Sky Island Survival: Sign In Thunder Fruit At The Start!

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

(442) The situation has become more and more complicated

After all, the situation at this moment has exceeded everyone’s imagination and attention.

Moreover, what may happen in the future has become a very worthy of attention and very worthy of attention for everyone.

So at this moment, when so many situations and problems are placed in front of everyone.

In the following time, everyone did not have so many thoughts and considerations.

He sharpened his look and expression directly, and at the same time, wearing a pair of very strong and very strong eyes, he faced the past towards the dark lord.

At this moment, the atmosphere became a little tense.

What everyone has really never imagined is that this problem will develop to the point where it is now.

This situation is really beyond everyone’s imagination.

However, no matter how the follow-up things happen and how they develop, for everyone, the biggest problem and key is Su Chen.

Whether Su Chen can defeat the dark lord has become the most worthy of attention and concern so far.

The atmosphere has changed very seriously and very solemnly at this moment.

Moreover, more and more problems are placed in front of them.

In the next time, I saw that everyone did not have so many doubts and considerations.

Immediately, all their expressions and expressions became serious.

At the same time, with a very serious look, he stared at the dark lord.

When looking at the dark lord, it is not difficult to see through the expressions in everyone’s expressions.

At this moment, everyone’s hearts are full of complete fear.

What everyone really never imagined is that the problem has developed to this point, and it will actually develop like this.

Moreover, when many of the follow-up things were placed in front of everyone, at this moment, they have become issues in everyone’s hearts, which are very worthy of concern and consideration.

It is like saying that now, although everyone is full of fears about the dark lord.

However, if you want everyone to come up with a solution.

…… ask for flowers ……

Such a question does not need any further discussion, it has become a topic worthy of attention.

The atmosphere started to become a little tense and a little serious at this moment.

Especially now, when so many problems are placed in front of me.

In the next time, I saw that Su Chen didn’t have so many doubts and so many considerations.

Wearing a pair of very dignified eyes directly, he looked over at everyone.

And while looking at the past, the expression in Su Chen’s eyes can also be seen.

At this moment, Su Chen’s inner thoughts are very complicated.

Because he knows that since things have developed into the current state.

Then for the follow-up many things and problems, it will become more and more cautious.

After all, the strength of the dark lord is also relatively strong, and it is also a strength that is very worthy of being paid attention to.

After thinking about this, Su Chen didn’t have so many doubts and thought about begging in the next time.

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