Skyrim: Nord Wisdom

Chapter 13: Kill and Resolve

***I don't own Elder Scrolls series.***

Hi so this is Guywithsense and i am trying my hand at writing a fanfiction, as it will be a good practice for my original. Hope you enjoy it and constructive criticism is encouraged.

"Speech", 'thought'MENU


'Though they look like bandits Maybe they are miners' Thinking till here Dustin glided towards the man or orc from the looks of him, he had a nord mead in his hands while leaning on the wooden cart and sitting on a barrel.

Observing him [Bolous Gukh]  is the name of the man, the guy was pretty harmless except for the blodied axe on his waist, he was not sure what to do, it was his first time he did something like this, much less in astral mode, he went inside, the doors not blocking him a bit.

The cave was lit by the torches, on the side wall and looked a bit damp, he found a narrow pathway leading downward, he found blisterwort, fly ammortia and other fungi growing from the ground near the wall and the path down looked trampled.

Moving down, he saw two people inside, one Nord woman [Roslver Wanderer] and a redguard man [Falidyn] talking while he stired a cooking pot in front him, she nursed a mead.

"Think they are still alive." said the Roslver looking towards a stone that stood out from around the cave and had a steel chain hanging to it's left. 

"Ha, the boss is not known for his mercy." Falidyn spoke grimly, using a dark humour.

"You don't think we should have let them go." she said looking a bit lost.

"What do you think letting them loose would do, they would go running towards the nearby holds, and tell them, then the guards will swarm us for sure. Though I don't agree with the bosses way, he is higher level than us and we don't have to worry about people attacking us." He spoke softly trying to let her see the positive of the situation.

From their conversation, dustin could guess somewhat, what happened, though he still went to the stone and passed through it, to confirm it.

"Ah" "Please.. ah .. I beg you stop." what he saw gave him chills, and left him with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Dustin saw three people chained to the wall with one woman with ashy skin, sharp pointed ears and expression contorted in pain, she is dunmer or dark elf, passed out with torn clothes and scratches all over her breathing the only indication of her life, and one nord and other breton both with blond hair, one aged and the other in his twenties.

While a man with ashy skin and sharp ears revealing him to be dunmer, decked in silver classy armor set stood over them , his eyes fully red with no whites or black. He have what I assumed to be a sparks spell in his hand glowing blue static on low power targeting the two, There dress though torn, is still recognizable, a white T-shirt and black pants suggesting they were miners.

'Shit I got to help them' dustin ground his teeth looking at this horrifying scene. He wanted nothing more than to storm this place and take out every one of them.

"Well well, what do we have here, someone pissed there pants, I will let go of you if you survive 10 of my spells." The man spoke in a sharp and gruff voice. A spell in hand aiming towards the nord. Dustin jumped in front of the guy named [Nelmnd Sethelnim], the spell fizzled the astral construct a bit, but he held on not realising that the spell didn't slow down and hit the breton, though it's intensity did lessen.

''Agrh'' he took laboured breath but was alive. Dustin looked behind feeling relieved yet helpless, even though he wasn't a saint he consider himself a human and any human would want to defend a helpless being in pain and struggling in front of them.

"I knew you bretons are magic resistance, this out to be fun, I will be back after some breakfast though." Saying that the dunmer, started walking away. I decided to look at the three Miners [Lokhalf],[Rodywyr],[Birar Hlavone]. I memorised the names and cancelled my spell.

To my suprise as I opened my eyes, I saw tilde poking my cheek "What are you doing?" he asked with a bit edge, grabbing her fingers.

"I am waking you up, don't you think it's rude to keep a lady waiting." She pulled her fingers away, not noticing his distressed look, thinking it merely a reaction of someone who just woke up "Come on we are burning daylight." turning around she started walking towards the gate, in her dawnguard set armor and axe at her waist.

"What should I do, even if I went there to confront them, I won't be able to take out all of them alone or with Tilde." He scratched his hair, and mumbled, but still followed after her sweet ass, though not in any mood to think of them or that tilde was intentionally swaying them as she moved in front of him.

"It's a good day, sky is clear birds in the sky, yet we must do our duties so that this fresh air isn't stained by the scent of blood." She said as we moved outside the fort, the whether was really good, but his mind was preoccupied, though he took a deep breath to calm down. He would take them through brains if his brawns isn't sufficient, he looked determined and now in much better mindset. +1MIND

"It is indeed a nice day, with the morning started with the taste of you, how could it not be." He answered her, appearing cheerful, and smiling but internally planning ways to take the bandits at the [Broken Helm Hollow] out, his mind stat was above 15 now, literally enhanced his thought speed and emotional capacity to handle duress, the complicated spell model more understandable in his mind, and thus faster to form.

"You know that might be it" she looked down and mumbled, though he heard her. Smiling a bit more genuinely this time.

