Slayin’ With a Strap


''A hero event?'' Hestia's eyes widened a bit, she was only here because she was really confused, and this entire conversation had been a roller coaster for her, but it was only getting worse.

''Think about it... A monster wave, bigger than it had ever been recorded, and not by a few hundred, but by a few thousand. Then it was suddenly gone? Right after there was a wave of divinity? At first, we thought it was just a god descending, but just deciding to not show themselves and just explore by themselves... But Dale's not been gone longer then a month for him, but due to his... skills, he can keep fighting without rest, without food, water, sleep, he can simply keep fighting. The first time we found this out is when he spent a month in the dungeon in constant combat, so it's not weird for him to lose track of time... It's the main reason we wanted him to get stronger, so he could lead a specialized team.''

''But, years later he shows up again, and when he does he's burning up? I remember even when he got here he still felt warm to the touch, and not just normal body heat like his, but actually like cooling metal...''

Loki suddenly grabbed Dale, pulling him around and onto the table as she had him lay face down.

Biting her finger she let a drop of blood touch his back, the light that followed blinded the room as everyone had to shield their eyes.

This light lasted quite awhile before it began to slowly die down.

When Riveria, Loki, and even Hestia stared at Dale's back, their eyes went wide. A lot had changed.

''LEVEL FIVE?!'' Loki shouted.

''I don't care about his level, look at his skills.''


[He who Slays]

[Tireless Soldier]

[Avatar of Kairos.]

''...Kairos? That... He's experienced a Hero event for sure...''

''Loki, his development abilities...''

[Hunter SSS]

[Gunslinger SSS]

[Doom Bringer H]

[Martial Artist SS]

Everyone just sat there in shock as Dale stood back up, a feeling coming off him felt... suffocating.

Gareth chuckling softly. ''Here we thought level eight would be bad...''

Riveria's eyes widened softly as she looked up to Dale. ''Dale has the abilities of a level ten?''

''Wait, level eight, level ten? What are you guys talking about, you said he was only a level five?'' Hestia asked, her brain trying to find something to wrap around.

''He is, but his ability Tireless soldier, makes it so he never experiences exhaustion, always staying at the peak of his abilities... You know of the support magic that doubles your ability until the person it was cast on gets tired? Well Dale here, is able to have all of his stats to 1500, each level up.''

Loki slapped at his back. ''See how everything is already 500? That means that Dale not only fully leveled up once, but twice.... meaning the net gain you get for each level up? Has made Dale into a monster, even if he was JUST a level five, with his stats and raw ability he would be more suitable to be a level seven, maybe even a level eight.''

Hestia deflated against the back of the couch. ''Which means, that with the base amount of points needed to level up, he would still be considered a level ten... Dale just single-handedly became the strongest existence that we've seen so far.''

Riveria spoke up. ''You're forgetting something... Dale is an Avatar now.''

The two Goddesses in the room looked up to him, seeing Dale scratch his chin with a confused look on his face brought a lot of questions out.

''Dale, why do you only look confused?''

''Well... Earlier, you said that the monster wave that happened was only a few thousand?''

Hestia's personality flopped as she sunk further. ''Only a few thousand he says?''

''What about it Dale?'' Gareth asked, his brows raised.

''Well, I have a LOT more crystals... But not just by a few thousand, I always keep quite a bit on me so I can make ammunition on the go if I need to, but I'm pretty sure I have a few million crystals.''

They all just stared at him, before Loki smacked her forehead. ''DAMNIT THAT'S WHY!''

''Dale did have a hero event! He is an Avatar of Kairos now! Dale was brought through time, and most likely space, that burst of divinity was no god descending, it was a Hero Quest! Kairos used the best possible opportunity possibly through multiple instances to bring Dale, someone who can never get tired, ever. Through multiple monster waves, possibly using him to save not just one realm, but multiple!''

Loki slammed her fist down onto the table as she cursed. ''That fucking bastard took Dale away for years without even so much as a WORD?!''

''So... I have been fighting for years? Just, repeating over and over again?'' Dale said, scratching at his chin.

''That... We're pretty sure?'' Riveria said, more confused than anything.

''Damn... I'm going to go take a nap.'' Dale then turned and walked to go sleep in Loki's chambers.

At first, it started as a soft chuckle, before Gareth broke into hysterical laughter, everyone turning to look at him.

Finn, for the first time, spoke up. ''What is it?''

It took Gareth a bit, as he whipped the tears out of his eyes.

''Think about it... If you fought for years, what would be the first thing you would do? I'd want to go get laid, or have the biggest feast ever... NAP! DALE'S TAKING A NAP AHAHAHAAHAHAH!''

Gareth doubled over as he fell out of the couch, laughing again.

Loki turned to Hestia. ''By the way... Not a word to anyone, if Bell asks, don't tell him, simply say that he will find out at a later time... Freya most likely already knows.''

Hestia's face turned serious as she watched Loki for a long moment before she nodded. ''Not a word... Be careful.''

Loki's signature grin slowly came back, a true, and god evil mischievous grin spreading across her face. ''Why should I?.... I've got the first level 10 on my side.''

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