Skill Creation in the Fantasy World

Chapter 19: Mission Scrolls and Currency.

Chapter 19: Mission Scrolls and Currency.


Felix sat on his bed stretching his body, as the early sunrays of the morning peeked into his room. He thought of what happened in the last few days and smiled.

'It was nervewracking at first when I got suddenly turned into a slave, but now it's all good with a a stay and a guild with my backing.'

The only thing that terrified most of the people was being caught in something unprepared, having no clue as to what they had to do. With choices that seemed very hard to tread upon, most of them get destroyed.

But there are those who, even in the most difficult of situations, try to remain calm and analyze their behavior, situation and predict the future. These people are called by many as 'cunning'.

Felix got up from the bed and entered the washroom. Taking a small shower and brushing his teeth, he wore his clothes and opened the door to go outside.

"Hey, hurry up. We can't be late or else we're gonna lose all the credit for the mission."

An anxious voice sounded as Felix came out of his room and glanced at the two boys standing outside another room. They seem to wait for another person inside the room who just woke up and was getting ready.

"Wait a moment guys. I'll be done right now."

The person inside the room spoke without any worry as he changed his clothes and prepared to go out.

Felix didn't mind them as he walked to the side and went passed them.

"Hey, you!"

He stopped as he felt a hand on his left shoulder and turned to look at the person. It was a boy who looked like a 18-year-old with curly brown hair and narrowed black eyes eyes.

"Who are you?"

Felix tilted his head and blinked at the question, he felt slightly annoyed when someone was stopping him from going to the dining hall to eat his breakfast. So he replied back,

"I don't have time for your questions."

Stating that, he jerked off the hand on his shoulder and started walking towards the dining hall.

The boy froze as his hands remained in the air before glancing at his partner who was holding back his laughter.

"Pff...pfff. You got rejected....hahaha"

Laughed the other guy with dark green hair and a small face, as he held his stomach tightly and leaned on the wall.

The boy with curly brown hair got angered as he kicked his friend's leg.

"Shut up! Hmmph that was pretty rude, if it wasn't for the rules in the guild, I would have hit him right on his face." ƒrē

"Yeah Yeah, of course you would. As that is the only thing you do. "

The dark green-haired boy retorted as he shook his head at his friend's impulsiveness.

Felix ignored their chatter as he was too hungry for breakfast. It seemed that after getting reincarnated into this body, his hunger reached another level considering that the boy hardly ate anything in the slums.

Arriving inside the dining hall, he took the breakfast to a table and ate it joyfully. No matter what, food always made him forget his worries.

Coming out from the dining hall, he walked downstairs and arrived on the first floor. There seemed to be some people here and there, talking and planning, but they made sure to not disturb others and used a small voice.

Felix came to the reception desk and saw that Miss Elsa was sitting on a chair doing her work.

"Miss Elsa, I'm here to do my first mission."

He called out to her, to which she raised her head and smiled at him.

"Oh, my boy Felix, you woke up. I thought you were going to sleep some more as you were looking really tired yesterday."

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Elsa. But I have to complete missions to earn something and pay...I mean contribute to the guild."

Felix blurted with a slight sarcasm in his voice. Elsa shook her head at his frustration but did not speak about it.

"Well, you can look at the missions pinned on that board. Everything there is for the unofficial members. Choose one and bring me the mission scroll that you want to accept."

"Alright, I'll do that."

He replied back and went to the mission board. Glancing around, he saw many scrolls with ordinary missions like delivering goods, finding lost things, helping in shops, and many others. There was also the reward written down at the bottom of the page.

'Hmm...These missions are not that dangerous for a beginner like me, so it's a perfect way to earn some money.'

Felix neared his face to the board and looked at the reward, most of them had numbers written there which could only mean the currency of this world.

'All of them have around 1k to 10k as a reward, but how valuable is this currency?'

He took a mission scroll which was about finding a lost pet and went back to the reception.

"Miss Elsa, can you tell me more about this mission?"

Seeing that Felix had already chosen his mission, Elsa took the scroll and studied it.

"This is relatively easier than most as you only need to find a lost pet along with the client. Having a reward of 1.5k, it's a good mission for a beginner."

He nodded at her, thinking that the mission was not that bad for his first mission because delivering or working in unfamiliar shops would be quite hard as he was new to the City.

"What about the reward, Miss Elsa? I have never possessed any money so I don't know how much they are worth."

Elsa widened her eyes in surprise when he didn't even know such a basic thing. She thought that he must have been too poor to have never seen money as she smiled sadly in her mind and explained to him.

"So basically, the currency of this world are coins called Tahl, and an average person's monthly salary in Edenmont City is around 5k to 10k tahl. There are different values for a different color of tahl."

"White coin means one tahl, green coin means 10 tahl, yellow is 20 tahl, with orange and blue as 50 and 100 tahl. Silver coin is 1k tahl and a golden coin is 10k tahl. While the last one is a platinum coin worth 100k tahl. Do you get it?"

"Oh thank you, Miss Elsa. I get it now."

"Well, even though this mission is safe and easy, don't forget to be careful and take care of yourself."

She reminded him as he took back the scroll and started walking towards the main door. Hearing her words, Felix smiled at how she was worried at about him when he suddenly remembered something.

Awkwardly going back to the desk, he scratched his cheeks and asked the receptionist.

"Umm, Miss Elsa. Do you have a map of the city?"

Elsa looked at the awkward boy who was too embarrassed to look at her as she took out a piece of paper from under her desk.

"The price of the map will be 200 tahl, and it'll be deducted from your first mission's reward. Is that fine?", she gave a smile of that of a businesswoman.

"Yes fine. of course it's fine", Felix gritted his teeth as he seemed to get into debt for the third time now.

'First the room, then the clothes, and now a map.'

'Sigh...I better start earning a lot from missions to cover my expenses.'

He shook his head and took the map while nodding toward the happy receptionist. Not wasting any more time, Felix started walking to the main door and begin his first mission.

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