Slave Harem In A Labyrinth Of Another World (Fix)

Chapter 7 – Rewards And Demons

The day passed quickly.

I had breakfast at the Chief’s house, which was salad with cheese and something like a thick stew.

It wasn’t as tasty as most foods I usually ate, but it wasn’t bad either. As long as I can have meals this good, or better, surviving in the world won’t be impossible.

“Please stay at this house tonight? I will organize dinner.” The chief asked.

I agreed--and thanked him.

The merchant was going to Vale tomorrow, but early in the morning, so I needed to not have a late night.

When breakfast was over, I collapsed into the bed and fell asleep--my head had started hurting, and during breakfast, when the chief’s wife spoke…I heard a strange static over lay her alien words…it made my head hurt.

Well, I say sleep, it was more of laying with my eyes shut--I could hear an almost-audible whispering, buzzing, at the edge of my hearing. It was odd.


I didn’t wake up until around midday or so, judging from where the sun is, when I look out the window.

Unlocking the door, I walk out and spend a while wandering around until I find the Chief.

So, now, what will I do until dinner?

“Are there Monsters near the village?”

He looked a little surprised at my words, “There are Demons.”

“Ahh, okay.”

So, they seem to be called Demons, not Monsters.

“If you go into the depths of the forest, you’ll find the Horned Rabbit.”

“I see, thank you.”

It sounds similar to some of the weakest Monsters in fantasy books--but I shouldn’t make any assumptions, it may be a strong Demon in this world.

“The Horned Rabbit doesn’t really attack people, so it’s an easy fight.”

Good, so it should be a good way to earn experience and some goods to sell.

The Chief smiled at my expression, “They usually drop fur--and sometimes meat.”


“Are there any problems if I go hunt a few Horned Rabbits?”

“None at all.” He nods with a pleased look.

Well, I guess I’ll have to hunt my first Demon eventually, so it would be best if it was a simple one.

“I’ll head into the forest before dinner.” I say to the Chief. I have the iron sword on my belt, and if worst comes to worst, I have Excalibur.

After discussing a few more things from the chief, I headed towards the forests. I didn’t see any Horned Rabbits very quickly; in a game, Monsters would appear almost as soon as you step outside the village--but this is the real world.


Finally, I came across a strange animal.

It was an animal with white fur…and a 10cm ridged horn coming from it’s forehead, and extra-thick neck. The rabbit itself is 30 or 40cm long itself--it’s small, but the horn makes it look dangerous…not a pet for children.

When I wish it, Appraisal activates.

Horned Rabbit - Lv3

While Appraisal shows the name and level, it doesn’t show important things like Skills or Stats.

Since no one is around--I pull out Excalibur, holding it in both hands. The Horned Rabbit doesn’t seem to have noticed me yet, where I was hiding in the shadows of a tree.

I decide to make a sneak attack.

My body feels quite a bit lighter than before I leveled up, maybe because of the increase in levels--or because of my Hero class; even though it’s only level 1.

I charge with Excalibur.

The Horned Rabbit seems to hear me coming, because it stands up and turns towards me--the horn glints in the sunlight.

When I get in range, I slash the Demon with Excalibur--which cuts straight through it, as though the bones didn’t exist; it was defeated in a single blow.

Green smoke suddenly pours out of the cut, and then the body melts--when the smoke stops, all that’s left on the ground is some white fur. It is the ‘Horned Rabbit Fur’ -- it is a square, furry on the outside, and tanned on the interior; so soft and warm, the inside smooth.

Excalibur seems like overkill, but I keep its sheath in storage…alongside my new Iron sword. I’m not used to fighting, so I think that it’s safer to keep Excalibur unsheathed and in my hand.

I end up hunting two more Horned Rabbits, and now have 3 squares of fur. My Villager Class is level 6, Thief is as well--but Hero is still level 1--it seems to be harder to level up.

Since I know Excalibur works well, I decide to try out my Iron Sword.

Pulling out the sheath, I quickly sheath and store Excalibur; withdrawing the iron sword, I attach the sheath to my belt and take the iron sword in my hand.

I quickly find another Horned Rabbit, and slash at its shoulder--the sword cuts it, I can feel some resistance, but it still easily kills the Horned Rabbit. Smoke leaks out and it disappears, leaving behind fur.

I let out a sigh of relief, glad I could still kill it--even with a cheap, starter sword. There is a massive difference between Excalibur and the sword, which I need to keep in mind.

For now, it will be reasonable to use my Iron Sword for future battles, only using Excalibur when the enemy is too powerful.

So begins my Horned Rabbit hunt, most Horned Rabbits only dropping fur--however, the tenth…or twentieth--I lost track--kill I finally get another drop than fur.

It’s ‘Horned Rabbit Meat’.

When I store it, I check out how many furs I have--it seems that I had killed 10 Horned Rabbits, and only got one meat, it’s a pretty bad drop rate…but I have seen much worse in World of Warcraft.

I only leveled up twice, level 7 Thief, and level 7 Villager, Hero was still level 1…unfortunately.

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