"Do you want a recap then," he grasped her hand, and entwined his fingers.

"Umm if you teach me the throwing technique then I will consider." though feeling less shy now that they were out and relatively alone. She felt the only concern was of dustin's age being too young. She always envisioned herself with older, handsome and a strong man, who could handle her, though he cleared two criterion so she decided to lead him on, while she could stall for time, hopefully enough for the boy to be at least 16, before continuing and if he felt the same way then, then why not.

People in skyrim were much open regarding sex, through concepts like marriage, it is more due to following the aedra or goddess Mara and her teachings. The more sexual side of the things were Dibella's domain and her teachings were more open and not limited to marriage such as, Seek joy and inspiration in the mysteries of love.", hence few frown at her worshippers but still respect her.

Mulling over this thought dustin, looked in front of him, he saw durak cutting the firewood.'Maybe' an idea formed in his head, "Durak why not come with us for a bit, I heard a possible vampire sighting at [Broken helm Hollow]"

"eh!","What!" two shouts echoed simultaneously. "why didn't you mention this before?", "Lead the way" came two response one questioning while the other readying his crossbow and joining us.

"I heard it from a dubious source so didn't want to waste your time, though if it's going to be on the way, reinforcement are not a bad idea." He replied and started walking.

+Speech Skill level up to level 21 || open Menu to Level up

Seeing the notification and both of them now following me with axe in hand, he knew his lie was successful.

While he knew that he was tricking them, it couldn't be helped, he wanted to believe durak would help him if he mentioned the truth but, it was too varying, so vampire attack ought to have his attention, he consoled himself that, this tricking someone was not for personal gain but for a good cause. 'Am I Morally ambigous?' leaving that question aside he continued jogging.

Despite the risk he knew they would undoubtedly face once, they encounter them, they moved with purpose, though only one knew what the reality of it was.

After defeating the 2 mudcrabs and 3 wolves, they continued to move until they reached the slope of the hill. 

+Skill One-handed Level up to level 24, + Skill Destruction Level Up to level 13, +1Str || Open Menu to level up

He could feel himself close to leveling up yet another level, the speed of his leveling was faster than he anticipated, then he looked at his active effects and understood why, it was understandable.

[Active Effects]

[50 %Cold Resistance] , [Higher Soul Gradient], [+5% Stamina and Health recovery], [+10 physical Damage and resistance] 50% Favourability with Dawnguard members, 10% Favourablity with the Vigilants, 7% Increase damage to Vampires, 10% Drain life Resistance, +10 rep, [Well Rested]=gain 10% more experience, [Monks Wisdom]=Learn healing spells, fighting skills and technique faster

'These bonuses stack together plus my relative low level in skills make, leveling them up easier.' He thought while signaling them to stop.''Halt! I see someone, by the looks of him he looks like a thrall.'' pointing at the orc standing and yawning as he looked towards west, not at all thrall like.

"Umm, dustin that is not how thralls act." Tilde smiled a bit thinking that even though he acts mature was still a bit inexperienced in some ways.

"That is a bandit scout from the looks of it, we have to take him out." durak looked more somber.

"Why, he haven't bothered us yet" dustin asked feeling curious about this sudden initiative.

Durak looked at me seriously and then said "I have dealings with the miners here, they provided me with few materials and a bit of supplies, we can't leave before checking up on them."

"Alright, I am in, though I think that is just a scout and there should be more inside let's take him out fast, without alerting them." Now if someone else was there they would have questioned dustin's decision, but durak being a simpelton and tilde deciding to leave the planning to dustin, wanting to test him and see how he handles his first blood.

"Alright let's aim together." said dustin, as he took out his crossbow, while durak, tilde did the same, they were already loaded and took aim.

The bandit unaware of his fate, dustin aimed at his neck not giving him a chance to even croak, it was ruthless of him, but life's of good people were at stake, so he decide to not hesitate.

"On the count of three, we release." his eyes not breaking the aim.

"One" bringing his finger on the trigger, he took a deep breath.

"Two" holding the breath, "Three" he pressed the trigger, releasing both his breath and the steelbolt.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* 

Three arrows sailed towards the bandit and hit him in his legs, chest and neck. Taking him down. Hurrying with muffled footsteps they reached the downed orc, who was still alive but bleeding from where the arrows stuck and he hold out his hand but dustin decided to cool his shaky hands and readied the one handed axe as he looked at his two companions.

"Put him out his misery" Tilde whispered, Dustin shook hearing that his arms still holding the axe. He decided to take a break, and opened his items. 

The world froze as only his mind become active, he looked at the blurred background and couldn't help but let out a curse "F*ckingH*ll, this is such bul*Sh*t, argh I don't want to kill this guy at all." he couldn't help but groan, his inner conflict not letting him be that cruel to another being to take his life, even though the guy might have done terrible things in life, does that mean he deserve to die, and who is he to be the judge of that.

