking you just want to get through this, to have it done and over with. I want to help; but I'm at a loss who could be-"

"-it's ... you. Grandmother. Mother. Lover. I love you as I should but also hate you as I hate myself and my father slash brother and I just want done with it all-"

She pushes away from me in a sudden forcefulness. I'm sent back, by her whim and not my own asking, and without chance to answer the last statement-

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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