Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 16: Joining a Guild.

Chapter 16: Joining a Guild.

The receptionist smiled at the enthusiastic silver-haired boy, she pointed to the reception desk and asked Felix to follow her.

"How about we go there and fill out your form."

Saying that she went to her desk and sat on the chair. Felix naturally followed her and stood in front of the wooden desk before Noah came beside him.

"Hey Felix, good luck there. Now that we have completed our mission and it's already getting dark outside, we'll be going home. We'll see you tomorrow.

"Thank you, Noah. Be careful on your way home and also, see you tomorrow."

Felix smiled as he waved at Noah and the others who were leaving the guild. They too wished him luck and said their farewell and left the hall.

Now it was only him with the receptionist in the guild's hall. He looked at the blonde mature woman and felt that she looked like a celebrity starring in many movies.

Her serious face when she was handling her work and the swift movement of her body as she did her job made Felix stare blankly at her.

"Seen enough?"

She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the stupefied crimson eyes at her abrupt question.

"O-Oh sorry, I just...uh was not. I mean..."

Miss Elsa giggled at his antics and raised her hand pointing her finger at him in a cute manner as she reprimanded him.

"Boy, it's rude to not compliment a lady after you've taken a good look at her."

Felix almost choked at her advice as he blushingly scratched his head and replied.

"Really? Then, Miss Elsa, you're the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. Is that fine?"

She raised her brows at the boy who said that matter-of-factly without any lie or hidden intentions. Thinking that this boy was honest and not like the others, she nodded inside her head as she smiled sweetly at him.

"Thank you, Felix. It makes me happy that you wholeheartedly complimented me."

Elsa thanked him as she held a pen and started writing something on a form paper.

"Okay, so we'll start with your name and age. Is your name only Felix or do you have a surname? Also, do you have any guardians that can vouch for you?"

Felix did not have to think much as he honestly replied.

"Yes. I am an orphan so my name is only Felix. As for my age, it's...14."

The receptionist stopped her hand as she raised her head to look at the boy with pity and sighed as she shook her head.

'Sigh, no wonder he is wearing a rag and appears scrawny with no muscles on him. Even though he is 14, he looks like a 10-year-old.'

Felix noticed her reaction but kept quiet as he slightly pulled at the rag.

'Will they not accept me for being a slave or am I getting her sympathy? If it's the latter then I can use it to advantage.'

He then looked at the receptionist with his ruby red eyes almost having tears in them as he pleaded with her in a cute voice.

"Miss Elsa, I don't have anyone to take care of me and a place to stay, I have also not eaten anything for the past few days. I'm willing to do any work, so please let me in the guild."

The receptionist of the guild looked at the boy trying his best to join the guild that many were thinking of leaving, because of their member's eccentric nature. She tilted her head as she remembered what their leader has asked of her.

Smiling with a beautiful grin that could make flowers bloom, Elsa stood up and placed her hand on the boy's silver hair and ruffled it, making him close his eyes joyfully, pretending to be cute.

"Felix, it's alright now. The guild doesn't care where you're from or what you have, as it is in need of many members for...several reasons."

"That is why you can easily join and stay at this place. As you do not have anywhere to go, you'll also be given a small room on the second floor that is also the living quarters."

She explained as she went back to sit on her chair and continued writing on the form.

"Next. Do you have any prior training or experience in combat?"

"I have never done any of those."

Felix didn't lie as he really did not have any experience in this world.

Well, the fights of his previous did not matter as it was just child's play compared to the cruelty of this world. In any case, an orphan with combat skiils would just make them suspicious.

'Maybe my chances of getting into some missions may be decreased if I don't have experience with combat but it doesn't matter now. I'm only starting as an unofficial member anyway.'

Elsa asked some more questions that Felix answered in an appropriate manner without making it look like he was lying.

After the end of her questions, she handed him a contract paper and told him to read the Guild's rules and regulations.

"Make sure you read everything on the contract to have a better idea of what it means to become an unofficial member of the Guild, and then sign at the end of the page."

Felix took the paper and started reading everything.

'It seems to tell that I can leave whenever I wish to. And I have to do two missions every week and pay for the cost of staying in the living quarters. Other rules are also not that bad.'

Having no problem with the contract, he took a pen from the desk and signed it.


Right after signing it, the contract started floating up and dispersed into tiny black particles before going inside a black orb on the desk and a small part of it touched his hand.

Felix anxiously looked at his hand after witnessing the magical scene. His hand appeared to be fine but there was a symbol of an evil eye on the back of his palm glowing a bit red eerily.

"W-What was that? Is that anything dangerous?"

He couldn't help but ask Miss Elsa who looked amused at his reaction as she intently looked at him, slightly biting her lips.

'This boy really is different, how can he act so cute even when he is just shouting.'

She looked at the boy who was rubbing his hand trying to remove the symbol not knowing that he was just acting cute to impress her.

"It's alright, Felix. That is the mark of recognition that members of the guild get after joining the guild. It won't affect you in any way and it will go away after some time not to appear again."

"Also, take this card. It is used when going inside and outside the Guild Building. You can also use it as an identity card in the City if you do not have any other."

Felix sighed in relief knowing it won't have any weird effect on him.

He received the card and held it in his hand. It was white in color with the same symbol of the evil eye on one side and his identity details on the other side.


Hearing the sound from his stomach, he put his hand on his tummy and requested the receptionist.

"Miss Elsa, do you have anything to eat? I don't think I can handle my hunger anymore."

She smiled and got up from the desk, leading him toward the stairs.

"Let's go. I'll lead you around the place and show you your room as well as the dining hall and other facilities." ƒгeeweɓn૦

As Felix followed her to the stairs, she suddenly stopped on the first step and turned around grinning at him.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you this..."

He raised his head and stared at her as she looked breathtakingly beautiful at that angle as the golden rays of the chandelier shined on her white and glossy skin.

The blood-red carpet on the black stairs in her background gave her curvy body a slightly evil disposition. She raised her red lips at the corners as she gave a grin that could make babies stop crying in fear, and said.

"Welcome to the Twilight Chaos Guild!"

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