He really wanted to be merciful but he now was not on earth, and this was a dying man with the shot on his neck confirming he wouldn't survive, even with a healing spell as the guys hp flashed zero, only with the mix of his will power, magicka and stamina being full letting him alive, but now only suffering would be left. So he decided to take the plunge, knowing it to be what it was, not mincing from reality.


This time he was clear headed, all thoughts left him as he looked at the man. Exiting his [Items] screen he swinged the axe on the bandits head bisecting it in two.

*Thunk Ssh* 

Dustin closed his eyes, and touched the guys body to stabalise himself from falling over,

Bandit [All]
  Fur armor, Fur boots, iron axe, hunting bow, iron arrows(10), nord mead, ale, 30 gold
  Treasure Map IX

He took all of it into his items leaving the bandit with just the fur armor to hide the guys dignity, after all he was his first kill and then turned to look at tilde and durak, his expression grim, his axe and hands in blood stains.

"How do you feel dustin?" she put her hands on his shoulder a bit intimately, seeing him doing better than her first kill, she recalled puking when the bandit died of her axe back when she had to defend the mines in shor's stone, the realisation that both hers and his first kill happened just outside a mine seem like fate to her, but now here she is her hands doesn't even shake in the face of death.

"I feel very pungent feeling inside." dustin held her hands that were on his shoulders softly, but durak's voice broke the atmosphere,"Look at the corpse dustin." The orc pointed towards the corpse behind him.

"I don't want to." Dustin felt reluctant not wanting to see his misdeed.

"You have to," Durak repeated.

"You have to get it out of your system and realise the reality we live in, dustin this is how you survive, it's either your enemy or you. Only the powerful have the right of mercy " his hands shook and eyes widened, as he heard tilde's speech 'Only the powerful have the right of mercy' echoed in his entire being.

He turned around, and saw the bandit's body sprawled with a bisected head with steelbolts poking out. He could not believe that he created such cruel scene, staying there looking for a moment and coming to terms with it even though he had his psych monologue in his [Items].

He stood up with resolve and looked at them seriously, "let's go, maybe the miners are still alive", till his astral projection skills end to now, only 20 minutes had passed, and he reckoned that they should not delay anymore as the miners will start getting tortured again.

'Only the Strong have the right of mercy, huh, then I shall become so much stronger that my enemies will beg me for it instead.' His aura grew by a meter and half and flowed in a sphere around him with a hue that took a translucent white colour, the skill responding to the will of the user.

+Skill Aura level up to Level 8, +10 Will power(New), || Open Menu to level up 

They both nodded at his determination, tilde was feeling something more at his resolve, her heart beat faster and she swore she felt it skip a beat. After seeing him going forward towards the mine without hesitation, she knew that he was going to be a hot commodity in skyrim and she would be nuts if she missed her chance. Patting her chest to clam herself down, she followed him with durak, leaving this matter for the future as a battle awaits.

'Alright time to mute the inner hesitation and do some shit', Dustin held the dawnguard waraxe in his right and the flames spell on his left with his aura on full mode he looked at the narrow path leading to a water spring. 

He signaled behind to crotch down and move a bit sneakily, with relatively muffled steps, he continued forward till he reached the spring, with tilde and durak still behind him, to the left they could see a cooking spit, and two people one nord woman and the other redguard eating something.

"Ok I will take the Redguard you both take the woman, though don't kill her just subdue her." Saying this he glanced at them to see them nodding and he immediately took out his crossbow, and aimed at the redguard.

*Skint!!* *whoosh tsk* "argh" +2.0x on sneak damage.

+Skill Sneak Level Up to Level 16 || Open Menu to Level Up

"Who's there ?" "Are you alright." Tilde and Durak swung into action as they see me rush towards the redguard.

[Flames] dustin held out his left hand and could see flames gush out and burn the man, his scream the answer, Suddenly the dunmer boss of this bandit group [Nelmnd Sethelnim] from what his observation read him, came running from a bit further into the cave on a raised platform behind the elf he could see a chest and a bed, with side drawer. 

While on the front to his right side, he could see the nord woman had a warhammer out, and durak and tilde attacked while she was on her defenses.

"So someone dared to interrupt us, you're dead man." the man didn't have any fear. That made me a bit reproachful and apprehensive. "your days have came to end elf stop what you are doing immediately and leave never to come back."

"Ha, with just you three and your pitful magicka." and that was when it hit me the guy had an overwhelming magicka, his magicka sense told him it was roughly his two times.

Not giving any chance for the mage from what he assumed to create a spell "No, I am enough for you." his aura exploded, and dustin reached the elf mage, while the elf mage did not stand idly. He formed what looked like a stoneflesh spell a layer of blue coating him and a transparent barrier created in front of him.

"wrgha" His waraxe came crashing down with all the 17 points of strength and all the physical stat bonus, while only manage to back him two steps, and loose concentration of the fireball spell from the amount of magicka he was gathering, dustin recognised that if that shit hit him, he was a goner in three hits max.

He swung the axe hitting him two times in succession, and then performed a [Flame] spell. The dark elf held his hand and what appeared to be a Lesser ward spell, held the damage and heat of the spell back.

"You won't stand alive." He shouted, his silver Nordic Armor giving him a formidable look, he pointed his palm at dustin, a quick Lightning bolt Spell hit me.

"Ahhh" trembling from that jolt Dustin jumped to his side performing an uneven barrel roll, getting up to see the elf forming a fireball spell again. "NO!" A roar shouted from his back and he saw a crossbow sail and hit the mage but not before he released the spell towards me.


Dustin could feel the slow motion and quickly applied a fast healing on his aura, but the pain of burning and the force of fireball, threw him off, he skid for three feet.

+2 Numb Pain

If he had to describe what he felt it would be,  'Argh!, it definately hit like a speeding horse and felt like a burning sensation all over, though my aura protcted me from the worst of it.' he could feel the difference between his apprentice spell an this adept spell, he raised his head and saw tilde fighting the guy in melee, with a dawnguard shield and war axe combo, whenever the elf raised his hand to perform any spell, he was shield bashed by tilde, and from what he saw, a broken nose and blood on the mages furious face, as he was not accustomed to be outmatched in melee. Then he ran a few meters back avoiding an axe swing and an arrow, a healling spell formed in the  dark elf's hand.

"Not a chance." My own steelbolt hit him that managed to stagger him and earn me his attention, by the furious look he gave me. "Oh shit."

+Skill Archery level up by level 21 || Open Menu to level up

A fire ball sailed at me again this time not taking any risk I thought Menu, the world froze and the screen came up

LEVEL UP to LEVEL 12{||||||||||-}, Gained 2sp and 2ap.

You LEVELED UP, Class bonus attribute to advance: +10 to all


He was pleasantly suprised to see all upgraded.

150 150 150

"Ha, thank god, my hp was flashing dangerously, I would have fallen to him, I need to raise my magic resistance anyhow." he would have fell to his knees due to feeling all this adrenaline but his body more sturdier and capable somehow. This could be due to the higher mind stat or just plain stupid nord thing. They did like to battle, and drink to their hearts content.

'Anyway I need some skill perks, strong spells, and more Hp and Mp.' guess the answer to that lies in surviving this guy.

He allocated the stat points, 2 to luck and 3 to agility, as this is not a time to hoard points. The moment he did and agility stat reached 20, a change happen he could feel it, He could feel the power in his body changing with the increased stats.

He felt his entire body becoming a bit more flexible and strong, like he was could catch a flying mosquito or outrun a normal scooter.  

'Guess the stat points will positively affect me as I continue to increase them.' dustin couldn't wait to bring his other stat to 20.

He added 1 perk to each skill Light Armor, Archery and One-handed respectively, Let's Equip the Dawnguard shield plus one point in Block.

[Archery] Perk 1 {Overdraw}(2): Bows do 40% more damage (+20% per additional rank) || UNLOCKED.

[Light Armor] Perk 1 {Agile Defender}(2): Increase armor rating for Light Armor by 40% (+20% per additional rank) || UNLOCKED.

[One-Handed] Perk 1 {Armsman}(2): One-handed weapons do 40% more damage (+20% per additional rank) || UNLOCKED.

[Block] Perk 1 {Shield Wall }(1): Blocking is 20% more effective (+5% per additional rank) || UNLOCKED

His stats now looked like,




[Warrior of Dawnguard](E)








Fighter Monk





































The Mage

The Warrior

The Thief

New Skills  

· Illusion Level 11

· Conjuration Level 10

· Destruction(New) Level 13

· Restoration Level 10

· Alteration Level 10

· Enchanting Level 10

· Smithing Level 20

· Heavy Armor Level 15

· Block Level 15

· Two-Handed Level 15

· One-Handed Level 24

· Archery(New) Level 21

· Light Armor Level 24

· Sneak Level 16

· Lockpicking Level 10

· Pickpocket Level 15

· Speech(New) Level 21

· Alchemy Level 15

· Skill Creation(Level 7)

· Magika Manipulation(Level 13)

· Skill [Astral Projection] [Level 13]

· Martial Arts Level 16

· Observation level 12

· Magika Sense level 10

· Evasion Level 10

. Kissinig level 10    

Class Skills:

(New) Class Skills

· Aura Level 8

· Numb Pain Level 3

'Looks like all I need to do is check my [Items] and see what helps in the current scenario.'

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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